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End of American Era in Eqypt

I feel we dont need any such big change through street revolution because as you said there is a difference between the situation in the two countries.

all pakistan need to do is to wait another 2-3 years, once the elction time comes, they make a revolution within days in a peaceful manner unlike egypt that are doing it in kinda violance with uncertainty.
^^^ egypt is not dependant on oil like the persian gulf region.

Their main exports are petroleum, simple petrochemicals, ores, cotton, and textiles. They can't even process their own petroleum and need others to sell refined fuels back to them. Major revenues include tourism and Suez Canal - more things that don't depend on industry.

Shame, shame, shame.
Their main exports are petroleum, simple petrochemicals, ores, cotton, and textiles. They can't even process their own petroleum and need others to sell refined fuels back to them. Major revenues include tourism and Suez Canal - more things that don't depend on industry.

Shame, shame, shame.

they might have petrolium exports, but they are not totally dependent on it as the other arab countries are. yes, they are week in industries which i agree with you.

Also, the egyptians are not gamblers and money wasters like Kwitis,Saudis, UAE etc.
In another words Washington left with all rich countries of the region.

And by the way whatever government comes to Egypt they will still need the USA. Egypt is not Iran, they dont have oil, so they wont survive alone.

And US the charity leader right:angel:
I disaree because...

Egyptians are fed up with one man ruling them over a period of 30 years, while in pakistan we have election system and have seen many presidents/prime ministers etc.

It doesnt really matter a govenment is a 1 man show or an elected body. What maters is that even Pakistanis are fed up with their farce election commisions. So wat if we have seen different PMs, they all belong to the same stock. they simply take turns in enjoying the helm of powers and have done zero work in all these years. If anything, the system hs only witnessed deteriaration. And frutation in the masses and especially proletarian class in rising!! So just bcoz we hav elections and different PMs every couple ofyrs is no a good yard stick t measure the discontent in the heats of Pakistanis which ultimately will lead to a similar crisis.

You guys elected Zardari gov, it doesnt make any sense to throw the same gov out and revolt against it.

Nope, this is not the case. Zardari is not 'elected' to power, he as been selected into power by the West. His whole cabinet consists of nothing but his croonies an henchmen. All this is ubiquitess knowledge. I dont ant to waste space.

every gov is elected for a specific period of time and that gov is entitled to be in office during those years, once the election time comes, you people are free to vote in anybody you want, but in case of egypt it is totaly the opposite.

Another dellusion, as mentioned above, when the election commision is not competent and/or independant, how can u say that the elections are FREE AND FAIR ?? Le me tell u w happened wen I went to vote, i was told that my vote has been already casted!!! and when i protested, i was asscorted out of the polling station by police! This happened in Karachi and to a person who is educated and belongs to a well to do family. so what to talk of a village where people are all spine less and down troden. Do u know how may 'elected' members of parliament have been declared ileigible by the supreme courts but are still enjoying their seats in the parliament? EVEN THE PMs son ha a fake degree and tht even from UK! and Zardari isn't even a graduate from hi-school! Again when people see all this, thy get enraged. Thay don't want to wait for 2 more yrs, they figure that in 2 yrs time, and by the at corrption is being exercised under the consent of the government, there wont be a Pakistan left! (Allah forbid)

in pakistan there is the question of accountability and honesty,

Now this has got to be a joke brother!!:rofl:

it is people's duty to elect the right and good gov. I dont know why people sould revolt in paksitan, yes the times are tough, but even if you revolt, can you tell me what will you exactly want? food on your table and security? who is gona deliver it if zardari cant?

Are u saying that Pakistan cannot find a few honest men to run its affairs? Believe me their are plenty! and they are coming! InshaAllah. The only thing Zardari is delivering to the Pakistanis is the agendas of the neo-cons. He is a good dog :D

The dynamics of a revolution is not based on the assertions made by u freind, the bottom line is frustation and hopelessness which breeds anger! People are taking the law in theirhands increasingly becoz they dont beleive that te system is apt. The torching of daciots in karchi and the killing of Governor taseer are a few glimpes of these emotions. there is so much more i can write about that is indicative of a storm rising. InshaAllah. Get a more realstic picture of whats happening bro. Dont just trust tabloid channels like BBC and CNN

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Of course we will. It would be foolish not to change. All foreign policies are adaptive.

