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Egyptian Armed Forces

Don't think Reaper sized drone. I think that it is just an illustration for their article.

Hahaha. I realize whatever drone is in that picture is just an illustration for the article, that was not the reason I made the comment. Not even sure if that is a Reaper or a Predator drone, I just figured that since they have been building them for a few years, now, but at the next size down from the larger drones like the Reapers and Predators and even Wing Loongs that perhaps that is where they're headed.
Hahaha. I realize whatever drone is in that picture is just an illustration for the article, that was not the reason I made the comment. Not even sure if that is a Reaper or a Predator drone, I just figured that since they have been building them for a few years, now, but at the next size down from the larger drones like the Reapers and Predators and even Wing Loongs that perhaps that is where they're headed.
For me we must first mature our drone project (Thebes-30 and EJune-30) and build their ammos locally.

An important video related to Egypt's acquisition of upgraded bombs capable of penetrating 50 meters in cement for dams such as the Renaissance Dam,

and Egypt's production of local bombs called EGB-105 with laser-guided copies and a copy directed by GPS systems that were tested in Sinai, especially for the destruction of highly fortified buildings
To be used in the event of a desire to destroy the Ethiopian dams that impede the flow of river water and prevent Egypt's shares in the Nile water

The importance of producing these bombs locally is to use them against sources of threats, such as fortifications in the mountains used by countries such as Iran, or the destruction of the Turkish Ilısu Dam which cut off the water from the Iraqi Euphrates River.
In general, Egypt has manufactured American bombs by reverse engineering for years, starting with the EGB-2 bomb, to various other models

In general, Egypt announced that

There will be no stability in the Horn of Africa unless Ethiopia, which suffers from the fifth generation war, submits to civil wars that will only end with its fragmentation or submission to Egypt and the Egyptian demands. Whether America, Russia or China, or else they would have prevented wars in Oromia, Benishangul and Tigray

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The BLU-122 warhead is a 5,000 lb class weapon designed to engage hard and heavily buried targets. It significantly improves the performance of the BLU-113 warhead by incorporating the latest technological advances in warhead and explosive design. The new warhead also includes design improvements to reduce its sensitivity. The latest version of the GBU-28 glide bomb delivers the warhead using a laser/INS/GPS guidance system. It will be used on B-2A and F-15E aircraft. The Air Force improves the ability to attack hard and/or deep targets in adverse environmental conditions. The effectiveness of the current BLU-113 warhead weighing 2130 kg, used in the GBU-28 laser/GPS guided bomb, is significantly improved due to the modified design of the BLU-122, which increases its penetration, lethality and survivability.

View attachment 899548

An important video related to Egypt's acquisition of upgraded bombs capable of penetrating 50 meters in cement for dams such as the Renaissance Dam,

and Egypt's production of local bombs called EGB-105 with laser-guided copies and a copy directed by GPS systems that were tested in Sinai, especially for the destruction of highly fortified buildings
To be used in the event of a desire to destroy the Ethiopian dams that impede the flow of river water and prevent Egypt's shares in the Nile water
View attachment 899550
The importance of producing these bombs locally is to use them against sources of threats, such as fortifications in the mountains used by countries such as Iran, or the destruction of the Turkish Ilısu Dam which cut off the water from the Iraqi Euphrates River.
In general, Egypt has manufactured American bombs by reverse engineering for years, starting with the EGB-2 bomb, to various other models
View attachment 899552
In general, Egypt announced that

There will be no stability in the Horn of Africa unless Ethiopia, which suffers from the fifth generation war, submits to civil wars that will only end with its fragmentation or submission to Egypt and the Egyptian demands. Whether America, Russia or China, or else they would have prevented wars in Oromia, Benishangul and Tigray
View attachment 899549

View attachment 899554

The BLU-122 warhead is a 5,000 lb class weapon designed to engage hard and heavily buried targets. It significantly improves the performance of the BLU-113 warhead by incorporating the latest technological advances in warhead and explosive design. The new warhead also includes design improvements to reduce its sensitivity. The latest version of the GBU-28 glide bomb delivers the warhead using a laser/INS/GPS guidance system. It will be used on B-2A and F-15E aircraft. The Air Force improves the ability to attack hard and/or deep targets in adverse environmental conditions. The effectiveness of the current BLU-113 warhead weighing 2130 kg, used in the GBU-28 laser/GPS guided bomb, is significantly improved due to the modified design of the BLU-122, which increases its penetration, lethality and survivability.

View attachment 899555
Any real footage of it?
Any real footage of it?


