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Elective Quran course approved for military schools

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Well, that's is the job of politics/democracy, seeking the balance between different people. You see, there are people who likes to watch those "immoral" tv series. Just because you can not hold your boner doesn't mean they should ban it. And there are people who are more interested with Quran and mosques aka religion. Again, just because there are anti-religion people doesn't mean they should ban practicing it.

Btw, i'm taking my word back about how you improved yourself... Because you apparently not.

And thats why i dont believe in the straightness of AKP because its the opposite of the teachings of the Islam.
Well it depend how you interpret the quran and how far you digg for the knowledge,most of us just read it but dont under stand it and rather have someone else explain it and he could just twist it to his benefit. Their is secret knowledge in the Qur'an and not everyone will get it only those that have noor will get it. Their are hadiths and one must able to link them to present past and future in order to prepare for worst. Qur'an explains the worst time coming ahead for Muslims but one must able to link it to the present past and future in order to under stand what it really means it something to do with symbolism. For exmple like events happening to day linking to the hadiths.
And thats why i dont believe in the straightness of AKP because its the opposite of the teachings of the Islam.

Your understanding of Islam have no place in Turkey, nor in the 21st century's world.
Your understanding of Islam have no place in Turkey, nor in the 21st century's world.

There is only 1 Islam and the correct understanding of it is the Sunnah. Mixing sunnah with modern lifestyle has nothing to do with Islam. Islam is not christinanity or jewism where you can take orders from God away because of some desires and own will or for some world benefits.
There is only 1 Islam and the correct understanding of it is the Sunnah. Mixing sunnah with modern lifestyle has nothing to do with Islam. Islam is not christinanity or jewism where you can take orders from God away because of some desires and own will or for some world benefits.

What will happen to those who don't believe your God or your religion?



And I'm saying it's pure BS. Sinking of HMS Ocean was indeed important I won't argue with that. But we've had faith we have fought with it for centuries. You can't explain to me Ottoman defeats from the treaty of Karlowitz to the treaty of Sevres. This religious bs brought the mighty Ottoman Empire to it's knees. We won't make the same mistake again.

Heroism comes from defending our homes. And the bravery of our officers inspire our troops. I don't know about you but I'd want my son to serve under better tacticians not better muslims.

Last but not least, I am not the one who manipulate. It's you who's trying to underestimate Ataturk's role in our history.

What tactics he says, Lt. Colonel Kemal has predicted three landing points Brits was going to use in Gallipoli out of six possible landing sites. Through his extraordinary military understanding and intelligence. Without his brilliant and inspirational leadership we'd be doomed.

I will answer this later, I do not have time now
Interesting how almost only non-Turks defend the decision to introduce Quran classes. My faith in my country has been (a little bit) restored.
What will happen to those who don't believe your God or your religion?

You dont have to believe but shariah is a law system like how the capitalists pushing us to accept their system and laws to so whats the deal kid? Your arguments are very childish and i dont udnerstand why that two guys thanked you to.
Helping hands are much more precious than merely praying lips,regarding to army,it should be 'heavy armed hands'.:)
You dont have to believe but shariah is a law system like how the capitalists pushing us to accept their system and laws to so whats the deal kid? Your arguments are very childish and i dont udnerstand why that two guys thanked you to.

I don't have to believe but i have to live in accordance with it?

And why should someone respect your religion while you have no respect to others beliefs?
I don't have to believe but i have to live in accordance with it?

And why should someone respect your religion while you have no respect to others beliefs?

Why you talking with the knowledge you picked up from women programs?
Why you talking with the knowledge you picked up from women programs?

Actually, unlike you, i'm not some unqualified ignorant waste of oxygen, i'm not wasting my days by getting my brainwashed in seances from some kind of sheikh. I'm about to complete my education, which also covers the things we are discussing right now.

I'm just asking some questions in order to understand your way of "thinking". Do you have any answer for them?
Actually, unlike you, i'm not some unqualified ignorant waste of oxygen, i'm not wasting my days by getting my brainwashed in seances from some kind of sheikh. I'm about to complete my education, which also covers the things we are discussing right now.

I'm just asking some questions in order to understand your way of "thinking". Do you have any answer for them?

You prejudice me from left to right and still want some answers? As i said, you dont have any knowledge about the Islam but amazingly you are be able to give teachings about the Islam. What kind of contradiction is this?

But still to clearn up your last propaganda lie about respect:

Section 1

[Kafiroon 109:1] “O disbelievers!”

[Kafiroon 109:2] Neither do I worship what you worship.

[Kafiroon 109:3] Nor do you worship Whom I worship.

[Kafiroon 109:4] And neither will I ever worship what you worship.

[Kafiroon 109:5] Nor will you worship Whom I worship.

[Kafiroon 109:6] For you is your religion, and for me is mine.

End of discussion.

A non muslim can live in an Islamic state but with paying extra tax (Jizya). Dont like it? There is the door.. Simple as that like how guys like you always say.
You prejudice me from left to right and still want some answers? As i said, you dont have any knowledge about the Islam but amazingly you are be able to give teachings about the Islam. What kind of contradiction is this?

But still to clearn up your last propaganda lie about respect:

Section 1

[Kafiroon 109:1] “O disbelievers!”

[Kafiroon 109:2] Neither do I worship what you worship.

[Kafiroon 109:3] Nor do you worship Whom I worship.

[Kafiroon 109:4] And neither will I ever worship what you worship.

[Kafiroon 109:5] Nor will you worship Whom I worship.

[Kafiroon 109:6] For you is your religion, and for me is mine.

End of discussion.

A non muslim can live in an Islamic state but with paying extra tax (Jizya). Dont like it? There is the door.. Simple as that like how guys like you always say.

Yup, for me this is my religion, and for you that that is yours.

You can not expect me to behave according to your religion. You can not expect from every woman to wear burqas just because it is against your belief, because seeing the skin of a woman is enough to give you a boner. You can not expect from government to ban those "immoral" tv shows, you have no right to intervine in my life.

I have no intention to give lectures about Islam, i'm just talking about your sick mentality.

Indeed there is the door. Why are you still in Netherlands?
Killuminati mode is on...

dear dreamer

reality check

as a TÜRK I pay my tax to Turkish Republic

as a muslim you pay your tax to infidels

Isn't it Ironic?

Killuminati mode is off

okay my humble advice is.... this is a defence forum and I am sure you can easly find some really intresting threads here for instance ALTAY...

once in a while having political debates is fun and necessary nevertheless, furthering such discussions on beliefs... dont know... cant really see a point in that... things are getting personal and I hate to see this happening among my countryman
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