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Elections Are Coming!!??

Then longer run, go hard after reforms on army, judiciary and elite class. He will have a short window to really go hard on them. He will have to seize it. Digitize everything. Remove bureaucracy. Tax rich elite class deeply. And much the same as what he was doing. Please keep a primary positive CAD. Our economy to fragile to have negative CAD and currency crisis.

For this you need a 2/3 majority which will not be allowed by establishment. Best case scenario: IK gets a thin majority in parliament and he can carry on like his last stint. Worst case: a hung parliament that keeps bickering for the next 5 years and plots and villas get built overseas.
Hopefully, the Pak Deep State has paid the ransom and is slowly freeing itself from the captivity after being hijacked by the Imperialists via domestic collaborators.....
Yes. I was born in 1958.

You're just a few years younger than my father. An honor to have you on this forum!

For this you need a 2/3 majority which will not be allowed by establishment. Best case scenario: IK gets a thin majority in parliament and he can carry on like his last stint. Worst case: a hung parliament that keeps bickering for the next 5 years and plots and villas get built overseas.

Precisely. Which is why Khan's entire approach of trying to change the system from within the system (a system that is beholden to the deep state) makes no sense.
For this you need a 2/3 majority which will not be allowed by establishment. Best case scenario: IK gets a thin majority in parliament and he can carry on like his last stint. Worst case: a hung parliament that keeps bickering for the next 5 years and plots and villas get built overseas.

In other words, more of the same failures. The establishment wins again. But let us see whether any of that actually transpires.
if establishment wins its mean pakistan will loss .

Not really. It also means that Pakistan will continue to exist as the world's only Muslim nuclear state, no mean achievement.
Not really. It also means that Pakistan will continue to exist as the world's only Muslim nuclear state, no mean achievement.
Pakistani nation is sick of establishment . if establishment wins pakistan will be another USSR .
A few tweets and everyone starts jumping.

Elections won’t happen until IK is disqualified, PTI pulverized, PDM consolidates, Establishment sees some semblance of order (at the moment public is taking them to the cleaners at epic level).

These events are bound to happen, but what unfolds after, I don’t know.
Pakistani nation is sick of establishment . if establishment wins pakistan will be another USSR .

The nation may be sick of the establishment, of course, but Pakistan is simply too small to be as important as the USSR once was. The military remains the best guarantor of keep the country together.

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