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Egyptian Armed Forces

I enjoyed talking to you, but you don't know anything about the techniques of the Egyptian fighters who recently joined the Air Force.

That's ok. You are entitled to your opinion. Still, it doesn't mean that anything you say without credible sources will ever be taken seriously by me, that's all. Just like you said the Su-35 will be revealed at the graduation ceremony, and it never happened. And this F4 claim, also, you still can't provide any source. I showed every possible & credible source that they are not F4 and you brought nothing except for that arrogant comment above. I think you're better than that.

All I am looking for is solid evidence so that the truth is being posted here, not personal fantasies. Anyone can get on the internet and say this, and that, and try to make it look like they're all connected and all that stuff, doesn't mean anything to me and most likely serious military enthusiasts. Others can believe you if they want, it's their prerogative. But I will always question a claim without supporting credibility.

Anyway, some pics as usual.

This is probably the best look at the Egyptian SCALP so far.


And from the front angle, the beauty that is the EAF Rafale!
Click 2xs for higher resolution and larger pic. Also featuring a mounted Thales Talios next generation laser targeting pod. Used specifically for the GBU Paveways and AASM HAMMERs which the latter are also displayed, the 250kg & 500kg. Triple racks mounted on the outer pylons of the Rafale are for the 250kg ones. The 500kg HAMMERs get mounted on a double rack only,



Originally it was thought to be the Damocles 3rd generation pod that the EAF ordered with the Rafales. Turns out the EAF became the first export customer of the Talios pod. Source.





Some great stuff on those boards during the briefing after simulation flights with French Rafales.





F-16D Block 40 back-seater armed with 1 AIM-9, 2 AIM-7s & 1 ACMI pod.

Pilot view in F-16 blck 52.

MiG-29M with R-77.

And this sensational beauty in air. Notice the well-seated canopy on this and the pic above?


MiG-29M/M2 armed with R-73 & R-77.


Would love to get a hold of those manuals. Guy in the cockpit is testing the landing gear control lever and light indicators, while the guy below is checking the front gear retracts properly,
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Ran out of space in that last post. You can only upload 20 pics per post and I had more than that LOL. I hope all you freaks enjoy these pics and the effort put into posting them! It's a bit of work so I hope it's worth it for youzzz.

Great pic of forward MiG driver!


F-16 dogfight training.


@Philip the Arab , UAE F-16 block 60D and C alongside a pair of EAF block 52 Cs. Notice the 2nd one in doesn't have the orange spine mark? Great pic, though!


Cretin Crunching, yeah baby!




Sweet top view of a Nile Crocodile on the Mistral.

Great view of the Mistral deck, the Crocodiles, the Avenger HUMVEE and Bernice naval base.

Agressors carrying GBU-10s?
I said in the past that the Su-35 will actually appear at the opening of the capital, because it is accompanied by a military parade in the People's Square, and Al-Daily magazine mentions the receipt in 2023, and I have excellent pictures of it.
As for the Rafale, you mentioned that it fell, and there is no evidence, and we do not lie, the military spokesman
I saw Dassault's video, and there was no mention of a fighter who was compensated or fell in Egypt
Rafale f4 and if it was f3r we would have received it next year
The sources did not mention f3r or f4 for the new deal and its benefits. The opponent is to see and ask questions
As for the rest of my words, I do not speak out of emptiness or vain words


Trans :
Some sources mentioned that the Indian company HAL offered to Egypt to establish a manufacturing line for the Indian light fighter Tejas to meet the requirements of Egypt and export to the countries of the Middle East and Africa. Sources say that Egypt may need 70 fighters of this type in addition to its offer to manufacture the Indian light combat helicopter as well.
The Commander of the Egyptian Air Force will visit India soon
The Indian fighter combines many components from more than one country and possesses a large armament package from the east and west, and the company seeks to offer the fighter to Egypt at a value of 42 million dollars.

My problem is that till now this project isn't that successful the veto card that our cousins can use to stop the production lines armaments avionics (especially radars etc...). I would prefer the JF-17 Thunder (more combat experience) we can buy weapons from China etc... And we can replace the K8E with JF-17 Thunder as a LIFT (LEAD-IN-FIGHTER-TRAINER )
In this tweet he summarized what I meant.

Unfortunately loaded with Israeli junk from the radar to the EW suite to weapons to a US Engine since I don't believe the domestic Kaveri engine is ready yet. Strictly for gaining experience and not inducting it into the EAF might be ok IMO.

Both are fine starting points, but not for induction into the EAF, although I think the JF-17 would be a better ToT project to establish a production line that helps build localized engineering and eventual production of an indigenous fighter, as long as there are clients out there to purchase all 70 of them.

There was an interesting connection with the Indians going way back to the Egyptian HA-300 supersonic fighter. While it's fine to produce an indigenous platform with all sorts of off the shelf items to get started, in this case, there's way too much Israeli khara. :D
Unfortunately loaded with Israeli junk from the radar to the EW suite to weapons to a US Engine since I don't believe the domestic Kaveri engine is ready yet. Strictly for gaining experience and not inducting it into the EAF might be ok IMO.

Both are fine starting points, but not for induction into the EAF, although I think the JF-17 would be a better ToT project to establish a production line that helps build localized engineering and eventual production of an indigenous fighter, as long as there are clients out there to purchase all 70 of them.

