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Egyptian Armed Forces


It is no secret that Egypt possesses the At 5 spandrel 9m113 konkurs missile
The military display was clear, but it is an indication that Egypt possesses huge numbers of it. The missile entered small numbers in the eighties and nineties on FAHAD-240 and BRDM-2 vehicles, and Egypt was developing stocks of it in 2013. In a September 2013 deal with Russia, Egypt requested an increase in stocks of it in a deal announced by the sources. During the Lebanese News Agency’s threats to get rid of the Muslim Brotherhood gang, the missile was deployed on the BTR-50 armored vehicle and more Al-Fahd vehicles, announcing its presence with a dual launcher on the Toyota Landcruiser L-79 vehicle.
It is not a secret, and it is not the latest in the Egyptian arsenal, but only within the policy of having a forest of anti-tank missiles, which Egypt considers one of the largest countries in possession of.
Egypt is not required to show the HJ-10/11/12/CM-501 missiles, and it will not talk about stocks of Russian, Ukrainian, and French missiles.
Rather, the presence of huge quantities of old, advanced missiles is sufficient to deter

The Russians are very happy that Egypt did not export weapons to Ukraine because, simply put, the West was under the illusion that Egypt would provide Ukraine with huge quantities of missiles and ammunition of various types, Russian and Soviet, and its stores would run away. Rather, it manipulated custom and took the example of the Russians by manufacturing systems and equipment that it requested to be manufactured locally and not buying them from the Russians in exchange for nothing. Exporting weapons to the West to support Ukraine

Simply put, the appearance of the AT-5 launcher is a message of deterrence that Egypt possesses huge quantities of anti-tank missiles of all old and new models. The appearance of this missile and the old Tow and Sager missiles does not mean that Egypt owns them. There is no country that embraces Eastern thought that shows the latest what it has, but rather only shows what is obsolete. In the military parades, it only has a message of deterrence, with the availability of weapons pumped into one Egyptian military division, and not the best, not the latest, or all the weapons, but only what is intended to be shown, and that it has no value or excitement from the West or Israel. Egypt possesses modern weapons, but the deterrence was simple matters.


The armored vehicle has, unlike traditional divisions, a short-range missile battery
Rather, they are integrated and multiple air defense systems at the same time
It has Avenger and Chabril air defense batteries, a Toar M battery, upgraded Shilka batteries with Igla missiles, jeeps equipped with Igla Ain Saqr shoulder missiles, and the accompanying Buk, Hawk and SAM batteries developed. The network of anti-drone systems from multiple eastern and western systems has not been announced. Information and pictures appear. About the presence of Russian and Chinese systems, which explains the intensity of the accompanying air defense. The goal is to secure the division and not make it an easy target, with the presence of Egyptian fighters in the sky, the Rafale and MiG-29, sufficient to provide protection for the Egyptian armored divisions.

Support from the Air Force appeared in the Apache, Kamov-52, and EJune-30 SW aircraft allocated to it as a message accompanying the attack helicopter in sniping enemy armor, not all of the stocks, but only that they were deployed to support the field armies and that they are present in large numbers.

No types of rocket artillery have been announced other than 26 MLRS 13 & SAKR-36.
Because it is accompanying, but the rocket artillery with a range of 420 kilometers is within the formation of 2 divisions with two battalions or a brigade accompanying the divisions and a separate division. Egypt here shows enough to deter the enemy, but not its full capabilities. The hostile party is completely working. The Egyptian ability to deter, as the presence of rocket artillery at long ranges in large numbers actually entered a year ago. 2017, its presence in Sinai will enable it to strike Israeli airports, ports, and Lafarq bases inside Israel. What Hamas or Hezbollah possesses is considered child’s play compared to what Egypt possesses. If Israel’s IRON-DOME capabilities collapsed in two days from what Hamas released of 5,000, they became forced to ask for what it possesses. America only has stocks so it can repel a limited number of what Hamas fires daily, let alone the hell that Egypt has prepared from stocks over 50 years of 227/262/300/320/400 caliber rockets.
Any clashes between Egypt and Israel will be an opportunity to get rid of 900 old Egyptian Scud missiles that Egypt wants to destroy due to their obsolescence after the introduction of what is newer.
The coordination that is currently taking place in the Middle East is such that the Western American and European forces in Iraq and Syria are exhausted. The American deterrence has lost its effectiveness by sending 3 aircraft carriers and the forces sent by England, Germany, France and Italy. The Americans have their forces in Iraq and Syria have become easy prey for the militias and there is no ability for America to strike weak and Russian governments because they exist. Militias and army uniforms. A war in Izza is a war whose result will be America’s return to the second grade. What happens in terms of attacking it is an insult to which America has not become accustomed since the Vietnam War and its defeat in Korea in the 1950s.
The Gulf countries, which were supporting the transfer of the Palestinians to Sinai and putting economic pressure on Egypt, are now terrified that the Houthis will strike Armaco and the UAE . They have made it clear that they are the agents of Israel and America and their loyal dogs, and they see the Americans being attacked in Iraq and Syria and unable to respond.
The timing of the Egyptian deterrence, that the Egyptian army is fully prepared, is a message to Israel not to go too far, just as long as one armored division has been shown, no more, and not a strategic opening of 12 armored mechanized infantry divisions and dozens of artillery brigades of all types.
What appears, the armies study it well, and not like amateurs, for whom the most important thing they have is the latest types, and not fully capable armies.

