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Emergency declared in parts of Egypt after polio spreads from Pakistan


Jul 5, 2012
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CAIRO: A state of emergency has been declared in Alexandria and Cairo cities of Egypt after the polio virus transferred to the country from Pakistan.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister’s Polio Monitoring Cell in Pakistan has directed all provincial governments to set up polio counters at airports and all internal and external routes across the country.

In a joint statement, World Health Organization, UNICEF and Polio Monitoring Cell have termed this situation as critical and alarming for the anti-polio campaign in Pakistan.

The statement further adds that children under the age of five would not be allowed to leave Pakistan without having had polio drops.

On the other hand, emergency has been imposed in Alexandria and Cairo cities of Egypt where anti-polio drive would soon be launched for 3 million children.

Before this recent outbreak, Egypt had been polio free since 2004.

Health officials in Egypt and the world are scrambling to prevent an outbreak of polio after poliovirus from Pakistan was discovered in sewage samples collected at two sites in Cairo in December.

Genetic analysis just completed has linked the Egyptian viruses to one that was last seen in Pakistan in September 2012. How it got to Cairo remains unclear, but the genetic evidence suggests that the virus made the long journey sometime in the past 3 months. Egypt has been polio-free since 2004.

So far, no polio cases have been found in Cairo, and there is no evidence that the virus has established itself and begun to circulate widely. But it's a real risk, says Bruce Aylward, who runs the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) from the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland.

"The last thing anyone wants is for Eqypt to be reinfected," Aylward says. That's why the country and the international agencies that advise it are treating the positive samples as a fullblown outbreak, "We are being very, very aggressive," Aylward says.

Emergency declared in parts of Egypt after polio spreads from Pakistan - geo.tv

Polio Virus Spreads From Pakistan to Egypt - ScienceInsider

Thank god it is our policy to give polio drops to any kid visiting India from Pakistan .

And i hope this sudden outbreak of polio is curtailed by Egypt .
Whewre's Egypt and where's Pakistan.
Mode of transmission?
Migration of Infected people is a major source of Disease Transmission.

Influenza in during 140s spread to entire Europe and killed millions because of one American was infected of this and he was part of American Expeditionary Forces that invaded Europe during WW 2. People in US Army got infected and as they were deployed to various part of Europe as war progressed and they came in contact with many people in Europe, it became Epidemic.

There is an entire branch called Epidemiology. Its one of the most researched area. If you want, I can explain in detail.
Migration is a major source of Disease Transmission.

Influenza in during 140s spread to entire Europe and killed millions because of one American was infected of this and he was part of American Expeditionary Forces that invaded Europe during WW 2. People in US Army got infected and as they were deployed to various part of Europe as war progressed and they came in contact with many people in Europe, it became Epidemic.

There is an entire branch called Epidemiology. Its one of the most researched area. If you want, I can explain in detail.
Please explain in detail..................
If India want to be polio free, we should also scan every child especially below 5 year coming to India from pakistan to prevent it to spread in India....

We do . We don't scan , we give polio drops directly to any kid below 5 from Pakistan . That being said India has been polio free for a couple of years but we should still not relax . Egypt was polio free from 2004 . Look now ... Polio is a pesky and persistent disease .
If India want to be polio free, we should also scan every child especially below 5 year coming to India from pakistan to prevent it to spread in India....
Its a major part of Epidemic control. Also India has been a model case for study on Effect of Awareness Campains on Controlling Epidemics like Polio and HIV-AIDS.

There are entire books dedicated to Indian Awareness program and its resounding success to control HIV-AIDS in India by significant margin.

The strategies used and conclusions derived from analysis of data collected in India are being applied to third world countries especially in Africa as they have similar social, economic and demographic structure like rural parts and small towns of our country.
Please explain in detail..................
See in Disease transmission especially communicable diseases like HIV-AIDS, Polio etc. are segmented in various segment.

One is through Person to Person Contact - Like HIV AIDS, the disease transmits if infected blood is transfused unknowingly, sexual transmission or from mother to child. Similarly Swine Flue and many Viral diseases. Polio is a Viral disease

Vector borne diseases
- Cholera, Dengue which spreads due to Flies, Mosquitoes where these are modes of transmission that infect people.

Environmental factors affect a lot in transmission of disease. You would be pleased to know that India has done extensive research in this field and India is credited for highlighting it as major factor in study of Epidemics.

Now lets come to Polio. Its a SIS disease with a class of Vaccinated people. This means there are susceptible (S), infected (I) and Vaccinated (Polio Dose administered). If vaccinated children are not properly vaccinated again they may become susceptible to Polio.

Let total Population be N. It includes entire children population of a region. N = S + I + V . Lets say in a region there is 0 infected person and no children is vaccinated. So S=N, I= 0 , V = 0. (N,0,0).

In case of No vaccination.

Now if even one child has polio, I=1, S =N-1, V=0. So the disease will spread to total children population if there is no segregation of infected children and the disease will reach the state of S=0,I=N,V=0. (0,N,0). This is the stability state of Disease transmission in a population system.

Now if we start Vaccination program, S ----> V class and won't go to I class. So if we have effective vaccination program and control, the system will reach S=S*,I=I*,V=V*. This is a stable equilibrium.

Our aim is bring I*=0. So we need complete vaccination of Susceptible (S)-------> Vaccinated (V) so that S=0, V=0

Since N=S+I+V, and we wanted to achieve I=0. S=0, V= N.

Now to drive people to take their children for administration of Polio drops, we run awareness campaign, we used Amitabh Bacchan for Media and our TV Channels, Radio and Newspaper. We organized Polio Drops Drive and went to door to door in major affected region.

So for making S=0, I=0, we need effective Awareness program to take S ----- > V Class.

Now in case of Pakistan, the terrorist threats and killing of Polio worker, lack of resources and lack of awareness and doubts among people, its hard to Transition from S to V so that S=0,I=0, V=N become reality

There are many Mathematical equations but it will bore you all. :D

P.S. - Professionals and Doctors may not agree with the terminology used, but I simplified it for better understanding.
What I explained above is another ill effect of Terrorism on Population and on nation.

By not making Polio free, Pakistan is risking its coming generation which will become work force, susceptible to this disease and may reduce Available Work Force in future.

Many Pakistanis think that Terrorism will stop in 2014 or few years after it but the doubts, fear and misinformation like Polio drops will make them infertile will show its effect in later years and Pakistan may face effect Terrorism of Today, Decades after today.
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