From the Egyptian side, nothing will be announced, but things are simple. A country that has been producing aircraft bombs since 1958 and has been producing a series of Soviet and then Spanish bombs, then making American bombs the standard bombs for the Egyptian Air Force, which works on all fighters in the Egyptian Air Force, whether French, Russian or American

Egypt's tendency to produce a series of reverse-engineered guided bombs is natural. Egypt has not purchased bombs from the United States for 10 years. It is not natural that all Egyptian F-16 fighters rely on unguided bombs.
And we're talking about the entire US series of the GBU/Paveway family

And converting the Mark 80 series family into a directed family is a matter that does not find a real objection for a simple reason. Any restrictions in this direction, while preventing JDAM bombs and restricting the numbers on them, makes Egypt simply get rid of the entire fleet of F-16 fighters, and the United States sees maintaining F-16 fighters in Egypt as an armament pressure factor. Weakening the Egyptian Air Force by restricting advanced munitions and removing them from service makes America lose a pressure card that it uses against Egypt and the Egyptian armament policy. On the other hand, Egypt maintains American fighters for as long as possible and gradually replaces them with one’s fighters, where you are waiting for the F-16 fighters to be replaced by fifth generation fighters. MIRAGE-5 is replaced by the Rafale and Typhoon and the MiG-21 is being replaced by the MIG-29M and the F-7 may be replaced by LCA TEJAS MK1A fighters
It is natural for Egypt to manufacture bunker-busting bombs with different capacities, and for Egypt to produce the GBU-28/37 series for reasons that affect the Egyptian national security, as well as commercial reasons. You need them to destroy a wide range of hostile targets, and your production of these bombs opens up a good market for you
Simply the matter is related to water retention dams as well as fortifications. There are countries such as Iran that establish bases and underground weapons stores over long distances, and there are American restrictions on quantitative export of them to countries.
The Subject - Su-33 Flanker-D(Su-27K) wKh-41 Moskit(P-270) Anti-ship missile (2).jpg

It is also related to the means of these bombs. We focus on the bombs that weigh more than 1 ton, so the SU-35 fighters are considered vital, along with transport aircraft that can be employed to launch such bombs.

Egypt does not announce its weapons until after long periods of time and what is better than them have actually entered service. For example, a bomb like the Nasr 9000, when its effect was shown, after entering service thirty years and more, may have exited from service by entering a newer one.
View attachment 899741

From the Egyptian side, nothing will be announced, but things are simple. A country that has been producing aircraft bombs since 1958 and has been producing a series of Soviet and then Spanish bombs, then making American bombs the standard bombs for the Egyptian Air Force, which works on all fighters in the Egyptian Air Force, whether French, Russian or American

Egypt's tendency to produce a series of reverse-engineered guided bombs is natural. Egypt has not purchased bombs from the United States for 10 years. It is not natural that all Egyptian F-16 fighters rely on unguided bombs.
And we're talking about the entire US series of the GBU/Paveway family

And converting the Mark 80 series family into a directed family is a matter that does not find a real objection for a simple reason. Any restrictions in this direction, while preventing JDAM bombs and restricting the numbers on them, makes Egypt simply get rid of the entire fleet of F-16 fighters, and the United States sees maintaining F-16 fighters in Egypt as an armament pressure factor. Weakening the Egyptian Air Force by restricting advanced munitions and removing them from service makes America lose a pressure card that it uses against Egypt and the Egyptian armament policy. On the other hand, Egypt maintains American fighters for as long as possible and gradually replaces them with one’s fighters, where you are waiting for the F-16 fighters to be replaced by fifth generation fighters. MIRAGE-5 is replaced by the Rafale and Typhoon and the MiG-21 is being replaced by the MIG-29M and the F-7 may be replaced by LCA TEJAS MK1A fighters
It is natural for Egypt to manufacture bunker-busting bombs with different capacities, and for Egypt to produce the GBU-28/37 series for reasons that affect the Egyptian national security, as well as commercial reasons. You need them to destroy a wide range of hostile targets, and your production of these bombs opens up a good market for you
Simply the matter is related to water retention dams as well as fortifications. There are countries such as Iran that establish bases and underground weapons stores over long distances, and there are American restrictions on quantitative export of them to countries.
View attachment 899748
It is also related to the means of these bombs. We focus on the bombs that weigh more than 1 ton, so the SU-35 fighters are considered vital, along with transport aircraft that can be employed to launch such bombs.
View attachment 899742

Egypt does not announce its weapons until after long periods of time and what is better than them have actually entered service. For example, a bomb like the Nasr 9000, when its effect was shown, after entering service thirty years and more, may have exited from service by entering a newer one.
View attachment 899749
But aren't we trying converting the unguided bombs by guided bombs like the Al Tariq bombs series. Maybe we got some ToT from Denel/EDGE or even from India. I wish that we can buy JDAM type of kit like Takbir kit (Pakistan) etc...
But aren't we trying converting the unguided bombs by guided bombs like the Al Tariq bombs series. Maybe we got some ToT from Denel/EDGE or even from India. I wish that we can buy JDAM type of kit like Takbir kit (Pakistan) etc...

