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End of Commies in Kerala

Amit Shah in Kerala today.

From reliable sources it is learnt that Vijayan has been shitting in his lungi in past few days when ever he hears the name Amit Shah.
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You know what, you and your sanghi brigades are just using fake propaganda to forward your agenda. As usual, the people of Kerala had already understood the duplicity and will answer through the ballots. Just wait and see. LOL



Sorry, what does that even show?

There are Lakhs of Kerala women on streets protesting against the govt.
Not a single Hindu woman is out there asking for entry.

It is a bit funny that you keep ignoring the lakhs of women protesting.
Reminds me of Guha who today tweeted that Kerala Hindu women don't know what they want - Wondering if he took a cue from u ;)
Kerala: Miscreants attack Sandeepananda Giri’s ashram for backing Sabarimala verdict, CM Pinarayi Vijayan condemns incident

Strangely the CCTV cameras of the ashram were switched off during that time.
Police stopped the reporters from getting CCTV cameras from other sources near the ashram.

Unfortunately for the commies, a "certain" has already got the CCTV footage :D

That is Kerala commies brutally thrashing Kerala Hindu devotees.

The old Devotee of Lord Ayyappa got thrashed lying on the ground, the commies did not allow anyone to help him and instead went about thrashing anyone trying to help him.

Still, few here think Hindus are still with commies.

Commie ka bhais gayee panee me.
Strangely the CCTV cameras of the ashram were switched off during that time.
Police stopped the reporters from getting CCTV cameras from other sources near the ashram.

Unfortunately for the commies, a "certain" has already got the CCTV footage :D

That is Kerala commies brutally thrashing Kerala Hindu devotees.

The old Devotee of Lord Ayyappa got thrashed lying on the ground, the commies did not allow anyone to help him and instead went about thrashing anyone trying to help him.

Still, few here think Hindus are still with commies.

Commie ka bhais gayee panee me.

Strangely the CCTV cameras of the ashram were switched off during that time.
Police stopped the reporters from getting CCTV cameras from other sources near the ashram.

Unfortunately for the commies, a "certain" has already got the CCTV footage :D

That is Kerala commies brutally thrashing Kerala Hindu devotees.

The old Devotee of Lord Ayyappa got thrashed lying on the ground, the commies did not allow anyone to help him and instead went about thrashing anyone trying to help him.

Still, few here think Hindus are still with commies.

Commie ka bhais gayee panee me.

Ok , came back when the "certain" footage from other 'sources' are available

Sabarimala is another case brahmaninsation of native god/temple. The rituals and ban on women entry ware recent brahmanist invention.

Yes, Sabarimala Is In Peril, But Not The Way You Think
For one, the pilgrimage has become a billionaire enterprise that ravages the ecology -- feeding off a phenomenal surge of middle-class piety. Equally crucially, it also kills the real tradition of ritual openness and social flexibility.

Ayyappa idol at a Kannur temple

Sabarimala, named after Sabari, an epic vestal known for her austere penance to attain Lord Rama’s blessings, and now world-renowned for the Ayyappa temple perched on it, is a beautiful hillock of the Periyar Tiger Reserve on the Kerala side of the Western Ghats. Originally a cult spot of the local forest-dwellers’ protector deity, Ayyanar, it became a small shrine of Ayyappa around the 15th century.

Legend says Ayyappa was a prince of the nearby ruling house and had done penance until he was dissolved into the tutelary deity, worshipped by the local avarna castes. An insignificant shrine inside deep forest, obviously with no daily rituals, it used to be visited only annually during the Makara Sankramana (January-February), by tribal people like Malampantaram, Ullatar, Mannan, Narikkuravar etc, a few avarnas settled along the fringes, and some pilgrims from Tamil Nadu. A temple priest (Potti) engaged by the Panthalam ruling house officiated the ritual on the day. Subsequently surrendered to the Travancore ruling family, the shrine came under the management of the Travancore Royal Devasvom Commisssion (TRDC), constituted in 1810 by Rani Lakshmi Bai (1810-1815) on Col Munro’s advice, primarily for revenue interest.