It is old but undergoing many improvements
Four new Egyptian deals before the end of 2023

Out of those 4, what I would like to see the most come to fruition is first the Scorpene subs. I think those are the most urgent out of the 4 as the submarine fleet with the 4 new Type 209s are great to have, but the way the zionisist freaked out about them and made the Germans all apprehensive and stuff makes it necessary to seek another source for the next procurement of that super lethal military weapon. Add 4 more of them (with AIP technology or not) will add a total of 12 subs in the fleet including the 4 Romeos which really need to be retired. But still, that will make the number of units adequate enough for the time being.

That's the first priority IMO. The second is the Typhoons. Not knowing the final status of the Su-35 acquisition, then might as well load up on the western systems. We've already been through the advantages and disadvantages of having two different Euro-canards in a fleet and the former outweighs the latter. So might as well get that done too in order to strengthen and supplement the EAF. They've already seen the aircraft and agreed to an MOU with Italy, so I would think it's a matter of finances of course and the weapon's package. If the meteor does come with the new Rafales coming soon, then there shouldn't be a problem having them with the Eurofighter Typhoons either.

EAF COS checking out the EFT2000's flight simulator during his visit to Italy for the mega deal.

An explicit declaration against Egypt (Isaiah), the bombing of Al-Azhar University, and a new offer to Egypt for billions of dollars! The most important episode..

Urgent ! Special details about the launching of a missile on Taba

Thankfully no one was killed. They haven't announced where it came from yet. Being that Taba is about 6 km south of the port of Eilat on the Red Sea coast of the Gulf of Aqaba and Gaza is all the way to the northern most end of the border from Eilat makes the source of the launch site a bit shady. Pretty sure they know exactly who and where it came from, we don't need a stupid incident from whomever to drag us into a protracted war at this point. No reason to poke the bear.
Do not give these islamists your attention. They have been brainwashed to hate Egypt and its army for decades!

Thank you, my brother. 🙂 No worries, I've been dealing with that type for over 3 decades lol. I was a few kilometers away from the parade the day Sadat was killed. I've understood the makeshift of this phenomena for a very long time. That's why I occasionally answer with "ironic" replies.

Good to see you here again, BTW. I hope you post a lot more.

It is worth noting that under the Sisi administration, heavy Egyptian military equipment was deployed to Sinai for the first time since the peace treaty in 1979 in violation of the security agreements with Israel, imposing a fait accompli that led to the amendment of the security agreements in 2021!

As it should be. We were the ones attacked several times not the other way around and the way they make it seem like we are the aggressors is beyond ridiculous. Sisi is doing everything the right way when it comes to dealing with these dangerous threats.

A dangerous message and the secret of the word “ready to move the earth”... Major General Samir Faraj reveals surprises about the army’s capabilities and weapons

Did you see the colors on the MiG-21? :lol: Egyptian artists let loose, gotta love it. It basically has all the old colors particularly the dark, chocolate brown centers with that jungle green lines separating that brown from the sand color, but it looks like they upped that sand color by making it quite the yellow color lool. Definitely bright and noticeable. And they were sure to keep the nose cone and the VHF antenna plate on the vertical stabilizer in the standard military green that the Soviets used. That color is specific to allowing radiating frequency waves to pass through. Gotta love it.

