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Embedded Systems , ASICs and Programmable Logic

Thanks Green Man and also regret for misunderstanding me.As long as Bangladesh is concerned I have not much hope from the stablishment for looking towards these high tech fields.
Even as a Bangladeshi I look towards Pakistan as a hope for world and specially south asian muslims and suppressed humanity in general. for your kind info I am not a nationalistic kind of muslim who look towards seperate muslim state and not from the point of view of an "Ummah".
Asking for info about some hi tech fields from knowledgable people like you is to know about Happenings in Pakistan in these fields since we hope a lot from Pakistan. One more thing never forget that there are now millions in Bangladesh whose fathers and uncles fought their own Bangali nationalist brothers to preserve the unity of Pakistan or muslims and paid a huge price. Hope you will be aware of that part of the history. I don't know if you also follow Islamic ideology which teaches us universal Islamic brotherhood or ideology of secularism or presently advertised enlightened moderation ideology gifted by Mustafa Kamal Ataturk's admirer.
at last I think what ever came out from you was surely a result of misunderstanding and not delibrate. We still see Pakistan a counterweight to Indian dominance in south asia. But still thanks for a detailed reply.
Thanks Green Man and also regret for misunderstanding me.As long as Bangladesh is concerned I have not much hope from the stablishment for looking towards these high tech fields.
Even as a Bangladeshi I look towards Pakistan as a hope for world and specially south asian muslims and suppressed humanity in general. for your kind info I am not a nationalistic kind of muslim who look towards seperate muslim state and not from the point of view of an "Ummah".
Asking for info about some hi tech fields from knowledgable people like you is to know about Happenings in Pakistan in these fields since we hope a lot from Pakistan. One more thing never forget that there are now millions in Bangladesh whose fathers and uncles fought their own Bangali nationalist brothers to preserve the unity of Pakistan or muslims and paid a huge price. Hope you will be aware of that part of the history. I don't know if you also follow Islamic ideology which teaches us universal Islamic brotherhood or ideology of secularism or presently advertised enlightened moderation ideology gifted by Mustafa Kamal Ataturk's admirer.
at last I think what ever came out from you was surely a result of misunderstanding and not delibrate. We still see Pakistan a counterweight to Indian dominance in south asia. But still thanks for a detailed reply.

Word Up!!!!:tup:

I have to say the response that GreenMan gave was immature and shows he needs allot growing up to do, and yes you have good history Bangladesh was the place where the Muslim league was created and most of the great leaders were Bangladeshi. We have to learn from the mistakes that we did in history, because you can read history that easy but to accept history that is hard.

Bangladesh has good relations with Pakistan even though we haven't treated the Bangladeshis as we should have during unity, and Bangladeshi are good people I know this as a fact that the great Pakistani legend M.M Alam was a Bangladeshi but called himself a Pakistani he showed unity even when Pakistan split, but Bangladesh and Pakistan can are inseparable.
Let's respect Greenman's wish to keep this thread clean and stick to the topic from now on in..........:tup:

GreenMan said:
Actually making ASICs is very expensive , the cost for a full mask set at
the 90 nm process for a full custom ASIC is in excess of $1-2 million.
Have a read of the following

Well I know for a fact that technology has gone a little I mean a great step ahead of 90nm systems to 45 nm system they have all ready produced the system are commercial and and its is using 8 core technology and now considering the 12 core system. Intel is producing them in great numbers as we speak there is allot development going on in this new technology the use of projectile minaturisation like the new capacitors and resistors of nearly the size of a femto. The prices I dont know I think your showing a commercial price rather than the production price is very cheap the R&D is extremly expensive well in billions I believe.
Who says 'production' costs are cheap ?! Production costs ARE the largest cost component in IC development. The cost of off the shelf ICs becomes lower due to 'econonies of scale' as I mentioned earlier. I hope you do understand what 'economies of scale' refers to

I gave the ~2 million USD cost for a mask set at 90 nm as a reference ( hope you know what a 'mask set' is ) and mask costs are going up not down , they are even higher at smaller geometries like 45 , 32 and 22 nm. This is the reason that Texas Instruments announed that they will not be developing in-house process for blow 45 nm and for the 32 and 22nm will rely on fab supplied proceesses simply to save cost , read the following if you like


There is no such thing as a '12 core technology', 'multi-core' is the buzz word these days but is misleading , System-on-Chips (SoCs) with more than 12 'cores' have been around for at leaset a decade now

A 12 'core' SoC may have the following

1. General puropse CPU 'Core'
2. Floating point Unit 'Core'
3. DMA controller 'Core'
4. UART 'Core'
5. USB 1.1 'Core'
6. DSP co-processor 'Core'
7. Ethernet Controller 'Core'
8. DDR2 Controler 'Core'
9. JTAG 'Core'
10. CAN Controller 'Core'
11. PCIe Controller 'Core'
12. SATA Controller 'Core'

So there you have a '12 Core' system

But the above is not reffered to as '12 Core technolgy'

A 'Core' in IP ( Intellectual Property ) lingo is not neccesarily a processor . What Intel calls 'multi-core' for marketing purposes is from a technological point of view equal to putting multiple processooers on a single silicon die , so that makes these 'multi-processor systems' , correct use of terms is important. Companies use terms for marketing puposes which often lead to incorrect usage to describe the underlying technology.