The Flood of Pilgrims: In June 1950, some poachers set ablaze the shrine at Sabarimala and broke the idol of Ayyappa. The shrine remained ruined for over a decade, though the pilgrimage continued as usual. A new temple was erected under the Travancore Devasvom Board (TDB), which was formed in 1950 after dissolving the TRDC. Ever since, there has been a steady rise in the number of pilgrims. It rose from around a thousand to several thousands in the ’70s and ’80s. In the ’90s, it surpassed a lakh, and it’s a bit above 50 lakh today, though the TDB estimate goes to crores, indeed a hyperbole. Corresponding with the growth of the pilgrim population, the number of occasions of worship in a year multiplied. As of now, the temple is open for 133 days in a year, providing a total of 1,431 hours for darshan. At a time if 10 devotees secure darshan per second—it’s hard to let the pilgrims linger too long before the sanctum—the pilgrims would total just 51,51,600.

Sabarimala, thus, now sees a phenomenal flow of middle-class pilgrims from all over south India, and hence a huge influx of votive donations by way of cash and gold. In the process, a temple and pilgrimage once dominated by tribals and avarnas became completely dominated by savarna beliefs, institutions, customs and practices. Far more than a pilgrimage, it is a state-controlled billionaire enterprise today.

Invented Rituals: The ban on the entry of women between the ages of 10 and 50 was introduced in 1991 through a court verdict, presuming that menstruation precluded the possibility of their observance of purity for 41 days, and that Ayyappa, a celibate, would not like young women. But there is neither ritual sanctity nor scientific justification for this restriction. It’s true that Savarna households observed menstrual pollution and abstained from entering holy places during their periods. But menstruation was auspicious and symbolic of fertility for the tribals, who had flocked the temple with their women and children of all age groups till the ’60s. There is also archival evidence of young savarna women from the Travancore region entering the temple till the ’80s.

Thazhamon, a clan from Karnataka with little tradition of agamic rites, gained authority over the temple.
Till recent times, the Sabarimala temple hardly followed the agamic prescriptions (adapted from Vedic brahmana rites) common to other temples maintaining purity under the ritual authority of the Namboodiri Brahmins. Therefore, the Namboodiri tantri (ritual authority) families of Vedic tradition never bothered about this temple in the forest with inferior deities like Ayyan and Karuppaswamy, as not qualified for installation with ashtabandha (eight ritual bonding objects) or amenable to purification through agamic rites. Any of them would wonder whether an authority in agamic texts could dare to undertake the responsibility of sustaining the purity of the Ayyappa temple with 18 hills as its boundary (prasada). It is not accidental that Thazhamon, a migrant Potti family of south Karnataka with little or no tradition of Vedic or agamic rites, was given ritual authority over the Ayyappa temple. Most legends and traditions about the temple are fabrications of recent times. There is nothing permanent about the tradition of rituals, for every tradition undergoes changes through contingent reinterpretations or new inventions, although we celebrate it as age-old. The Sabarimala tradition is no exception to this universally acknowledged sociological phenomenon.

Savarna Domination: The defining trend in the process of the making of new traditions was that of the systematic induction of savrana values of exclusion and differentiation. This has been impairing the passion for oneness and universal fraternity among pilgrims during their hazardous journey to Sabarimala. There are now attempts through the same process to upset the secular identity and religious symbiosis that Ayyappa’s association with Vavar, a Muslim, and with the Arthunkal church represented. They seek to destroy the flexibility and freedom involved in the pilgrimage that facilitates convergence and transcendence of multiple castes and religious identities.

The fact that Sabarimala is open to people of all castes, creeds and religions is being systematically revamped through the imposition of new rules and ‘conventions’. During the pilgrimage, Ayyappa devotees en route to Sabarimala pay homage to the Vavar mosque at Erumely. Many go to the Arthunkal church as well during their pilgrimage.

This universality, and a few other traits, are often taken to be indicative of the Ayyappa cult having Buddhist antecedents. It makes little sense, however, to make a Buddhist case based on the observance of celibacy, the expression ‘Dharma Sasta’ and the chanting of ‘saranam.’ Dharma asta is only a recent coinage, and the chanting of saranam has nothing to do with the Buddhist charanam that denotes the vow for being a monk in the sangha. Nor is there any archaeological indication at the site to support the presumption. Further, Buddhist monastic establishments are found on rocky terrain and are invariably along trade routes. Based on the tradition that Nilakantha, one of the Avalokiteswaras of Buddhist mythology, was consecrated on the Sahya mountain, some scholars have tried in vain to identify Ayyappa with Nilakantha. Further, there is no trace of Buddhist iconographic influence on the image of Ayyappa.

