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Egyptian Armed Forces

I heard and there is a big chance that Lausanne Treaty has not ends. Since when a peace treaty has an expiration date. Camp David Accords don't have etc...

@Gomig-21 shaklo keda @Foinikas got banned
ever know anything about the dispute on hong kong? luisiane treaty ends after 100 years of its signing
If you think about it, there’s quite a large market for the K9 that Egypt can export.

UAE, KSA are especially big markets that I’m sure have the need for more artillery.

UAE operates older G6 and M109 artillery that needs replacing soon. German restrictions may make it impossible though unfortunately.
you will anger algeria make more hate. Theres already very strong cooperation with iraq and protecting it before 2023 is a must. While morroco is hijacked by the mossad i dont get why some of why like morroco and despise algeria.So far no countries from the maghereb will join
Morocco is already part of the Saudi coalition in Yemen..has been there since the beginning..Algeria is not in the picture because..it hates monarchies..

I don't see your point of the Mossad.. All I know is that they have a million Usraelis from Moroccan origin.. and they are capitalizing on that ..since many of those Moroccan Jews have reached very high positions in the Government of Usrael..

What we all know is that Iraq is hijacked by Iran..

Man check this about Moroccan world champions in fighting HaHaHaHaHa! :

Even the fat guys// Hahaha!

You don't want these people in the Arab coalition.. !? HaHa!
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The first Egyptian deal is from the Rafale F3 and not F3R, and the development will take place in Egypt after the completion of the maintenance center here. The development will be done and does not need a major change, most of it is software only
The second Egyptian deal, F4, and the UAE deal, F4.1. There is no need to worry about anything. It was said that the spiders did not come and appeared, and we have a stock of more than 100 missiles.

Nothing whatsoever suggest the 2nd batch of Rafales for the EAF will be anything other than F3-R standard. All this talk about F4 and F4. etc., etc., is nothing but the usual Egyptian over-hyping because of excitement and false desire.

This is the typical stuff I always (and WE ALSO) must try to guard against and especially when someone says "I have my personal sources because I am connected" or whatever other self-promotions one wishes to do for themselves to make their statements mean more. What that actually does is the opposite because in this day and age, especially on the internet, they don't mean anything without actual, credible sources.

For example, the last time I mentioned this same thing to @The SC regarding this order being F-3R and not F4 many pages back, I forget who it was, but someone jumped into the conversation and said that (someone asked the Dassault booth at EDEX if the next 30 Rafales for Egypt will be F-3 or F-4 and they said F-4) LOLOLOL! You've got to be kidding me!?!? This is what our intellect has come down to? This is how low we have stooped to believe in the hype because we want it to be? That was one of the most ridiculous things I ever read. I just shut my computer and went out to cut the grass in my lawn!

Next you know, Om-Ahmad told Abu-Zakareya zat ze ravales will be space machines, and go build pyramids on ze moon yes? A7a ya gama3a! B'sara7a el kalam da?

Please check the link I will post in @The SC's comment below. This is straight from the French forum which you know very well, but you still say they will be F4s without a single, credible source? Even an Egyptian or Arab source would at least be helpful to see. I haven't seen any to date.

Yes bro.. but this needs a small correction.. it is Egypt getting the Rafale F4.1 in 2024 up-gradable to the F4 later.. and the UAE the full Rafale F4 in 2026..

Chech out this article HERE straight from the French themselves. With this specific line of importance, of course.

The new batch of Egyptian Rafale will be F3-R standard, with active electronically scanned radar (AESA) and the ability to integrate state-of-the-art sensors and weapons, including Thales' next-generation Talios laser designator pod, and safran's laser self-directed version of AASM's modular air-to-ground armament, as well as MBDA's Meteor long-range air-to-air missile.

Now, before anything else, please, I would LOVE to see an article we could both agree on to be as credible as this one I just linked from September of 2021 (less than 10 months old) that says anything remotely close to this next batch of 30 Rafales coming to Egypt will be F4 or F4.1 or whatever and I will be happy to look at it and determine together the validity of the info against several other articles that also suggest the Rafales will be F3R since the signing of the contract was not done when the F4 was available yet to include all its details in the contract.