What if he is not willing? Are your foreign policies adaptive to that possibility?

Cmon gambit... Of course we have good will towards America... Let me tell you publicly... No matter what America has done in the past... Muslims have only the best of intentions towards Americans...

but sometimes the best intentions mean that you firmly tell a spoiled brat that his antics are causing grief and hurt to others... and if required a slap on the wrist (or bottom) too...

America at present is not a spoiled brat but rather a giant bully... It does nt matter though how strong a bully is, people ultimately hate the bully and wait for their chance to ambush and take their revenge... If America does not change drastically its dealings with the outside world and adopts the Nazi path (more wars), well history should be a good lesson for all here...

My friend even the worst of the enemies can have respect for each other... You need to tell your people to go back to the roots that made America great and stop their hysteria against Muslims and Islam once and for all...

The only country that Caliphate would never deal with at a state level is Israel for it is occupied territory... All the rest shall be dealt with co operation and mutual respect as long as we get the same in return... I think that would be fair in everyone's books...

The Caliphate has made treaties with the United States in the past at a time when the US was a new state on the world map... No reason to think we cant sit down and try something out that benefits us together again... How about sharing resources for Space exploration, medicine, service technologies of all kind, industry and manufacturing... the possibilities are endless...

But not when you continue as invaders and support scumbags like Mubarak, Karzai and Mubarak... With that the only options left are resistance at each and every front...
The problem with America (like the problem in the Muslim world) is lack of visionary leadership... We have such leadership but it is not at the helm yet... It is hoped that men will arise as leaders from the ranks of common Egyptians and lead it to a better place... The current obstacle to all that is Mubarak (and American influence) so all that has to change...

Also we should not complain about lack of visible leaders here... Mubarak tortured all the leaders and imprisoned most of them... He left no alternative... so it will take time to see new faces...

ElBaradi however is another puppet... If outside meddling fails we may find Egypt causing a lot of sleepless nights for America (and most certainly Israel... which makes me feel very satisfied) ;)
The only country that Caliphate would never deal with at a state level is Israel for it is occupied territory...
You forgot Spain, Portugal and Sicilly all were lands of Caliphate where Muslims were ethnically cleansed.
You forgot Spain, Portugal and Sicilly all were lands of Caliphate where Muslims were ethnically cleansed.

Damn! this isreali is scared sh!tless of the proposition. :chilli:

No matter what obtuse arguement u come up with, WE'RE COMING AFTER YOU!!! hope u are well prepared to answer for 60 yrs of rape, murder, plunder and barbarism, Get ur Merkavas and Tavors and Kifrs wel oiled, we'll met in Armagedon. Soon sweety :sniper:

everything in paksitan is different compare to egypt, thats why it is not happening in pakistan what we see in egypt.

Also the morale and attitude of the general populace plays a major role in motivating these kind of revolts but majority of us Pakistanis living inside Pakistan or abroad has yet to make themselves morally matured to be a part of such revolts.

Unfortunately we are morally bankrupt nation and I don't see any revolution - a peaceful one in the near future.
Damn! this isreali is scared sh!tless of the proposition. :chilli:

No matter what obtuse arguement u come up with, WE'RE COMING AFTER YOU!!! hope u are well prepared to answer for 60 yrs of rape, murder, plunder and barbarism, Get ur Merkavas and Tavors and Kifrs wel oiled, we'll met in Armagedon. Soon sweety :sniper:
Keep dreaming. BTW Israeli Arabs will be very surprised to know that they are raped and murdered.
Keep dreaming. BTW Israeli Arabs will be very surprised to know that they are raped and murdered.

It is you who is dreaming... guess what though... your dream shall soon turn to a nightmare...

and you wont wake up from it...
Video - Juju's message for Mubarak

"Some of your police removed their jackets and they're joining the people."

Decent clip especially the ending. This has gone viral on youtube with 150,000 views in less than 2 days.

YouTube - Juju's message to Mubarak
Cmon gambit... Of course we have good will towards America... Let me tell you publicly... No matter what America has done in the past... Muslims have only the best of intentions towards Americans...
Absolutely...Convert to Islam or die. That is the extent of your 'good will' to non-believers.
Mubarak’s family flees to London with 35 Billion Pounds. US plans Post-Hosni era

Posted on 31 January 2011.

