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Elections Are Coming!!??

The real question is HOW? No one seems to know.
There is not a single solution, as I iterated many times a few times in your response. We need small steps to correct our economy. Austerity is a top priority. Couple it with cheap fossil fuels. Then ask overseas Pakistanis to invest. Negotiate with IMF if you want to give subsidies such as to farmers or Faisalabad's industry. Improve law and order and judiciary by introducing reforms, political stability and upholding law. It can then only attract FDI from foreigners.

The nation may be sick of the establishment, of course, but Pakistan is simply too small to be as important as the USSR once was. The military remains the best guarantor of keep the country together.
so was in 1971. You can relate that we need a combination of things to defend our borders. yes, a strong military is the main part. But why do you think political instability is secondary or economy? If Bengalis were with us, Indians could have doubled the forces but couldn't win east Pakistan.
There is not a single solution, as I iterated many times a few times in your response. We need small steps to correct our economy. Austerity is a top priority. Couple it with cheap fossil fuels. Then ask overseas Pakistanis to invest. Negotiate with IMF if you want to give subsidies such as to farmers or Faisalabad's industry. Improve law and order and judiciary by introducing reforms, political stability and upholding law. It can then only attract FDI from foreigners.

Did IK say that or is that just your estimation and advice?

so was in 1971.

Jinnah's Pakistan died in 1971. What is now Pakistan was created by Gen Zia in 1977. There is a big difference, and therefore none of the characteristics and lessons cross over.
Not really. It also means that Pakistan will continue to exist as the world's only Muslim nuclear state, no mean achievement.

Nobody gives a f*** when foreign-backed proxy forces keep killing your people, you're unable to fully secure your borders, literacy rates (and quality) is pathetic, gender equality is in the bottom few of the world, and your passport is ranked in the bottom four (below N Korea).

The nukes certainly deter an Indian invasion, which is very important, but everything else that matters year-to-year and day-to-day is totally screwed.
The nation may be sick of the establishment, of course, but Pakistan is simply too small to be as important as the USSR once was. The military remains the best guarantor of keep the country together.

Lol. And India is a superpower.
no sir new countries will not be like paksitan and they will keep tight grip on military of their countries . look central asia .

You are talking about the post-Balkanization scenario, to which I agree; but that is, if balkanization happens in a peaceful manner, as it happened with USSR. That would not happen, if Pakistan gets balkanized. That I am sure.
leeches will not rest until external debt is 200 billon. There will be no stability in Pakistan. Army doesn’t want stable government and economic prosperity. They love chaos that’s why they continue to play their games.

Bajwa's desire to S*** Uncle Sam's ***** has angered China, due to this CPEC projects will be delayed because lack of funds.
Qatar and Saudi’s have learnt their lesson and they don’t trust PDM nor Establishment.
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In other words, more of the same failures. The establishment wins again. But let us see whether any of that actually transpires.

Would love to be wrong on this one. But this has been the modus operandi: a facade of democracy, corrupt small men controlled by powers that be acting on behalf of bigger powers. No leader or unifying theme can emerge and politicians keep getting blamed. No nation building, no achievements to feel proud of as a nation, more of the same as last 75 years.
Would love to be wrong on this one. But this has been the modus operandi: a facade of democracy, corrupt small men controlled by powers that be acting on behalf of bigger powers. No leader or unifying theme can emerge and politicians keep getting blamed. No nation building, no achievements to feel proud of as a nation, more of the same as last 75 years.

So why all this recent brouhaha? Things should settle back into the historic "normal" relatively soon, and expectedly so.

More of what we have heard so many times before, with no results. Where is the indication that he would things any differently this time around to actually achieve something?
More of what we have heard so many times before, with no results. Where is the indication that he would things any differently this time around to actually achieve something?
I think he was giving past references/indicators !! What he has achieved! Please listen, it is time stepped
I think he was giving past references/indicators !! What he has achieved! Please listen, it is time stepped

LOL. He has NOT delivered on any of his promises. And there is NO indication that he will do anything differently if he is power for the second time that could actually produce any results.
LOL. He has NOT delivered on any of his promises. And there is NO indication that he will do anything differently if he is power for the second time that could actually produce any results.
As I stated many times that a collection of steps (100s) are required to correct the economy, including trade-offs, could you please highlight which economic promises he had failed and roughly by what margin?
IK cannot narrate a report/presentation in a TV show. Just GDP growth indicators are sufficient that he has taken the right steps and directions. Even after Pak was not receiving any colation funds, Afghan War funds, CETO/CENTO aid, etc.

A child died as the parents have no money. Blaming govt if they had health card, their child wd have been saved.

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