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Elective Quran course approved for military schools

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Oh please... like it was an easy thing.

Keyboard warrior.
No offense, I don't like that mindset of being weak. There is always something you can do. It is not only about winning but also about keeping your honor. Nothing to do with being keyboard warrior, it about being a man. I'm sure he thought like that and not like you.
Enver Pasha done stupid things and a very bad military strategist, sending 90,000 ill equipped soldiers to the freezing cold
No offense, I don't like that mindset of being weak. There is always something you can do. It is not only about winning but also about keeping your honor. Nothing to do with being keyboard warrior, it about being a man. I'm sure he thought like that and not like you.

There's a French proverb, saying; "It's easy to be brave behind castle walls". You are talking like i like the idea.

How many mornings did you wake up in a city under invasion? how many times british troops came knocking your door?

Just keep up with mental masturbation. You can't know what would you do, nobody can.
Our country is becoming a joke. Why does the military need quran courses? No I don't care if they're not obligatory, the point is it should not even be an option. Soldiers learn how to fight, not how to pray.

Don't come with "bbu bu buuuu buts", its clear what akp is trying to achieve.
There's a French proverb, saying; "It's easy to be brave behind castle walls". You are talking like i like the idea.

How many mornings did you wake up in a city under invasion? how many times british troops came knocking your door?

Just keep up with mental masturbation. You can't know what would you do, nobody can.
Maybe it is you who is doubting what you would do. I know what to do. People like Ataturk and his men knew exactly what to do and fought like lions. Do you think after first settback they were quivering like you? Neither has This country won his independence with proverbs.
To Turkish brothers like TheCommander.

Please do not waste your time arguing with these brainwashed Kemalists.

They live in their own deluded world and follow the CHP Kemal-Inonu ideology of the 1920s-30s, and are stuck in a time warp.

The democratically elected government of Turkey, the representatives of the Turkish people (whom around 50% of Turks voted for not including the other Islamic parties such as Saadet or BBP which makes it even more than 50%) are passing this law and there is nothing that the barkings of some frustrated and angry brainwashed Kemalists can do to change that.

Turkey is for Turks, and not for Kemalists.

Get used to that, if you can't then hard cheese.

Your half arsed knowledge is wrong. In my opinion The base of The AKP is anti secularistic but the majority are what the Americans would describe as swing voters. A lot of chp and other parties voters. The country is and stays secular and behind Atatürks reforms and thankfully as the 11th November showed us it will stay so. Turkey is for Turks and not morons like you are, our law is our constitution not the sharia and the people are satisfied that way. Every poll every study proves that. I can post some if you like, but i don't think that you believe a single word of it since the only thing you probably believe is ancient and outdated.

You can be a Muslim country and civilized just open your eyes. We prove it. We proved it before the AKP and we will long after these jerks.
All of you can argue as much as you want, deal with the reality. This thread proves my thesis and the responses prove all of you wrong. We turks are different. And there's a reason why we are no s.hithole.
Maybe it is you who is doubting what you would do. I know what to do. People like Ataturk and his men knew exactly what to do and fought like lions. Do you think after first settback they were quivering like you? Neither has This country won his independence with proverbs.
:no: nothing to do here
Do you realy think when you say muslims,that there are muslims in the sence of a unity(something that binds them together as a group)?
Or are you just saying this for the faith?
Evry soldier has the right to practise his faith,its just that when you combine faith with military(taliban,el-caida,hamas,hezbullah,mullahs in Iran) only bad things happen.
In order to have strong military,you need to teach exactly that military issues and not religion.
At this time of age you cant just shout ALLAH ALLAH and defeat evry enemie.
Faith is a personal issue,military on the other hand is your right to exist(country).
No strong modern militaryno right to exist.
What reality are you talking about? You are repeating whatever you were taught in the schools. I am giving the FACT, okay? I am giving you the examples of our history. I am telling you that OUR NATION IS NOT "ACiZ" TO REVEAL A LEADER WHEN THE NATION FACES SERIOUS PROBLEM AND A NEW STATE BECOMES NECESSARY. For example, look at the Seljuk Empire. When she collapsed how many new leaders and "beylik" revealed: Osmanogullari, Karamanogullari, Germiyanogullari, Saruhanogullari, Aydinogulari, Karesiogullari, Mentesogullari, Hamitogullari, Sahibataogullari, Esrefogullari, Alaiye Beyligi etc. In our history there are thousand example. Ataturk was a great leader he does not need to be deified. For you, our nation can be "aciz" it is your problem, but the reality is different. About history we were/are never taught how successful soldiers/leaders Marshal Fevzi Cakmak, Kazim Karabekir, Ali Fuat Pasha, Cerkez Ethem (you were taught he was a traitor, right? He fought against Greek and British invaders, but suddenly he became a traitor!!!), Refet Bele Pasha were. Listen to me kid, instead of playing game (it is you choice, I respect and don`t care as well), read and study a little bit history and see how glorious nation we are.

P.s: The discussion is already gone off the rails. So, try to stay on the topic.

What facts seriously ? you're just repeating the nationalist stuff you hear, the real fact is Mustafa Kemal and his supporters in his stance were minority, majority of the intellectuals were divided and hesitant, some were loyal to Sultan without questioning the situation of country, some were thinking its useless to try for a completely independent country(which is logical, you have all the super powers in your front) and the mandate is better for the country.
örnek: kuleli ye her yıl yaklaşık 350 yeni öğrenci kayıt yaptırıyormus bu yıl için bahsi geçen dersleri secen ögrenci sayısı 24 olmuş iki sınıf açılıyormus. but still it is not decided... who is gonna be the lecturers?

one potential danger I see here is ... I afraid choosing or not choosing this elective course will\may determine students future in the army
örnek: kuleli ye her yıl yaklaşık 350 yeni öğrenci kayıt yaptırıyormus bu yıl için bahsi geçen dersleri secen ögrenci sayısı 24 olmuş iki sınıf açılıyormus. but it is not decided who is gonna be the lecturers

Ya secsinler beyinlerini yıkamasinlarda.
What facts seriously ? you're just repeating the nationalist stuff you hear, the real fact is Mustafa Kemal and his supporters in his stance were minority, majority of the intellectuals were divided and hesitant, some were loyal to Sultan without questioning the situation of country, some were thinking its useless to try for a completely independent country(which is logical, you have all the super powers in your front) and the mandate is better for the country.

I am really busy and do not have time to fully answer. I only say that while I gave the examples from our history, you keep repeating same thing that you learned from the school. Even my argument is supported by the fact that Ataturk was the last leader among those leaders which show our nation is capable of revealing leaders; either Ahmet or Mehmet it does not matter and change the FACT.

I will be off for a while.
take a good look at the southern Texas areas not much different. it not just muslims.
I live in Texas...not a lot of signs about beheading around here. Which London Uni gave you your creds in "Texas expert"?
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