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Egyptian Armed Forces

This plane's export to a foreign country in the middle east caused israel to threaten with cutting all military ties with south korea. Man we are one hell of terror spike for these people huh

I hope the EAF isn't interested in this aircraft, at least not this model but maybe the next block or tranche when they decide to design it with a weapons bay. This one doesn't make any sense to me TBH.

He mentioned its radar and its EW capabilities, and I can't help but think that some people might not realize, or maybe just forget that the EAF has one of the best fighters out there that has one of the best EW suits in the Rafale. I remember something about Dassault saying they didn't want to invest into designing a dedicated EW aircraft because they were so confident in the Rafale's own EW capabilities and SPECTRA that they figured it was unnecessary. They were right, of course.

If the EAF can score a Typhoon deal, it will be sitting very pretty ISA and just needs to resolve the Su-35 dilemma. I am very worried about the latter.

This guy puts up some good, informative videos.

@ARCH٤R , here's another pic of one of the first EAF F-16 A block 15 still in excellent condition and being used along with all the other F-16s, including the rare 2-seater B models we saw recently. This might be one of the first models to arrive in Egypt, #9307.

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They talk about the ministers only..

Yes I saw that, quite the extensive shuffle and why I asked if anyone else heard who will be taking over the EAF reigns. Helmy seemed to be doing a great job since he took over as well as being a former F-4 Phantom pilot made him even more qualified for the ever so important job. His performance is what earned him the civil aviation appointment. I'm sure the next person will also be very well qualified and hopefully is a former pilot as well.
Yes I saw that, quite the extensive shuffle and why I asked if anyone else heard who will be taking over the EAF reigns. Helmy seemed to be doing a great job since he took over as well as being a former F-4 Phantom pilot made him even more qualified for the ever so important job. His performance is what earned him the civil aviation appointment. I'm sure the next person will also be very well qualified and hopefully is a former pilot as well.
I hope an old gen like him or ex F-16 pilots veteran because he will understand and prevent the situation of our F-16 fleet
I hope an old gen like him or ex F-16 pilots veteran because he will understand and prevent the situation of our F-16 fleet

Agreed. Even before Helmy, Younis Al Masry was excellent also although I am not familiar with if he was a pilot or something else in the military? But he also did a great job. Pretty sure Sisi will appoint the most qualified person.

BTW, @Hydration , you mentioned the AIM-260 before and the whole ordeal about our neighbors getting it etc. and you were 100% on the money, for sure that it will probably go down that way. So according to the USAF, they claimed they fire-tested the latest AIM-120D and scored the longest recorded successful air to air hit with that missile in history. They didn't say how long it was and kept all the details classified, only that they fired it from an F-15EX. I think it was most likely the AIM-260 but not sure why they would hide that, so I could be wrong about that. At any rate, what made me think about you was this recent article I just read and posted it on the F-22/F-35 thread about the US military currently integrating the AIM-260 into the F-22 lol. Imagine the sickest fighter jet out there is now even more lethal hahaha. Pretty much untouchable. But here is the post incase you're interested. Long read but fascinating stuff if you're into that kind of information.

Agreed. Even before Helmy, Younis Al Masry was excellent also although I am not familiar with if he was a pilot or something else in the military? But he also did a great job. Pretty sure Sisi will appoint the most qualified person.

BTW, @Hydration , you mentioned the AIM-260 before and the whole ordeal about our neighbors getting it etc. and you were 100% on the money, for sure that it will probably go down that way. So according to the USAF, they claimed they fire-tested the latest AIM-120D and scored the longest recorded successful air to air hit with that missile in history. They didn't say how long it was and kept all the details classified, only that they fired it from an F-15EX. I think it was most likely the AIM-260 but not sure why they would hide that, so I could be wrong about that. At any rate, what made me think about you was this recent article I just read and posted it on the F-22/F-35 thread about the US military currently integrating the AIM-260 into the F-22 lol. Imagine the sickest fighter jet out there is now even more lethal hahaha. Pretty much untouchable. But here is the post incase you're interested. Long read but fascinating stuff if you're into that kind of information.

You think that Egypt can have the AIM-120 C series when our cousin gets the AIM-260?
You think that Egypt can have the AIM-120 C series when our cousin gets the AIM-260?

Absolutely! There is unequivocally no reason whatsoever for the US to deny the EAF the AIM-120C5/7 just like Pakistan and many others have.

If their reasoning for not supplying it is the QME, then they simply don't have any respect for our honest and steadfast abiding by the peace treaty. Not once, nor ever since 1949 has Egypt showed any aggression towards the Jews. And we signed the peace treaty and took a lot of crap for it from all our neighbors for a very long time and were outcasted for that reason, yet we abided by it and never have been a threat whatsoever. So this QME crap is basically a complete lack of respect for our sincere effort in abiding by the peace treaty.

If their reason is mistrust that we would show the missile to either the Russians or the Chinese, then there is also the disrespect for the CISMOA treaty that we signed and apparently the US isn't honoring that or taking it seriously. No offense to Pakistan, but they would be more of a concern to the US for the possibility of showing the missile to the Chinese than we would to them or the Russians because they have a much closer relationship with China than we have with either of the two. So that's complete BS.