The Court Verdict: The TDB, under the pretext of yearning to meet the urgent needs of pilgrims, has been pushing urban development right into the core of the tiger reserve, totally forgetful of the forest environment and regulations thereof. This has involved deforestation and diversion of forest land, and utter violation of the Kerala Forest Act 1961, Wildlife Protection Act 1972, and Forest Conservation Act 1980. Violation of Supreme Court verdicts is not new to Sabarimala. In fact, it is the site of a whole series of violations—of a corresponding series of court judgements, including those of the Supreme Court.

There are several court judgements against illegal constructions at the Sannidhanam (main temple complex). Apex court orders in WP(C) No. 202/95, WP(C) 212/2001 and Letter no. F. No. 8-70/2005-FC dated October 24, 2005, of the Central Government and GO (Rt) 594/05/F7WLD dt. 31-10-2005 of the State Government and Supreme Court Order I.A. No. 1373 in WP (C) No. 202 of 1995 have banned the diversion of forest land. It was in the wake of the TDB’s reckless development plans that the Union ministry of environment and forests got the master plan prepared and done. The Supreme Court enforces it. In fact, the court has ordered that all guest houses, donated structures and other accommodations at the Sannidhanam be closed down and demolished in due course. The court orders have also disallowed any more constructions in the enclave.

There is gross distributive injustice in the land use at the Sannidhanam as well as in the leased land. Of the total leased land, 14.6 per cent is privatised for the use of just 9.5 per cent of the total pilgrims, and 3.4 per cent is extremely privatised for the use of only 0.1 per cent! The granting of permission to build donated houses at the Sannidhanam is not only a major violation of the lease contract but also a most unjust use of public land. VIPs and elite pilgrims have appropriated public space for satisfying their personal needs—at the expense of ordinary people. This does violence to the original ethos of Sabarimala—one of its striking features had been its egalitarianism, natural to people moving through a jungle, completely forgetting social differences and hierarchies.

And now, the Supreme Court judgment allowing women’s entry irrespective of age is facing outright violation. People of the Panthalam house, ignorant of the history of their custodianship transfer to Travancore, and the Thazhamon tantri, equally ignorant of the implications of the judgment, are making sub-judice statements. So are other priests of the temple. Politicians, with one eye on votes, are stooping to the same level of constitutional ignorance. Sabarimala is encountering a phase of increasing rigidity, depriving it of its past tradition of ritual flexibility and social freedom.

(Prof Gurukkal, an eminent historian and social scientist, is a former vice-chancellor of MG University, Kottayam)

Sorry, what does that even show?

There are Lakhs of Kerala women on streets protesting against the govt.
Not a single Hindu woman is out there asking for entry.

It is a bit funny that you keep ignoring the lakhs of women protesting.
Reminds me of Guha who today tweeted that Kerala Hindu women don't know what they want - Wondering if he took a cue from u ;)

Why because there is violent protests. Otherwise there are a lot of Hindu women within the age group of 10-50 who are ready and more than happy to visit the temple. Being a Malayali I know that, even few of my friends have told me that they will visit the temple next year (hopefully everything is fine).

This is just a BJP/Sangh parivar instigated protests and only the forward cast ( Nair's / NSS) is the mostly active participants. You won't be able to show other Hindus, not even Kerala Brahmins are participating in majority. I guess you ain't know a jack on ground other than BJP/RSS propaganda, and fake twitter updates which even embarrassed your minister (Smriti). LOL :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Following is just a small part of the actual truth.


Why again argue, it's only a matter of just 6 months. LOL :lol::lol::lol:

Strangely the CCTV cameras of the ashram were switched off during that time.
Police stopped the reporters from getting CCTV cameras from other sources near the ashram.

Unfortunately for the commies, a "certain" has already got the CCTV footage :D

That is Kerala commies brutally thrashing Kerala Hindu devotees.

The old Devotee of Lord Ayyappa got thrashed lying on the ground, the commies did not allow anyone to help him and instead went about thrashing anyone trying to help him.

Still, few here think Hindus are still with commies.

Commie ka bhais gayee panee me.

