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Egypt's parliament approves sending troops abroad to defend national security

Dictators will go any ways to secure there interest
Lol, I'm sorry but what kind of r lckrs. They can't fight Israel who have thrashed them multiple times and occupy Arab lands left right center, but they act like a faithful pup and growl at fellow Arab and Turkish neighbors.
Lol, I'm sorry but what kind of r lckrs. They can't fight Israel who have thrashed them multiple times and occupy Arab lands left right center, but they act like a faithful pup and growl at fellow Arab and Turkish neighbors.
They are afraid of MB cells being revived in Egypt sir.

When parliament passes a law, it represents Egyptian people im afraid not Sisi himself.

Law enforcement in a sovereign country...
Your point is true sir, but thanks to American democracy foreigners are deciding for Libya. Unfortunately Libya just like Syria is a free for all case.
They are afraid of MB cells being revived in Egypt sir.

When parliament passes a law, it represents Egyptian people im afraid not Sisi himself.
Oh yes, this is the best thing. Do illegal things and blame "people". Did UN authorize this action?

There are tons of TTP, BLA, RAW terrorists hiding in Afghanistan, have you ever see Pakistan sending its troops to kill them? Instead Pakistan fenced itself.

They are afraid of MB cells being revived in Egypt sir.

When parliament passes a law, it represents Egyptian people im afraid not Sisi himself.

Your point is true sir, but thanks to American democracy foreigners are deciding for Libya. Unfortunately Libya just like Syria is a free for all case.
Because of fellow Middle Eastern regimes. No outsider can do anything if Middle East act as one and stand with each other.
Oh yes, this is the best thing. Do illegal things and blame "people". Did UN authorize this action?

There are tons of TTP, BLA, RAW terrorists hiding in Afghanistan, have you ever see Pakistan sending its troops to kill them? Instead Pakistan fenced itself.
I wouldn't disagree if Pakistan bombs their hideouts. Surely Pakistani Army wouldn't hurt their civilians.
Because of fellow Middle Eastern regimes. No outsider can do anything if Middle East act as one and stand with each other.
Not until you have a NATO member in our neghborhood abusing Muslims for western/NATO interests.

By the by UN is a joke manipulated by every power out there who has influence on them.
Not until you have a NATO member in our neghborhood abusing Muslims for western/NATO interests.

By the by UN is a joke manipulated by every power out there who has influence on them.

That NATO member is helping Muslims 100 times more than entire middle east regimes who are destroying the neighborhood. Half of the regimes are acting as Israeli and western pets and the other half as Russian and sometimes Indian pet.

Besides the nato member is standing up to fellow nato members like France, Italy and Greece who are working to destroy Muslim world.

UN is a joke because there is no Muslim representative there.

OIC should be a permanent member of UNSC, but let these dumb Muslim world keep fighting among each other.
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It looks like Libya is going to be divided into half; pro-Arab Libya on the East and pro-Turkish Libya on the West with a small buffer in the middle.
Funny how they portray rubber stamp parliament as if its a legitimate parliament. Not a single MP can go against sweaty sisi.
On other hand all Lybian and Egyptian airspace is fully controlled by Egyptian air force, S-300 and Buks.
You still have face to boost Russian ADS but interestingly no mention of Pantsirs :D
Egypt’s parliament greenlights deployment of troops abroad to secure ‘western front,’ paving way for intervention in Libyan war
21 Jul, 2020 01:29 / Updated 3 hours ago

FILE PHOTO: An Egyptian military vehicle patrols a highway in Cairo. © Reuters / Amr Abdallah Dalsh

The Egyptian parliament has approved the deployment of armed forces abroad to fight “terrorist groups” and “criminal militias.” The move comes amid repeated threats from Cairo to openly intervene in the Libyan conflict.
The deployment of troops to the “strategic western front” was greenlighted by the country’s legislators on Monday. The military would be used to protect national security and battle “terrorist groups” and “criminal militias,” the legislators said in a statement.

Earlier in the day, President Abdel Fatah el-Sisi and his US counterpart Donald Trump agreed in a phone call on the need to maintain a ceasefire in Libya and to avoid an escalation between the forces fighting there, the presidency in Cairo said.

The parliament’s approval did not give any time frame or explicitly mention any country in particular where the troops could be deployed. However, the situation on Egypt’s “western front” – in Libya – has been especially explosive lately.

ALSO ON RT.COMErdogan slams Egypt’s ‘illegal’ actions in Libya as Cairo mulls military intervention
The neighboring North African country has been locked in a perpetual war since its leader Muammar Gaddafi was toppled and brutally slain during a NATO-backed uprising back in 2011. Since then, two major rivaling forces have emerged: the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli and the Tobruk-based Libyan National Army (LNA), led by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar.

While the LNA and GNA have been locked in a standoff for months, the situation began changing after Turkey openly sided with the GNA. Ankara signed security and maritime agreements with the Tripoli-based government last year and has propped it up with military specialists and hardware since.

Turkey’s support helped the GNA to push Haftar’s forces away from Tripoli, greatly expanding its zone of control and even threatening to capture the strategic port city of Sirte. The GNA's offensive has angered foreign supporters of the LNA, with Egypt’s Sisi even mulling military intervention to stop the GNA’s advance. Ankara, for its part, has urged all foreign powers to stop helping “putschist Haftar,” insisting that it supports the internationally-recognized government only to ensure “peace, tranquility, security and territorial integrity” of Libya.

ALSO ON RT.COMRussia & Turkey working on ways to achieve truce in Libya, despite Tripoli’s unwillingness to stop fighting – Lavrov
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The whole world is laughing his as of...Egypt has no capability, will or know how to take the war to Lybia..Before they voted to allow their troop to storm Lybia, they recruited the the Jordanian slug, kinglet Abdullah, to mediate between them and Turcs and are Lobbying the US to interfere and avoid the war from happening..That Egypt to you..all is an Egyptian serie B movie..that only Egyptian excel in its making..:coffee::coffee::coffee:
The whole world is laughing his as of...Egypt has no capability, will or know how to take the war to Lybia..Before they voted to allow their troop to storm Lybia, they recruited the the Jordanian slug, kinglet Abdullah, to mediate between them and Turcs and are Lobbying the US to interfere and avoid the war from happening..That Egypt to you..all is an Egyptian serie B movie..that only Egyptian excel in its making..:coffee::coffee::coffee:
All hails to dear @Ceylal
My dear sir, i Remember you once criticized others for their support for GIA. Interestingly Algerian gov has also expressed support for GNA!. I thought things in Algerian side would be different. It leaves me confused. Don't you feel the Heat already? GIA can be revived if Libya falls, you know what I mean. Please correct me If i were wrong.
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