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Ethiopia: A socio-economic success story

samosa is a traditional indian cusine which was adopted by arabs ....... there are many things which arabs stole from india and claim as their own like the so called hindu arabic numerials when it is purely indian..... many food etc...... many so called arab food is actually bootleg ( bland version) of indian food... from the rice to the spices...etc. if you study a little arab history and geography the harsh desert lands of arabia were the poorest land in the world... it is only with the discovery of oil in the 70s that things changed....

Samosa is not and cannot be a "indian cuisine" when its original recipe contains meat like lamb, goat, poultry (and beef which majority indians do not eat). Samosa dish is traced to Turkic/Persian lands through historical records. The Turkic/Persian traders/invaders introduced this dish to india. These are not my personal words, these are actual stated historical facts.
bull........ i believe the Ethiopian agency report than the state department report with there hidden agenda........ the only ethiopians who like arabs are brain dead muslims who think saudi arabia is a civilized country....... in realty its the worst place on earth to be born a women...... if your a fag, or kiddie fiddler saudi arabia is the place to be though.

Ethiopia under reports its Muslim population for political reasons, this is accepted by many Western Agencies as fact. This 2006 website reports Muslim population at 45-50%.


Also this website references Europeans and UN data putting the number at 45-52% Ethiopian Muslims history
Where I said that? The truth is they are minority so their cuisine cannot possibly be your national cuisine as much as you try to act like it is just because people like to eat meat.

Pakistani food is the original, the most successful Indian restaurants are the ones who stock halal meat and use Pakistani menus. :cheers:
That is actually true! Even Americans love to eat beef and other red meats and lots of it. So if a indian restaurant isn't selling Beef Biryani or Beef Kofta's (again, Muslim dishes brought to india by Turkics/Afghans) then their business will suffer immensely. Most Americans/Westerners find veggie dishes to be boring and only good for occasions. Therefore the reason why successful indian restaurants have Pakistani dishes on their menus.
@Ethiopian Dude

Arabs have noting to do wtih Indians who are in general swarthier and significantly smaller in height and stature. You can easily spot South Asians in the Arab World/ME due to those simple differences. Sure some Indians can pass for Arabs/ME people and a significant portion have ancestry that can be traced to the ME (ancient one) but most look like other locals.

The Arab cuisine, which is much more diverse than that of India, have little to do with India as well, cretin. More or less all ingredients are native and local herbs (dozens of them) are preferred rather than local and foreign spices. 90% of the foreign spices are originating from China and South East Asia anyway. Not India.

Arab cuisine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arabs and people of the ME have had ancient trading routes with those countries and Arabs controlled the spice trade for nearly 1 millennium. Arabs settled in great numbers in South East Asia for instance (the major spice producer where nearly all spices originated from) and that is why you have millions of Indonesians of Arab ancestry today and why Indonesia is a Muslim country today. Malaysia included. In the Arab cuisine there is a lot focus on diary products, meat, vegetables, olive oil, seafood, sweets etc. Indian food is traditionally vegetarian.

Sambusa is from the ME. Not India. Similar foods were reported as eaten in Baghdad 1000 years ago when it was the greatest and biggest city on earth and moreover the capital of the Arab Abbasid Caliphate (main power of the world back then).

Moronic claim. Coffee, tea and most tropical fruits and ordinary fruits and vegetables are grown in the Arab world, in particular the Arabian Peninsula.

The Arab world has historically been the richest region of the world and home to the oldest civilizations. It is also home to the Fertile Crescent (maybe a illiterate clown like you have heard about it) where systematic agriculture first originated.

There are dozens of fertile areas in Arabia. Those areas are one of the most fertile. Even the monsoon rain is influencing those areas (Khareef).

Khareef - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The area is home to some of the most ancient civilizations on earth. Beside the Arabian Peninsula was the vocal point of the most ancient international trade route known as the Incense Route that started 3000 years ago and lasted for over 1 millennium. After that the Indian Ocean trade.

Indian Ocean trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Spice trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Back then the Arab world had the most valuable goods in the world such as incense, pearls, myrrh, precious stones, gold (the biggest and most ancient gold mine was/is located in Hijaz, KSA, and is called Mahd adh Dhahab), silver, cooper, textile, aromatics etc.

