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Nearly 370,000 kids 'will miss' fresh polio drive

In Canada, we are building a New mosque in Oakville, the GTA.

It is the mosque of Shah Ahmad Noorani rahmatuAllah alaih

in sha Allah, there will be a mahfil of Shab e Baraat on the 15th of Sha'baan there.

This was aired in New York.

Is it free of sectarian mess...Generally asking? Why is it mosque of Shah Ahmad why can't it be called Masjid of Allah for Muslims. Masjid is not a jagir of anyone or should not be tagged with someone, if i pay for building a masjid i would certainly not let people know I contributed it would lead to shrik.
I dont categorize nor care...I listen to naats in English coz I know what they mean...I see some swinging with the naat and when asked to translate (my Urdu aint great and I get totally lost when Persian words come in) you would be surprised how many a times prophet is raised to a status that one can go Astaghfirullah about!

Why even sing such things and not do what the Prophet did? Nafl + Zikir?

The more you try to raise the status of the Prophet alaihisalam, it would be less!

No Muslim can ever comprehend the status of the Prophet of God salat wa salam alaih

Is it free of sectarian mess...Generally asking? Why is it mosque of Shah Ahmad why can't it be called Masjid of Allah for Muslims.

It is being built by the followers of Shah Ahmad Noorani, just like salafis take money from Saudi oil money and build mosques in Canada like farooq mosque in Mississauga, in the GTA
People speak too much about religion on this forum, an average pakistani is not as obsessed with religion that he has to bring religion in every kind of issue which is not even remotely connected with religion.

In FATA and KPK people are not vaccinating because they genuinely believe that vaccine will make the child infertile , yes that stupid they are. It is not because of molvis, when I was a child even in punjab too people used to think that iodine salt is a conspiracy to control population. If the problem has to be solved then it must be solved scientifically not with the usual rheotoric that mullahs are responsible for the polio vaccination problem. Mullah has NO power whatsoever in any part of pakistan. It is just jahalat and unscientific thinking that government is responsible for. To solve these shitty issues , scientific awareness is needed not religious awareness.
The more you try to raise the status of the Prophet alaihisalam, it would be less!

No Muslim can ever comprehend the status of the Prophet of God salat wa salam alaih

It is being built by the followers of Shah Ahmad Noorani, just like salafis take money from Saudi oil money and build mosques in Canada like farooq mosque in Mississauga, in the GTA

Saudis or other Muslim states spend less on building mosques/Masijids in N. America I know for the fact people of Saskatchewan built a Masjid by contributing no Islamic Government helped.Those Areas where governments contributed are because those lands are precious its about investment not Islam...and it should be condemned.

Why followers of Shah Ahmed why not followers of Islam....weird everyone has his Group.
Saudis or other Muslim states spend less on building mosques/Masijids in N. America I know for the fact people of Saskatchewan built a Masjid by contributing no Islamic Government helped.Those Areas where governments contributed are because those lands are precious its about investment not Islam...and it should be condemned.

Why followers of Shah Ahmed why not followers of Islam....weird everyone has his Group.

some Canadian Muslims in Saskatchewan also started that perversion called little mosque on the prarie.

Why not little mosque for Allah? Why the little mosque for Canadian comedy television show?

Strange everyone has their own little mosque

People speak too much about religion on this forum, an average pakistani is not as obsessed with religion that he has to bring religion in every kind of issue which is not even remotely connected with religion.

In FATA and KPK people are not vaccinating because they genuinely believe that vaccine will make the child infertile , yes that stupid they are. It is not because of molvis, when I was a child even in punjab too people used to think that iodine salt is a conspiracy to control population. If the problem has to be solved then it must be solved scientifically not with the usual rheotoric that mullahs are responsible for the polio vaccination problem. Mullah has NO power whatsoever in any part of pakistan. It is just jahalat and unscientific thinking that government is responsible for. To solve these shitty issues , scientific awareness is needed not religious awareness.

the belief is also in Punjab, and Sindh. This belief is also present throughout the Islamic world. It is extremely strong in Africa for example.

It is just a generally held belief. Now, the solution is to prove to the people that the vaccine is safe. Then there will be no more objection. They did it in Mauritania.

How can a study be made that shows that the vaccine does not have the side effect of making the kids infertile
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some Canadian Muslims in Saskatchewan also started that perversion called little mosque on the prarie.

Why not little mosque for Allah? Why the little mosque for Canadian comedy television show?

Strange everyone has their own little mosque

Ask them I do not represent them that is my question as well everyone has made a little Group for themselves...i am not aware of this lil house on prairie could it be Ahmadi sect but needs to confirmed.
The more you try to raise the status of the Prophet alaihisalam, it would be less!

No Muslim can ever comprehend the status of the Prophet of God salat wa salam alaih
I beg to disagree he was a great Prophet but one shouldnt raise him...we have no rights to do so only ALLAH can do so...we are told about his attributes and we are told nothing is greater than GOD...Prophet himself didnt ask people to rub their foreheads in his feet so why do peers do similar things?

None of the Prophet's companions sang for him after he died because the prophet never asked them to...Prophet himself never sang for Adam AS nor Ibrahim AS nor Musa AS....

Prophet is a prophet...lets try to leave him to that rather than making him someone out of this world...It is repeated over and over in the Quran that he is a prophet, a msgr . There are also warnings in the Quran of the people before us who raised their prophets to heights (Jesus)...its starts that way few generations later it becomes something totally out because like you said

The more you try to raise the status of the Prophet alaihisalam, it would be less!
and hence people overdo things....