Also, please note that even the EAF said it was interested in the F4 standard to up its number of Rafales to 72, possibly to 100. That means it does NOT include this batch of 30 which brings the total number up to 54. There is another subtle, yet credible comment by the EAF itself that supports the fact that this next batch is in fact going to be F3R and not F4........ We need to be realistic about expectations and guard against what I strongly believe is false hope. We need to be solid in our posts and especially in the information we give out so that we are viewed as credible representatives of our country.

Pls show me anything that is credible and I will gladly accept it.

Here's another article that actually says it has no idea what standard, F3 or F4 the next batch of 30 Rafales will be.

However, the contact was not broken between the French defense industrialists and Egypt, since the country had ordered in a rather discreet way the modernization of its Rafale to bring them to the F3R standard, capable of implementing in particular the meteor long-range air-to-air missile and carrying the new generation TALIOS designation nacelle. However, it is unclear whether the new Egyptian Rafale will be at this same standard, or if they will be delivered directly to the F4 standard, which will allow the French aircraft to acquire 5th generation capabilities, such as data fusion.

Meteors or scalps? Cause we have the scalps, its the meteors I want

IKR. Same here, of course. Take a look at this article from 2021 lol.

France and the Sale of Rafale to Egypt: Sans Meteor​

I'm pretty sure most, if not all, know what "Sans" means, right? Just in case others don't so there's no confusion, it means "WITHOUT".

This is complement of a Dassault representative himself, in the flesh, saying that "Israel would not agree to these missiles for Egypt"!!!! The nerve of this guy to simply comment that the meteor was refused to Egypt because Dassault felt that the Israelis would object to it, without even hearing the Israelis actually protesting! Please tell me that makes your blood boil like it does mine!? The arrogance of these reps from Dassault to make such a buffoonish statement is beyond reprehensible.

And now, not only with the Leonardo merger with the Jewish firm and knowing that not just MDBA has the final say in who gets the meteor missile, but it's actually a large group in the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy AND SWEDEN LOL! The last one alone would by itself jump up and down screaming human rights and lack of democracy and coup and all that crap to refuse the missile to Egypt. And that's not even putting into account how supportive that tiny, practically irrelevant space in Europe is as a pro-zionist entity as can be. Given all that, add the merger with Leonardo, Dassault refusing to supply the missile because they THOUGHT the Jews would object (looool I still can't get over that, wait, please, I gotta get up off the floor after I just fell!) and I would be even surprised if the standard weaponry for the Typhoon would be allowed, let alone the greatest missile currently in the world LOL!

A lot of people seem to think things have changed since the Rafale was sold to Egypt and other big-ticket items that now suddenly everything from the past will be simply nullified. I'm blown away at the naiveté. Egypt is unfortunately still viewed as a threat to Israel and will always be because of the false manipulation of realities. Yet with the same disgusting tongue, they brag about the Jews' quality and quantity of weapons and how much superior they are to Egypt and how it could wipe Egypt out in a day now and not six lmaaaooo without even mentioning once, the peace treaty and how Egypt has strongly adhered to it and most of all, who has been the real aggressor in this history? Who attacked Egypt in 1956 and 67?! Where was the outrage that we see against Russian for invading the Ukraine when the Jews killed thousands of Egyptians and invaded and stole Sinai?

If they're that great, why are they so afraid all the time like a bunch of chickens? Puk puk puk pucaaawk!

If by chance a miracle occurs, and in fact the meteor does somehow show up with either the Rafales or EFTs (if they do make a deal for the latter which now I am very reluctant and hardly excited about anymore given that disgusting merger which BTW, I really wonder if they disclosed any of that potential information to the Egyptian negotiators who've been negotiating for the Typhoons and M-346s etc. and even before the EAF & Army ordered the 23 Agusta Westland helicopters?), then I'll take all of this back and man up that I was wrong. Until then, there is nothing but the opposite of wishful thinking that is the reality of that missile coming to the EAF.

