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Erdoan demands Hollande explain meeting with killed terrorist


Jul 15, 2012
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Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has called on French President Francois Hollande to explain why he had met one of three Kurdish women with links to the terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) who were shot dead in Paris this week.

Hollande has said he knew one of the killed Kurdish women and was meeting with her regularly, describing the assassination as “horrible.”

The bodies of the women -- PKK co-founder Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Söylemez -- were found at around 1:30 a.m. on Thursday at the Kurdistan Information Center on Rue Lafayette in Paris.

"How can you routinely meet with members of an organization labelled a terrorist group by the European Union and being sought by Interpol? What kind of politics is this?" Erdoğan said in a speech to a business group on Saturday.

"The French president should immediately disclose to the public why he met with members of this terrorist organization, what was discussed, to what end he was in communication with these terrorists," the prime minister said, adding that Turkey would pursue unspecified legal measures on the matter.

Erdoğan said the killings may be the result of PKK infighting or an attempt to derail Turkey's efforts to end the Kurdish conflict, which has implications for Syria, Iran and Iraq with their ethnic Kurdish minorities.

"The killings in Paris may have been an attempt aimed at sabotaging this initiative. It may also be score-settling within the ranks of the separatist terrorist group," he said.

He rejected allegations by Kurdish groups that elements from the Turkish state were behind the killings and demanded French authorities apprehend those behind the attack and shed light on the incident at once.

French investigators gave no immediate indication as to who might be responsible.

Erdoğan pledged to continue efforts to end the conflict.

Since his party came to power in 2002, it has expanded political and cultural rights for Turkey's estimated 15 million Kurds to create a basis for ending a war that has held back the country's economic and democratic progress.

But Kurdish politicians and activists also accuse Erdoğan of escalating tensions through the arrests and trials of thousands of Kurdish journalists, lawyers and others who have sought a civilian, non-violent resolution of the conflict.

He has also stepped up military attacks on the PKK, including land and air incursions into Iraq to target rebels in their mountain hideouts.

Reuters with todayszaman.com

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has called on French President Francois Hollande to explain why he had met one of three Kurdish women with links to the terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) who were shot dead in Paris this week.

Hollande has said he knew one of the killed Kurdish women and was meeting with her regularly, describing the assassination as “horrible.”

The bodies of the women -- PKK co-founder Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Söylemez -- were found at around 1:30 a.m. on Thursday at the Kurdistan Information Center on Rue Lafayette in Paris.

"How can you routinely meet with members of an organization labelled a terrorist group by the European Union and being sought by Interpol? What kind of politics is this?" Erdoğan said in a speech to a business group on Saturday.

"The French president should immediately disclose to the public why he met with members of this terrorist organization, what was discussed, to what end he was in communication with these terrorists," the prime minister said, adding that Turkey would pursue unspecified legal measures on the matter.

Erdoğan said the killings may be the result of PKK infighting or an attempt to derail Turkey's efforts to end the Kurdish conflict, which has implications for Syria, Iran and Iraq with their ethnic Kurdish minorities.

"The killings in Paris may have been an attempt aimed at sabotaging this initiative. It may also be score-settling within the ranks of the separatist terrorist group," he said.

He rejected allegations by Kurdish groups that elements from the Turkish state were behind the killings and demanded French authorities apprehend those behind the attack and shed light on the incident at once.

French investigators gave no immediate indication as to who might be responsible.

Erdoğan pledged to continue efforts to end the conflict.

Since his party came to power in 2002, it has expanded political and cultural rights for Turkey's estimated 15 million Kurds to create a basis for ending a war that has held back the country's economic and democratic progress.

But Kurdish politicians and activists also accuse Erdoğan of escalating tensions through the arrests and trials of thousands of Kurdish journalists, lawyers and others who have sought a civilian, non-violent resolution of the conflict.

He has also stepped up military attacks on the PKK, including land and air incursions into Iraq to target rebels in their mountain hideouts.

and chinese government asked erdogan before to explain his connection to turkic terrorists exiled from china. where did he get the nerve now to pose the same question to the french government when he shook hands with terrorists so often? not that i expect any shame and decency from a pan-turkicist like him and his elk.
and chinese government asked erdogan before to explain his connection to turkic terrorists exiled from china. where did he get the nerve now to pose the same question to the french government when he shook hands with terrorists so often? not that i expect any shame and decency from a pan-turkicist like him and his elk.

Uighur are not terrorist.

Chinese government is commiting genocide on Uighur people and stealing their land. I know you are going to say Kurds want their own state too. But Kurds never had a state in Turkey and Kurds have a lot of freedoms in Turkey which the Uighurs don't have in China.
and chinese government asked erdogan before to explain his connection to turkic terrorists exiled from china. where did he get the nerve now to pose the same question to the french government when he shook hands with terrorists so often? not that i expect any shame and decency from a pan-turkicist like him and his elk.

