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Egypt’s defence minister calls on PM Imran, discusses bilateral relations

I think JF-17 BLOCK III is on agenda. Also could be Al Khalid also may be partnering in AK II project. And yes Cruise Missiles could be also a major part of the deal.

The Eastern Portion of the Egyptian ground fleet is fulfilled by T90 MS Tank Factory that will be built in Egypt to produce 500 Tanks in phase I.

The western Portion is 1500 M1A1 Tanks locally produced in Egypt which needs upgrading.

Any outcome of all the other dozens of "behind the scenes happenings" that you brought to our notice in the last decade?
Several out comes have come. And when from a single country three visits take place in a single year they are not here for tourism or just because they like each other. JF-17 BLOCK III with the kind of weapons package we offer no one else does specially without any chances of sanctions and even with local production if they ask. Plus they can join in AK II project and also other joint weapons project. Finally they are buying best jets but they won't be of much if pilots are not trained well and we are the only country who has shot down their enemy in combat I mean Israel.

LMAO JF17 is not some hi-tech 5th generation plane which Israel will feel wary of especially when they have better jets than us.
Trust me JF-17 with RAAD cruise Missile is that easy to ignore either
I am not exactly sure why Block-IIIs would be sold to Egypt when the needs of PAF to acquire Block-IIIs in large numbers is quiet urgent. Also Pakistan-Turkish relationship is much more strategic and close. Then why the hell would Pakistan sell such jets or long range missile/weapons to an enemy of Turkey which is Egypt??

I don't think Egypt would be getting anything of significance from Pakistan anytime soon due to Turkish-Egypt tensions.
The most precious thing that Pakistan has ( which may be interesting for Egypt) is the locally produced Cruise Missiles with +500 KM range .....
Egypt would go far for it .... even if it costs common financial support to upgrade & purchase some variants of JF-17 if it could be open source with Cruise Missiles TOT.
No Ballistic or Cruise missile technology is on agenda.
Last time they gave us Mirages for spares.

Egypt and Qatar both operate Mirage-2Ks as well.
Egypt didn't give us any Mirages for spares. Progress was made in Mirage Horus case but deal didn't move ahead due to higher costs of those airframes.
And No, no M2K is involved.

I think JF-17 BLOCK III is on agenda. Also could be Al Khalid also may be partnering in AK II project. And yes Cruise Missiles could be also a major part of the deal.
Blk3 is definitely on agenda. But no armored vehicle.
you are just beating about the bush

Several out comes have come. And when from a single country three visits take place in a single year they are not here for tourism or just because they like each other. JF-17 BLOCK III with the kind of weapons package we offer no one else does specially without any chances of sanctions and even with local production if they ask. Plus they can join in AK II project and also other joint weapons project. Finally they are buying best jets but they won't be of much if pilots are not trained well and we are the only country who has shot down their enemy in combat I mean Israel.

Trust me JF-17 with RAAD cruise Missile is that easy to ignore either
Hmmm wouldnt trust the egyptians with anything. Huge supporters of India. Giving them high tech weapons like jf-17 would be like stabbing yourself in the back! anyone who thought of that idea should be court martialled asap!
Egypt is an ancient civilization and an Islamic country. It is blessed with talented people, and very impressive foreign policy to cope with numerous challenges to its very existence.

Since Egypt is reaching out to Pakistan, I see no harm in reciprocating and improving our relations with Egyptian brothers. This is an opportunity for us to shape their opinion about Pakistani geopolitics in the long-term.

Pakistan should not compartmentalize its foreign policy, WE should be the voice of reason and brotherhood in the Pan-Islamic bloc. WE should not allow any state to dictate do's and don'ts for Pakistan. About time WE demand mutually beneficial relations from every country of significance reaching out to us - Pakistani cooperation should not be a one-sided affair anymore.
Wise people learn from the past and move forward, others remain stubborn.

Three visits or seven, unless you have first-hand knowledge of the subject matter of these discussions typical sentences like "something cooking behind the scenes" mean jackshit.

If something happens, it will come out in the open at the right time, posts like yours, spreading lies based on self-perceived outcomes based on your own desires don't add any value. They only tarnish your image and credibility. Your stubborn and persistent false statements on new rifle selection for PA are a proof of that.

It's never too late to learn. there is still time, if you care.

I am not you are in denial. You want to tell us that three Egyptian delegation visiting in a year just are here for Salam Dua
No Ballistic or Cruise missile technology is on agenda.

Egypt didn't give us any Mirages for spares. Progress was made in Mirage Horus case but deal didn't move ahead due to higher costs of those airframes.
And No, no M2K is involved.

Blk3 is definitely on agenda. But no armored vehicle.
Blk 3 will best for eygpt with limited money and resources it will give them bang of money and open weapon package BVR and AESA combat proven what else they want??? My two cents they will go for local Assembly like they did K-8 along heavy Rafale light JF-17 is perfect mix for them

The Eastern Portion of the Egyptian ground fleet is fulfilled by T90 MS Tank Factory that will be built in Egypt to produce 500 Tanks in phase I.

The western Portion is 1500 M1A1 Tanks locally produced in Egypt which needs upgrading.

@Zarvan means probably eygpt help for Pak in Ak2 Tank project we all know eygpt expertise in tank manufacturing both American and Russian.its is also possible Pak buy Russian T90 tank via eygpt there are alot of possibilities but eygpt as big military machine is very hard to ignor by Pak.
Israel is very close Indian ally that's what I was trying to say ghonchoo. Both IAFs are close to each other.
LMAO JF17 is not some hi-tech 5th generation plane which Israel will feel wary of especially when they have better jets than us.
Egypt is mostly seen as a buyer. I don't know if they offers anything in Defence Domain. Beside the K-8; don't forget that we have large order for ourselves for Block-III and don't know if they need it. They might talk about some JV but not sure how it will pan out.

Wants to add that Alan Warnes did refer some 100+ figure for JF-17 Block-III export so we can just assume it like that but can't be sure.

Where Alan stayed anything about jf export ?? Please clarify
What about that MTCR shit???

Sharing CM tech with any Arab country will be stupid move, they are back stabbers and are in bed with India and Israel, they should buy top notch tech from west, which will end up in war with any western ally like Iraq in first gulf war.

said by whom ....?! Yes there are some flaws..... but

When there is an active conflict against our beloved EGYPT , Egyptians will do Miracles..

Just read about some spy operations done by Egyptian ( General Intelligence Service) GIS against Israel .... like one of the greatest spy operations done in the history ( Jack Beton) or ( Refaat Elgammal ) ....
Or about the Water Canons that destroyed Bar-lev line ..... or about Mansoura Air Battle during October War 1973 .... ( which is different from Mansoura Battle 1250 , against the seventh Crusade against Egypt that led by Luis IX of France who is defeated and captured prisoner in Mansoura city on the eastern bank of Damietta branch of the Nile )

we know our enemies well ..... no one or nation in this world can give us lessons of how to protect Our country ( Egypt) or our faith (Islam ) .

Kindly take Gaza from Israel then talk.

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