Bottom line, it's imperative that Egypt produces its own A2A (even cruise) missile with as much range and in several types of propellants & seekers. Get their hands on whatever missiles they can, cut them up, reverse engineer, lie, cheat, steal do whatever it takes since the end will justify the means with all these denials and get it done. Then they won't have to answer to anyone.

On another note:

This HERE is the official press release from Dassault Aviation regarding the actual quantity of the next delivery of Rafales and for Egypt, look carefully at the bolded section where it says in French "30 Rafales + 1 aircraft" which is also proof positive that there was a lost Rafale in an accidental crash (the reason is actually very disturbing but that's for another post) and so there cannot be anymore delusions that it "wasn't a Rafale and it was a K-8 instead". There's no shame in having accidents, more unfortunate for the pilots actually but let's not pretend it never happened just because there is some sense of embarrassment and that a K8 loss is apparently any better? This line of reasoning is frankly shameful IMO. It also says nothing about what standard any of the Rafales are.

La part Défense Export s’élève à 6 173 millions d’euros en 2021 contre 224 millions d’euros en 2020. Nous avons enregistré les commandes pour l’Égypte de 30 Rafale + 1 avion supplémentaire qui complètent la commande initiale de 2015, pour la Grèce de 6 Rafale neufs et 12 Rafale d’occasion (rachetés auprès de l’Armée de l’Air et de l’Espace française) et d’un contrat de soutien de la Croatie suite à son acquisition de 12 Rafale d’occasion directement auprès de la France.
Nothing whatsoever suggest the 2nd batch of Rafales for the EAF will be anything other than F3-R standard. All this talk about F4 and F4. etc., etc., is nothing but the usual Egyptian over-hyping because of excitement and false desire.

This is the typical stuff I always (and WE ALSO) must try to guard against and especially when someone says "I have my personal sources because I am connected" or whatever other self-promotions one wishes to do for themselves to make their statements mean more. What that actually does is the opposite because in this day and age, especially on the internet, they don't mean anything without actual, credible sources.

For example, the last time I mentioned this same thing to @The SC regarding this order being F-3R and not F4 many pages back, I forget who it was, but someone jumped into the conversation and said that (someone asked the Dassault booth at EDEX if the next 30 Rafales for Egypt will be F-3 or F-4 and they said F-4) LOLOLOL! You've got to be kidding me!?!? This is what our intellect has come down to? This is how low we have stooped to believe in the hype because we want it to be? That was one of the most ridiculous things I ever read. I just shut my computer and went out to cut the grass in my lawn!

Next you know, Om-Ahmad told Abu-Zakareya zat ze ravales will be space machines, and go build pyramids on ze moon yes? A7a ya gama3a! B'sara7a el kalam da?

Please check the link I will post in @The SC's comment below. This is straight from the French forum which you know very well, but you still say they will be F4s without a single, credible source? Even an Egyptian or Arab source would at least be helpful to see. I haven't seen any to date.

Chech out this article HERE straight from the French themselves. With this specific line of importance, of course.

The new batch of Egyptian Rafale will be F3-R standard, with active electronically scanned radar (AESA) and the ability to integrate state-of-the-art sensors and weapons, including Thales' next-generation Talios laser designator pod, and safran's laser self-directed version of AASM's modular air-to-ground armament, as well as MBDA's Meteor long-range air-to-air missile.

Now, before anything else, please, I would LOVE to see an article we could both agree on to be as credible as this one I just linked from September of 2021 (less than 10 months old) that says anything remotely close to this next batch of 30 Rafales coming to Egypt will be F4 or F4.1 or whatever and I will be happy to look at it and determine together the validity of the info against several other articles that also suggest the Rafales will be F3R since the signing of the contract was not done when the F4 was available yet to include all its details in the contract.