You've spent at least 10 of 12 months of your membership as being banned. Why are you still insisting on being a retard?
on this forum i sometimes find myself among retarded turkics who understand no other language other these toned-down, pleb discourses.

plus, most of the banning was given by a turkicist whose name i forgot (but there was/is only one turkic mod, i believe, so he should be easy to identify) and who argued with me and acted out of his personal vengence to ban me after i poked fun at jews (speak of the irony: turkics hiding behind their jewish masters, hahaha; he didn't even dare to ban me for my hatred of turkics, but he banned me for my antisemitism when i spotted him spewing antisemitic language myself a few times)

but most importantly, like aristotle said, banishment is fundamentally an equalizing mechanism in political life; it equalizes those who are superior by birth or by intelligence and those who are inferior by blood by limiting the number of appearances of the former. a han chinese is worth at least a hundred turkics, which is why i only need to be here one day a month to square off against inferior samples of the rootless turkic race. i face off, say, five or seven turkics each time, and i spend a total of ten, twelve days out of the whole year here, which means in terms of innate worth a single han is equivalent to two hundred turkics. i enjoy the ban to the exact same degree that i enjoy my superiority over the turkics - the two kinds of enjoyment are completely coterminous.

Wow, within a single post you've been a retard, a racist, a terrorist supporter, an antisemitist. I think you should enjoy your 'superiority' out of this forum.

on this forum i sometimes find myself among retarded turkics who understand no other language other these toned-down, pleb discourses.

plus, most of the banning was given by a turkicist whose name i forgot (but there was/is only one turkic mod, i believe, so he should be easy to identify) and who argued with me and acted out of his personal vengence to ban me after i poked fun at jews (speak of the irony: turkics hiding behind their jewish masters, hahaha; he didn't even dare to ban me for my hatred of turkics, but he banned me for my antisemitism when i spotted him spewing antisemitic language myself a few times)

but most importantly, like aristotle said, banishment is fundamentally an equalizing mechanism in political life; it equalizes those who are superior by birth or by intelligence and those who are inferior by blood by limiting the number of appearances of the former. a han chinese is worth at least a hundred turkics, which is why i only need to be here one day a month to square off against inferior samples of the rootless turkic race. i face off, say, five or seven turkics each time, and i spend a total of ten, twelve days out of the whole year here, which means in terms of innate worth a single han is equivalent to two hundred turkics. i enjoy the ban to the exact same degree that i enjoy my superiority over the turkics - the two kinds of enjoyment are completely coterminous.

your freedom fighter is my terrorist - and vice versa, because kurds are freedom fighters in my eyes -- far more kurds died at panturkicist hands than turkic terrorist at chinese hands. i don't know what freedom you retards are talking about, but i am talking about kurds' freedom from terrorism and violence from turkicist government.

Japanese are our brothers.

Oh that should hurt you alot lol.

That should give a rise to your deep inferiority.

Unfortunately your mocked everywhere in the world, your 1.3 billion population is inferior to even the Jews you said and way inferior to Turks. Millions of Chinese in America and worldwide but make no difference.

Chinese inferior complex rises from defeat against countries 1/10th or even less.

You should be worshipping America as they have saved you from the hands of Japanese.
and bonzi told us they are brothers with viets and have genetic proof to show for it -- and bonzi told us they are also brothers with you turkics.

so in the beginning of history, there was this family of bonzi, turkics and viets. and this family was only torn apart -- far, far apart, because nowadays they were cornered in different quarters of continental eurasia -- only by the rise of the mighty han that ruthlessly banished them to indochina, the korean peninsular, and asia minor. how fast can you spell "racial inferiority"? obviously, the froid weather of the peninsular of koreas, the juggles and diseases of indochina, or the threats from arabs, russians, europeans, jews combined are all preferred to another face-off with the han, hahahaha

What..... Lol

Please answer my question.. In the other thread you was saying things to nearly everyone, why do you hate Americans at the end they saved your from Japanese or maybe today you would be living under the Japanese.

Why couldn't you defeat Japan without calling for papa USA. Is one Japanese worth 10 han?

You should ask your ancestors or relatives what happened to them when they faced the superior Turks who was outnumbered 10:1. You got anhiliated.

Korea 1.3 million Chinese with 400, 000 dead and 500,000 injured. Terrible man you guys should learn how to fight.

It's quality mate not quantity.
iajj, so Uighur land is part of China now too? What more is China? You shouldn't push your luck Chini boy. You want to do the same to the Japanese with your attempts to steal their island. You might end busted up.
wait if they were terrorists, then why did France host them, or have them in their country??

They like to keep their nose in others' business. Khomeini too was residing at France before the revolution.
the ultimate political right is the right to kill; the rest is just cheap sentimentalism. uighurs, kazakhs, kyrgyz, huis all have the right of abode in xinjiang where uighurs are the biggest minority. hans alone reserve to themselves the exclusive right to kill in xinjiang - which comes as a significant benefit to all minorities because it means no other minority has the right to harm them. the han power to kill in xinjiang comes at once as the benevolent power to protect because we will annihilate any one minority that is snobbish enough to think they could lord over others. in the past, uighurs benefited greatly from the destruction of a few old snobbish tribes in xinjiang at han hands because this gave them the window of opportunity to plant themselves in xinjiang in the first place. but if they get too smart-*** and overplay their right to abode, however, we will evoke our sovereign rights and revoke uighurs' right to abode and exist and re-people xinjiang with more compliant tribes like we have done so many times in the past. but again, i must stress, hans' sovereign power to kill is always a benevolent power to protect; it is two sides of the same coin.
These people are always anti islam and anti muslims
U.N will always sleep
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