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End of Commies in Kerala

I don't have a point.

Besides thinking that he was a mallu too like you and Tom and sensor and twenty dozen others here.

Cheers, Doc

So basically you were trying to obfuscate his post by making random noise designed to divert the issue from what a Kerala Hindu actually said to a kerala christian when that christian was preaching "secularism" to PotHead.

Sounds like a weasel move.
So basically you were trying to obfuscate his post by making random noise designed to divert the issue from what a Kerala Hindu actually said to a kerala christian when that christian was preaching "secularism" to PotHead.

Sounds like a weasel move.

I have zero idea of your wudukku podukku language ...

Just saying. Lol

Cheers, Doc
I just want to share a personal anecdote here.

true story. it really happened like that.

When I used to live in the Southa that is, online interactions led me to know a pretty mallu christian girl. Promptly, I fell in love with her. never saw, talked to her in person or on phone or met her but I really felt a very strong connection with her while she was cool about it.

anyway, i got to speaking to her again the last few months suddenly and talks reverted back to politics and Modi. Believe me, she stopped talking to me once she found out that I was a hardcore Modi supporter. as in, blocked me. and this girl once attempted to write IAS. physics MSc.

I realized one thing. Modiji has divided Kerala. right from sitting in Delhi. Amit Shah has built an empire which has divided Mallus based on Modi. and later I got to talking to an as authentic as they come mallu journalist who just confirmed this. Again, what I confirmed was this, in the Mallu Christian's mind, the fear that Modi will take their Beef and rampant Rice bag conversion business away, has taken seed. Just like if today Mamata's mouth opens, the only two words you hear are Modi and BJP. They all are scared of the BJP invasion.

Both Kerala and WB are seeing BJP make serious permanent inroads into it's politics where they had 0 foothold before.

changing moment in Indian politics is the emergence of the man : Modi.
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I just want to share a personal anecdote here.

true story. it really happened like that.

When I used to live in the Southa that is, online interactions led me to know a pretty mallu christian girl. Promptly, I fell in love with her. never saw, talked to or met her but I really felt a very strong connection with her while she was cool about it.

anyway, i got to speaking to her the last few months and talks reverted back to politics and Modi. Believe me, she stopped talking to me once she found out that I was a hardcore Modi supporter. as in, blocked me. and this girl once attempted to write IAS. physics MSc.

I realized one thing. Modiji has divided Kerala. right from sitting in Delhi. Amit Shah has built an empire which has divided Mallus based on Modi. and later I got to talking to an as authentic as they come mallu journalist who just confirmed this. Agian, what I confirmed was this, in the Mallu christians mind, the fear that Modi will take their Beef and rampant Rice bag conversion business away, has taken seed. Just like if today Mamata's mouth opens, the only two words you hear are Modi and BJP. They all are scared of the BJP invasion.

Both Kerala and WB are seeing BJP make serious permanent inroads into it's politics where they had 0 foothold before.

changing moment in Indian politics is the emergence of the man : Modi.

Modi is on his last few months.

You're getting excited for nothing.

And lost a hot girl in the bargain.

Never compromise on your wallet or dick for a politician. Lesson for the day.

Cheers, Doc
I just want to share a personal anecdote here.

true story. it really happened like that.

When I used to live in the Southa that is, online interactions led me to know a pretty mallu christian girl. Promptly, I fell in love with her. never saw, talked to or met her but I really felt a very strong connection with her while she was cool about it.

anyway, i got to speaking to her the last few months and talks reverted back to politics and Modi. Believe me, she stopped talking to me once she found out that I was a hardcore Modi supporter. as in, blocked me. and this girl once attempted to write IAS. physics MSc.

I realized one thing. Modiji has divided Kerala. right from sitting in Delhi. Amit Shah has built an empire which has divided Mallus based on Modi. and later I got to talking to an as authentic as they come mallu journalist who just confirmed this. Agian, what I confirmed was this, in the Mallu christians mind, the fear that Modi will take their Beef and rampant Rice bag conversion business away, has taken seed. Just like if today Mamata's mouth opens, the only two words you hear are Modi and BJP. They all are scared of the BJP invasion.

Both Kerala and WB are seeing BJP make serious permanent inroads into it's politics where they had 0 foothold before.

changing moment in Indian politics is the emergence of the man : Modi.

You realize that Modi is just the right man at the right place at the right time.

If it was not Modi, it would have been someone else who manifested and stood for the angst of the Hindus at being second class citizens in their own country.

Modi is not the cause of this, he is just the end result of this churn.

The story of that mallu girl tells you that much. She did not block Modi, she blocked YOU because she could not tolerate what your stood for. That is the moral of that story.

Modi is on his last few months.

You're getting excited for nothing.