Then you have all the other Arab and non-friendly countries to the Jews that have the missile which I mentioned before. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Morrocco, Pakistan and the list goes on. The fact that it's denied to Egypt is an insult beyond belief. I figured by now that the EAF would've made that clear to the US. Absolute shame on them and not only that, but this whole strong-arming with the Su-35s. That's a whole other disgrace on a whole other level.
What's your opinion?
Absolutely! There is unequivocally no reason whatsoever for the US to deny the EAF the AIM-120C5/7 just like Pakistan and many others have.

If their reasoning for not supplying it is the QME, then they simply don't have any respect for our honest and steadfast abiding by the peace treaty. Not once, nor ever since 1949 has Egypt showed any aggression towards the Jews. And we signed the peace treaty and took a lot of crap for it from all our neighbors for a very long time and were outcasted for that reason, yet we abided by it and never have been a threat whatsoever. So this QME crap is basically a complete lack of respect for our sincere effort in abiding by the peace treaty.

If their reason is mistrust that we would show the missile to either the Russians or the Chinese, then there is also the disrespect for the CISMOA treaty that we signed and apparently the US isn't honoring that or taking it seriously. No offense to Pakistan, but they would be more of a concern to the US for the possibility of showing the missile to the Chinese than we would to them or the Russians because they have a much closer relationship with China than we have with either of the two. So that's complete BS.

Then you have all the other Arab and non-friendly countries to the Jews that have the missile which I mentioned before. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Morrocco, Pakistan and the list goes on. The fact that it's denied to Egypt is an insult beyond belief. I figured by now that the EAF would've made that clear to the US. Absolute shame on them and not only that, but this whole strong-arming with the Su-35s. That's a whole other disgrace on a whole other level.
What's your opinion?
I hope it. Plus Russian BVRs for our MIG-29 and maybe our SU-35 (if the deal goes through) French with MICA and maybe Meteors with the Rafales and EFT and the US BVRs. According to the french Rafale pilot (I send a video in this thread), he said that MICA BVR missile is equally the AIM-120 series. So still we have BVR.
I hope the EAF isn't interested in this aircraft, at least not this model but maybe the next block or tranche when they decide to design it with a weapons bay. This one doesn't make any sense to me TBH.

He mentioned its radar and its EW capabilities, and I can't help but think that some people might not realize, or maybe just forget that the EAF has one of the best fighters out there that has one of the best EW suits in the Rafale. I remember something about Dassault saying they didn't want to invest into designing a dedicated EW aircraft because they were so confident in the Rafale's own EW capabilities and SPECTRA that they figured it was unnecessary. They were right, of course.

If the EAF can score a Typhoon deal, it will be sitting very pretty ISA and just needs to resolve the Su-35 dilemma. I am very worried about the latter.

This guy puts up some good, informative videos.

@ARCH٤R , here's another pic of one of the first EAF F-16 A block 15 still in excellent condition and being used along with all the other F-16s, including the rare 2-seater B models we saw recently. This might be one of the first models to arrive in Egypt, #9307.

View attachment 870180
If Israel threatned to cut military relations its probably a deal to join the project as a partner
Agreed. Even before Helmy, Younis Al Masry was excellent also although I am not familiar with if he was a pilot or something else in the military? But he also did a great job. Pretty sure Sisi will appoint the most qualified person.

BTW, @Hydration , you mentioned the AIM-260 before and the whole ordeal about our neighbors getting it etc. and you were 100% on the money, for sure that it will probably go down that way. So according to the USAF, they claimed they fire-tested the latest AIM-120D and scored the longest recorded successful air to air hit with that missile in history. They didn't say how long it was and kept all the details classified, only that they fired it from an F-15EX. I think it was most likely the AIM-260 but not sure why they would hide that, so I could be wrong about that. At any rate, what made me think about you was this recent article I just read and posted it on the F-22/F-35 thread about the US military currently integrating the AIM-260 into the F-22 lol. Imagine the sickest fighter jet out there is now even more lethal hahaha. Pretty much untouchable. But here is the post incase you're interested. Long read but fascinating stuff if you're into that kind of information.

They might as well get the missile before the US airforce itself. Remember these F22s who were sent to the scrapyard? Except tgem to be in Israel already
I hope it. Plus Russian BVRs for our MIG-29 and maybe our SU-35 (if the deal goes through) French with MICA and maybe Meteors with the Rafales and EFT and the US BVRs.

Yep, I think that since the Rafale and MiG-29M/M2s have been inducted in the EAF (even before that, I think the AIM-7 Sparrow took a very unfair criticism and is actually an excellent BVR missile that even the US Navy still uses) its BVR capabilities haven't been brought much into question anymore, or at least not nearly as much as they used to. The way people would call the F-16s "completely useless" (even the Russians said stupid crap like this because they had an obvious agenda) was completely and utterly ridiculous and total nonsense. Along with the EAF's AWACs platforms, EW platforms, sophisticated and advanced ground radars such as the Protivnik-GE & Resonance-SE (as well as several other ones we've seen in the EAF lately including domestic designed & built ones) make the EAF's F-16s quite very powerful in air to air and air to ground combat regimes. Many people don't realize that because they're simpleton thinking is narrowly focused on only the type of missile available and that's it! lol. So much more goes into making a successful BVR kill and the longer the range, the much more difficult it is to score a successful kill.

