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Egypt's parliament approves sending troops abroad to defend national security

GNA is not a worry for Egypt since 70 % Egyptian is an Islamist supporter (50 %Muslim Brotherhood+20 % Salafis). Those number is based on Egyptian first and only fair election after Mubarak collapse

If Sisi is forcing its own interest on Libya, he can end up like Soekarno who tried to invade Malaysia where Malaysia front get support from British/Australia Armed Force (balance opponent). In the same time Indonesian Islamist power and right wing Armed Force general opposed the war.

Soekarno then get toppled by right wing Armed Force and Islamist grass root political power

Egypt true national threat is actually Ethiopia who is building dam at Nile river, not Libya.
Turkey and Egypt must united with Iran and then crush Zionist state.
When will this kids grow up?
Do not waste resources on useless wars.
dude just sit down. iran can't do sh*t about isreal. just today morning isreal toasted another one of your general.
Few of your air tankers will be easily shot down by Egypt around its border in a matter of hours and you will end up with no air force at all, since your F-16s cannt do anything in Lybia without air refueling :lol: On other hand all Lybian and Egyptian airspace is fully controlled by Egyptian air force, S-300 and Buks. Sinking your ships is not any problem for Egypt also.
Learn something about military matters.

and do you think the Turks will watch on TV ?

in a real war only one night will enough to destroy all air/naval bases in Cairo , Alexandria , Port Said ,, also Sidi Barrani Air Base ...... ( Israel dit it in 1967 against Egypt )

and Egyptian Armed Forces dont have large scale operation capability to attack Turkiye

btw EAF has no technology to intercept AWACS and Tankers .... Turkish Airforce Boeing E-7T AEWC with 600km MESA Radar will rule the sky and Turkish F-16s with 120km AIM-120C7 air to air missiles will hunt all EAF Fighter Jets from safe distance in BVR Combat

Egyptian RAFALE Jets dont have METEOR missile and Russian junk MIG-29M2 - R77 are joke ...
TURAF easly can kick EAF in BVR combat ...... thanks to superior NATO technology

-- 192 F-16C/D block50M/52 with link-16 data link for network centric warfare
-- 120km AIM-20C7 networked air to air missiles
-- 4 Boeing E-7T AEWC
-- 7 Boeing KC-135R air refueling Tankers

also 7 Turkish Frigates are already in Libya ..... and Egyptian Navy has no even 7 Frigates to Fight in Sirte/Libya
150km S300VM can not engage on Turkish F-16s also upcoming AKSUNGUR and AKINCI UCAVs which armed with 280km SOM and SLAM-ER Cruise Missiles

never forget that SIRTE is 1.000km away from Egypt and East Libya is closer to Turkiye than West Libya is to Egypt
and 8 Turkish Frigates armed with 320 ESSM SAMs to intercept even supersonic Cruise Missiles ..... ( Egyptian Navy 1 FREMM Frigate has only 16 ASTER-15 SAMs )
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Maybe Pakistan should give one nuke to Turkey and one to Egypt and let them have fun - their members seem to want so apparently.
Maybe Pakistan should give one nuke to Turkey and one to Egypt and let them have fun - their members seem to want so apparently.

SISI's Egypt = Russia,France,Greece and The Uae ( Israel ) against Turkiye

SISI's Egypt will be used as a pawn to destroy Libya for christian-zionist alliance Russia,France,Greece and The Uae ( Israel ) against Turkiye

GNA is not a worry for Egypt since 70 % Egyptian is an Islamist supporter (50 %Muslim Brotherhood+20 % Salafis). Those number is based on Egyptian first and only fair election after Mubarak collapse

Egypt can not fight regional super power Turkiye over Libya , it would be a suicide for Sisi plans even in Egypt.
muslim Egyptian People so hate criminal dictator SISI and his anti-ISLAM policy for Christian Copts and Israeli interests

Muslim Egyptian People is not stupid to fight Turkiye for christian-zionist alliance France-Greece-Israel's interests in Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean
  • If Sisi is forcing its own interest on Libya, he can end up like Soekarno who tried to invade Malaysia where Malaysia front get support from British/Australia Armed Force (balance opponent).
  • Egypt true national threat is actually Ethiopia who is building dam at Nile river, not Libya.

el-Sisi has no answer for the food and water security challenges GERD has created hence he is beating war drums to distract his people. This is a classic dictator move. Same as Sukarno.
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Egypt army is very strong, powerful, and brave, no wonder Jerusalem is under the foreign occupation. They only manged to conquer Cairo. what's next Sinai from brotherhood i guess ??

Is Jerusalem Egyptian matter only ...?!
It is Islamic .... where is the mighty Turkish / Pakistani brother in Arms armies ...?!
Or just fighting behind your keyboards .... hypocrite...!!

Egypt fought Israel for tens of years .... while other Muslim countries taking care of their economies and people ...

Or you need to fight Israel till the last EGYPTIAN SOLDIER....you cowards ...