Full video as per the Twitter uploader and just 0:45 Secs. How pathetic LOL :sarcastic::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Throwing stones or provoking the police force and not expecting retaliation is plain stupidity. Be it a Temple or Church. Wait I will show you the same police assaulting Christian devotees in a church just 2 blocks away from my house in Aluva.

Moral of the Story: If you provoke the police force, you will get thrashed irrespective of the country or religious affiliation. LOL :rofl::rofl::rofl:

That's one of India's best pollster voicing his opinion.

As of today even Cong has started bleeding cadre to BJP.

in 2019, it might as well be a wave election for BJP.

Why because there is violent protests

Then how did those 5 Christian and muslim women come?
Couple of them were other states.
You mean to say Commies could not find a single Hindu woman who they could put forward and say, 'look here is a devotee'.

Instead they got muslim and Christian women with used tampons.

This is the end game for commies sir.
It's based on purely logic.

Hindus used to look at commies because of Cong minority appeasement.
Now, Hindus don't want to look at commies and BJP is presenting an alternative..OH OH and the Hindus are pissed off mightily at Commies.

Elementary dear Watson ;)

‘Only Hindus will head Devaswom Boards’


That was yesterday.
Like I said, we are reaching the end game of commie & naxal decimation from India.

Commies tried to change the rules and got even worse judgement than what they had anticipated.

Do you know what is coming up next? Tirumala Temple.
Wait for that judgement in next few months.

What is happening in Kerala will change the landscape of temple management across India - for making that happen, I must thank the commies.
I will definitely shed half a tear once this commie filth is wiped off from our lands.

First they killed the husband,
then they killed her young son in front of her pregnant daughter.

These Hindu haters must be exterminated at any cost. Their bigotry MUST not exist in our lands at any cost.

This is a war for civilization and these vermin are hell bent on exterminating our way of life.

First they killed the husband,
then they killed her young son in front of her pregnant daughter.

These Hindu haters must be exterminated at any cost. Their bigotry MUST not exist in our lands at any cost.

This is a war for civilization and these vermin are hell bent on exterminating our way of life.

As if BJP/RSS has not killed anyone. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

It is not some stupid North Indian state that minorities and other political parties will be on a receiving end. If RSS don't play according to rules, father, son or even entire family may have to face the consequences. LOL :lol::lol::lol:
As if BJP/RSS has not killed anyone. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

It is not some stupid North Indian state that minorities and other political parties will be on a receiving end. If RSS don't play according to rules, father, son or even entire family may have to face the consequences. LOL :lol::lol::lol:

Ye sir, with a laugh you wipe out the whole family.
Isn't that the crux of being a Hindu in Kerala now a days?

Thanks for reaffirming what We have known for a long a time. With a smile, murder the whole family and blame the poor mother for the brutality. How poetic....I mean how western, Hitlereque, civilized.


Finally, BJP officially puts its weight behind Sabarimala protests


There is a well known expression “follow the money.” With political parties, it is just like that: “follow the votes.”

This is not even meant to be criticism, not even a taunt. It’s the simple economics of votes. Market demand leads to supply. And the BJP has now officially thrown its weight behind those protesting the state takeover of Sabarimala Temple, with the confirmation coming from the highest level.


At first, Smriti Irani did some kite flying, testing waters with a poorly worded offhand remark that gave more grist to the liberal lie machine. There is no doubt that her remarks were twisted, but by this point in politics she should have expected that in advance.

Let me say something here about the whole matter of whether the celebrated anti-Hindu activist shown on all TV channels was actually carrying used sanitary napkins to desecrate the Sabarimala Temple. I don’t care whether it’s true or not. This “news” has been viral on social media and that makes it “true” for me at a political level. Dear liberals, think of it as Lord Ayyappa’s punishment for the time you spread lies about “semen filled balloons” on Holi.

In order to demonize the festival of Holi, prominent liberals were asking random Hindu men on Twitter why they throw “semen filled balloons” … remember? Don’t complain now. Go explain to lakhs of devotees why your beloved anti-Hindu activist was carrying “used napkins” to desecrate the temple. Not my problem, but yours.

I know that there is a lot of disillusionment (and anger) among online RW over the BJP dragging its feet before finally getting its act together on the issue of Sabarimala Temple. However you feel about the leadership, we have to be grateful to the selfless RSS and BJP worker who has been on the frontlines of opposing the storming of the temple from the very beginning.