Mahd adh Dhahab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Incense Route - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not only being home to some of the oldest civilizations on earth if not the oldest, the region is also located in the middle of the world at a major crossroad connecting Europe, Africa and Asia with each other. The Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean.

More nonsense from the inferiority ridden Black "nationalist" (hilarious) that is rewriting well-known history. Haha.

East Africa has been under heavily linguistic, cultural, religious etc. influence on more or less every front by the Arabian Peninsula/Arab world and the ME.

Your Abrahamic religions are from the Arab World, all the Semitic languages (lingua franca of Horn of Africa), your alphabet, scripture, your kingdoms origins are tied to those of the Arab world and most influential families and tribes trace their ancestry to the ME.

Besides people from the Arabian Peninsula ruled what is the Horn of Africa for dozens of centuries and controlled it for even longer let alone influencing it.

Are you kidding me? Half of your dishes are originating from the Arab world and the ME. Their names, the way they are prepared etc. You are just in denial.:lol:

Even a fellow Ethiopian here and a Eritrean admitted to all of that.

But the fact remains. All the Semitic speaking people of the Horn of Africa have the oldest and most impressive heritage in the Horn of Africa and their paternal origins are from the Arabian Peninsula and the Arab world and they originate from those ancient civilizations found in that region.

But I know that you have a deep hatred for Arabs. It must be because your ancestors were subjected to us on all aspects and some were even enslaved. Arabs are Semites and native to the ancient ME. They are Caucasian people and were always that. Arabs and Semites predate the heterogenous people known as Kurds, Turks and Farsis in the ME by millenniums. Bunch of non-factual diarrhea yet again. :lol:

"1820 drawing of a Book of Gates fresco of the tomb of Seti I, depicting (from left) four groups of people: Libyans, Nubians, Semitics, Egyptians.[2]"

White people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Caucasian race - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In antropholgical circles the "Arabid race" (most common "race" in the ME) has always been categorized as a morphological sub-type of the Mediterranean race, as used in physical anthropology. By European racialist as long as 200 years ago and more recently shortly before WW2 and today it's still the same case.

Arabid race - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not strange given the fact that the vast majority of Europeans and especially Southern Europeans trace their ancestry to the ME and the Arab world and that we are ancient neighbors. The Arab world for instance have a longer coastline to the Mediterranean Sea than any other people.

Next thing is you denying the FACT that Arabs created 3 of the 11 largest empires on earth - more than any other ethnic group out there. Or that we are the second most numerous ethnic group after the Han Chinese. :lol:

The Blacks in the Arab world only number a few million people and sorry to break it for you but they are known as AFRO-Arabs for a reason. Besides over half of them belong to Arab/ME lineages paternally. You can try and guess why that is. Just like many of the Blacks in USA belong to European paternal lineages. Because certain people had fun with their Black female subjects. LOL.

But anyway you are one of those clowns that have tried to spread diarrhea on PDF and other forums claiming everything as African. You claim ancient Arab and Semitic civilization as African because you have little of your own that is native. That's why you deluded Blacks are claiming everything as Black. There is very little more hilarious than your types. Don't ever think that you can get away with your historical lies, false and outright ludicrous and pathetic claims here as long as knowledgeable people like me and many others can easily refute it and have done it since forever. :lol:

Lastly I have seen plenty of Black people to know that those Habesha people I posted look NOTHING like your ordinary Sub-Saharan African or Horn of African. That's because most of their paternal ancestry can be traced to the Arabian Peninsula/ME. But now after millenniums they have mixed with locals but still you can often see Arab/ME/Caucasian influences in them. Habesha people are the first to admit that themselves and take great pride in that connection. A simple Google search would also confirm those well-known facts that are supported by genetics as well.

He is crazy but he is also mad cool. :D @al-Hasani

I am not more crazy than the troll's that I am countering too often. In order for them to understand what I am writing I sometimes need to step down to their level. I stopped taking much of PDF seriously since the embarrassing moderation and total ignorance from trolls that have a inferiority complex when Arab matters are discussed and who are not dealt with.

Just look at my reply in this post.
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