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Ethiopia: A socio-economic success story

Fantastic thread @al-Hasani. :tup:

Also, I read somewhere that the ancestors of all human beings first originated in East Africa, somewhere around Ethiopia?

This is very possible. In fact a lot point to this being the case. The first human migrations out of Africa ventured into the Arabian Peninsula and from there on to the remaining world.


It was not until 1963 that evidence of the presence of ancient hominids was discovered in Ethiopia, many years after similar such discoveries had been made in neighbouring Kenya and Tanzania. The discovery was made by Gerrard Dekker, a Dutch hydrologist, who found Acheulian stone tools that were over a million years old at Kella.[2] Since then many important finds have propelled Ethiopia to the forefront of palaentology. The oldest hominid discovered to date in Ethiopia is the 4.2 million year old Ardipithicus ramidus (Ardi) found by Tim D. White in 1994.[3] The most well known hominid discovery is Lucy, found in the Awash Valley of Ethiopia'sAfar region in 1974 by Donald Johanson, and is one of the most complete and best preserved, adult Australopithecine fossils ever uncovered. Lucy's taxonomic name,Australopithecus afarensis, means 'southern ape of Afar', and refers to the Ethiopian region where the discovery was made. Lucy is estimated to have lived 3.2 million years ago.[4] There have been many other notable fossil findings in the country. Near Gona stone tools were uncovered in 1992 that were 2.52 million years old, these are the oldest such tools ever discovered anywhere in the world.[5] In 2010 fossilised animal bones, that were 3.4 million years old, were found with stone-tool-inflicted marks on them in the Lower Awash Valley by an international team, led by Shannon McPherron, which is the oldest evidence of stone tool use ever found anywhere in the world.[6]

East Africa, and more specifically the general area of Ethiopia, is widely considered the site of the emergence of early Homo sapiens in the Middle Paleolithic. In 2004 fossils found near the Omo river at Kibbish by Richard Leakey in 1967 were redated to 195,000 years old, the oldest date anywhere in the world for modern Homo Sapiens. Homo sapiens idaltu, found in the Middle Awash in Ethiopia in 1997, lived about 160,000 years ago.[7]

History of Ethiopia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am about to watch this documentary about Ethiopia. You might find it interesting as well.

Overall I must again hail Chinese foreign policy and their big investments in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Horn of Africa. This is much needed for them. I hope that the Arab world one day will be as active as well since we have common ancient history with the region and its people aside from being virtual neighbors. Working together with China.

In fact the railway that China is going to built in East Africa is a wonderful step forward. In the future it could connect the Arabian Peninsula and thus the ME and North Africa and from there on to nearby Europe and the remaining Asia. It could become a major hub of transportation.

I refer to this thread made by one of your compatriots:

China to build new East Africa railway line
Actually I would not say that curly hair is an Arab trait per se but quit a few have it. I do not.:D:lol:

Yes, that's true. I think it goes both ways to be honest. I believe that most of our Afro-Arabs are from the Horn of Africa because many do not look like African-Americans who are mostly from West Africa but more like half Middle Eastern and half East African like many Habesha pe\ople and Horners. They have a very exotic look.

Did you know that Somalia once was quit an affluent country famous for its beaches and that it had many foreign tourists? I read about that long, long ago. Now it is really problematic.

Yes, I do not know much either. Only about North Africa and Horn of Africa for obvious reasons and then a bit about the Mali Empire. I am otherwise interested in history a lot but I do not know as much about Sub-Saharan Africa especially as I should. Oh, I also know about the basics of the history of the Swahili region.

Mate, where do you live in Canada?

Hey. I live in Western Canada, in Vancouver :D Yes, I have noticed that a lot of Arabs have curly hair. Some Indians also have it but Arabs have it more often than Indians or Iranians or other Middle Eastern people. I think it looks good.
Afro-Arabs are interesting. I think they might have mixed a lot with Arabs after settling in Arabia and initially may have looked fully West African. Yea Somalia has been utterly destroyed. It looked peaceful and on the up many years ago. You know alot about history of the MIddle East. I'm also interested in history but do not have a lot of knowledge about Middle Eastern history, which is a shame because that region has been the cradle of so many civilizations and great empires. I think I will brush up on my Middle Eastern History too :D
Hey. I live in Western Canada, in Vancouver :D Yes, I have noticed that a lot of Arabs have curly hair. Some Indians also have it but Arabs have it more often than Indians or Iranians or other Middle Eastern people. I think it looks good.
Afro-Arabs are interesting. I think they might have mixed a lot with Arabs after settling in Arabia and initially may have looked fully West African. Yea Somalia has been utterly destroyed. It looked peaceful and on the up many years ago. You know alot about history of the MIddle East. I'm also interested in history but do not have a lot of knowledge about Middle Eastern history, which is a shame because that region has been the cradle of so many civilizations and great empires. I think I will brush up on my Middle Eastern History too :D

Most Arabs have thick lush hair or straight/wavy hair. It's also common to have a combination of wavy and curly hair. Curly hair exists also and it's also fashionable for many women to want to have curly hair at least a bit.:D

Yes, that is quit possible. I have to read up about that but I think that most originate from the Horn of Africa rather than West Africa but probably it's a mixture.