Also, please note that even the EAF said it was interested in the F4 standard to up its number of Rafales to 72, possibly to 100. That means it does NOT include this batch of 30 which brings the total number up to 54. There is another subtle, yet credible comment by the EAF itself that supports the fact that this next batch is in fact going to be F3R and not F4........ We need to be realistic about expectations and guard against what I strongly believe is false hope. We need to be solid in our posts and especially in the information we give out so that we are viewed as credible representatives of our country.

Pls show me anything that is credible and I will gladly accept it.

Here's another article that actually says it has no idea what standard, F3 or F4 the next batch of 30 Rafales will be.

However, the contact was not broken between the French defense industrialists and Egypt, since the country had ordered in a rather discreet way the modernization of its Rafale to bring them to the F3R standard, capable of implementing in particular the meteor long-range air-to-air missile and carrying the new generation TALIOS designation nacelle. However, it is unclear whether the new Egyptian Rafale will be at this same standard, or if they will be delivered directly to the F4 standard, which will allow the French aircraft to acquire 5th generation capabilities, such as data fusion.

IKR. Same here, of course. Take a look at this article from 2021 lol.

France and the Sale of Rafale to Egypt: Sans Meteor​

I'm pretty sure most, if not all, know what "Sans" means, right? Just in case others don't so there's no confusion, it means "WITHOUT".

This is complement of a Dassault representative himself, in the flesh, saying that "Israel would not agree to these missiles for Egypt"!!!! The nerve of this guy to simply comment that the meteor was refused to Egypt because Dassault felt that the Israelis would object to it, without even hearing the Israelis actually protesting! Please tell me that makes your blood boil like it does mine!? The arrogance of these reps from Dassault to make such a buffoonish statement is beyond reprehensible.

And now, not only with the Leonardo merger with the Jewish firm and knowing that not just MDBA has the final say in who gets the meteor missile, but it's actually a large group in the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy AND SWEDEN LOL! The last one alone would by itself jump up and down screaming human rights and lack of democracy and coup and all that crap to refuse the missile to Egypt. And that's not even putting into account how supportive that tiny, practically irrelevant space in Europe is as a pro-zionist entity as can be. Given all that, add the merger with Leonardo, Dassault refusing to supply the missile because they THOUGHT the Jews would object (looool I still can't get over that, wait, please, I gotta get up off the floor after I just fell!) and I would be even surprised if the standard weaponry for the Typhoon would be allowed, let alone the greatest missile currently in the world LOL!

A lot of people seem to think things have changed since the Rafale was sold to Egypt and other big-ticket items that now suddenly everything from the past will be simply nullified. I'm blown away at the naiveté. Egypt is unfortunately still viewed as a threat to Israel and will always be because of the false manipulation of realities. Yet with the same disgusting tongue, they brag about the Jews' quality and quantity of weapons and how much superior they are to Egypt and how it could wipe Egypt out in a day now and not six lmaaaooo without even mentioning once, the peace treaty and how Egypt has strongly adhered to it and most of all, who has been the real aggressor in this history? Who attacked Egypt in 1956 and 67?! Where was the outrage that we see against Russian for invading the Ukraine when the Jews killed thousands of Egyptians and invaded and stole Sinai?

If they're that great, why are they so afraid all the time like a bunch of chickens? Puk puk puk pucaaawk!

If by chance a miracle occurs, and in fact the meteor does somehow show up with either the Rafales or EFTs (if they do make a deal for the latter which now I am very reluctant and hardly excited about anymore given that disgusting merger which BTW, I really wonder if they disclosed any of that potential information to the Egyptian negotiators who've been negotiating for the Typhoons and M-346s etc. and even before the EAF & Army ordered the 23 Agusta Westland helicopters?), then I'll take all of this back and man up that I was wrong. Until then, there is nothing but the opposite of wishful thinking that is the reality of that missile coming to the EAF.

Bottom line, it's imperative that Egypt produces its own A2A (even cruise) missile with as much range and in several types of propellants & seekers. Get their hands on whatever missiles they can, cut them up, reverse engineer, lie, cheat, steal do whatever it takes since the end will justify the means with all these denials and get it done. Then they won't have to answer to anyone.

