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Egyptian Armed Forces

Most random shit ever hahaha. Honestly, I don't mind the renormalization because we could enhance both economical capabilities and ofc defense industry. But still Greece will remain a great friend.

I think Al Thani set the two of them up, which was actually inevitable anyway because of the seating arrangements for the opening had all these heads of states and dignitaries etc. all sitting within the same 5 or so rows one right next to the other and most, if not all, getting to their seats end up being forced to greet almost every other head of state nearby.

So Al Thani probably figured it would be very awkward and difficult to do this during the seating and it would be more difficult for him to mediate the situation there. So, he probably told his people "have Erdogan walk into the tunnel at the same time as Sisi so they're proximity forces them to get this over with" and he can control the greeting much better from that tight area than in the stands. Good planning by Al Thani.
BTW, at the WC opening, Thani really looked like he was mediating as a referee. This is the first contact since 2013 and almost a forced one on both sides

in finally , no need to fight ,,,,

The door of the new era has been opened







Most random shit ever hahaha. Honestly, I don't mind the renormalization because we could enhance both economical capabilities and ofc defense industry. But still Greece will remain a great friend.
Erdoğan's probably like: "Sorry Sissi,sorry. Don't get involved in the dispute with the EEZ,tamam? All good? We will give you more EEZ.
Erdoğan's probably like: "Sorry Sissi,sorry. Don't get involved in the dispute with the EEZ,tamam? All good? We will give you more EEZ.

As always you are trying to deflect the facts ...

Turkiye is nothing to do with Egyptian EEZ
Turkiye doesnt support Muslim Brothers in Egypt and recognized SISI as president of Egypt
that was enough for peace
Erdoğan's probably like: "Sorry Sissi,sorry. Don't get involved in the dispute with the EEZ,tamam? All good? We will give you more EEZ.
Cry Greek cry. They will come to our Mavi Vatan doctrine. We will give more eez, because Greek is not island state.
Despite the political dispute, on the economic side, nothing stops the billions moving between the two economies..The last of which is a Turkish investment of $100 million from Arçelik Home Appliances Company.. Construction will begin in December..
• The factory will be opened at the end of 2023
• Production of 1.5 million devices annually
• 2000 job opportunities for citizens


Al-Sisi does not reconcile except with a deposit in the Central Bank ..HaHaHa!
Al-Sisi does not reconcile except with a deposit in the Central Bank ..HaHaHa!

The one constant (besides the deposits lol) is Sisi's diplomacy is always positive no matter who it is or what might've been said. Perfect example was a month ago with Biden after all the crap he said about Sisi and "Trump's favorite dictators" and all that rubbish, Sisi still met him with a full complement of respect and smiles and positive responses etc., just like in this situation which was much more considering many of the things that were said about not even wanting to be in the same room as him. were quite offensive. Not to mention what started it all.

That's one of the best and most constantly positive reactions by Sisi that everyone can obviously see all the time. The impressive diplomacy he practices and constantly maintains.
Yes,it supports them in Libya instead 🤣

Stop lying with your limited knowledge
Prime Minister SERRAC was secular and nothing to do with Muslim Brothers

on the other hand HAFTAR declared Jihad as like ISIS

Turkiye support Libya against Greece-France ,, not against Egypt
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The one constant (besides the deposits lol) is Sisi's diplomacy is always positive no matter who it is or what might've been said. Perfect example was a month ago with Biden after all the crap he said about Sisi and "Trump's favorite dictators" and all that rubbish, Sisi still met him with a full complement of respect and smiles and positive responses etc., just like in this situation which was much more considering many of the things that were said about not even wanting to be in the same room as him. were quite offensive. Not to mention what started it all.

That's one of the best and most constantly positive reactions by Sisi that everyone can obviously see all the time. The impressive diplomacy he practices and constantly maintains.
Always creating positive vibes..
Yala khalas! Khalas! 😂😂😂

Screenshot_2022-11-20 Turkish deputies who called Egypt's Sisi a tyrant and murderer now membe...png

Screenshot_2022-11-20 Erdoğan rejects joining Trump's table for lunch over presence of Egypt's...png

B3ad 3 sana...

Screenshot_2022-11-20 Egyptian Armed Forces(1).png

"Ya Thani,shoo bt3amel? Ma beedy btkalam m3a al kalb hona"
"Ya 7biby...3ndohou 100$ millioun lil Misr"
"Ah,kulu tamam,ahlan w sahlan ya sadiqy! Keefak?"
"Marhaba,Egept nambar 1,biz kardesler?

Have you seen this before
These are defense systems against drones
One of them is microwaved
And the other on Ptr laser system
Yala khalas! Khalas! 😂😂😂

View attachment 899033

View attachment 899034

B3ad 3 sana...

View attachment 899035

"Ya Thani,shoo bt3amel? Ma beedy btkalam m3a al kalb hona"
"Ya 7biby...3ndohou 100$ millioun lil Misr"
"Ah,kulu tamam,ahlan w sahlan ya sadiqy! Keefak?"
"Marhaba,Egept nambar 1,biz kardesler?
He doesn't know this
Even if the meeting took place, Egypt has its own conditions that Turkey implements, first to restore relations
And waiting for another 4 years until we know the good intentions and join the Mediterranean gas
Or he will go to hell, because Egypt, Greece and Cyprus have first-class defense and security agreements, and I almost know that they have a joint leadership in the Mediterranean that cooperates in the first degree.
More than 50 security and military agreements
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