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Chinese delegation sent to Russia to discuss stealth fighter engine

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More on panel edge alignment for those that want to learn the truth about the PAK FA.

Here's the top fuselage of the F-35.


Note the leading/trailing edges of the various panels. They are swept at an angle or have a sawtooth pattern. That's good panel edge alignment.

Once again, the sweep angles and sawtooth patterns direct radar energy off at an angle so it does not reflect directly back to the enemy radar located in front of the aircraft.


Now compare that to the top view of an unpainted PAK FA.


I think this picture speaks for itself.

How many gaps and seams are perpendicular to the direction of flight and are reflecting radar energy directly back to the enemy radar in front of the aircraft?

How many panel edges are swept at an angle?

How many zig-zag patterns do you see?
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More on panel edge alignment for those that want to learn the truth about the PAK FA.

Once again, the sweep angles and sawtooth patterns direct radar energy off at an angle so it does not reflect directly back to the enemy radar located in front of the aircraft.

Now compare that to the top view of an unpainted PAK FA.


I think this picture speaks for itself.

How many gaps and seams are perpendicular to the direction of flight and are reflecting radar energy directly back to the enemy radar in front of the aircraft?

I love when everything you post just backfires in your face. :lol:



Take a look at he top of the aircraft, nice and perpendicular. And if you want to be fair and apply the same rules the J-20s nozzles are perpendicular.

Also, what's the matter? You keep refusing to answer my question. How are the pak-fa's intake channels any different from the J-20s?

You are also ignoring the fact that the J-20 has a very large cavity in-between the engines yet you have no problem pointing out tunnels or cavities on the pak-fa but simply refuse to except the same for the J-20.

So let's take another look.

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Trailing edge of the PAK FA's landing gear doors.


Another edge that's perpendicular to the direction of flight.

Shall I keep going?
Look at the seam/join between the fuselage and the engine.


Is that not completely perpendicular to the direction of flight?

Where are the sweep angles and zig-zags?

What about the fact that the engine from this point rearward is completely unpainted and untreated with RAM? How many minor gaps and seams are exposed to the enemy radar?

Why is the engine exposed in the first place when other 5th generation fighters integrate the engine into the airframe?
I love when everything you post just backfires in your face. :lol:


Take a look at he top of the aircraft, nice and perpendicular.

I've decided to address this portion of ptldM3's comments involving the J-20's top fuselage because he actually brought something new to the table.

Before I say anything else, I will say that we need to wait for higher resolution shots of the J-20's top fuselage at better view angles before we pass judgement on it.

But let's take a closer look anyway.

First, panels and doors that need to open and close will create the biggest gaps in the fuselage. However, the J-20 seems to have very good edge alignment in these areas. I can prove it with pictures.

The J-20's drag chute door has a very obvious sawtooth pattern.


This small door/panel has a very obvious sawtooth pattern.


The leading and trailing edges of these two panels have a very obvious sawtooth pattern.


The air brake has a very obvious sawtooth pattern.


The rest of the minor seams found on the top fuselage are a little different. They don't have to open, close, or move at all. Because of that, it is possible to remove the gap completely with a coating of thick RAM, LO tape over the gap, or some other stealth 'gap filler' material. For example, the B-2 bomber utilized a special LO tape to cover up gaps in some areas.

And I believe that is what the J-20 has done for the top fuselage.

Take a closer look.


Are we actually looking at thin seams here? Or are we looking at thick splotches of 'gap filler' material covering the seams? I believe it is the latter. Look how thick those lines are.

So based on preliminary evidence, I would say that the J-20's panel edge alignment on the top fuselage is inferior when compared to the rest of the aircraft. But it's far better than the PAK FA.

Moreover, the PAK FA has many gaps/seams that can't simply be covered up by a gap filler.

For example, how do you cover up this grille/vent thing on the inlet?


How do you cover up the hinge between the rear fuselage and the stabilizer?

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ha ha ha ... all these sweeping statements without any data.... hold on to your roshogullas, let the specs come out for J20 and Pakfa, and later go into swashbuckling mode....

Let the Russians actually bring out a stealth fighter and then you may have a point.

I have no doubt that the PAK-FA will have super-cruise, be very manoeuvrable, decent radar and avionics but it has little stealth!
Let the Russians actually bring out a stealth fighter and then you may have a point.

I have no doubt that the PAK-FA will have super-cruise, be very manoeuvrable, decent radar and avionics but it has little stealth!

has very little stealth!!! may I ask what information you have on the composites used on t50 or the RAM coatings or test data on radar test beds to come to such conclusions....

you or anyone else doesn't have any solid data on either of the aircrafts, chinese or russian...so relax, and let the specs come out... then we all can sing and dance!!!
This kind of thread is purposely intended to instigate the good relationship between China and Russia. we need each other to contain USA's bully policy, this damn stupid thread should be closed if Moderator is watching.

Any dick measuring between Freinds should be avoided as it's waste of time to please both enemies.
Shame of you... I told you already, your pace was frozen and could catch up. LOL, it's too difficult for you for it's out of your IQ range.

2 small wings (canard) in front of J-20 --- yes, they are small wings --- you said it will increase RCS;
2 giant wings on F-22 ---yes, they are giant wings ---- you thought it would be fine for small RCS.

What's the difference? If we say two main wings on F-22 are canard, will it help you to understand something difficult for you?

(One more time free teaching: radio waves will not care how you name the objects.)

I though this is a easier way to open your blind eyes ---- disappointed, your brain didn't support.

You shamed yourself so many times, after a couple of days, you still cannot get the point.

Honestly logical thinking you rock I like the way you explain it.
This kind of thread is purposely intended to instigate the good relationship between China and Russia. we need each other to contain USA's bully policy, this damn stupid thread should be closed if Moderator is watching.

Any dick measuring between Freinds should be avoided as it's waste of time to please both enemies.

Hes right, back to topic that Chinese delegation went to Russia in need of stealth engines.
Hes right, back to topic that Chinese delegation went to Russia in need of stealth engines.
Stop your Indian whining oldman1. Those Indian will sh!t at you if you sucking too much with the American white dude and hiding your own Indian most dumb face.
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