And lost a hot girl in the bargain.

Never compromise on your wallet or dick for a politician. Lesson for the day.

Cheers, Doc

He lost a hot girl for standing up for his beliefs, his values and his culture.

Modi is just a politician who ended up gaining votes because he was the first who saw this happen.

When the choice is between your values and your dick, Hindus always stand up for their values. AT least in theory they do.
You realize that Modi is just the right man at the right place at the right time.

If it was not Modi, it would have been someone else who manifested and stood for the angst of the Hindus at being second class citizens in their own country.

Modi is not the cause of this, he is just the end result of this churn.

The story of that mallu girl tells you that much. She did not block Modi, she blocked YOU because she could not tolerate what your stood for. That is the moral of that story.

He lost a hot girl for standing up for his beliefs, his values and his culture.

Modi is just a politician who ended up gaining votes because he was the first who saw this happen.

When the choice is between your values and your dick, Hindus always stand up for their values. AT least in theory they do.

Too much idealism too late at night.

I would have put on a tika and a bhagwa langot for the right mallu girl.

Jokes apart my story is slightly different. Probably the maturity level and education ...

Me and my mallu classmate. Cerebral girl.

Was a Muslim loving secularist when I was a rabid Sanghi.

Then Modi happened.

I became the secularist. And she slowly morphed into a soft Sanghi.

I think mallus have some shit going on. And frankly I think it's time you and the bongs got your act together.

This online angst one sees mainly with mallu sanghis. And is a symptom. Not the disease.

Cheers, Doc
Too much idealism too late at night.
I would have put on a tika and a bhagwa langot for the right mallu girl.
Jokes apart my story is slightly different. Probably the maturity level and education ...
Me and my mallu classmate. Cerebral girl.
Was a Muslim loving secularist when I was a rabid Sanghi.
Then Modi happened.
I became the secularist. And she slowly morphed into a soft Sanghi.
I think mallus have some shit going on. And frankly I think it's time you and the bongs got your act together.
This online angst one sees mainly with mallu sanghis. And is a symptom. Not the disease.
Cheers, Doc

In real life I keep my sanghi thoughts to myself because I am aware how intolerant and bigoted the average xtian and Muslims are. And since my job requires me to deal with all kinds of people I keep my political thought to myself. I only open up to other sanghi's after they have exposed their thoughts to me.

That is just me being pragmatic in a world ruled by xtians and muslims and commies and "secularists".

The average mallu is brain washed since most of his education happens under chrislamocommunist govt. His media exposure is also confined to chrislamocommunist media and successive generations of brain washed mallus who work in these media houses and is more loyal to anti Hindu thought that karl marx and jesus himself.

So unlike PotHead, I do not have much hope for the hindus of kerala who live in a society that is run by xitians and muslims. 75% of all commercial private establishments in kerala belong to xtians and muslim and the govt. sector belong to the communists.

Kerala hindus have been castrated at birth to become Dhimis and very few break out of this mold.

Bengal OTOH is a different story.
Modi is on his last few months.

You're getting excited for nothing.

And lost a hot girl in the bargain.

Never compromise on your wallet or dick for a politician. Lesson for the day.

Cheers, Doc

naah man, I am better off without her.

hot girls do not remain hot for long.

dumb girls always remain dumb. however cute they are. or hot.

You realize that Modi is just the right man at the right place at the right time.

If it was not Modi, it would have been someone else who manifested and stood for the angst of the Hindus at being second class citizens in their own country.

Modi is not the cause of this, he is just the end result of this churn.

The story of that mallu girl tells you that much. She did not block Modi, she blocked YOU because she could not tolerate what your stood for. That is the moral of that story.

yes. you are right. Modiji came because

1. people needed a mass friendly government which wasn't eschewed to minority pampering.

2. hash tag pappu, teh prince of the dumb and dumber.

He lost a hot girl for standing up for his beliefs, his values and his culture.

Modi is just a politician who ended up gaining votes because he was the first who saw this happen.

When the choice is between your values and your dick, Hindus always stand up for their values. AT least in theory they do.

I don't care what others do, but yes, my values carry weight with me. girl likes, great..girl doesn't like? big deal. bleh.

Bengal OTOH is a different story.

Both Bengal and Kerala has had a communist education.Now didi is playing with hindu muslim politics and has earned herself the minority friendly tag which she fears will backfire on her in the next state elections.

what the commies are doing to RSS in kerala, the trinamool is doing the exact same to BJP in WB.

basically, the fight has started.

it depends now how will this play turn out.

sabarimala is a brilliant opportunity for the right wing. just brilliant. the right amount of force on the right emotion and a constant pressure will break a man one way or the other. remains to be seen whether Tom is correct or Pothead.

