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Emirates Discriminates against Pakistan Youts Bans them

Hope these guys have learned their lesson. What if they really were terrorists? the airline couldnt put the lives alot of people at risk. Emirates is a good airline, it is prefered by alot of people.
I cant understand why the airline should have appologized, they should have offered their appology for all the inconvenience they caused to everybody includding the other passengers. Can you imagine how much the passengers might have been terrified?
Was coming from london; while landing on lahore airport, the pilot missed his mark and the aircraft was hovering in the air even though half of the runway had passed, then he was like oops and banged the 777 down on the tarmac lol... sure they are the best :bunny:

well who knows what the circumstances were. Maybe it was pilot error. Maybe he was getting mixed signal from ATC, who knows?

Every time i've flown PIA, the staff and the pilots were professional and always do outstanding job.

The real problem with the PIA flights is the large and noisy families of ours.......aunties who take up too much space, babies and kids screaming and crying and being unruly, and some of the old men who insist on praying in the middle of the aisle

you are aware that a sizeable number of PIA pilots are retired PAF personnel?
All pilots on PIA are not from PAF, hence i would not give any surity of PIA pilots but generally their flight record is quite good and this could be because of lot of XPAF pilots.
On the side note these days when i pay to PIA i feel it is going in the pocket of Zardari. Airport looks like political office of PPP and i feel in cockpet are chairman and co-chairman instead of pilot and co-pilot.
All pilots on PIA are not from PAF, hence i would not give any surity of PIA pilots but generally their flight record is quite good and this could be because of lot of XPAF pilots.
On the side note these days when i pay to PIA i feel it is going in the pocket of Zardari. Airport looks like political office of PPP and i feel in cockpet are chairman and co-chairman instead of pilot and co-pilot.

well yeah that's true too.....the airline as a corporate entity really reflects the state of Pakistan.

A grossly mis-managed entity. Ripe with inefficiency and bad choices. It survives because of the large (population) that relies on it; not to mention because of some old investments (like Roosevelt Hotel and Holiday Inns). Decades ago, it was a cash-cow entity being widely flown and highly respected. In fact, PIA was first Asian Airliner to induct jet aircrafts (Boeing 707-321). Former Air Marshal Nur Khan (who had transformed PAF into a world-standard professional Air Force) was instrumental in turning PIA into a formidable corporate entity.

Looking to today. Change the leadership, re-structure the company, and make some reforms ---and it will go back to its old glory. At the moment, PIA will not be a profitable company for another 3-4 years -due to many factors, some external and not in our control.

But i stand firmly behind my comment. PIA Pilots are among most professional of all Airlines out there. See for yourself, the comments made by officials of the Federation Aeronautique International (International Aeronautics Federation).

hey -- remember this 1979 ad :rofl:

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I have a friend named Shoobom. Pronounced "Shoe Bomb"

How do you avoid that? xD

Dont travel with him..

Also if you see your friend Jack in the plane, dont greet him with

Hi- Jack

---Oops.. saw that WJ beat me to this one...----
In Latest acts of Discrimination , Pakistani Youth who was to be married , was going to Pakistan on so Emirates was deemed a security threat becasue his best men , were joking and making fun of him ....

Allegedly the world terrorist was used by his friends in some jokes and , just before the plane was to go to Pakistan - they get off loaded by Armed policemen - and then BANNED even after nothing was proven , instead of being - offered apology and return on cash refund they had to borrow money , on airport to be able to get home

The guy's wedding plane went out the door -

So they went in PIA ...

**** Emirates Airlines ... bycotte te crap airlines

I mean wtf - I think our impotent gov has to take so stance and ******* ban Emirates - or something like why do Pakistanis have to say its ok for this abuse to continue to Pakistani nationals -

Show some god damn balls and - ban Emirates from Flying into Pakistan

Like who in their right set of minds woud deem these guys are security threat , could be ok for three stooges but security threat ???

Just an other case of Discrimination against Pakistani Nationals
I am also regularly travelling on Emirates for the last 8 years and I never found anything wrong with the Airline except for some lateness due to bad weather or technical fault. I think it is one of the best airlines in the world. The guy's friend should know that these are bad times for international security and one should avoid using such words especially at airports and train stations. Emirates may have done such a thing because on 8th January a similar but more serious incident occured at Heathrow Airport when 3 drunk Britishers were arrested for they threatened to bomb an Emirates flight bound for Dubai.

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well who knows what the circumstances were. Maybe it was pilot error. Maybe he was getting mixed signal from ATC, who knows?

