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Elephant on rails...

Taiwanese have no beef with India, he is a Chini, like fast and gutterdamn.

Taiwaneses think you Indians are smelly and dirty。

So do the South Koreans and the Japanese。Their TV soap operas are testimony to their perceptions of India and Indians。

Learn their languages and watch their TV dramas,such as ”Bath House Owner and his Offsprings“,and you will get the gist。:rofl:
China‘s Z-train(this particular one(Z-124) runs non-stop between Shanghai and Chengdu):

No the pix are taken right out of lare data base of travelogues or news media on indian railways. Tell me which one is not? Which one is not telling the reality

Your statement applies to yourself.
My mentioning of india's hygienic conditions were reported by UNICEF and WHO unless you can show me both of the organisations are dubious and unknown

So pictures provided by Mr. Mishra were taken from Haven? or are the fictitious? You Chinese always posts your high speed train pictures in thread as if only high speed trains are running in China. When other people post their best, You guys will say that it is super luxury and pick and choose worst available from net and try to prove that it is reality. Yes it is reality but not the only reality. There are so many other realities and Indian Railway provides best service against what they charge.

And yes I show some pictures of Luxury trains of Chin. Now tell them what you told me. Tell them that this is Luxury and not the common man transport in china.

Pl do not talk in air. talk with supporting so that I may post 5 link of dirty China against each one by you. Whole world knows that china is the most dirty country and eat the food which if other thinks to eat will get a vomit.
A T-train(T-14 in this case)crossing a bridge in Hunan Province:


Freight Transportation:

A T-train(T-14 in this case)crossing a bridge in Hunan Province:


Freight Transportation:

Taiwaneses think you Indians are smelly and dirty。

So do the South Koreans and the Japanese。Their TV soap operas are testimony to their perceptions of India and Indians。

Learn their languages and watch their TV dramas,such as ”Bath House Owner and his Offsprings“,and you will get the gist。:rofl:

in Jakarta, Indonesian community ,no one want to have sex with chines............because they said chines smelly and dirty and having small di*k

here people are crazy for Indian and Arab .....so what lol
Taiwaneses think you Indians are smelly and dirty。

So do the South Koreans and the Japanese。Their TV soap operas are testimony to their perceptions of India and Indians。

Learn their languages and watch their TV dramas,such as ”Bath House Owner and his Offsprings“,and you will get the gist。:rofl:

Lots of people around the world think and say a lot of not so nice things about you chinis as well, so let's not got there. :rolleyes:
cirr said:
Taiwaneses think you Indians are smelly and dirty。

So do the South Koreans and the Japanese。Their TV soap operas are testimony to their perceptions of India and Indians。

Learn their languages and watch their TV dramas,such as ”Bath House Owner and his Offsprings“,and you will get the gist

-removed by myself--

PS: There is always good and bad thing about every society. Focus on subject. Mud slinging will ultimalty soil your hands and cloths nothing else.
Did you read the introduction where I said, "I have been reading about the passenger rail service in India"? I then went on to list the the ridership statistic, which alone should have given you a very good clue that I'm talking about mass transportation. Heck, I didn't even know these ultra-luxurious tourist trains existed. Why should I have made an exclusionary clause for something I didn't know existed?

Furthermore, in every series of pictures I have shown, they are all exclusively about regular trains, from stations to the rolling stock to the coaches. Why is this so difficult to follow?

And why do you keep bringing up my photos in the Indian development forum? For your information, MOST forumers didn't object to them at all. In fact, just a few pages back (page 419), Indian members themselves compared India with China. So why is it that I'm not allowed to do the same?

Moreover, where and when did I claim that Shanghai was 'representative' of all of China? Did you also happen to see the photos of OTHER Chinese cities I posted on that thread? Did you also read my comments on how those particular Chinese cities might offer helpful development experience for India?

Just why are you so defensive and paranoid?

For sake of argument I can accept your point If you give same advice to Chines who pest their luxury Train Photos on this forum. Why don't you give them same advice? Why don't you tell them not to pest those Photograph? Why you yourself pest Shanghai Photographs on India developing Forum? Actually you and Others like you have habit to popup on every India related thread and pest your Bulshit (I am not talking about this thread since you only started it.) So follow the advice you give to others. Pl Do not be offended.

So you are saying it's fair to compare trains with airplanes but not trains with trains. What logic! By the way, that avatar of yours, who's that guy? Is he some kind of guru?

Do you know the average service speed for the Shatabdi Express? I couldn't find it. Thank you.

Do not know about Average speed but highest speed is 140 KM/ Hr.
Zhengzhou Station
I took this picture 4 years ago.ALL COMMON TRAINS, NOT HSR。

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