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End of American Era in Eqypt

Puppet Elbaradei.
we should remember what part he played in Iran and Iraq in the name of weapons of Mass destruction.
This movement should not be handed over to this cockroach.
Akhwan almuslimon should do something otherwise they also lost their pride.
Handed over? :lol: That is deliciously funny. Who could be 'handing' Egypt over to Mohamed ElBaradei? The all-mighty CIA? Heck...If the CIA is that mighty and if US aid was so influential, why is there unrest in the first place? If ElBaradei become the next dictator...eerrr...I mean 'President' of Egypt, it will be the Egyptians themselves who believed he is the best man for them. No one is 'handing' anything to anyone.
Interesting! What will be next foreign policy of Egypt under new government? Towards which pole they will direct policies.
Why still Pakistani youth is silent ? Condition in Pakistan is much worst than these countries

Well Said Ali RA

Kuffar ka nazam chal sakta hai magar zulam ka nahi

Sab se bara zulam , Zalim ko zulam se na rokna hay.
Handed over? :lol: That is deliciously funny. Who could be 'handing' Egypt over to Mohamed ElBaradei? The all-mighty CIA? Heck...If the CIA is that mighty and if US aid was so influential, why is there unrest in the first place? If ElBaradei become the next dictator...eerrr...I mean 'President' of Egypt, it will be the Egyptians themselves who believed he is the best man for them. No one is 'handing' anything to anyone.

Don't forget the mulim brother hood out of the equation, silently lurking till things settle out. If wat u are saying is true, the US would accept ANYBODY that the Egyptians select, even the muslim brother hodd if it comes up as the choice of the people in fair elections?

By wat ur saying, u should leave Ahmedinijad alone. why do u want to get ridof him? he is the popular choice of the Irainian people? why did u not accept Ismail Hania when he secured his right by winning the elections? and by the same thumb rule, please help us get rid of Zardari, Pakistanis loath him! honest! :angel: But no, u wouldnt do that, coz he is also ur lap dog :rolleyes:

Put up some plausible arguement Gambit SAHAAB :partay:

Of course we will. It would be foolish not to change. All foreign policies are adaptive.

Easier said than done, the Caliphate, (AND INDEED ITS ON ITS WAY!) will demand from u the following for starters

1. Get out of Afghanistan, and the middle east
2. Stop fathering the the illegitimate state of Israel

no ifs no buts...

How are you going to 'adapt' ur foreign plicy then:rofl:

Talking about "sinking into the sand," I just didn't realize it can happen so fast. Inspiring.
everything in paksitan is different compare to egypt, thats why it is not happening in pakistan what we see in egypt.

Would u care to eaborate dear? compare the two countries, the only difference I see is that Pakistan is in a much worse condition. (and the Pakistanis are much more tolerant than the Arab world)

Would u care to eaborate dear? compare the two countries, the only difference I see is that Pakistan is in a much worse condition. (and the Pakistanis are much more tolerant than the Arab world)


Egyptians are fed up with one man ruling them over a period of 30 years, while in pakistan we have election system and have seen many presidents/prime ministers etc. You guys elected Zardari gov, it doesnt make any sense to throw the same gov out and revolt against it. every gov is elected for a specific period of time and that gov is entitled to be in office during those years, once the election time comes, you people are free to vote in anybody you want, but in case of egypt it is totaly the opposite. in pakistan there is the question of accountability and honesty, it is people's duty to elect the right and good gov. I dont know why people sould revolt in paksitan, yes the times are tough, but even if you revolt, can you tell me what will you exactly want? food on your table and security? who is gona deliver it if zardari cant?
This is the tragedy of the arabs.

No industrialization. No progress. No foresight. No planning. No patience. No hope. When there is stability, it is squandered by a corrupt dictator. When there is no stability, nothing gets done. There is no urge to be better. There is no pride in their nation. How you be proud of a country that has produced cowardly dictator after cowardly dictator? They're trapped in a cycle of overthrowing one US dictator in favor of another. Why? Because they have no choice, they need to import food, they need to import machinery, they need to import everything and their only exports are labor and oil. The worst thing is, they are not ashamed of this. They don't want to improve. They buy luxury boats and gamble their oil money away.

Egypt in 1950 was better than China, India, Singapore, Vietnam, Japan, and South Korea. It had a higher GDP/capita, had more industry, even produced more electricity. Now? Even India has a higher HDI.

When the oil is gone, they'll be back to eating sand.
^^^ egypt is not dependant on oil like the persian gulf region.
everything in paksitan is different compare to egypt, thats why it is not happening in pakistan what we see in egypt.

I feel we dont need any such big change through street revolution because as you said there is a difference between the situation in the two countries.
Without Mubarak and Egypt, Washington is left with the mercurial Saudis—who, while enjoying the umbrella of American security, enable extremist ideologies that threaten the United States—a weak Jordan, the small Gulf states, Morocco, which is on the edge of the Arab world, and Israel.
In another words Washington left with all rich countries of the region.

And by the way whatever government comes to Egypt they will still need the USA. Egypt is not Iran, they dont have oil, so they wont survive alone.
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