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Egyptian Armed Forces

Nah,the Mirage 2000 EGM/BGM are probably going back to France. That was the rumor. But it would have been nice if we could give them to Egypt. The best ones we have are the Mirage 2000-5 Mk.II
The Rafale are 8 now. I think someone had said here it would have been nice if Egypt got those Mirage 2000 if Greece gets the Emirati ones.
I do think that if the UAE gonna sell its Mirage 2K then it will be divided by two or three (Egypt, Greece, Morocco).
Indeed, lol. Interesting that they went through all that but the only thing that came out of it was the US getting all bent out of shape. Heck, I think that our northeast neighbors have made much worst violations with the Chinese and even others. I think Egypt has racked up either the 2nd or 3rd most 3rd-party infractions with US military equipment. Forget who said that it was right on this thread might've been Frogman but it makes sense.

Is he actually saying the 24 M346 trainers package is one of those three or he's not sure? It sounded like he was just mentioning they were a major part of the original mega package.

The submarine radar is fascinating to me since this tells me they're either not happy with the ones in the Type 209s OR don't trust the Germans who might've given certain info about them to you know who that was screaming at them for making such a sale, or just upgraded and better AESA units like he mentioned.

He didn't say anything about the meteor but let me ask you, what is the situation with those and Saudi's request to purchase them - considering how many she's contracted and signing on for 72 more Tranche 4, she MUST be insisting on the missiles to be part of the deal, especially when Qatar got them the quickest with the Rafales. Not sure if they got them with their Typhoons yet but it probably won't be an issue if one aircraft model has them. Do you know if Saudi insisted they be part of the new 72?

This is the first I've heard of this. Is this actual info or you're just thinking with the new F-35s and especially the Rafales, the 2Ks aren't needed anymore? But did they raise the number of Rafales from 18?

They've upgraded those to the max and considering the success they've had with them in the Aegean Sea, those still have at least another 10 maybe 15 more years to go.
As part of a $1 billion missile contract, the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) has received the first 20 Meteor BVRAAM missiles..

It is worth noting that sources indicate with high confidence, that P2E has entered the service in RSAF .. This enables Typhoon fighters to conduct deep attack missions with stand-off weapon systems such as Storm Shadow cruise missile, Together with Meteor as long-range AAM..

Besides further improvements in CAPTOR radar, DASS EW suite, and MIDS..


KSA already has 72 Typhoons..they were negotiating for 48 more but it stalled.. for many reasons.. mainly local production on a higher scale..
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As part of a $1 billion missile contract, the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) has received the first 20 Meteor BVRAAM missiles..

It is worth noting that sources indicate with high confidence, that P2E has entered the service in RSAF .. This enables Typhoon fighters to conduct deep attack missions with stand-off weapon systems such as Storm Shadow cruise missile, Together with Meteor as long-range AAM..

Besides further improvements in CAPTOR radar, DASS EW suite, and MIDS..

View attachment 897757

KSA already has 73 Typhoons..they were negotiating for 48 more but it stalled.. for many reasons.. mainly local production on a higher scale..
Hope with this deal, we have more freedom either for more Storm Shadow and to get Meteor which can lead french selling us Meteor for the Rafale. And to mount indigenous or foreign equipments like Saber 220, BrahMos NG etc...

@Hydration khod video tani hahaha. A7a homa 3ayzin 6 millions yigo fi sania hahaha. Di hata el 3asema lessa makhelsetsh fa ezay 3ayez tegibjom mara wahda.
Hope with this deal, we have more freedom either for more Storm Shadow and to get Meteor which can lead french selling us Meteor for the Rafale. And to mount indigenous or foreign equipments like Saber 220, BrahMos NG etc...
I have no doubts that the Meteor is coming to EAF with both the Rafale and the Typhoons..
It was very clear that the Meteor was part of the latest deal of 30 Rafales with France..
Honestly I am waiting to Meteor and MICA NG missiles. Can MICA NG be integrated into the EFT or no? Who knows maybe we can see Astra missile and Meteor working together hahaha
Capabilities of the Italian Military Radar Satellite that Egypt is negotiating with Italy..


It is the Italian braINT satellite data management tool, and it is considered the jewel of the Italian company Telespazio’s production in the military field. It is a satellite that specializes in espionage, analysis, and the production of interpretations of the information obtained. The satellite can work in the IMINT range, which is an acronym for Image intelligence, which means obtaining information, analyzing it, and making proposals at the same time.

The satellite has the ability to transmit data in real time for the occurrence of the event, and it can identify the targets to be spied on, whether they are air or land bases, missile or artillery sites, or other types of military facilities. The moon can identify the enemy forces surrounding the target, whether armored forces, infantry, artillery, etc. In addition, it can monitor borders and border points, monitor suspicious and strange movements, and determine if there is a defect in the behavior or the usual pattern of the region. It has the ability to survey a wide area, monitor suspicious activities of the enemy, and monitor the gathering, demobilization and dismantling of its forces. The satellite can assess losses in the event of continuous fighting. It can assist in drawing up plans by observing a specific area, determining the best area for deploying soldiers on the battlefield, surveying residential and civilian areas to assist in the planning process, and developing digital maps showing the terrain before deploying forces in an area, and surveying roads, points, and centers of movement.