On another note:

This HERE is the official press release from Dassault Aviation regarding the actual quantity of the next delivery of Rafales and for Egypt, look carefully at the bolded section where it says in French "30 Rafales + 1 aircraft" which is also proof positive that there was a lost Rafale in an accidental crash (the reason is actually very disturbing but that's for another post) and so there cannot be anymore delusions that it "wasn't a Rafale and it was a K-8 instead". There's no shame in having accidents, more unfortunate for the pilots actually but let's not pretend it never happened just because there is some sense of embarrassment and that a K8 loss is apparently any better? This line of reasoning is frankly shameful IMO. It also says nothing about what standard any of the Rafales are.

La part Défense Export s’élève à 6 173 millions d’euros en 2021 contre 224 millions d’euros en 2020. Nous avons enregistré les commandes pour l’Égypte de 30 Rafale + 1 avion supplémentaire qui complètent la commande initiale de 2015, pour la Grèce de 6 Rafale neufs et 12 Rafale d’occasion (rachetés auprès de l’Armée de l’Air et de l’Espace française) et d’un contrat de soutien de la Croatie suite à son acquisition de 12 Rafale d’occasion directement auprès de la France.
Honestly I will not believe anything until I see the Meteor and Su-35 with my own eyes or fro a very CREDIBLE source.
I am sure our Air Force and Sisi did the best for Egypt and for our air force. But I will always be optimistic and cautious.

A7a law the new version F-35 will have Meteor missile and probably our cousins will contract them and leave us with empty handed.

Logically, Our army will reproduce the same mistake of Mubarak. If really we will not have Meteor missile, then why would we buy more we would have bought something else maybe J-10 with SD-10 or PL-15 missiles. Inshallah Allah will give the best here. Ena Allah ma3 el saberin
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Nothing whatsoever suggest the 2nd batch of Rafales for the EAF will be anything other than F3-R standard. All this talk about F4 and F4. etc., etc., is nothing but the usual Egyptian over-hyping because of excitement and false desire.

This is the typical stuff I always (and WE ALSO) must try to guard against and especially when someone says "I have my personal sources because I am connected" or whatever other self-promotions one wishes to do for themselves to make their statements mean more. What that actually does is the opposite because in this day and age, especially on the internet, they don't mean anything without actual, credible sources.

For example, the last time I mentioned this same thing to @The SC regarding this order being F-3R and not F4 many pages back, I forget who it was, but someone jumped into the conversation and said that (someone asked the Dassault booth at EDEX if the next 30 Rafales for Egypt will be F-3 or F-4 and they said F-4) LOLOLOL! You've got to be kidding me!?!? This is what our intellect has come down to? This is how low we have stooped to believe in the hype because we want it to be? That was one of the most ridiculous things I ever read. I just shut my computer and went out to cut the grass in my lawn!

Next you know, Om-Ahmad told Abu-Zakareya zat ze ravales will be space machines, and go build pyramids on ze moon yes? A7a ya gama3a! B'sara7a el kalam da?

Please check the link I will post in @The SC's comment below. This is straight from the French forum which you know very well, but you still say they will be F4s without a single, credible source? Even an Egyptian or Arab source would at least be helpful to see. I haven't seen any to date.

Chech out this article HERE straight from the French themselves. With this specific line of importance, of course.

The new batch of Egyptian Rafale will be F3-R standard, with active electronically scanned radar (AESA) and the ability to integrate state-of-the-art sensors and weapons, including Thales' next-generation Talios laser designator pod, and safran's laser self-directed version of AASM's modular air-to-ground armament, as well as MBDA's Meteor long-range air-to-air missile.

Now, before anything else, please, I would LOVE to see an article we could both agree on to be as credible as this one I just linked from September of 2021 (less than 10 months old) that says anything remotely close to this next batch of 30 Rafales coming to Egypt will be F4 or F4.1 or whatever and I will be happy to look at it and determine together the validity of the info against several other articles that also suggest the Rafales will be F3R since the signing of the contract was not done when the F4 was available yet to include all its details in the contract.

