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Nearly 370,000 kids 'will miss' fresh polio drive

Sunni Muslims in Pakistan follow the Hanafi madhab.

In the Hanafi madhab, the issue of bowing down to creation in respect was dealt 1300 years ago in the earliest books of Hanafi fiqh, actually in Kufa itself.

This is an act governed by Islamic jurisprudence. It is classified as illegal or haram and deserving of Tawbah. The Muslim who does sajda to a creation out of respect is not declared a mushrik, but is declared a sinner in the Hanafi madhab. The peer is also a sinner for allowing it, and cannot be a genuine peer at all.

If the person repeats it again and again, then Hanafi law declares him or her to be a great transgressor. If the Muslim believes the peer is God, and that is the reason why he or she did sajdah to the peer, then they were not muslim in the first place.\

I hope this clarifies your query.
I never used the word Mushrik...I have only said it is wrong....
I dont know what the Muslim believes in that peer while doing such a crazy thing!

It is small things we overlook or dont stop that becomes a habit, culture and eventually seeps into our religion...hence why saying a wrong is wrong is strongly advised in the Quran itself! Where it says when Haq strikes batil, batil falls apart!

Parents need to see polio victims. After that i am sure they will want their kids rather be impotent instead of cripled for ever.
I remember there was a thread where it showed 1 man who had polio was helping with the campaign ...
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