And another thing is that 'multi-core' sytems are not dependant on the process used during manufaturing and can potentially be targetted for 130 , 65 or 45 nm . The differece will be in area , speed and power dissipation.

I hope that clearifies some of the terms used

What u refer to as a '12 core technology' has nothing to do with the process like 130 , 90 or 45 nm , you could put 50 cores on a single silicon die at the 130 nm process. Putting more cores on a sigle chip is not a function of the process used for maufacturing the chip.
Thanks Green Man and also regret for misunderstanding me.As long as Bangladesh is concerned I have not much hope from the stablishment for looking towards these high tech fields.
Even as a Bangladeshi I look towards Pakistan as a hope for world and specially south asian muslims and suppressed humanity in general. for your kind info I am not a nationalistic kind of muslim who look towards seperate muslim state and not from the point of view of an "Ummah".
Asking for info about some hi tech fields from knowledgable people like you is to know about Happenings in Pakistan in these fields since we hope a lot from Pakistan. One more thing never forget that there are now millions in Bangladesh whose fathers and uncles fought their own Bangali nationalist brothers to preserve the unity of Pakistan or muslims and paid a huge price. Hope you will be aware of that part of the history. I don't know if you also follow Islamic ideology which teaches us universal Islamic brotherhood or ideology of secularism or presently advertised enlightened moderation ideology gifted by Mustafa Kamal Ataturk's admirer.
at last I think what ever came out from you was surely a result of misunderstanding and not delibrate. We still see Pakistan a counterweight to Indian dominance in south asia. But still thanks for a detailed reply.

My friend there was malice in your post and I can see through it , some of the other posts you make are of a similar nature with a malign intent towards Pakistan.

Im not a 'secular type' I whole heartedly believe in the brotherhood of all Muslism but where I see malign intent , I make no hesation about letting it known.

Anyway lets not drag feet on this and kindly Im requesting again keep the thread clean and focused on the purpose this thread was started for

As a whole I wish Bangladesh well , we should co-operate and grow together
NUST Institute of Information Technology
presents two days international workshop on
SoCware Design for Communication Systems
7th & 8th June 2007

Workshop Objective:

In past few decades, integrated electronics has been the main technological force shaping our everyday life. Today's trend is that of shifting from personal computers to personal communication and computing, where the system knowledge and expertise are now being capsulated to single-chip solutions incorporating both hardware and software. This revolution is enabled and fueled by deep submicron CMOS technologies, where giga scale integration will be possible in the very near future. In mobile and personal communication, competitiveness of the systems industries will be directly geared to their ability to integrate their own system knowledge more effectively on silicon than their competitors do. The competitiveness and the success of start-up companies to corporation are defined by the silicon chips of very high degree of complexity.

If the benefits of these new technologies are to be harvest, a new generation of advanced engineers will have to be educated and deployed to industries. Thus the objective behind this workshop is to provide training to such engineers in an attempt to bridge all the key competence areas required to bring about this integration. The program will give the attendees, a unique opportunity to know about global research efforts to make this very integration of communication and computers materialize.

Workshop Agenda:

SoC and communication are two areas that are continuously benefiting from each other. While rapid improvement in VLSI technology is enabling us to manufacture continuously improving communication equipment, exponentially expanding global communication market is fueling the IC industry to improve. The thematic are of the workshop includes:

- NetworkOnChip - Next Generation Platform
- Power & Performance at system-level
- Trends in SoC Design
- 4th generation wireless systems
- Digitally assisted analog circuits
- Hardware/Software Co-verification

Mentor Graphics Sponsors Research Chair at Lahore University of Management Sciences.

Collaboration Will Facilitate Embedded Software Technology Research

LAHORE, Pakistan -- Mentor Graphics Corporation (Nasdaq:MENT) today signed an agreement with the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) in Lahore, Pakistan, to create a three-year Mentor Graphics Research Chair for Embedded Systems for advanced-level research into embedded software architectures and techniques.
At LUMS, Associate Professor of Computer Science Dr. Shahid Masud will be the focal point for this initiative in embedded systems.
"Working closely with industry colleagues to ensure that our programs are tuned to the most current business needs is a key aspect of LUMS philosophy," said Dr. Zahoor Hassan, vice chancellor of LUMS. "This agreement with Mentor Graphics will not only help develop state-of-art projects at LUMS in this important domain, but it also will lead to the promotion of industry-driven research in Pakistan. We are grateful to Mentor Graphics for their support and are confident that this agreement will form the basis for a mutually beneficial long-term relationship between the two organizations."
"As an EDA industry leader, Mentor Graphics is committed to having a global impact. The sponsorship of Dr. Masud will greatly benefit the electronics and embedded technology industry and the Computer Science department at LUMS specifically," said Gregory K. Hinckley, president of Mentor Graphics. "Mentor believes that the success of the industry is dependent upon highly skilled engineers, and the three-year Mentor Graphics Research Chair of Embedded Systems proves our commitment to global academic research."

Mentor Graphics Sponsors Research Chair at Lahore University of Management Sciences. | Services > Business Services from AllBusiness.com
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