Of course, all these great capabilities give a huge quantum leap to the Egyptian armed forces through which it can place the enemy under surveillance moment by moment and monitor all its movements, and assist the military decision-maker in taking appropriate decisions in the operations and tasks assigned to it and developing the best offensive and defensive plans, and he will also work on Tightening the screws on terrorist groups infiltrating through the border areas, monitoring them as soon as they cross the Egyptian border, and dealing with them within a few minutes by unmanned marches that are present in the skies of Egypt around the clock, protecting its borders and skies..

Here is a glimpse of it:
The Italian newspaper La Repubblica reported that Egypt is in serious negotiations with Italy to purchase four Atr 72Mp maritime patrol aircraft..

The aircraft specializes in monitoring, espionage and electronic jamming, and is also used to transport personnel and materials and can perform anti-submarine missions.



The ATR 72MP features Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) capabilities that enable sea lane traffic surveillance, fisheries protection, counter-trafficking, counter-narcotics operations, exclusive economic zone (EEZ) patrols, as well as search and rescue (SAR) operations.

The aircraft can also be used to transport personnel and material, and can perform anti-submarine warfare (ASW), anti-surface warfare (AsuW) and electronic intelligence (ELINT) missions.
I do think that if the UAE gonna sell its Mirage 2K then it will be divided by two or three (Egypt, Greece, Morocco).

What makes you think they're going to share them to 2 or even 3 countries? Just intuition or you have another reason?

As part of a $1 billion missile contract, the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) has received the first 20 Meteor BVRAAM missiles..

It has actually already received 20 in country!? That's excellent news mabrouk ya basha.
$1 billion in just the weapons package. Makes you wonder what other goodies are in a major package like that.

It is worth noting that sources indicate with high confidence, that P2E has entered the service in RSAF .. This enables Typhoon fighters to conduct deep attack missions with stand-off weapon systems such as Storm Shadow cruise missile, Together with Meteor as long-range AAM..

Besides further improvements in CAPTOR radar, DASS EW suite, and MIDS..

Well. that's essentially the great planning of the "tranche" concept that the 4 countries came up with. Most of the let's say additional improvements or better capabilities in the tranche 3 or later models can be upgraded into the previous ones. I don't think the tranche 1 can get too many new goodies, but the 2 and on were specifically planned that way. Part of the engineering of such advanced technology are things like that which are not easy. I believe that they started to plan that concept in sincerity for the T2 and on and that really is one of the many GREAT features of the Eurofighter Typhoon.

All of those features you mentioned should all be standard from now on, on all the new ordered RSAF Typhoons.

KSA already has 72 Typhoons..they were negotiating for 48 more but it stalled.. for many reasons.. mainly local production on a higher scale..

I probably confused the current 73 for the new order.

Hey, even if the 48 are currently stalled, let them sweat it out because if they want the sale from a customer like Saudiya, they'll have to give more than they're normally willing to from countries that have the strongest purchase power such as SA. They're doing it right.

Heck, in one of those Military Squares videos you posted on the EAF thread, the dude talked about the latest details of the mega deal with Italy and the latest issue with the 24 Typhoons was how proud he was that the Egyptian negotiators on that tremendous deal that's probably going to end up being somewhere around $12 billion lmaoooo is that they were able to talk the Italians down on the EFTs from 300 million Euros to 200 million a piece. A7a khomsomeet marra! Imagine they actually wanted 300 million euros for a single Typhoon in a huge military package that included the 4 terrific Bergamini FREMs etc.? These numbers are out of control, bro and I need to do the match on this Saudi deal to determine how much they're paying per aircraft just to see if the 200 million Euros Egypt seems to be happy to pay is really a good deal or are we still getting shanked? I think it's still the latter, unfortunately simply because when you look at the Rafale (we can't bring the Gripen into this conversation for several reasons) you're looking at what, $120 - $150 per aircraft? That, or maybe just a little more on the EFT would be acceptable. But when you're talking about an additional $50-$80 million per, something is not right. And we do know already that the weapons package is actually separate from that so.......

Hope with this deal, we have more freedom either for more Storm Shadow and to get Meteor which can lead french selling us Meteor for the Rafale. And to mount indigenous or foreign equipments like Saber 220, BrahMos NG etc...

What deal? You're thinking about the possible Egyptian EFT deal? I was a bit confused since SC was talking about the RSAF's Typhoons, not Egypt's. Besides, even Saudiya is a relatively new customer of the AIM-120. Only in November of 2021 did it get congressional approval for the AMRAAM BUT, it got pretty much the 2nd best in the C-7 and C-8s and 280 of them on top of that lol. I think only the EX (Extended Range) is considered better. Good for them 3obalna a7na InshaAllah.

