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Engine Less J-11B Jets

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Engine Less J-11B Jets

The current issue of Aviation News (HangKong Bao) displays a dozen manufactured J-11B jets sitting at SAC without engines. This highlights the problem the PLAAF faces due to Shanyang Liming Aircraft Engine company's inability to fulfill all FWS10A (Taihang) orders. As indicted by the SAC's press release on its 2009 performance, it said it had fulfilled its PLAAF contracts "fairly" well. Which is different from previous press releases describing their performance as "very" well.

Production certification delays prevented the FWS10A from entering mass production until recently. Perhaps this public display of engine-less fighters is SAC telling its partners to work faster.

China Defense Blog: Engine-less J-11B
I have read the whole scanned text, and there is nothing mentioned about the engineless J-11B.

I think the information from the blog is quite misleading.
Hello buddy i heard even chinese 5th generation jet fighter waiting for Engine? May be from india-russia FGFA?

i heard we already got the 5th engine tech from indo-russia PAK-FA.didn't russia tell india?india, what an amazing country,she is bragging her 5th gen jets before the 4th gen jets enter service
i heard we already got the 5th engine tech from indo-russia PAK-FA.didn't russia tell india?india, what an amazing country,she is bragging her 5th gen jets before the 4th gen jets enter service

hahaha. It is indeed funny that Indians think that they actually made any meaningful contribution to the PAK-FA. Russia just took the money basically and everything. Please.
China had completed development of her own engine.

Currently, the question now is to ramp up the production which i believe will be possible within 1 year.
I think WS-10A is still relatively new product which the specification is not very well known. So they equip it first for J-11B which is a twin engines aircraft. The probability of failure of twin engines is much lower than single engines aircraft like J-10 or FC-17.

Yes, WS-10A is ready, but they will first testify it in production with J-11B, until it becomes a more mature product, they will indeed equip it for single engine aircraft like J-10 and FC-17.
Err.. No...

It is called WS15A and it is on schedule...

That's great buddy. Would you like to tell me how many jet fighters made in china use chinese made engines? Thank you. If possible then please also tell me what engine JF-17 uses? Is it chinese made? If yes then i must say chinese master of 'reverse engineering' that they even reverse engineerd engines.
That's great buddy. Would you like to tell me how many jet fighters made in china use chinese made engines? Thank you. If possible then please also tell me what engine JF-17 uses? Is it chinese made? If yes then i must say chinese master of 'reverse engineering' that they even reverse engineerd engines.


I believe nobody can answer this question! I believe Chinese made engine should be less than 10%.

We had just develop our own engine and it may took us a while to convert majority of our plane to China made engine. We will not be throwing away the engine that we had already purchased.

That's great buddy. Would you like to tell me how many jet fighters made in china use chinese made engines? Thank you. If possible then please also tell me what engine JF-17 uses? Is it chinese made? If yes then i must say chinese master of 'reverse engineering' that they even reverse engineerd engines.

J-11Bs use WS10A

JF-17 uses Russian made RD93. The Chinese version is WS13 but it needs more testing.

J-10As use AL31. J-10s are expected to use WS10A in the next few years once the reliability has been thoroughly tested.

Remember that the engine reliability is more critical for single engine jets, which why we are testing the WS10A on J-11B

Also the WS10A is not a reverse engineering of the AL-31. Rather it is a combination of Western and Russian design.

The WS15 is entirely Chinese.
Also the WS10A is not a reverse engineering of the AL-31. Rather it is a combination of Western and Russian design.
No. If the WS-10A had too many design changes, the Russians wouldn't be able to assist in timily testing and advice. The WS-10A has problems with manufacturing now. The Russians are playing hard ball. They don't want to tranfer critical machines. Thats the sum of it. The few engines that have been built, are from the lab. Not to be confused with actual assemble line engines.
No. If the WS-10A had too many design changes, the Russians wouldn't be able to assist in timily testing and advice. The WS-10A has problems with manufacturing now. The Russians are playing hard ball. They don't want to tranfer critical machines. Thats the sum of it. The few engines that have been built, are from the lab. Not to be confused with actual assemble line engines.

Pardon me, can you provide a reliable source that proves WS-10A has manufacturing problems?

As i known, WS-10 has initially lot of problem for J-11A which is a reverse enginnering of AL-31. But WS-10A is the improving version combining with Chinese technology that produces the more powerful thrust and it has already been equipped for J-11B.
Pardon me, can you provide a reliable source that proves WS-10A has manufacturing problems?
Theres nothing reliable on the PLA. Everything is speculation.
As i known, WS-10 has initially lot of problem for J-11A which is a reverse enginnering of AL-31. But WS-10A is the improving version combining with Chinese technology that produces the more powerful thrust and it has already been equipped for J-11B.
The engine is a modified AL-31 engine, future variants will have more Chinese parts but for now it has a lot of Russian parts. As far as I know from READING, various articles the Chinese have the same problem, the French and Indians have. They lack the machinery to produce high quality blades. So by producing an engine thats 50 percent chinese, it will gradually can be 100 percent pending on if its cheaper for parts from Russia. The same applies for J11. Now Chengdu and the PLAAF want to use Chinese parts, but have to make due with what they have. They have two options, one is to purchase the technology and machinary or research and develop the process on their own. Most likily as in the past they will develop until the Russians are presuaded that China can indeed manufacture their own and the Russians are forced to assist at a lower cost. Keep in mind, China has NEVER produced blades or turbines even equvliant from AL-31. THe WS10 is modified and up powered to meet PLAAF demands for their own airspace. It has their own experience in the design but that doesnt mean that they arent cousins. Thats why the parts are interchangable. In my opinon. Being able to build someparts of the engine, even the AL31 is far bettar than none.
Theres are reason why J10 has the same engine as Su27. You would have to guess why.

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