Also, please note that even the EAF said it was interested in the F4 standard to up its number of Rafales to 72, possibly to 100. That means it does NOT include this batch of 30 which brings the total number up to 54. There is another subtle, yet credible comment by the EAF itself that supports the fact that this next batch is in fact going to be F3R and not F4........ We need to be realistic about expectations and guard against what I strongly believe is false hope. We need to be solid in our posts and especially in the information we give out so that we are viewed as credible representatives of our country.

Pls show me anything that is credible and I will gladly accept it.

Here's another article that actually says it has no idea what standard, F3 or F4 the next batch of 30 Rafales will be.

However, the contact was not broken between the French defense industrialists and Egypt, since the country had ordered in a rather discreet way the modernization of its Rafale to bring them to the F3R standard, capable of implementing in particular the meteor long-range air-to-air missile and carrying the new generation TALIOS designation nacelle. However, it is unclear whether the new Egyptian Rafale will be at this same standard, or if they will be delivered directly to the F4 standard, which will allow the French aircraft to acquire 5th generation capabilities, such as data fusion.

IKR. Same here, of course. Take a look at this article from 2021 lol.

France and the Sale of Rafale to Egypt: Sans Meteor​

I'm pretty sure most, if not all, know what "Sans" means, right? Just in case others don't so there's no confusion, it means "WITHOUT".

This is complement of a Dassault representative himself, in the flesh, saying that "Israel would not agree to these missiles for Egypt"!!!! The nerve of this guy to simply comment that the meteor was refused to Egypt because Dassault felt that the Israelis would object to it, without even hearing the Israelis actually protesting! Please tell me that makes your blood boil like it does mine!? The arrogance of these reps from Dassault to make such a buffoonish statement is beyond reprehensible.

And now, not only with the Leonardo merger with the Jewish firm and knowing that not just MDBA has the final say in who gets the meteor missile, but it's actually a large group in the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy AND SWEDEN LOL! The last one alone would by itself jump up and down screaming human rights and lack of democracy and coup and all that crap to refuse the missile to Egypt. And that's not even putting into account how supportive that tiny, practically irrelevant space in Europe is as a pro-zionist entity as can be. Given all that, add the merger with Leonardo, Dassault refusing to supply the missile because they THOUGHT the Jews would object (looool I still can't get over that, wait, please, I gotta get up off the floor after I just fell!) and I would be even surprised if the standard weaponry for the Typhoon would be allowed, let alone the greatest missile currently in the world LOL!

A lot of people seem to think things have changed since the Rafale was sold to Egypt and other big-ticket items that now suddenly everything from the past will be simply nullified. I'm blown away at the naiveté. Egypt is unfortunately still viewed as a threat to Israel and will always be because of the false manipulation of realities. Yet with the same disgusting tongue, they brag about the Jews' quality and quantity of weapons and how much superior they are to Egypt and how it could wipe Egypt out in a day now and not six lmaaaooo without even mentioning once, the peace treaty and how Egypt has strongly adhered to it and most of all, who has been the real aggressor in this history? Who attacked Egypt in 1956 and 67?! Where was the outrage that we see against Russian for invading the Ukraine when the Jews killed thousands of Egyptians and invaded and stole Sinai?

If they're that great, why are they so afraid all the time like a bunch of chickens? Puk puk puk pucaaawk!

If by chance a miracle occurs, and in fact the meteor does somehow show up with either the Rafales or EFTs (if they do make a deal for the latter which now I am very reluctant and hardly excited about anymore given that disgusting merger which BTW, I really wonder if they disclosed any of that potential information to the Egyptian negotiators who've been negotiating for the Typhoons and M-346s etc. and even before the EAF & Army ordered the 23 Agusta Westland helicopters?), then I'll take all of this back and man up that I was wrong. Until then, there is nothing but the opposite of wishful thinking that is the reality of that missile coming to the EAF.