The panic-stricken family of President Mubarak has reportedly fled Egypt for the luxurious refuge of their £8.5 million London townhouse.

There are reports in the mainstream US media that the Obama Administration is preparing for an Egypt without US protégé Mr. Hosni Mubarak. The White today faces the same dilemma as it faced in Iran in 1979 and in Pakistan in 2008. How does it throw dictators to the wolves when they have worked with the US for years. The US is using the old play-book, egg on the dictator to open up and reform. Obviously, “reform” at this stage leads to a further weakening of the dictatorship ultimately rending him impotent. The scenario has been played out many times where the dictator is left seeking political asylum in the UK and the US–with the US facing the ugly situation of having to refuse entry to the dictator.

The LA Times says “It’s a very difficult balance to be struck. Mubarak is, after all, a friend of the United States for the last 30 years,” he said. “A lot of our allies in the region — the Saudis, Jordanians and Kuwaitis — will be particularly nervous if it looks like the U.S. is doing in one of their friends. The administration understand this.

It may be too late to save Mubarak. The Sun from the UK reports that “The panic-stricken family of President Mubarak has reportedly fled Egypt for the luxurious refuge of their £8.5 million London townhouse.

The leader’s son Gamal, 47, is said to have spearheaded the move, flying to Britain on a private jet with his own family and NINETY-SEVEN pieces of luggage. He owns the six-floor Georgian mansion a stone’s throw from Harrods in Knightsbridge, West London.

But according to rumours sweeping Britain’s Egyptian community, the President, 82, and wife Suzanne, 69, are also planning to head to the ritzy five-bed haven….Egyptian baggage handlers at Heathrow are even said to have already spotted the First Lady arriving at the airport.

Mubarak is said to have amassed a £25 billion fortune for his family since grabbing power in 1981.”

The chickens have come home to roost, the Obama Administration is now facing the wrath of the Egyptian people. Any further support of Mubarak will lead to further alienation of what the State Department used to derisively refer to the as the “Arab Street”. Today the “Arab Street” is angry and not willing to tolerate a US imposed henchman.

As in Iran, the US now wants someone like Mohamed ElBarade or Solaimon to take over. This will probably not work in Cairo–where the Ikhwan Ul Muslimeen is ready to fill the vacuum.

This “managed change” will not satisfy the Egyptians who have eked out a living under the brutality of Mubarak.

The LA Times says that “They don’t want to push Mubarak over the cliff, but they understand that the Mubarak era is over and that the only way Mubarak could be saved now is by a ruthless suppression of the population, which would probably set the stage for a much more radical revolution down the road..”

“They recognized that change was coming and they needed to be on the right side of history and not trying to keep Mubarak in power against all odds.”

President Obama’s famous speech in 2009 in Cairo proclaimed that governments must reflect “the will of the people.” He is hard-pressed now to throw his support behind a brutal ruler at the expense of a young population clamoring for democratic and human rights.

“But the most important thing they understand is that they have to get in front of this and not behind it.”

President Obama on Saturday spoke to a jittery Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and worried King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and listened to the sane advice given by the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. They key is –how does the US put in play “an orderly transition to a government that is responsive to the aspirations of the Egyptian people,”. This is not an easy nut to crack, despite what the White House wishes.

The Haaretz from Israel reports that “Israel called on the United States and a number of European countries over the weekend to curb their criticism of President Hosni Mubarak to preserve stability in the region.
Jerusalem seeks to convince its allies that it is in the West’s interest to maintain the stability of the Egyptian regime. The diplomatic measures came after statements in Western capitals implying that the United States and European Union supported Mubarak’s ouster”.

The Akhwan Ul Muslimeen (AUM) has promised to rip the peace treaty with Isreal and current statements from the leadership clearly warns the governments in Yemen and Saudi Arabia.

“The American government cannot ask the Egyptian people to believe that a dictator who has been in power for 30 years would be the one to implement democracy,” Mohamed ElBaradei talking to “Face the Nation.”

The US is propping up Mohamed ElBaradei as a viable option to Mubarak–but it wont fly.

Incrediable, if this happens he will be the wealthest man in UK. :woot:
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