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Egyptian Armed Forces

He did? Really? That's a very bold statement, wow! I missed that and not sure why because I've watched every single video all you fellas posted. Which video was it, the Millenium 7 fella or a different one? I'll have to go back and see that and how he made that claim! The only way that is possible is comparing it to one of the older AIM-120s like the B or so because of the difference in the ranges. Maybe that's what he meant. But it certainly has incredible technology to control its speed, energy/fuel consumption, proximity fuse and vectoring/turning etc. Those are also the excellent traits that make the Meteor also a superb and the best A2A missile out there.
I sent it but I can't find the video. He said Mica is equivalent to the AIM-120.

It is his youtube channel :

Ah yes, they did retire the first and older block As that had been involved in several accidents and mishaps etc. and were deemed too old and expensive to upgrade, unlike the remaining 50+. But retiring at the boneyard is different from scrapping them, as in dismantling etc. The most they would do before boneyarding them is remove the radars, guns and other sensitive systems and then shrink-wrapping them and putting them out in the Arizona desert where there is practically 0 humidity. They're probably still very valuable as far as spare parts for the rest of the flying fleet.
I sent it but I can't find the video. He said Mica is equivalent to the AIM-120.

It is his youtube channel :

Oh yeah I know this guy, I've seen one or two of his videos but I forgot a lot of my French I used to speak fluently when I was a kid, so it makes it hard to understand what he's saying. I think he was Malaysian origin or something? Your French is fluent? I can still understand some of it, but it's strenuous to follow lol. I'll try to skim through the first few videos or search by titles and see if I can find which one it is. Really would like to hear what he has to say about such a bold claim. Coming from someone like him says a lot, for sure.

My buddy, Olie, supports the Palestinian cause 100%. He was just a little irritated this day because he had just woken up and was a little aggravated loool, put one ear back and was giving me the half stink-eye lmaooo. But he loves it when I wrap him with his Palestinian scarf. :D


I hope it will succeed because it has a big potential.

This is one of the big reasons I've been screaming about them making sure they fulfil the Su-35SE contract so that it opens the door for the future 5th generations fighters. Egypt MUST defeat CAATSA in any way it can and get back into the fold with Russian weapons and especially the contract of the Su-35s as the rumors of Iran getting them in exchange for a hundred drones and all that crap is really gaining momentum.

If that happens, that means the US has basically shot itself in the foot while at the same time, denying Egypt those jets just because of the Jews! Absolutely stupid beyond belief and that is what the EAF needs to tell the US that if they don't stop with the CAATSA crap, those jets will end up in Iran and what would they rather see, Iran have them (and supposedly the S-400 is also part of that rumored deal) or isn't it better for Egypt to have those fighters? It's a no brainer and shame on the US for really screwing everything up. Imagine that? The EAF MUST put pressure on the US and start receiving those Sukhois immediately if not, sooner.

That X-69 or Ka-59 cruise missile has just been qualified to be part of the Su-57's weapons package. Imagine that aircraft being able to stack that massive cruise missile inside the aircraft!? The F-22 couldn't dream of having nearly the room for something like that and certainly not the F-35. How important is it for the EAF to stick with the Russian weapons systems?

This is one of the big reasons I've been screaming about them making sure they fulfil the Su-35SE contract so that it opens the door for the future 5th generations fighters. Egypt MUST defeat CAATSA in any way it can and get back into the fold with Russian weapons and especially the contract of the Su-35s as the rumors of Iran getting them in exchange for a hundred drones and all that crap is really gaining momentum.

If that happens, that means the US has basically shot itself in the foot while at the same time, denying Egypt those jets just because of the Jews! Absolutely stupid beyond belief and that is what the EAF needs to tell the US that if they don't stop with the CAATSA crap, those jets will end up in Iran and what would they rather see, Iran have them (and supposedly the S-400 is also part of that rumored deal) or isn't it better for Egypt to have those fighters? It's a no brainer and shame on the US for really screwing everything up. Imagine that? The EAF MUST put pressure on the US and start receiving those Sukhois immediately if not, sooner.

That X-69 or Ka-59 cruise missile has just been qualified to be part of the Su-57's weapons package. Imagine that aircraft being able to stack that massive cruise missile inside the aircraft!? The F-22 couldn't dream of having nearly the room for something like that and certainly not the F-35. How important is it for the EAF to stick with the Russian weapons systems?

