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Emergency declared in parts of Egypt after polio spreads from Pakistan

nothing to be ashamed of.

this can happen with any country.in today's globalised world,people are free to move throughout the world and so are the diseases.

See in Disease transmission especially communicable diseases like HIV-AIDS, Polio etc. are segmented in various segment.

One is through Person to Person Contact - Like HIV AIDS, the disease transmits if infected blood is transfused unknowingly, sexual transmission or from mother to child. Similarly Swine Flue and many Viral diseases. Polio is a Viral disease

Vector borne diseases
- Cholera, Dengue which spreads due to Flies, Mosquitoes where these are modes of transmission that infect people.

Environmental factors affect a lot in transmission of disease. You would be pleased to know that India has done extensive research in this field and India is credited for highlighting it as major factor in study of Epidemics.

Now lets come to Polio. Its a SIS disease with a class of Vaccinated people. This means there are susceptible (S), infected (I) and Vaccinated (Polio Dose administered). If vaccinated children are not properly vaccinated again they may become susceptible to Polio.

Let total Population be N. It includes entire children population of a region. N = S + I + V . Lets say in a region there is 0 infected person and no children is vaccinated. So S=N, I= 0 , V = 0. (N,0,0).

In case of No vaccination.

Now if even one child has polio, I=1, S =N-1, V=0. So the disease will spread to total children population if there is no segregation of infected children and the disease will reach the state of S=0,I=N,V=0. (0,N,0). This is the stability state of Disease transmission in a population system.

Now if we start Vaccination program, S ----> V class and won't go to I class. So if we have effective vaccination program and control, the system will reach S=S*,I=I*,V=V*. This is a stable equilibrium.

Our aim is bring I*=0. So we need complete vaccination of Susceptible (S)-------> Vaccinated (V) so that S=0, V=0

Since N=S+I+V, and we wanted to achieve I=0. S=0, V= N.

Now to drive people to take their children for administration of Polio drops, we run awareness campaign, we used Amitabh Bacchan for Media and our TV Channels, Radio and Newspaper. We organized Polio Drops Drive and went to door to door in major affected region.

So for making S=0, I=0, we need effective Awareness program to take S ----- > V Class.

Now in case of Pakistan, the terrorist threats and killing of Polio worker, lack of resources and lack of awareness and doubts among people, its hard to Transition from S to V so that S=0,I=0, V=N become reality

There are many Mathematical equations but it will bore you all. :D

P.S. - Professionals and Doctors may not agree with the terminology used, but I simplified it for better understanding.

bacche ki jaan loge kya.yaar ek to pehle se hi maths assignment mila hua hai.:cry::help::suicide:
And cause of the disgrace to Pakistan are talibans, which few Pakistanis love and want to make peace deal with them in Pakistan and want these taliban to rule in Afghanistan.

@Segregation/Quarantine of infected people is only technique to contain the epidemic (after prevention has failed..)
nothing to be ashamed of.
this can happen with any country.in today's globalised world,people are free to move throughout the world and so are the diseases.
bacche ki jaan loge kya.yaar ek to pehle se hi maths assignment mila hua hai.:cry::help::suicide:
It matters if disease can spread to neighboring countries.

If you read my post and try to understand, you will get that little number of infected population can spread the disease out of Control.

Read about Influenza spread in WW 2 which claimed millions of lives.
I never knew Pakistanis live in Egypt lol

The population is 500-700

Pakistanis in Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Its because of Some pakistanis who travelled to Egypt . Read the reports by egypt , Pakistan and UN itself .

It matters if disease can spread to neighboring countries.

If you read my post and try to understand, you will get that little number of infected population can spread the disease out of Control.

Read about Influenza spread in WW 2 which claimed millions of lives.

We by default give polio drops to any kid below 5 travelling to India from Pakistan as far as my memory serves right .
Read about Influenza spread in WW 2 which claimed millions of lives.

I guess then I am Wolverine can proudly survive in -45 without cold-flu:woot:

Sadly Government has invested very little in Health and that is why Polio has spread to this extend. I'll not blame taliban alone but Government of Pakistan also. Now Government is getting rid by blaming groups-taliban where they failed in the first place. Take for example measles; spread all across Pakistan when it went alarming it turned out there were severe shortage of vaccines in Pakistan, dengue is another example. In the End the blame goes only to Pakistani Government. I Think instead of finger pointing at other Nations, Pakistan Government should declare any Pakistani going outside or coming to Pakistan must be screened and vaccinated.
Polio speads from Pakistan to Egypt?:wacko::blink:

Yeah . Egypt was polio free for a couple of years or more before it happened . Polio virus strain has been traced back to Pakistan as that strain of Polio virus is unique to Pakistan .

That being Said , Pakistan Government should step their game up . They can at least give polio medicine to people going out of country . And this news articles mentions that it has start doing it at airports .
nothing to be ashamed of.

this can happen with any country.in today's globalised world,people are free to move throughout the world and so are the diseases.
But I feel shamed , I'm Feeling more sad now . Polio in Pakistan have been restricted to Rural areas , But their is so much anti-Propaganda is going on against polio campaign in these areas , don't just link it with religion , Its a matter of illiteracy . Folks are least aware of factual effects of this disease plus this war on terror have also effected our campaign in many parts of the country , A specific ethnic group suspects this campaign most as it have been used for spying , They also suspect vaccination drops . I hope a proper media campaign would help us to get some support from public specially those belongs to Infected regions.
@Luftwaffe These type of disease result in serious economic trouble for the nation. The effects are visible after few years. It can make today's children, tomorrows work force, useless.

I agree with that Taliban aren't responsible alone. Many people think these drops are CIA plot to affect fertility of men. These type of rumors are much more dangerous than Taliban.

For effective policy, v channels and media have to run free advertisement campaigns to inform people. Film actors, cricketers and other known personalities should also be used for these awareness campaigns.

With power of Social Media, you guys can also make a difference. I think you all should try it. You already have good Pakistani youth base on this forum.

India is perfect case study for Pakistan as we have similar economic, social situations in rural areas especially.

Hope, at least in Health, India helps out Pakistan in removing this disease. As it also involves threat to India too.
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I think Polio is coming from India

I think Polio is coming from India

mate,india is polio free.

India declared polio-free by World Health Org. - CBS News

but ya,going by your logic,we may have transferred it to pakistan.evil india.:devil:

But I feel shamed , I'm Feeling more sad now . Polio in Pakistan have been restricted to Rural areas , But their is so much anti-Propaganda is going on against polio campaign in these areas , don't just link it with religion , Its a matter of illiteracy . Folks are least aware of factual effects of this disease plus this war on terror have also effected our campaign in many parts of the country , A specific ethnic group suspects this campaign most as it have been used for spying , They also suspect vaccination drops . I hope a proper media campaign would help us to get some support from public specially those belongs to Infected regions.
mate,of course,i would have been ashamed too if india was still suffering from polio.what i actually meant was,that pakistanis on pdf shouldnt take this news as personal attacks on them.if you see,a few pakistanis started defending pakistan,instead of realising the fact and accepting it.so,basically,it was for those pakistanis.maybe i messed up with my words.:P

hope i made myself clear.:)

and also @KRAIT.
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