There was an interesting connection with the Indians going way back to the Egyptian HA-300 supersonic fighter. While it's fine to produce an indigenous platform with all sorts of off the shelf items to get started, in this case, there's way too much Israeli khara. :D
i think it will be an advanced trainer a 2nd line fighter or bomber i think they only want it for ToT. Especially when the thing resembles or rooted from a ha-300 aint it?
I already linked the official press release by Dassault in my previous post. You replied awfully fast, did you even check the links I posted? Nothing in the release says anything about an F4 standard being the level of the next batch of Rafales. Not sure what you're referring to about Rafale sites? Please, point me in that direction because I want to be convinced. I want to believe that's the case but I simply cannot based on assumptions, even as logical as they may be.

For example, you said because of the time of the delivery when actually that is not as important as the time of signing the contract. So it's just your opinion? That's fine if that's the case, I totally respect that.

Signing the contract is when they list all the details and specifications and warranties and conditions etc. Contracts like these are probably 30+ pages long and they cannot contract for something that is not available at the time of signing. Time of delivery is inconsequential as far as specifications. What they can do is list allowances for future upgrades just like they did with the first batch of Rafales. They listed that they were to be F3 upon signing of the contract and after delivery, when the software for the F3R upgrade was available, then they can be or will be upgraded, depending on the language they use. Did you even read the entire post and look at the links I posted? That one link specifically states they will be the F3R and the other says it's unclear what standard they will be. Nothing supports the F4 theory whatsoever.

The F3R is a 4-hour software upgrade per aircraft, nothing major at all. However, the F4 is a whole other beast since it also involves structural as well as data fusion upgrade, the former is for an even lower RCS than the aircraft currently has. It's much more involved.

When you look at this aircraft (and this new pic, as it hasn't been posted here before), the Su-35SE (E in particular because it's custom Egyptian with that awesome camouflage colors) is probably the most beautiful fighter jet out there. The F-22 Raptor would be a very close 2nd IMO. Hopefully they officially reject the F-15 and start receiving these. Deal with any necessary upgrades later.

Look at this beauty.

View attachment 857070
Calm down bro.. I linked the date of delivery set for the EAF with the date of when the F4 will be ready.. and it coincides perfectly..2024..

"Development of a new, F4 standard started in December 2018.
The policy underpinning the Rafale program is based on continuous development of new standards to adapt the aircraft to technology advances and operational feedback. The new connectivity solutions in the F4 standard will further improve effectiveness in net-centric combat and pave the way for the Future Combat Air System (FCAS). This standard will also include radar and Front Sector Optronics (FSO) upgrades, helmet-mounted sight capabilities, Mica-NG air-to-air missiles and 1,000kg AASM/Hammer air-to-surface weapons. An initial version of the F4 standard will be available in 2022. The full standard will be delivered in 2024."


"The French Directorate General for Armaments (DGA) announced last week that it has begun the testing of the new Rafale F4-1 standard at the end of April. The first flight test campaign took place in Istres at the DGA flight test centre, where eight complex missions were flown, involving 50 individual aircraft sorties, from April 26 to 29."


do you also know 1 third of the morrocan goverment consists of zionists and MB members
Do you also know after the abraham accords mossad entrenched in morroco through its economic legal alloys
do you also know morrocos involvent was insignificant and having its fighter jets shot down. What the hell will morroco provide other than being a drain and bring hate from algeria and iraq is filled with iranian militias and the only way it will be cleared is with allied help
Do you have sources for these claims???
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The biggest deal in the history of Egypt.. The Egyptians are the kings of the air and are preparing to enter the big club



Trans :
Some sources mentioned that the Indian company HAL offered to Egypt to establish a manufacturing line for the Indian light fighter Tejas to meet the requirements of Egypt and export to the countries of the Middle East and Africa. Sources say that Egypt may need 70 fighters of this type in addition to its offer to manufacture the Indian light combat helicopter as well.
The Commander of the Egyptian Air Force will visit India soon
The Indian fighter combines many components from more than one country and possesses a large armament package from the east and west, and the company seeks to offer the fighter to Egypt at a value of 42 million dollars.

My problem is that till now this project isn't that successful the veto card that our cousins can use to stop the production lines armaments avionics (especially radars etc...). I would prefer the JF-17 Thunder (more combat experience) we can buy weapons from China etc... And we can replace the K8E with JF-17 Thunder as a LIFT (LEAD-IN-FIGHTER-TRAINER )
No. no and No.. HaHaHa!
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Calm down bro.. I linked the date of delivery set for the EAF with the date of when the F4 will be ready.. and it coincides perfectly..2024..

Ok, bro. Still, the delivery date like I mentioned really has absolutely nothing to do with the specs that would be agreed to at the signing of the contract. Plus there's more info out there that they will be F3Rs than there is anything claiming them to be F4s. I just like to have the actual and correct info and not speculations, that's all. And certainly none of that "I got connections" rubbish lmaooo.

Speaking of the Rafale, this is a closeup of the A-A refueling probe and it's easy to see how it works. The ball tip is most likely spring loaded as well as those locking tabs so that when the probe fits into the basket, is pushes that ball in opening the nozzle around it for fuel to pass while the basket gets locked in place by those tabs. I'm also guessing that somewhere in that stem where the black collar is also gets pushed in to allow for any vacuum to disappear from the entire aircraft's fuel system. Otherwise the fuel won't pass through if there is a vacuum seal still there. Just like with car gas caps, same principle with the air vacuum release tube to allow the air that is being replaced by the fuel to escape.

Rafale probe.


MiG-29, almost identical so they shouldn't have any problems fitting either to the MRTTs.


I know this technical stuff might be boring to some loool, but I find it very interesting.
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