The available weapons and high level of EW capabilities AND good AWACs support along with well synchronized & advanced ground radar control will dictate the types of tactics to employ, which alter the enemy's -- and average layman's -- approach of simply targeting, tracking and firing a missile at BVR distances and be done with it. Doesn't work nearly as easy as that and there are so many ways to shorten the distance and bring the fight closer, which then, make the odds perfectly equal and then it only depends on the pilot's training & skill as well as combined air squadron tactics. Since then, MICAs, AIM-9s & R-73/74s short range missiles are all pretty much equal as well as guns & canons. If you notice in many of the pics of different air forces aircraft flying missions like F-16s, F-15s, Typhoons and Rafales, you actually see A LOT more of them equipped with short range AIM-9s, MICAs, IRISTs etc. rather than AIM-120s or meteors. I wonder why?

Look at the advantage of semi active radar homing missiles compared to active radar homing missiles like the AIM-7 Sparrow.

The basic concept of semi-active radar homing (SARH) is that since almost all detection and tracking systems consist of a radar system, duplicating this hardware on the missile itself is redundant. The weight of a transmitter reduces the range of any flying object, so passive systems have greater reach. In addition, the resolution of a radar is strongly related to the physical size of the antenna, and in the small nose cone of a missile there isn't enough room to provide the sort of accuracy needed for guidance. Instead, the larger radar dish on the ground or launch aircraft will provide the needed signal and tracking logic, and the missile simply has to listen to the signal reflected from the target and point itself in the right direction. Additionally, the missile will listen rearward to the launch platform's transmitted signal as a reference, enabling it to avoid some kinds of radar jamming distractions offered by the target.


So, with the EAF's excellent radar technology and setups they have built and put into effect under the new RICS2 command & control, and of course their 8 E-2C Hawkeyes have made the EAF's F-16 excellent and very effective fighters for air-to-air engagements at very respectable BVR distances. Little do many people realize that.

Also the MICA EM & IR which are both in the EAF have a listed maximum range of 60km and we all know that most of those listed ranges on the Internet are not really accurate and that the range is actually higher, more likely closer to 80km which brings up another point that reflects to my original point of how difficult it is to score a kill at those crazy long distances and the chances of closing that distance is much greater than being able to score the kill. There hasn't been a single, recorded air to air missile hit (between peer adversaries) of anywhere more than something like 30 or 40 km, if that. The AIM-54 Pheonix hit on the Libyan MiG-23 that was supposedly from some unknown crazy distance (I think they claim it) was at 80km? Although there really isn't even any source, not even a US one to confirm this since almost all the available information on the AIM-54 Pheonix recorded hits is that all 62 missiles fired in combat were from Iranian F-14 Tomcats in the Iraq/Iran war and not a single one of those was at any great distance from what has been published.

The Russians claim they had fired (and I think they do claim a kill but not 100% sure about that) the newer R-77-1 (RVVSD) from an Su-35S just recently in Ukraine and scored a kill against a Ukrainian MiG-29 from 60km. They showed the HUD screen and the missile being fired at a target being tracked by the aircraft's IRBIS-E radar from 60km. Even if it's true, 60km would be the longest recorded kill to date and people think the EAF's F-16s are useless because they don't have AIM-120s and only AIM-7s? lmaooooo. Again, this makes the notion of 100+ km distances as automatic wins nothing but wishful thinking and doesn't take anything away from the EAF's F-16 capabilities. Quite the opposite, they actually support the fact that the EAF's F-16s are very lethal in BVR combat in their current configuration.

So, the notion that having a 100+ kilometer missile means you are automatically the winner is far from accurate, and there isn't a single shred of evidence to prove that and more to support against it, actually. The longer the distance, the more difficult it is. Would it be better to have AIM-120s and Meteors? Of course. But it doesn't reduce the EAF's current capabilities one bit.

According to the french Rafale pilot (I send a video in this thread), he said that MICA BVR missile is equally the AIM-120 series. So still we have BVR.

He did? Really? That's a very bold statement, wow! I missed that and not sure why because I've watched every single video all you fellas posted. Which video was it, the Millenium 7 fella or a different one? I'll have to go back and see that and how he made that claim! The only way that is possible is comparing it to one of the older AIM-120s like the B or so because of the difference in the ranges. Maybe that's what he meant. But it certainly has incredible technology to control its speed, energy/fuel consumption, proximity fuse and vectoring/turning etc. Those are also the excellent traits that make the Meteor also a superb and the best A2A missile out there.
They might as well get the missile before the US airforce itself. Remember these F22s who were sent to the scrapyard? Except tgem to be in Israel already

Wut? F-22's went to the scrap yard? Never heard of that. When was this?

Are you sure it was F-22s? There's nothing that says any of them were sent to the junkyard.
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