No Muslim can comprehend it then how can you raise when all you are told is nabi and rasool...why go above that?

Ask them I do not represent them that is my question as well everyone has made a little Group for themselves...i am not aware of this lil house on prairie could it be Ahmadi sect but needs to confirmed.
I watched a few episodes of that..Never bothered about their sects...it was meant to be a comedy right?
I beg to disagree he was a great Prophet but one shouldnt raise him...we have no rights to do so only ALLAH can do so...we are told about his attributes and we are told nothing is greater than GOD...Prophet himself didnt ask people to rub their foreheads in his feet so why do peers do similar things?

None of the Prophet's companions sang for him after he died because the prophet never asked them to...Prophet himself never sang for Adam AS nor Ibrahim AS nor Musa AS....

Prophet is a prophet...lets try to leave him to that rather than making him someone out of this world...It is repeated over and over in the Quran that he is a prophet, a msgr . There are also warnings in the Quran of the people before us who raised their prophets to heights (Jesus)...its starts that way few generations later it becomes something totally out because like you said

and hence people overdo things....

No Muslim can comprehend it then how can you raise when all you are told is nabi and rasool...why go above that?

I watched a few episodes of that..Never bothered about their sects...it was meant to be a comedy right?

He "was" a Prophet? Brother, he IS a Prophet for all times. He IS.

When you say the kalimah, you don't say WAS.

Proof: La ilaha ill Allah Muhammadur Rasool Allah

There IS no God but Allah, and Muhammad IS His Messenger

The Prophet AS heard the songs of the Abyssinians, and allowed them to dance in front of him. He heard the singing of the kids, and the women and men, and old people, when they greeted him while entering Madeenah Munawwarah on his beautiful she-camel.

The Prophet is definitely someone out of this pathetic smelly disgusting world. He is the best of creation par excellence.
He "was" a Prophet? Brother, he IS a Prophet for all times. He IS.

When you say the kalimah, you don't say WAS.

Proof: La ilaha ill Allah Muhammadur Rasool Allah

There IS no God but Allah, and Muhammad IS His Messenger

The Prophet AS heard the songs of the Abyssinians, and allowed them to dance in front of him. He heard the singing of the kids, and the women and men, and old people, when they greeted him while entering Madeenah Munawwarah on his beautiful she-camel.

The Prophet is definitely someone out of this pathetic smelly disgusting world. He is the best of creation par excellence.
traditional songs and singing is fine...I am talking about songs of praising to heights!

Ok my bad...He is a prophet...He is the prophet till end of times!
I beg to disagree he was a great Prophet but one shouldnt raise him...we have no rights to do so only ALLAH can do so...we are told about his attributes and we are told nothing is greater than GOD...Prophet himself didnt ask people to rub their foreheads in his feet so why do peers do similar things?

None of the Prophet's companions sang for him after he died because the prophet never asked them to...Prophet himself never sang for Adam AS nor Ibrahim AS nor Musa AS....

Prophet is a prophet...lets try to leave him to that rather than making him someone out of this world...It is repeated over and over in the Quran that he is a prophet, a msgr . There are also warnings in the Quran of the people before us who raised their prophets to heights (Jesus)...its starts that way few generations later it becomes something totally out because like you said

and hence people overdo things....

No Muslim can comprehend it then how can you raise when all you are told is nabi and rasool...why go above that?

I watched a few episodes of that..Never bothered about their sects...it was meant to be a comedy right?

Malaysia and Singapore send hundreds of their kids to study in Hadramaut Yemen every year and become qualified Sunni Shafii scholars. They are taught by the Hadrami Sayyids in Yemen. Their point of entry is in Aden.

You should attend their gatherings. They sing praises of the Prophet AS day and night, Qaseedas that are almost 1000 years old, like the burdah Shareef. Here is one for you.

Malaysia and Singapore send hundreds of their kids to study in Hadramaut Yemen every year and become qualified Sunni Shafii scholars. They are taught by the Hadrami Sayyids in Yemen. Their point of entry is in Aden.

You should attend their gatherings. They sing praises of the Prophet AS day and night, Qaseedas that are almost 1000 years old, like the burdah Shareef. Here is one for you.

I have a few...I know the language so I can understand...I am talking about QTv where they sing in Persian or pure Urdu how many actually understand word to word of it?

Shafii forbids such Nasheed where it makes the prophet sound less human and more divine!
I have a few...I know the language so I can understand...I am talking about QTv where they sing in Persian or pure Urdu how many actually understand word to word of it?

Shafii forbids such Nasheed where it makes the prophet sound less human and more divine!

No Muslim considers the Prophet AS divine.
Parents need to see polio victims. After that i am sure they will want their kids rather be impotent instead of cripled for ever.
I know no Muslim does but those who go to the peer also state the same yet do sijdah at the peer....

Sunni Muslims in Pakistan follow the Hanafi madhab.

In the Hanafi madhab, the issue of bowing down to creation in respect was dealt 1300 years ago in the earliest books of Hanafi fiqh, actually in Kufa itself.

This is an act governed by Islamic jurisprudence. It is classified as illegal or haram and deserving of Tawbah. The Muslim who does sajda to a creation out of respect is not declared a mushrik, but is declared a sinner in the Hanafi madhab. The peer is also a sinner for allowing it, and cannot be a genuine peer at all.

If the person repeats it again and again, then Hanafi law declares him or her to be a great transgressor. If the Muslim believes the peer is God, and that is the reason why he or she did sajdah to the peer, then they were not muslim in the first place.\

I hope this clarifies your query.
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