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Elective Quran course approved for military schools

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The Otomans made big mistakes,while the rest of europe was building up modern armies our Sultans were busy waisting money(gold,silver and gems in those days)on art music poetry and harems.
So its their fold that we ended with just Turkey and became ''slaves'' of the west.
Only now after 90 years we are becoming a sovereign country(military and economic)
We turks have a problem with idolising so called heros.(ottomans,ataturk)
EU was actually in Renaissance when the Ottoman golden age started, they got forward with the decline of religious fanaticism, religion not effects the advancement of a civilization, but generally slow downs it or completely blockades it, advancements in a is civ completely seperated from religion.
I find it difficult not to agree,

Just look at the northern european countries, UK, Sweden, Finland. Where religion is absent, there comes scientific and industrial advancements. North did better since the birth of protestantism in Germany. They showed middle finger to the catholic church and thrived.

Also look at Turkey, all we have managed to do was getting betrayed by our "muslim brothers". To hell with ummah. Turkey is the most advanced country with a %98 muslim population in both scientific and industrial aspects.
Ahh, your "type" of secularism has come from some other planet. Name me "One" military force on the face of the earth that doesn't have religion taught in them as an elective subject or somehow religion is not part of their training and operational doctrine.
THE INDIAN MILITARY has never taught religion to it's cadres.
I find it difficult not to agree,

Just look at the northern european countries, UK, Sweden, Finland. Where religion is absent, there comes scientific and industrial advancements. North did better since the birth of protestantism in Germany. They showed middle finger to the catholic church and thrived.

Also look at Turkey, all we have managed to do was getting betrayed by our "muslim brothers". To hell with ummah. Turkey is the most advanced country with a %98 muslim population in both scientific and industrial aspects.

Hell with westernism. Europe is collapsing, so do you. Islam and Turkishness melted in eachother in 1000 years on this soil. Then some "wise" guys appeared out of nowhere, claimed the civilisation is the west. Not anymore. East is rising.
Hell with westernism. Europe is collapsing, so do you. Islam and Turkishness melted in eachother in 1000 years on this soil. Then some "wise" guys appeared out of nowhere, claimed the civilisation is the west. Not anymore. East is rising.

Civilisation in west means to take of clothes and do it with eachother. Nothing more nothing less.
Hell with westernism. Europe is collapsing, so do you. Islam and Turkishness melted in eachother in 1000 years on this soil. Then some "wise" guys appeared out of nowhere, claimed the civilisation is the west. Not anymore. East is rising.

Which east that exactly is rising? Which Europe is actually collapsing?

Nothing's happening to northern europe, Spain and Italy are having financial difficulties and Greece is about to default. Italy and Spain are deeply religious catholic countries and Greece was never a western country.

in the east rising powers are India and China and it's due to their population. Iran is more screwed up than ever and arab states are either petrol-rich or in poverty. Certainly no industry.

Civilisation in west means to take of clothes and do it with eachother. Nothing more nothing less.
One could argue, civilisation in the east means women from age of 3 to 83 dressing like nuns and getting beated by their husbands each day, having no economical freedom and only being responsible from tending childeren.

Women in the east are slaves nothing more, nothing less.
Civilisation in west means to take of clothes and do it with eachother. Nothing more nothing less.

Yup, i as someone who is in favor of western system, taking my clothes off on sight when i see a woman, and saluting her by waving my dick. This is how we roll :tup:

Seriously, i had decided not to respond to you anymore but i can't help my self against this stupidity.
You come here as Turks and then start cursing Islam and Muslims. Behave, you are in PAKISTANI Defence forum, not Turkish Defence forum. Respect your home owners. Many of the members come from families who are devoted Muslims. Do not embarress Turks here.
How is it embarassing to state your own opinion? Unlike in other countries I dont have to fear a death penalty for saying that Religion is illogical, backwards and manmade. If anything its something that you should be proud of.
You come here as Turks and then start cursing Islam and Muslims. Behave, you are in PAKISTANI Defence forum, not Turkish Defence forum. Respect your home owners. Many of the members come from families who are devoted Muslims. Do not embarress Turks here.
I guess you ran out of arguements.

Anyway, thanks for the discussion.

Sorry if I offended anyone.
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