Bottom line, it's imperative that Egypt produces its own A2A (even cruise) missile with as much range and in several types of propellants & seekers. Get their hands on whatever missiles they can, cut them up, reverse engineer, lie, cheat, steal do whatever it takes since the end will justify the means with all these denials and get it done. Then they won't have to answer to anyone.

On another note:

This HERE is the official press release from Dassault Aviation regarding the actual quantity of the next delivery of Rafales and for Egypt, look carefully at the bolded section where it says in French "30 Rafales + 1 aircraft" which is also proof positive that there was a lost Rafale in an accidental crash (the reason is actually very disturbing but that's for another post) and so there cannot be anymore delusions that it "wasn't a Rafale and it was a K-8 instead". There's no shame in having accidents, more unfortunate for the pilots actually but let's not pretend it never happened just because there is some sense of embarrassment and that a K8 loss is apparently any better? This line of reasoning is frankly shameful IMO. It also says nothing about what standard any of the Rafales are.

La part Défense Export s’élève à 6 173 millions d’euros en 2021 contre 224 millions d’euros en 2020. Nous avons enregistré les commandes pour l’Égypte de 30 Rafale + 1 avion supplémentaire qui complètent la commande initiale de 2015, pour la Grèce de 6 Rafale neufs et 12 Rafale d’occasion (rachetés auprès de l’Armée de l’Air et de l’Espace française) et d’un contrat de soutien de la Croatie suite à son acquisition de 12 Rafale d’occasion directement auprès de la France.
Bro.. I'm talking about the F4.1 because of the date of the delivery .. 2024 points to that ,, check it out in the Rafale sites.. nothing more than that.. the F3R was the update EAF was
going for to update the F3 to accommodate the Meteor and this was announced officially..
Morocco is already part of the Saudi coalition in Yemen..has been there since the beginning..Algeria is not in the picture because..it hates monarchies..

I don't see your point of the Mossad.. All I know is that they have a million Usraelis from Moroccan origin.. and they are capitalizing on that ..since many of those Moroccan Jews have reached very high positions in the Government of Usrael..

What we all know is that Iraq is hijacked by Iran..

Man check this about Moroccan world champions in fighting HaHaHaHaHa! :

Even the fat guys// Hahaha!

You don't want these people in the Arab coalition.. !? HaHa!
do you also know 1 third of the morrocan goverment consists of zionists and MB members
Do you also know after the abraham accords mossad entrenched in morroco through its economic legal alloys
do you also know morrocos involvent was insignificant and having its fighter jets shot down. What the hell will morroco provide other than being a drain and bring hate from algeria and iraq is filled with iranian militias and the only way it will be cleared is with allied help


Trans :

Egypt cloned the Croatian MGL RBG-6 grenade launcher by reverse engineering, as the Armed Forces Research Institute cloned the launcher and manufactured its parts by 3D printing
And Egypt made its copied version of the Croatian ejector, which works for the Egyptian armed forces
The Egyptian version differs slightly from the Croatian in some specifications, but it has the same design and exterior appearance
It was the first official presentation of the Egyptian pitcher at EDEX 2021
Egyptian pitcher specifications 👇
The launcher carries up to 6 bombs of 40 mm caliber, 778 mm and 565 mm long, with the toe folded, while the barrel length is 300 mm and weighs 5.3 kg. It can fire 3 bombs per second at a rapid rate or 18/21 bombs for a minute at the normal rate. Effective range is 400 meters Its maximum range is 800 meters. It can fire various types of 40 mm bombs, such as anti-personnel, anti-armor, building, double anti-armor and anti-personnel bombs.
The launcher is equipped with several types of sights and sights
Egypt has recently been interested in reverse engineering and copying weapons, which enables it to manufacture many local weapons, especially guided munitions.
Morroco can join later until it resolves its issues or we will risk algeria joining another camp iraq remains a priorty for any future conflict with iran turkey or israel and they wont get stable until we support them wth money tech trainng
Morroco can join later until it resolves its issues or we will risk algeria joining another camp iraq remains a priorty for any future conflict with iran turkey or israel and they wont get stable until we support them wth money tech trainng
Morocco and Algeria will not have peace (between the goverments) until one of them renounce about the Western Sahara situation. Algeria support Polisario front and Morocco wants countries to recognize this region as moroccan and not independent. It is exactly like renouncing Halai'b and Shalatin by Egypt.
I do not want to get into the maze of sources, but Egypt had an increase of 12 ravals only, and the order increased by 30 after France managed to manage meteorites for Egypt and increase the stock of slugs.
As for the Egyptian standard F4, I am sure of that and the development of the old one in Egypt after the completion of the engine maintenance facility and the development center to complete the Egyptian fleet to
24 F3R fighters, and this is the maximum standard you will reach, because any development must change parts in the hull.
30 fighters standard F4 and start receiving in 2024
If Egypt had lost a Rafale fighter, we would have disclosed this. We are not afraid or afraid to reveal the fall of a fighter, and it is possible that the military spokesperson mentioned that it was on the K8, if it is.
When the MiG-29 was demolished and two years ago, we disclosed it
Until the last fighter fell, everyone thought it was Rafale, and in the end the truth emerged that it was an F-16