Every time i've flown PIA, the staff and the pilots were professional and always do outstanding job.

The real problem with the PIA flights is the large and noisy families of ours.......aunties who take up too much space, babies and kids screaming and crying and being unruly, and some of the old men who insist on praying in the middle of the aisle

you are aware that a sizeable number of PIA pilots are retired PAF personnel?

yeah well not taking anything from the professionalism of the pilots. PIA actually has a very good safety record inspite of all the financial losses it has went through.

hey -- remember this 1979 ad :rofl:

oh ****!! no wonder the americans talked of bombing us back to the stone age after 9/11 :rofl:
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Pakistanis have been de-sensitized and many don’t give a fig beyond lip service for the thousands of innocent people killed in the terrorists attacks. Bigots such as JI chief, Hamid Gul and Imran Khan even justify all the killing indirectly implying that Pakistan is fighting US war.

Every one should understand that terrorism in no joking matter. Even if it is in the name of Islam.
hey -- remember this 1979 ad :rofl:

OMG you cant be serious :blink: this really was an ad for PIA? It is scary or maybe prophetic :rofl:

At the topic. These kids were immature to behave the way they did. In any international airlines , joking about being a terrorist is a no no. These kids don't look like ignorant youngsters from some rural area who are ignorant of world affairs. People need to respect the security issues at travel places :undecided:
Pakistanis have been de-sensitized and many don’t give a fig beyond lip service for the thousands of innocent people killed in the terrorists attacks. Bigots such as JI chief, Hamid Gul and Imran Khan even justify all the killing indirectly implying that Pakistan is fighting US war.

Every one should understand that terrorism in no joking matter. Even if it is in the name of Islam.

If Pakistan is not fighting a U.S. war than why is U.S. helping us?
No wonder some people think they are generous.
The road is not straight..it has many turns..every turn has a new character, new way to tackle, new people....
The ops going on in Pakistan are not as simple as they are named. Many stakes are present including our proxy through media. I am not talking about proxy as in pro Pakistani talibs instead proxy refers to something else...

Bullet is out of the gun-lets see where it goes

The "jihad" policy was adopted by the U.S. and PA...Now when people became Islamists we have to kill them..
Are we any different than Americans?
Do we have any morals?

India the ultimate lula land..took advantage of the situation...

It is a fact that Pakistan surrendered to the U.S. as they were threatened to be bombed. It is true that we lost another war. Generals are playing a game with the U.S. Lets see who wins..I hope we win and we learn from our lessons..

We "think" we are crooked but the dad (U.S.) has something to say...
The ship is sinking lets see who survives....
I hope Pakistan does

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OMG you cant be serious :blink: this really was an ad for PIA? It is scary or maybe prophetic :rofl:

At the topic. These kids were immature to behave the way they did. In any international airlines , joking about being a terrorist is a no no. These kids don't look like ignorant youngsters from some rural area who are ignorant of world affairs. People need to respect the security issues at travel places :undecided:

i have two word for this pathetic who has posted it we can easily photoshop it in airindia tooo but we r not cheap as u
In Latest acts of Discrimination , Pakistani Youth who was to be married , was going to Pakistan on so Emirates was deemed a security threat becasue his best men , were joking and making fun of him ....

Allegedly the world terrorist was used by his friends in some jokes and , just before the plane was to go to Pakistan - they get off loaded by Armed policemen - and then BANNED even after nothing was proven , instead of being - offered apology and return on cash refund they had to borrow money , on airport to be able to get home

The guy's wedding plane went out the door -

So they went in PIA ...

**** Emirates Airlines ... bycotte te crap airlines

I mean wtf - I think our impotent gov has to take so stance and ******* ban Emirates - or something like why do Pakistanis have to say its ok for this abuse to continue to Pakistani nationals -

Show some god damn balls and - ban Emirates from Flying into Pakistan

Like who in their right set of minds woud deem these guys are security threat , could be ok for three stooges but security threat ???

Just an other case of Discrimination against Pakistani Nationals

First of all, why are we always blaming Arabs, American, india, and israeli's for?

Its our own leaders who don't stand up for their citizens! When our gov can't stand up for its own citizens, do you think others will give us respect? NO, they'll push us around and walk right over us!

Alhamdulillah When Pakistan detonated nuclear bomb, the whole Muslim world rejoiced and we Pakistanis gained a lot of respect! But now that respect is going away because we can't even stand up for ourselves?

We Must changes ourselves first!

Jaisey Qoum, Waisey Hukmaran!


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