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Elephant on rails...

Indian Railways serves the poorest of the Global poor.

In fact, the railway's generosity has so spoiled Indians that Indians expect cheap, long distance travel as a right.
And reserve the right to ghettoise the service too. Indian rails miracle is in the fact they firstly, work. Reasonably. Even keep schedules.

Middle class Indians prefer and are migrating to the newly established airline industry to travel.
You are wrong. Chinese high-speed rail fares are the lowest in the world, with an average price that is 36% lower than the cost of an airline ticket, according to Credit Suisse.

Here's the source: https://www.credit-suisse.com/ch/en/news-and-expertise/news/economy/asia-pacific.article.html/article/pwp/news-and-expertise/2013/07/en/chinas-new-bullet-trains-wont-eat-up-airline-profits.html

Now answer me: is a 36% lower average price comparable? Is it?

I read it and I gave you current train and flight prices in China. Are you Chinese or Taiwanese with American citizenship. :woot:
I read it and I gave you current train and flight prices in China. Are you Chinese or Taiwanese with American citizenship. :woot:

Taiwanese have no beef with India, he is a Chini, like fast and gutterdamn.
I read it and I gave you current train and flight prices in China. Are you Chinese or Taiwanese with American citizenship. :woot:

No, you didn't give me current train and flight prices in China. You gave me current prices for travel between Beijing and Shanghai. China is not just Beijing and Shanghai.

The Credit Suisse calculated air and HSR ticket prices for ALL of China.

By the way, I am not Chinese or Taiwanese in anyway, period.

This troll by78 is feeling getting screwed badly, only he is trying to hide that feeling. :lol:

I find the ticket price of Chinese HSR comparable to domestic flight tickets.

You are wrong. Chinese high-speed rail fares are the lowest in the world, with an average price that is 36% lower than the cost of an airline ticket, according to Credit Suisse.

Here's the source: https://www.credit-suisse.com/ch/en/news-and-expertise/news/economy/asia-pacific.article.html/article/pwp/news-and-expertise/2013/07/en/chinas-new-bullet-trains-wont-eat-up-airline-profits.html

Now answer me: is a 36% lower average price comparable? Is it?

Or you may simply admit that you made a mistake, which is understandable.
Taiwanese have no beef with India, he is a Chini, like fast and gutterdamn.

I have noticed some Chinese denying to identify themselves as Chinese after getting American citizenship because of the communist rule in China.
This troll by78 is feeling getting screwed badly, only he is trying to hide that feeling. :lol:

No, I feel sorry for you actually, specifically for your lack of basic honesty and character.

It's a mark of a very small man to evade substantive discussion and resort to personal insults, and you certainly don't deserve Vallabhbhai Patel as your avatar.

I'm sure your mother didn't raise you to be like this.
Where is it written that it is on mass transportation of India? Can't you see anything worthwhile from lots of other Pictures (Except ultra Luxury) posted by Indian members? Only the pictures posted by You and Shuttler is only reality? The Pictures of Shanghai you posted on India developing forum is the reality of whole China? Why are you so selective that only pictures cited by non Indian are reality and pictures posted by Indians are exception. There are so many realities in between which you are reluctant to accept.This is also a reality and it is for mass transport. do you accept that?
Konkan Railway - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No the pix are taken right out of lare data base of travelogues or news media on indian railways. Tell me which one is not? Which one is not telling the reality

So what ever do not suit you and expose your reality is dubious right?

Your statement applies to yourself.
My mentioning of india's hygienic conditions were reported by UNICEF and WHO unless you can show me both of the organisations are dubious and unknown
No, you didn't give me current train and flight prices in China. You gave me current prices for travel between Beijing and Shanghai. China is not just Beijing and Shanghai.

The Credit Suisse calculated air and HSR ticket prices for ALL of China.

By the way, I am not Chinese or Taiwanese in anyway, period.

You are wrong. Chinese high-speed rail fares are the lowest in the world, with an average price that is 36% lower than the cost of an airline ticket, according to Credit Suisse.

Here's the source: https://www.credit-suisse.com/ch/en/news-and-expertise/news/economy/asia-pacific.article.html/article/pwp/news-and-expertise/2013/07/en/chinas-new-bullet-trains-wont-eat-up-airline-profits.html

Now answer me: is a 36% lower average price comparable? Is it?

Or you may simply admit that you made a mistake, which is understandable.

I've said it that if you do benchmarking -- fast train G series vs flight it's a close fight and airline wins most of the time ...

Train ticket cost -.. Beijing Shanghai route - RMB 553/ 993/ 1748 (based on type of seat selection) travel time approx 5.5 hours

Airline ticket cost ... Beijing Shanghai route - RMB 510 ~RMB 610
I've said it that if you do benchmarking -- fast train G series vs flight it's a close fight and airline wins most of the time ...

Traing ticked cost -..in Beijing Shanghai route - RMB 553/ 993/ 1748 (based on type of seat selection) travel time approx 5.5 hours

Airline ticket cost ...in Beijing Shanghai route - RMB 510 ~RMB 610

We were discussing HSR vs air travel for all of China, of which Beijing-Shanghai route is a component. The Credit Suisse report states that average HSR ticket price is 36% lower than air travel over the same distance. That sounds to me is a pretty clear price advantage. I'm sure INDIC would agree, but he's too small of a man to admit it.
Tell me about the number of trains being in operation, daily ridership.

The link you have provided is only talking about Beijing-Shanghai line which is the only line among the whole HSR of China that is making profit, rest are making staggering losses.

you did not seem to read thoroughly. read again
why do you emphasize so much on losses as nearly all except only a few of public train operations in the world are running in reds? And we can afford it!

Also it is surely an upgrade on the quality of life of the public, especially during the height of the festive seasons - the spring festival. During the annual lunar new years, milllions of our folks who are working thousands of miles away from home and who are used to travel for many days to see their love ones can have their family reunion greatly lengthened by the shortening of time spent on commuting - all credit to the HSR! How much is a price tag on that for each individual family?
you did not seem to read thoroughly. read again
why do you emphasize so much on losses as nearly all except only a few of public train operations in the world are running in reds? And we can afford it!

Also it is surely an upgrade on the quality of life of the public, especially during the height of the festive seasons - the spring festival. During the annual lunar new years, milllions of our folks who are working thousands of miles away from home and who are used to travel for many days to see their love ones can have their family reunion greatly lengthened by the shortening of time spent on commuting - all credit to the HSR! How much is a price tag on that for each individual family?

So, you can't provide me any statistics but only stories. :lol:

We were discussing HSR vs air travel for all of China, of which Beijing-Shanghai route is a component. The Credit Suisse report states that average HSR ticket price is 36% lower than air travel over the same distance. That sounds to me is a pretty clear price advantage. I'm sure INDIC would agree, but he's too small of a man to admit it.

Beijing-Shanghai is the only line of China's HSR that is making profit others are making staggering losses so discussing their train fares is useless. The train fare is almost equal to flight fare between Shanghai and Beijing.
Who the hell cares if those high speed rails are cheapest or not, fact is India does it slow and steady.

indians do it in the manner as you said but still are more prone to accidents than China

Chinese do it in hurry with disastrous consequences.

China's railway system is more efficient, comfortable and much cleaner and is having less accidents than india - check out the list of train accidents by country on wikipedia
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