Notice what he also said at that time the MiG-21 was passing by? The Russian engine wasn't available for whatever reason, so they went to the UK and purchased a Britt engine (guessing a Rolls-Royce? Or Euro jet of some type) and the Egyptian engineers customized its installation into the "platform" which didn't necessarily point to that specific MiG-21 but "some platform" and they tested it and it flew perfectly fine. I think it's safe to say it was a western replacement engine (compatible to the RD-33 of the MiG-21) retro-fitted into the MiG-21s,. How cool is that?









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Egypt needs to adapt to certain degree Iran doctrine of cheap, accurate and effective weapon systems, unfortunately west will never allow you to be step ahead from zionist in conventional armament.
That does not mean that you should not have core army equiped with state of the art systems but west will never give you that.
You need to pass trough detoxication from west weapons, painful process but long term benefit.
The Egyptian Minister of Military Production receives a Greek delegation to discuss cooperation in defense industries..

Thankfully no one was killed. They haven't announced where it came from yet. Being that Taba is about 6 km south of the port of Eilat on the Red Sea coast of the Gulf of Aqaba and Gaza is all the way to the northern most end of the border from Eilat makes the source of the launch site a bit shady. Pretty sure they know exactly who and where it came from, we don't need a stupid incident from whomever to drag us into a protracted war at this point. No reason to poke the bear.
The investigations concluded that the missiles were fired from the south of the red sea, so probably Houthis.

"Military Spokesman: Within the framework of following up on the results of the ongoing investigations by the competent committee into the two accidents of a foreign object falling in Nuweiba and a piloted drone in Taba...

By analyzing and gathering information, the results of the investigations revealed that (2) unmanned aerial vehicles were heading from the south of the Red Sea to the north, and one of them was targeted outside Egyptian airspace in the Gulf of Aqaba region, resulting in some of its debris falling in an uninhabited area in Nuweiba...in addition to the fall of The other is in Taba.

The Air Force and Air Defense Forces are intensifying the work of securing Egyptian airspace on all strategic directions of the country."

The investigations concluded that the missiles were fired from the south of the red sea, so probably Houthis.

"Military Spokesman: Within the framework of following up on the results of the ongoing investigations by the competent committee into the two accidents of a foreign object falling in Nuweiba and a piloted drone in Taba...

By analyzing and gathering information, the results of the investigations revealed that (2) unmanned aerial vehicles were heading from the south of the Red Sea to the north, and one of them was targeted outside Egyptian airspace in the Gulf of Aqaba region, resulting in some of its debris falling in an uninhabited area in Nuweiba...in addition to the fall of The other is in Taba.

The Air Force and Air Defense Forces are intensifying the work of securing Egyptian airspace on all strategic directions of the country."

Rabena yostor. Tensions are increasing rapidly.
Egypt is a bad ally and President Sisi is not a friend of America.. Major General Samir Farag reveals the reason for the attack on Egypt..

"Military Spokesman: Within the framework of following up on the results of the ongoing investigations by the competent committee into the two accidents of a foreign object falling in Nuweiba and a piloted drone in Taba...

By analyzing and gathering information, the results of the investigations revealed that (2) unmanned aerial vehicles were heading from the south of the Red Sea to the north, and one of them was targeted outside Egyptian airspace in the Gulf of Aqaba region, resulting in some of its debris falling in an uninhabited area in Nuweiba...in addition to the fall of The other is in Taba.

The Air Force and Air Defense Forces are intensifying the work of securing Egyptian airspace on all strategic directions of the country."

Yep, the only problem with their investigation is that there is no way the drones/missiles were outside Egyptian airspace. The reason is the territorial waters demarcation for Egypt in the Gulf of Aqaba is a little over 6 km from the coast. That means the two objects would've had to be shot at least 7km off the coast of Sinai and then fell sideways that same distance of 7km from whatever altitude they were at in order to fall right on the two coastal towns of Taba & Nuweiba?! That is physically impossible unless they were at an altitude in outer space lmao AND there was a hurricane with 100km winds directly from the west to push them and have them land right on the coast. Impossible. Those things were flying less than a km at the most, from the coast and the needed to be shot down for sure.

I was just telling a fella who was calling out Egypt for "acting as Israel's air defense" on the Gaza Conflict thread the same thing and that no country in its right mind would EVER allow drones let alone suicide drones/missiles to approach anywhere near its territory. No one! And, with the EADS as strong as it is, they can bet their house it's a guarantee they'd be shot down without question.

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