Remember that dissent under CPIM in Kerala is a dead serious and scary proposition. As George Orwell would have put it, dissent under CPIM rule does not entail death. Under CPIM rule, dissent is death.

Who would understand this better than RSS/BJP workers?

Suffice to say that the CPIM government in Kerala has been left totally blindsided by the Hindu uprising in the state. This was much more than political upheaval. It was a grassroots uprising. The images reminded me of Jammu 2008, when common Hindus took to the street against the J&K’s govt revoking the land transfer to Amarnath Shrine Board to build temporary settlements for pilgrims.

The reason the CPIM govt was caught blindsided is because they committed the cardinal sin in politics : buying their own propaganda. Especially since 2014, the mainstream media and social media arms of the liberal ecosystem have sought to project Kerala as some kind of anti-Hindu state. This propaganda peaked in August, when it was made to look as if even floods in Kerala are vaguely the fault of Hindutva forces.

We have become used to contempt filled lectures about how Kerala is “different” and how Hindutva forces can never secure a foothold in Kerala.

This of course couldn’t be less true. The BJP’s vote share in last Kerala elections was 16%. Do you know that JDU’s vote share in last Bihar elections was 16%? The BJP is already as popular in Kerala as Nitish is popular in Bihar. Think about that for a second!

The CPIM foolishly bought into their own rhetoric. Here’s what they forgot:

Kerala is India. India is Kerala.

And Kerala Hindus don’t hate Hindus. You know why? Because they are Hindus themselves!

I know every Communist will be shocked to hear this.

So Comrade Pinarayi Vijayan’s government sat cozily in Thiruvananthapuram, convinced that Kerala Hindus were salivating for an opportunity to desecrate Sabarimala Temple.

How could that not be? All the prominent mediapersons, who were themselves SFI and AISA comrades back when they were wasting their time learning English Literature and/or Africology in college, said that Kerala Hindus would love to see their temples being stormed by the state.

So CPIM listened to the left loving media. And waited for the day their anti-Hindu activists would become Kerala’s biggest heroes by doing to Sabarimala what Ghazni did to Somnath.


How wrong they were!

My favorite thing about the entire Sabarimala episode is how tribal Hindus, following their ancient duty, threw a protective ring around the temple. As on date, tribals represent the worst failure of the whole “idea of India” project. From Jharkhand to Chhattisgarh to Odisha to Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bengal, Gujarat and Kerala and all the way to the North East, tribals are the most consciously Hindu community in India today. Take that JNU!

When the CPIM was caught unawares, it acted with the reflexive brutality common to Communist regimes around the world. The Communist police having failed to storm Sabarimala Temple, is now on the hunt for dissenters. So far 2000 have been rounded up and arrested.

Two thousand dissenters arrested in Kerala! Imagine how big this story would have been if 99% of our mediapersons had not been from college comrades from SFI and AISA.

Sadly for the CPIM, this is not Soviet Russia. Soviet Russia does not even exist anywhere in the world any more. The CPIM can put up as many portraits of Stalin and Kim Jong Un as it wants but the next election in Kerala will still happen on schedule.

We are witnessing the last rites of Communism in India. Bengal gone. Tripura gone. Game over in Kerala.
Ye sir, with a laugh you wipe out the whole family.
Isn't that the crux of being a Hindu in Kerala now a days?

Thanks for reaffirming what We have known for a long a time. With a smile, murder the whole family and blame the poor mother for the brutality. How poetic....I mean how western, Hitlereque, civilized.


Finally, BJP officially puts its weight behind Sabarimala protests


There is a well known expression “follow the money.” With political parties, it is just like that: “follow the votes.”

This is not even meant to be criticism, not even a taunt. It’s the simple economics of votes. Market demand leads to supply. And the BJP has now officially thrown its weight behind those protesting the state takeover of Sabarimala Temple, with the confirmation coming from the highest level.


At first, Smriti Irani did some kite flying, testing waters with a poorly worded offhand remark that gave more grist to the liberal lie machine. There is no doubt that her remarks were twisted, but by this point in politics she should have expected that in advance.

Let me say something here about the whole matter of whether the celebrated anti-Hindu activist shown on all TV channels was actually carrying used sanitary napkins to desecrate the Sabarimala Temple. I don’t care whether it’s true or not. This “news” has been viral on social media and that makes it “true” for me at a political level. Dear liberals, think of it as Lord Ayyappa’s punishment for the time you spread lies about “semen filled balloons” on Holi.