What a comedy! They must be on captagon ...Egypt couldn't get 10 miles behind the canal of Suez and wants to go on a 1000 km plus to clean Lybia from Terrorist she herself helped with arms against Kaddaffy....I am going to get my tea pot ready..this is going to be a lot of fun to re hear sawt el arab..describing minute by minute the the Egyptian army warring and blasting Turks ...Ergodan must be laughing his tukhas off..

They sold it lock stock and Palestinian to Israel..Arabs convinced Arafat to let them manage Palestinian independance...

The Egyptian Army is a professional strong Army ... not slaughtering his people like those corrupted Algerian Generals who have commissions on Russian used weapons imported as new ones ....!

you and your likes are delusional .... you thinks that the Egyptian Army is Just like that Algerian Army with those corrupted Generals who are aligning with Turks to occupy Libya to insure there is no strong Libyan state ...and to control Hasi Massoud & Ghadamis oil fields in a dirty deal with the occupying Turkish forces ...

Egypt only needs peace and prosperity to our Libyan brothers and sisters no matter and will stand against the Turkish Occupation and their regional submissive supporters like the Algerian impotent regime .

in all cases , we will call your masters (France ) again to make you switch sides one more time .
Egypt only needs peace and prosperity to our Libyan brothers and sisters no matter and will stand against the Turkish Occupation and their regional submissive supporters like the Algerian impotent regime .

Hypocrite Puppets

Dictator SISI's Egypt welcomed invasion of Libya by christian Russia-France to kill Libyan People and to steal oil fields from Libyan People

Dictator SISI's Egypt is ally with christian-zionist alliance Russia,France,Greece,Israel to steal oil reserves from Libyan People and to make muslim Libya as a colony to christian Russia-France , also to steal oil/gas reserves from Turkish People in the Eastern Mediterranean

Libya rules by the UN recognized legal Libyan Government GNA , not by CIA agent traitor HAFTAR
and sooner or later GNA will clean Sirte-Jufra line from traitor terrorists and christian invaders ..
We Turks always will help our Libyan brothers and sisters against criminal thieves christian-zionist alliance Russia,France,Greece,Israel and their puppet Arab dictators HAFTAR,SISI,MBZ,MBS
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Few of your air tankers will be easily shot down by Egypt around its border in a matter of hours and you will end up with no air force at all, since your F-16s cannt do anything in Lybia without air refueling :lol: On other hand all Lybian and Egyptian airspace is fully controlled by Egyptian air force, S-300 and Buks. Sinking your ships is not any problem for Egypt also.
Learn something about military matters.
How will you shoot Tanker without passing 240 Turkish f16? Tankers fly way behind kid, Arabs better do their homework well
Egypt’s parliament greenlights deployment of troops abroad to secure ‘western front,’ paving way for intervention in Libyan war
21 Jul, 2020 01:29 / Updated 3 hours ago

FILE PHOTO: An Egyptian military vehicle patrols a highway in Cairo. © Reuters / Amr Abdallah Dalsh

The Egyptian parliament has approved the deployment of armed forces abroad to fight “terrorist groups” and “criminal militias.” The move comes amid repeated threats from Cairo to openly intervene in the Libyan conflict.
The deployment of troops to the “strategic western front” was greenlighted by the country’s legislators on Monday. The military would be used to protect national security and battle “terrorist groups” and “criminal militias,” the legislators said in a statement.

Earlier in the day, President Abdel Fatah el-Sisi and his US counterpart Donald Trump agreed in a phone call on the need to maintain a ceasefire in Libya and to avoid an escalation between the forces fighting there, the presidency in Cairo said.

The parliament’s approval did not give any time frame or explicitly mention any country in particular where the troops could be deployed. However, the situation on Egypt’s “western front” – in Libya – has been especially explosive lately.

ALSO ON RT.COMErdogan slams Egypt’s ‘illegal’ actions in Libya as Cairo mulls military intervention
The neighboring North African country has been locked in a perpetual war since its leader Muammar Gaddafi was toppled and brutally slain during a NATO-backed uprising back in 2011. Since then, two major rivaling forces have emerged: the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli and the Tobruk-based Libyan National Army (LNA), led by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar.

While the LNA and GNA have been locked in a standoff for months, the situation began changing after Turkey openly sided with the GNA. Ankara signed security and maritime agreements with the Tripoli-based government last year and has propped it up with military specialists and hardware since.

Turkey’s support helped the GNA to push Haftar’s forces away from Tripoli, greatly expanding its zone of control and even threatening to capture the strategic port city of Sirte. The GNA's offensive has angered foreign supporters of the LNA, with Egypt’s Sisi even mulling military intervention to stop the GNA’s advance. Ankara, for its part, has urged all foreign powers to stop helping “putschist Haftar,” insisting that it supports the internationally-recognized government only to ensure “peace, tranquility, security and territorial integrity” of Libya.

ALSO ON RT.COMRussia & Turkey working on ways to achieve truce in Libya, despite Tripoli’s unwillingness to stop fighting – Lavrov
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We did many operations in Syria near our borders maximum 40-50 km inside and we know how difficult it is also we had many experiences before so if sisi thinks his unexperienced army can do it ,we may say just go and try.
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