Something that our air defense forces never miss which is to buy the suitable systems and not buying overrated systems etc...

What a great capture that was. Even though most of those low-flying cruise missiles (even the US' Tomahawk flies at the same speed or even slower until it approaches its target, then it just goes up to mach 4 I believe as it moves quickly to a higher altitude to be able to slam downward.

Usually, though, we don't hardly ever see any interceptions of this or any other kind. Usually, it's someone getting one flying by on his phone or seeing it hit a target or even helicopters I remember seeing a lot of those in the early part of the Syrian war. But to see one like this, here, and knowing it's the IRIS-T-SLM which we also know Egypt has purchased what, 8 systems of these 2 years ago? Ya3ni the fact that they knew about how good the system was and were able to acquire them from a country that is basically a stooge to the Jews who control them (or maybe used to but not anymore) and made the deal. I remember we were talking about them telling ourselves "what the heck are they doing? They already have all the short range BUKs and TORs and SA-6s and the medium range S-300VM and a few other goodies why add this system?! lol Who was it that said whoever is in charge of purchasing new systems is really good at it? Was that you? :D Walahi mazbout awi.
What makes you think they're going to share them to 2 or even 3 countries? Just intuition or you have another reason?

It has actually already received 20 in country!? That's excellent news mabrouk ya basha.
$1 billion in just the weapons package. Makes you wonder what other goodies are in a major package like that.

Well. that's essentially the great planning of the "tranche" concept that the 4 countries came up with. Most of the let's say additional improvements or better capabilities in the tranche 3 or later models can be upgraded into the previous ones. I don't think the tranche 1 can get too many new goodies, but the 2 and on were specifically planned that way. Part of the engineering of such advanced technology are things like that which are not easy. I believe that they started to plan that concept in sincerity for the T2 and on and that really is one of the many GREAT features of the Eurofighter Typhoon.

All of those features you mentioned should all be standard from now on, on all the new ordered RSAF Typhoons.

I probably confused the current 73 for the new order.

Hey, even if the 48 are currently stalled, let them sweat it out because if they want the sale from a customer like Saudiya, they'll have to give more than they're normally willing to from countries that have the strongest purchase power such as SA. They're doing it right.

Heck, in one of those Military Squares videos you posted on the EAF thread, the dude talked about the latest details of the mega deal with Italy and the latest issue with the 24 Typhoons was how proud he was that the Egyptian negotiators on that tremendous deal that's probably going to end up being somewhere around $12 billion lmaoooo is that they were able to talk the Italians down on the EFTs from 300 million Euros to 200 million a piece. A7a khomsomeet marra! Imagine they actually wanted 300 million euros for a single Typhoon in a huge military package that included the 4 terrific Bergamini FREMs etc.? These numbers are out of control, bro and I need to do the match on this Saudi deal to determine how much they're paying per aircraft just to see if the 200 million Euros Egypt seems to be happy to pay is really a good deal or are we still getting shanked? I think it's still the latter, unfortunately simply because when you look at the Rafale (we can't bring the Gripen into this conversation for several reasons) you're looking at what, $120 - $150 per aircraft? That, or maybe just a little more on the EFT would be acceptable. But when you're talking about an additional $50-$80 million per, something is not right. And we do know already that the weapons package is actually separate from that so.......

What deal? You're thinking about the possible Egyptian EFT deal? I was a bit confused since SC was talking about the RSAF's Typhoons, not Egypt's. Besides, even Saudiya is a relatively new customer of the AIM-120. Only in November of 2021 did it get congressional approval for the AMRAAM BUT, it got pretty much the 2nd best in the C-7 and C-8s and 280 of them on top of that lol. I think only the EX (Extended Range) is considered better. Good for them 3obalna a7na InshaAllah.

What a great capture that was. Even though most of those low-flying cruise missiles (even the US' Tomahawk flies at the same speed or even slower until it approaches its target, then it just goes up to mach 4 I believe as it moves quickly to a higher altitude to be able to slam downward.

Usually, though, we don't hardly ever see any interceptions of this or any other kind. Usually, it's someone getting one flying by on his phone or seeing it hit a target or even helicopters I remember seeing a lot of those in the early part of the Syrian war. But to see one like this, here, and knowing it's the IRIS-T-SLM which we also know Egypt has purchased what, 8 systems of these 2 years ago? Ya3ni the fact that they knew about how good the system was and were able to acquire them from a country that is basically a stooge to the Jews who control them (or maybe used to but not anymore) and made the deal. I remember we were talking about them telling ourselves "what the heck are they doing? They already have all the short range BUKs and TORs and SA-6s and the medium range S-300VM and a few other goodies why add this system?! lol Who was it that said whoever is in charge of purchasing new systems is really good at it? Was that you? :D Walahi mazbout awi.
In 2006 Saudi Arabia paid GB£4.43 billion ($5,3 billion) for 72 aircraft..25 T2 and the rest T3.. That's $73.6 per aircraft.. in 2006..
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