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US and Turkey behind Syria False flag chemical attack

So Seymor Hersh wrote his piece because he got the idea from watching Iranian media. Yah, sounds conceivable :disagree:

Hold your horses.

Everybody is entitled to have its own opinion as long as it doesn't inflict a damage toward anyone.
I didnt challenge your right to have your opinion. I challenged your opinion. Two different things.

Both are equally threatened with intimidating attitude, which eventually can be summed up into the saying " Either with us, or against us "
Both are equally threatened with intimidating attitude, which eventually can be summed up into the saying " Either with us, or against us "

Challenging an opinion in a debate being the equivalent of a threatening intimidating attitude....
Well if you are narrow-minded or totally paranoid, you could see it that way, I guess. :confused:
Challenging an opinion in a debate being the equivalent of a threatening intimidating attitude....
Well if you are narrow-minded or totally paranoid, you could see it that way, I guess. :confused:

This shows how mature the average Iranian is. If you wanted to have a civil debate you should have avoided the use of flaming terms like " Narrow-minded "
This shows how mature the average Iranian is. If you wanted to have a civil debate you should have avoided the use of flaming terms like " Narrow-minded "

By the same token, the average Saud mind must be paranoid, if the average person think like you.
Its not a name calling on my part, just the reality how I see it. Probably how most would see it, I reckon.

If you think challenging a person in a debate is the equivalent of having a "threatening intimidating attitude" then what else are you, if not narrow minded OR totally paranoid?
By the same token, the average Saud mind must be paranoid, if the average person think like you.
Its not a name calling on my part, just the reality how I see it. Probably how most would see it, I reckon.

If you think challenging a person in a debate is the equivalent of having a "threatening intimidating attitude" then what else are you, if not narrow minded OR totally paranoid?

Its not a name calling on my part, just the reality how I see it. Probably how most would see it, I reckon.

Every decent person on earth can't help laughing at this American-Turkish Chemo myth propagated by some MSM outlet :lol: ..

There is a difference between debating on an objective perspective to a subjective one. Apparently, you can't distinguish between the two.

This comes at no surprise. After all, English isn't your mother tongue. Maybe the concept of a narrow-minded is culturally acceptable in Farsi, but things are different in English.
Every decent person on earth can't help laughing at this American-Turkish Chemo myth propagated by some MSM outlet :lol: ..

There is a difference between debating on an objective perspective to a subjective one. Apparently, you can't distinguish between the two.

This comes at no surprise. After all, English isn't your mother tongue. Maybe the concept of a narrow-minded is culturally acceptable in Farsi, but things are different in English.

Where in this thread did I say that I even believed Seymor Hersh story about this being a Turkish false flag?
Thats not what we were discussing. Classic side-stepping.

You were the one that brought Iran MSM into the picture, to which I responded that Seymor Hersh is not an investigative journalist writing on behalf of any Iranian news media outlet.
I havent given any indication of not knowing the difference between subjective opinion and objective static facts.
You really are all over the place now, and going off-tangent.

Challenging someone's opinion is according to you (your own words) the equivalance of having a "threatening and intimidating attitude". That would be the viewpoint of someone either narrow-minded or paranoid, by anyones standard, whether English is their first language or not.
So because I disagree with your opinion and challenge it with counter arguments I am somehow threatening and intimating.
And Im the one who supposedly with the "either with us or against us" attitude.

Irony does not seem to be lost on you. :lol:
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In case you missed, Turkish Newspapers have reported that Al Nusra rebels in Turkey were caught with Sarin Gas.

I am sure Iran paid Turkish media to print that story. And Iran paid Turkish security service to discover the Al Nusra plot of Sarin Gas attack in Syria.

And whole world knows that Erdogan is training those Al Nusra Syrian rebels in Turkey along the border with Syria.

Several Turkish newspapers had reported that 12 people from Syria's al Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front who allegedly had been planning an attack inside Turkey and were in possession of 2 kg (4.5 pounds) of sarin, had been detained in Adana.

Turkey arrests 12 in raids on 'terrorist' organization| Reuters

Turkey is assisting Al Qaeda rats to overthrow Assad. Iraqi security service has already busted Chemical weapons labs run by Al Qaeda.

BBC News - Iraq uncovers al-Qaeda 'chemical weapons plot'

There are detailed photos and videos of Al Qaeda's chemical factories where they produce Chemical weapons. And all these are fact widely reported worldwide, not a paid news by Iranian media.

Syrian rebels have track record of using Chemical weapons.

UN investigator (i guess paid by Iran to spread lies) said that in Syrian rebels used Chemical weapons in March 2013.

BBC News - UN's Del Ponte says evidence Syria rebels 'used sarin'
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You were the one that brought Iran MSM into the picture, to which I responded that Seymor Hersh is not an investigative journalist writing on behalf of any Iranian news media outlet.

You seem to be having a problem, while trying to digest what I said.

I never said he was working or investigating or writing for an Iranian MSM outlet what so ever.

Here comes my initial post where I mentioned the Iranian MSM outlet:

US and Turkey behind Syria False flag chemical attack

As you can see, I merely said that everybody seems to be quoting, imitating them.

I don't think the word quote or imitate stands for " working or investigating or writing for an Iranian MSM outlet " :

Here is the meaning of the word quote:

Quote - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary


Imitate - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

I havent given any indication of not knowing the difference between subjective opinion and objective static facts.

Obviously, you didn't get the meaning of quote or imitate, I can't be sure about you having the ability to distinguish between what is seen as subjective, and what is objective.

Challenging someone's opinion is according to you (your own words) the equivalance of having a "threatening and intimidating attitude"

No, I never said such thing. But calling someone a paranoid or a narrow-minded is considered to be rude, impolite, and intimidating.

So because I disagree with your opinion and challenge it with counter arguments I am somehow threatening and intimating.

Not attributing these remarks due to my disagreement, these remarks of yours came prior to my description to the poor attitude you've demonstrated. Let just refrain from diverting the truth.

And Im the one who supposedly with the "either with us or against us" attitude.

At least this is what your poor attitude shows :-)

Where in this thread did I say that I even believed Seymor Hersh story about this being a Turkish false flag?
Thats not what we were discussing. Classic side-stepping.

You were the one that brought Iran MSM into the picture, to which I responded that Seymor Hersh is not an investigative journalist writing on behalf of any Iranian news media outlet.
I havent given any indication of not knowing the difference between subjective opinion and objective static facts.
You really are all over the place now, and going off-tangent.

Challenging someone's opinion is according to you (your own words) the equivalance of having a "threatening and intimidating attitude". That would be the viewpoint of someone either narrow-minded or paranoid, by anyones standard, whether English is their first language or not.
So because I disagree with your opinion and challenge it with counter arguments I am somehow threatening and intimating.
And Im the one who supposedly with the "either with us or against us" attitude.

Irony does not seem to be lost on you. :lol:
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