In order to demonize the festival of Holi, prominent liberals were asking random Hindu men on Twitter why they throw “semen filled balloons” … remember? Don’t complain now. Go explain to lakhs of devotees why your beloved anti-Hindu activist was carrying “used napkins” to desecrate the temple. Not my problem, but yours.

I know that there is a lot of disillusionment (and anger) among online RW over the BJP dragging its feet before finally getting its act together on the issue of Sabarimala Temple. However you feel about the leadership, we have to be grateful to the selfless RSS and BJP worker who has been on the frontlines of opposing the storming of the temple from the very beginning.

Remember that dissent under CPIM in Kerala is a dead serious and scary proposition. As George Orwell would have put it, dissent under CPIM rule does not entail death. Under CPIM rule, dissent is death.

Who would understand this better than RSS/BJP workers?

Suffice to say that the CPIM government in Kerala has been left totally blindsided by the Hindu uprising in the state. This was much more than political upheaval. It was a grassroots uprising. The images reminded me of Jammu 2008, when common Hindus took to the street against the J&K’s govt revoking the land transfer to Amarnath Shrine Board to build temporary settlements for pilgrims.

The reason the CPIM govt was caught blindsided is because they committed the cardinal sin in politics : buying their own propaganda. Especially since 2014, the mainstream media and social media arms of the liberal ecosystem have sought to project Kerala as some kind of anti-Hindu state. This propaganda peaked in August, when it was made to look as if even floods in Kerala are vaguely the fault of Hindutva forces.

We have become used to contempt filled lectures about how Kerala is “different” and how Hindutva forces can never secure a foothold in Kerala.

This of course couldn’t be less true. The BJP’s vote share in last Kerala elections was 16%. Do you know that JDU’s vote share in last Bihar elections was 16%? The BJP is already as popular in Kerala as Nitish is popular in Bihar. Think about that for a second!

The CPIM foolishly bought into their own rhetoric. Here’s what they forgot:

Kerala is India. India is Kerala.

And Kerala Hindus don’t hate Hindus. You know why? Because they are Hindus themselves!

I know every Communist will be shocked to hear this.

So Comrade Pinarayi Vijayan’s government sat cozily in Thiruvananthapuram, convinced that Kerala Hindus were salivating for an opportunity to desecrate Sabarimala Temple.

How could that not be? All the prominent mediapersons, who were themselves SFI and AISA comrades back when they were wasting their time learning English Literature and/or Africology in college, said that Kerala Hindus would love to see their temples being stormed by the state.

So CPIM listened to the left loving media. And waited for the day their anti-Hindu activists would become Kerala’s biggest heroes by doing to Sabarimala what Ghazni did to Somnath.


How wrong they were!

My favorite thing about the entire Sabarimala episode is how tribal Hindus, following their ancient duty, threw a protective ring around the temple. As on date, tribals represent the worst failure of the whole “idea of India” project. From Jharkhand to Chhattisgarh to Odisha to Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bengal, Gujarat and Kerala and all the way to the North East, tribals are the most consciously Hindu community in India today. Take that JNU!

When the CPIM was caught unawares, it acted with the reflexive brutality common to Communist regimes around the world. The Communist police having failed to storm Sabarimala Temple, is now on the hunt for dissenters. So far 2000 have been rounded up and arrested.

Two thousand dissenters arrested in Kerala! Imagine how big this story would have been if 99% of our mediapersons had not been from college comrades from SFI and AISA.

Sadly for the CPIM, this is not Soviet Russia. Soviet Russia does not even exist anywhere in the world any more. The CPIM can put up as many portraits of Stalin and Kim Jong Un as it wants but the next election in Kerala will still happen on schedule.

We are witnessing the last rites of Communism in India. Bengal gone. Tripura gone. Game over in Kerala.

Keep on wishing and speculating kid. We will see what is gonna happen just 6 months. I guess we can talk then. LOL :lol::lol::lol:

Oh, well Mr. Kingmaker Shah (:sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic:) managed to add 5 new members to BJP yesterday, didn't you read that ??

It's beginning of the end of CPIM because of that. :sarcastic::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

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