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The problem is that the payload of the SU-75 is small so it will one strike then return. But the price is so sus because how a 5th gen cost about 20 to 35 millions. For me, at least 60 to 100 millions.
I sent it but I can't find the video. He said Mica is equivalent to the AIM-120.

It is his youtube channel :

Damn I can't look for it that dude has waaaaay too many videos to go through. If you posted it on this thread, I'll just backtrack and see if I can find it. Very interested in what he said about that.

Speaking of this ex-rafale pilot, there was an amazing story that he did one of his videos on I remember watching it a while ago and it was about a huge mystery of a partial ejection on a ride-along flight!

So, just like many air forces, the US, Canada, the UK etc., France also does that where they either award one of the crewmen/women for their excellent service by taking them in the backseat of a fighter on a short flight as a reward. Sometimes they'll do it for people in their town or volunteers at the airbase etc.

Well, L'Armee de L'air did the same thing with one of their rafales and the winner of this ride was an older gentleman from a local town and I forget why he was awarded the ride, doesn't matter anyway. So they do the whole quick training thing which takes a few days I think and they check his heart and medical conditions and teach him basic survival skills in case they have to bail out etc. Tell him NOT to touch the stick or throttle or ejection handles or certain buttons and all that happy stuff and they get ready to go flying.

They strap him in, one more review of all the no-no touching checklist and off they go down the tarmac. Local older gentleman is in the backseat of the rafale and the pilot tells him they're going to take off and does explain to him what he will be doing as far as maneuvers etc.

They race down the runway, pilot pulls back the stick, rafale takes off and the pilot puts the aircraft pretty much in a vertical stoop for a short period and then abruptly levels off.

As soon as the pilot levels off from the vertical take-off, the canopy goes KAPOWWW and blows off and older gent goes flying out in his seat!!!!! Pilot is freaking out has no idea wtf just happened lmaoooo and banks sharply, calls mayday mayday and they land him immediately.

They find out later that what happened was once the pilot came out of the vertical flight and abruptly leveled off, that created a negative G force enough to pull the older fella up a bit out of his seat. That sensation automatically triggered his own reaction to grab the closest thing available since he felt like he was going to pop out of his seat not having been told what to expect from that negative G. So what does he grab immediately and as fast and as hard as possible? Yep, the ejection handles in-between his legs! looool and out the aircraft he went.

Poor guy had no idea what hit him or what happened until he was on the ground and emergency crews attended to him and they went back and talked to the pilot and the guy and when they asked him why he grabbed the ejection handles when they specifically told him not to. He said he felt like he was going to pop out of his seat and was afraid his head would crash into the glass canopy and was just reaching for anything to hold him into his seat.

So even though the seatbelts are very tight and barely allow any motion, there's still enough slack to move a little tiny bit but the sensation of being lifted is still going to be there despite the harness and all that and he was simply automatically reacting to something he certainly wasn't used to AND that they hadn't warned him about! Crazy story. :D

64-YO Civilian Gifted Flight In Rafale Fighter Jet, Accidentally Ejects Himself Midair


Thank God for him it seems like all the steps of dislodging from the seat and the parachute opening up was/is all automatic and it worked well. Otherwise, I'm not sure he would've had the wherewithal to do any of those additional steps considering the traumatic situation that must've been and all those things happening so fast. I hope his back is also ok. From what I hear of ejections, that rapid push on the spine creates quite the compression.
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Oh yeah I know this guy, I've seen one or two of his videos but I forgot a lot of my French I used to speak fluently when I was a kid, so it makes it hard to understand what he's saying. I think he was Malaysian origin or something? Your French is fluent? I can still understand some of it, but it's strenuous to follow lol. I'll try to skim through the first few videos or search by titles and see if I can find which one it is. Really would like to hear what he has to say about such a bold claim. Coming from someone like him says a lot, for sure.
The air to air Mica NG will reach a range of 100 km+.. maybe the talk was about it..
The problem is that the payload of the SU-75 is small so it will one strike then return. But the price is so sus because how a 5th gen cost about 20 to 35 millions. For me, at least 60 to 100 millions.

Absolutely that price tag is ridiculous. Unless it's made out of cardboard or something, no way it's that low.

The air to air Mica NG will reach a range of 100 km+.. maybe the talk was about it..

That must've been it! Good pickup by you, sir, as usual. 👍
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