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Erdogan ordered chemical Attack on Syrians!


Mar 3, 2014
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Russian Federation
Seymour M. Hersh · The Red Line and the Rat Line · LRB 6 April 2014

Well that is becoming interessant. :coffee:

Barring a major change in policy by Obama, Turkey’s meddling in the Syrian civil war is likely to go on. ‘I asked my colleagues if there was any way to stop Erdoğan’s continued support for the rebels, especially now that it’s going so wrong,’ the former intelligence official told me. ‘The answer was: “We’re screwed.” We could go public if it was somebody other than Erdoğan, but Turkey is a special case. They’re a Nato ally. The Turks don’t trust the West. They can’t live with us if we take any active role against Turkish interests. If we went public with what we know about Erdoğan’s role with the gas, it’d be disastrous. The Turks would say: “We hate you for telling us what we can and can’t do.”’
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Read`/heard it last night,it changes alot.
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Read`/heard it last night,it changes alot.

Let us resume this. Your Government helping Syrian Terrorists to commit warcrimes. And the only reason why Obama does not do something against it, is because Turkey is a NATO lackey.

As i said before, without NATO you are Zero. :lol:
Let us resume this. Your Government helping Syrian Terrorists to commit warcrimes. And the only reason why Obama does not do something against it, is because Turkey is a NATO lackey.

As i said before, without NATO you are Zero. :lol:
You have a big mouth with dumb assumptions,if they did it,the US knew it.
By your logic,since we are a NATO lackey,how did we do that without asking?
You have a big mouth with dumb assumptions,if they did it,the US knew it.
By your logic,since we are a NATO lackey,how did we do that without asking?

Officialy you did nothing. Go on with your secret actions, but if it comes to daylight than you will be fvcked in the international community. And it will come to daylight for sure. :coffee:
Officialy you did nothing. Go on with your secret actions, but if it comes to daylight than you will be fvcked in the international community. And it will come to daylight for sure. :coffee:
Like your country is fvcked in the international community?
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