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Elon Musk says his biggest Tesla competition will be a Chinese automaker: ‘They work the smartest’

Because we don't care whether we can charge it on the road, or parking garage or in gas station. If you own a EV in Australia, you charge it when you garage it at night, Australia dwelling run 230V Voltage, which according to Tesla, every hour you charge gain around 30 mile range.

Which mean if you put it in your garage for 8 hours while you sleep, you gain 240-mile range (about 390 km) This is more than average daily use in Australia which is 36.4km per day

And US like Australia, majority of dwelling are house or townhouse which have access to your own charging. In the last census in Australia in 2017 (next one is 2027) only 10% of Australia are living in apartment.

In the US, 70% of American home are either single or duplex (A single Dwelling with 2 units) which would have reasonably access to ground garage

Which means majority of Australian (90%) or American (70%) would have charge their EV at home.

The only time you need to care about charging in Australia or America is when you go for a interstate trip, because according to Tesla, A Tesla Y only can carry 11KW of charge, which translated to 350 miles (around 600km range), so if you have to travel from say Sydney to Brisbane with your Tesla Y, then you will need to start looking at Fast Charging station on the way. but most people don't do interstate travel in their car, you either do it in Train or Airplane, which is the reason why Australia and US don't have that many fast charging stations.

There are a few charging stations in my town and I rarely see people charging their cars in them...even though there are lots of EVs driving around. They are likely losing money since they are in parking lots of various businesses and I assume paying some kind of rent for taking up a dedicated space.

Obviously you have to put them where demand is high.
There are a few charging stations in my town and I rarely see people charging their cars in them...even though there are lots of EVs driving around. They are likely losing money since they are in parking lots of various businesses and I assume paying some kind of rent for taking up a dedicated space.

Obviously you have to put them where demand is high.
Another thing is, Apartment in US and Australia usually have their own individual or shared parking complex to go with, this is not really the case in China or Hong Kong, where you either park on the side of the road, or you don't drive. I used to live in a High Rise complex in Hong Kong, you don't have a garage to store your car, you have to park outside either on the side street or on government parking complex nearby.

For Australian and American, we don't generally use public charging point, the only time I saw any one of my friend who drove EV is when he has a oops moment and forgot to charge (as in didn't flip the switch) his tesla and was driving around with 40km range. Otherwise there are not really any point as we all charge our EV at home.
This all relative as the Tesla Model Y was the 4th best selling car in all of China in 2022...which is up from like #23 in 2021 and an absolutely insane achievement for a BEV car!! Only the Wuling Mini BEV outsold it.

Sure their marketshare in terms of EV sales is down but their overall sales are up.

2021 sales: 240,000
2022 sales: 439,000

#1 BYD Song


#2 Nissan Sylphy


#3 Wuling Mini (Battery Electric Vehicle)


#4 Tesla Model Y (Battery Electric Vehicle) <- WOW!!!!!!!!

A stretched version of the Wuling Mini; enough for a decent back seat area, could probably work in Pakistan with a hybrid Gas-EV engine. If Pakistan can gets it electricity generation costs low by going to at least 50% coal fired power plants, this could be build in Pakistan and really take off.

This is why American car makers should look to make these kinds of cars for license production in developing countries to compete with China.
A stretched version of the Wuling Mini; enough for a decent back seat area, could probably work in Pakistan with a hybrid Gas-EV engine. If Pakistan can gets it electricity generation costs low by going to at least 50% coal fired power plants, this could be build in Pakistan and really take off.

This is why American car makers should look to make these kinds of cars for license production in developing countries to compete with China.

Well there are a lot of problems selling a car in the price range of an extended-Wuling.

1) You have to pay for the car to be shipped by sea...which raises its price.
2) You build a car factory in Pakistan...but the upfront monetary requirement to build this factory is going to require you to raise the profit margin to pay back the expenditure in a timely manner.
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