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Egyptian Armed Forces

Any photo or source?

The deal is more than 11 years old. There was a report from Aselsan Company in the years 2012-2013 that spoke of the completion of Egypt’s delivery of 6 MRTP-33 missile boats to Egypt, equipped by them.
According to MSI news Egypt Navy is buying 6 MRTP-20 Class boats with ASELSAN STAMP; and more will follow including MRTP-33 with anti-ship missiles.

The difficulty of the sources is that they are finished, but I also modified them
A computer from that time lost 1 GB of stored data and information, and the PDF files were removed from the web


Turkey had found the best solution for it was the Chinese C-705 missile to arm these missile boats without theoretical restrictions, whether Exocet or Harpoon missiles.
Indeed, the export was with Chinese missiles, which have a range of 140-170 kilometers




Harpoon Block 2 MRTP 33'ler Veya CIN
C705 güdümlü mermi taşıyabilecek patentlediğimiz Onuk katlanabilir either run platformuyla
teçhiz edilmiş, güdümlü mermi taşıyan tekneler.
Did Egypt built even a 10th of those weapons?
Did they buy from Israel's enemies?
I don't need to read the entire posts here to know Egypt's military capability. I've followed its Sinai operation closely in the past and wasn't impressed. Much of Egypt's weapons are obsolete. A few Rafales won't be a game-changer - especially not against Israel. You can't fight Israel with Western weapons and win.

And do your search in the mean time..
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IBM Wins $38.9 Million Air Force Contract to Modernize the Egyptian Air Force Integrated Logistics System

Phoebe Wells / Oct 12, 2023



International Business Machines Corp., Bethesda, Maryland, has been awarded a $38,964,968 firm-fixed-price contract for the modernization of the Egyptian Air Force Integrated Logistics System. This contract provides for a fully integrated maintenance management and supply chain management system with the capability to support maintenance, repair, overhaul, operations, enterprise resource planning, forecasting, analytics, material management, and contracting operations. Work will be performed in Bethesda, Maryland, and Egypt, and is expected to be completed by June 5, 2029. This contract involves foreign military sales to Egypt. This contract was a sole source acquisition. Foreign Military Sales funds in the amount of $31,336,516 are being obligated at time of award. The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Hanscom Air Force Base, Massachusetts, is the contracting activity.

Egyptian army forces at Rafah border crossing







It is worth noting that under the Sisi administration, heavy Egyptian military equipment was deployed to Sinai for the first time since the peace treaty in 1979 in violation of the security agreements with Israel, imposing a fait accompli that led to the amendment of the security agreements in 2021!

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Egyptian army forces at Rafah border crossing

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It is worth noting that under the Sisi administration, heavy Egyptian military equipment was deployed to Sinai for the first time since the peace treaty in 1979 in violation of the security agreements with Israel, imposing a fait accompli that led to the amendment of the security agreements in 2021!

An analysis conducted by Lieutenant Colonel Eli Dekel, who served in the intelligence branch of the Israeli army for 20 years, shows Egyptian military expansion in Sinai under the Sisi administration.

We are ready to move the earth to preserve the soil of Egypt... A strong speech by the commander of the Third Field Army in the presence of President Sisi

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi inspects the war inspection procedures of the Fourth Armored Division of the Third Field Army

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