Well, all parts of the world are interesting.;)

If you live in Vancouver then you should check that Ethiopian restaurants out.

By doing a simple Google search I can see that there are 6 of such restaurants!:o:

In any case I can recommend you to watch that 47 minute long documentary about Ethiopia if you got time. I have been bedridden due to a flu in the past 3-4 days so I have A LOT of time at my hands. Exams first in 4-5 weeks time.:coffee:
Ethiopia is one of the few hopes of Sub-Saharan Africa.

A proud ancient nation (one of the oldest nation-states in the world), the only African country not to become colonized/conquered by Europeans, with proud traditions, a sovereign spirit, refined culture, of significant size, blessed with many natural riches, fertile lands, second biggest African population, a growing economy that does not depend on natural resources at all etc. and a tradition of trade and business.

Although he is of Yemeni origin paternally despite being mixed with local Ethiopians Muhammad Hussein Al-Amoudi is still a product of Ethiopia.

If my life depended and I had to make a future choice (let's say 10-15 years from now on) of investing in a Sub-Saharan country or predicting a bright future of one certain Sub-Saharan African country then I would pick Ethiopia for those reasons above.

Despite neighboring failed states like South Sudan and Somalia.

If just Ethiopia had managed to retain Eritrea and Djibouti. Then it would have had access to the sea. The only geographic negative that I can think about.
@al-Hasani Why do you like Ethiopia so much? I mean any special reason?

I do like them based on personal interaction. I am just stating my opinions about them in this thread since it's relevant. It's good for the ME and our region in particular (Arab world) to have stable states and not failed states around us. I already stated the reasons for Ethiopia being a fascinating country.

I believe that Ethiopia will play a key role in the future of connecting the ME (and nearby Europe and remaining Asia) with Africa and the markets in Sub-Saharan Africa. A good opportunity for investments which should be taken.
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As an Ethiopian, I can tell you that I and most of my countrymen consider those who hate KSA the same as those who hate our country. I'm quite surprised that a lot of individuals are hateful towards KSA, not only on PDF but also on many other platforms including ********. Well, so many people love you and I guess it's natural for somebody to hate you.
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As an Ethiopian, I can tell you that I and most of my countrymen consider those who hate KSA the same as those who hate our country. I'm quite surprised that a lot of individuals are hateful towards KSA, not only on PDF but also on many other platforms including ********. Well, so many people love you and I guess it's natural for somebody to hate you.

Are you an Ethiopian? Welcome bro.:enjoy: You must be the first Ethiopian on PDF.

I hope that you like this thread and my posts. Please help with keeping this thread alive.:cheers:

Ignore the hateful and ignorant comments. Ethiopia is a ancient and beautiful country with friendly people. A lot to be proud of and I wish you success in the future as a country and people.

@Belew_Kelew is from Eritrea.
Are you an Ethiopian? Welcome bro.:enjoy: You must be the first Ethiopian on PDF.

I hope you like this thread and my posts. Please help with keeping this thread alive.:cheers:

@Belew_Kelew is from Eritrea.

I'm a Canadian of Ethiopian descent. Thanks and kudos to you for your posts.
As an Ethiopian, I can tell you that I and most of my countrymen consider those who hate KSA the same as those who hate our country. I'm quite surprised that a lot of individuals are hateful towards KSA, not only on PDF but also on many other platforms including ********. Well, so many people love you and I guess it's natural for somebody to hate you.

What about us Pakistanis ? :cray:
Our Sheedi people are from Ethiopia..

General Hosh Muhammad Sheedi was the Supreme Commander of Talpur Baluch dynastys army:


A monument paying tribute to the General;

Sheedi Kids:

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I'm a Canadian of Ethiopian descent. Thanks and kudos to you for your posts.

You are welcome. You know what? I am quite a big fan of the Ge'ez script that we gave you nearly 3000 years ago. It's unique and beautiful. One of the oldest scriptures in the world.

Ge'ez script - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I wonder how similar the Old Southern Arabian languages (Mehri, Hobyot, Soqotri, Bathari and Harsusi) are to the Southern Semitic languages of the Horn of Africa and Ethiopia in particular.

Also what language is this song sung in?

Is it Amharic?
Our Makrani family... they call themself Baluch as they have adopted Baluch way of life... but African by origin..

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There are also descendants of Ethiopia in India. They are called Sidis.
There are also descendants of Ethiopia in India. They are called Sidis.

Siddi people are Bantu people. They are not from Ethiopia or the Horn of Africa.

It's more plausible that some of the Mukrani families in Pakistan have Ethiopian ancestry but most of the Africans are probably not from Ethiopia but from all places of Africa. Ethiopia is really diverse. Every African country is. You have quite a lot of ethnic groups in Ethiopia that differ in looks, history etc. and are inhabiting different geographic regions of Ethiopia.
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