Like it or not, Modiji has reached Kolkata and Kottayam right from New Delhi. Fact.

let me tell you one thing, if BJP thinks they will play hindu muslim tag in WB and win, they are mistaken.

they have to pull the hindus towards BJP. not pit them against muslims in bengal.

bengalis in WB are uber smart.
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Both Bengal and Kerala has had a communist education.Now didi is playing with hindu muslim politics and has earned herself the minority friendly tag which she fears will backfire on her in the next state elections.

what the commies are doing to RSS in kerala, the trinamool is doing the exact same to BJP in WB.

basically, the fight has started.

it depends now how will this play turn out.

sabarimala is a brilliant opportunity for the right wing. just brillint. the right amount of force on the right emotion and a constant pressure will break a man one way or the other. remains to be seen whether Tom is correct or Pothead.

Like it or not, Modiji has reached Kolkata and Kottayam right from New Delhi. Fact.

Hindus are only 55% in Kerala.

Of that the SCST forms the mass base of the communist. The upper castes are mostly self loathing and limit their hinduism to celebrating a "secular" onam where Mahabali is celebrated more than MahaVishnu in the vamana avatar and to the local temple celebration which involves a lot of fire crackers and nothing more.

At best only 50% of Hindu will ever vote for BJP and that means 27% of Hindus votes. While the 99% of xtians and muslims WILL vote AGAINST BJP, either for the commies or for the CONgress in Kerala.

In Bengal Hindus are 71% of the population, so BJP has a MUCH better chance.

Kerala is a lost cause.
I don't understand you guys man.

Either that or that's some serious shit mass hypnosis the Gujjus have done.

Rahul gets my vote. They may as well take my ballot today. It's not going to change.

Cheers, Doc
Hindus are only 55% in Kerala.

Of that the SCST forms the mass base of the communist. The upper castes are mostly self loathing and limit their hinduism to celebrating a "secular" onam where Mahabali is celebrated more than MahaVishnu in the vamana avatar and to the local temple celebration which involves a lot of fire crackers and nothing more.

At best only 50% of Hindu will ever vote for BJP and that means 27% of Hindus votes. While the 99% of xtians and muslims WILL vote AGAINST BJP, either for the commies or for the CONgress in Kerala.

In Bengal Hindus are 71% of the population, so BJP has a MUCH better chance.

Kerala is a lost cause.

it's gonna be a long story and long fight for the right wing in both these places.

we can't tell now what can happen in the future.

but one thing is clear, BJP has a vision, the mahagathbandhan or the tukde tukde gang does not have it.

I don't understand you guys man.

Either that or that's some serious shit mass hypnosis the Gujjus have done.

Rahul gets my vote. They may as well take my ballot today. It's not going to change.

Cheers, Doc

Rahul gets your vote ?

What can i Do Sir ? to change your mind ?

Vote for anybody else. Vote for SS, vote for Owaisi, literally vote for anybody else.

Please, please , for the sake of India, DO NOT vote for Rahul.

He IS THE disaster. He is not just disastrous.
it's gonna be a long story and long fight for the right wing in both these places.

we can't tell now what can happen in the future.

but one thing is clear, BJP has a vision, the mahagathbandhan or the tukde tukde gang does not have it.

That part is true.

In kerala there is a whole lot of xtians who feel threatened by the muslim dominance in trade and finance and are looking for any alliance that would bring the muslims down.

So in the future if the BJP could swing Hindu votes, the xtian would join up just to defeat the muslims.

That is the only way this is going to play out in Kerala.

But either way the Hindus of kerala will loose.

BJP does have a vision, but even vision cannot challenge raw statistics and anti hindu hate.

Rahul gets your vote ?

What can i Do Sir ? to change your mind ?

Vote for anybody else. Vote for SS.

Please, please , for the sake of India, DO NOT vote for Rahul.

He IS THE disaster. He is not just disastrous.

Its pointless to talk to him. His hate for the Hindus is more than any positive feelings he may or may-not have for India.

He wold rather watch India slow burn than see the Hindus succeed.

One can only debate with a rational thinker, not with an irrational hate. It would be like debating with a pakistani about kashmir. Its pointless and futile.
That part is true.

In kerala there is a whole lot of xtians who feel threatened by the muslim dominance in trade and finance and are looking for any alliance that would bring the muslims down.

So in the future if the BJP could swing Hindu votes, the xtian would join up just to defeat the muslims.

That is the only way this is going to play out in Kerala.

But either way the Hindus of kerala will loose.

BJP does have a vision, but even vision cannot challenge raw statistics and anti hindu hate.

buddy, nothing in this this world is permanent. not love, not hatred, not domination, nor subjugation. :azn:
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