The Z-20 is better than the MH-60R Seahawks family

There is a wide scope for wave bombs according to the guidance systems and according to the type of targets used against them. Therefore, you find a diversity in the requirements. It does not mean that there are bombs like Al-Tariq. Bombs such as GBU, SDB bombs, cluster bombs, and AASM bombs are dispensed with, unlike also the prices that differ. It is not normal, for example, a T-55 tank. I hit it with a bomb. AASM costs $400,000
When Egypt manufactured the guidance kits to convert the MARK 80 family of bombs into wave bombs at a low cost, this does not mean that all Egyptian demands were met. For example, JDAM bombs are priced in the range of 30-100 thousand dollars. A guidance piece costs 5 thousand dollars to convert an unguided bomb into something equivalent to JDAM.

The most important point is that having the self-ability to develop bombs means producing improved copies in the destructive capacity of different bombs. Simply, you can produce the GBU-28 bomb and refine it with the same dimensions in newer versions with higher penetration capabilities.
Modern warfare requires many types of armaments. In the aftermath of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the Russians hit military facilities and factories with cruise missiles and heavy guided veils, the civilian foundation of the state. They hit with light-weight wave bombs or drones with multiple effects and various destructive capabilities.
It is also believed that Egypt manufactures guidance units for JDAM bombs as well
Diversity like the Tariq is also due to the availability of different capabilities and ranges for the bombs, whether in expanding the range instead of 80 kilometers in JDAM-ER to 120 and 200 kilometers in versions of the Tariq.

There remains the importance of bombs penetrating fortifications to hit ammunition and fuel depots and enemy underground installations
There remains a wide scope for development and improvement with the development of means of protection on the counter side

Countries such as South Korea and German companies that fled to South Africa to get away from the restrictions of the German government will not contract with them to set up production lines except after transferring other additional technologies, even if the contract declared is the production of the MARK 80 family, simply because why did he buy from Germany a traditional factory and can be obtained from China has a much lower cost factory without any restrictions

Also, it is not normal for such 54 Rafale aircraft to be purchased without any technical transfer of AASM bombs, because simply the cost of executing strikes with this aircraft is very high, and the economies cannot afford it. Therefore, we find that not only American guided and unguided bombs are used, but also French offers. For some transportation of some ammunition

The French also overlook, for example, the reverse engineering of some of their products in the event that they implement large deals with countries. The French also do not sell real weapons directly, but rather in the operation of the French military industrial complex, in which 300,000 workers previously worked, through the sale of weapons components and even indirect components of weapons. Indonesia produces The French VAB armored vehicles with an Indonesian name, the French VAB 3 armored vehicles and engines, the same thing, the SHERPA armored vehicles, and the French offers to India to produce Caesar guns in India under an Indian name, and to glorify the proportion of Indian components due to the fact that the French aim to export components instead of India developing artillery on its own to compete with it

The issue of guided bombs is old. Simply put, China has been selling guidance kits for many years to countries such as Sudan and Pakistan. Therefore, the West is also forced to allow this because the Chinese alternative exists. Things here are related to competition in the arms market.

What happened today regarding deep-penetration bombs is not recent or a strategic matter. The West is making many releases as a result of the availability of competitors today, China and India, and tomorrow, other countries, especially since Europe has become non-competitive in the arms market with its astronomical prices and depends mainly on providing financial financing to buyers to deny the transactions for fear of Competition from other arms manufacturing countries

Allowing Egypt to meet some requirements is less than it should be. I bought weapons worth 40 billion dollars, and I do not have the techniques to develop a drone by myself, or even to develop a modern, advanced combat rifle that meets the needs of the times. The West does not want Egypt to escape from it, whether through self-development or cooperation with other countries for that period. Next, you will find the West allowing Egypt more weapons as long as the goal is to ensure that Egypt remains a country that does not manufacture weapons, does not compete and is not developed. They want it to remain a market for them in all ways and means. As long as there is no national will to develop, there will be no radical change.

Z-20F vs Z-20J111.jpg
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