The sources did not concern me about anything. For a short period of time, broken things were said that the Air Force did not have a scalpel in the Rafale, and Khain confronted everyone with pictures. He denied it until seeing it more than once and with the numbers of more than 100 missiles, where we got 25 free missiles as a result of the delay.
France acquired a company called Dolphin to make guidance chips for the missile so that it would not be held hostage to the Americans.
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The Su-35 continues to be built and will be delivered to the Air Force very soon, and there is nothing from this trivial talk that comes out many times to stop the deal, and for information, the second batch has finished training and the third batch is being sent.

I enjoyed talking to you, but you don't know anything about the techniques of the Egyptian fighters who recently joined the Air Force.
Bro.. I'm talking about the F4.1 because of the date of the delivery .. 2024 points to that ,, check it out in the Rafale sites.. nothing more than that.. the F3R was the update EAF was
going for to update the F3 to accommodate the Meteor and this was announced officially..

I already linked the official press release by Dassault in my previous post. You replied awfully fast, did you even check the links I posted? Nothing in the release says anything about an F4 standard being the level of the next batch of Rafales. Not sure what you're referring to about Rafale sites? Please, point me in that direction because I want to be convinced. I want to believe that's the case but I simply cannot based on assumptions, even as logical as they may be.

For example, you said because of the time of the delivery when actually that is not as important as the time of signing the contract. So it's just your opinion? That's fine if that's the case, I totally respect that.

Signing the contract is when they list all the details and specifications and warranties and conditions etc. Contracts like these are probably 30+ pages long and they cannot contract for something that is not available at the time of signing. Time of delivery is inconsequential as far as specifications. What they can do is list allowances for future upgrades just like they did with the first batch of Rafales. They listed that they were to be F3 upon signing of the contract and after delivery, when the software for the F3R upgrade was available, then they can be or will be upgraded, depending on the language they use. Did you even read the entire post and look at the links I posted? That one link specifically states they will be the F3R and the other says it's unclear what standard they will be. Nothing supports the F4 theory whatsoever.

The F3R is a 4-hour software upgrade per aircraft, nothing major at all. However, the F4 is a whole other beast since it also involves structural as well as data fusion upgrade, the former is for an even lower RCS than the aircraft currently has. It's much more involved.

Honestly I will not believe anything until I see the Meteor and Su-35 with my own eyes or fro a very CREDIBLE source.
I am sure our Air Force and Sisi did the best for Egypt and for our air force. But I will always be optimistic and cautious.

When you look at this aircraft (and this new pic, as it hasn't been posted here before), the Su-35SE (E in particular because it's custom Egyptian with that awesome camouflage colors) is probably the most beautiful fighter jet out there. The F-22 Raptor would be a very close 2nd IMO. Hopefully they officially reject the F-15 and start receiving these. Deal with any necessary upgrades later.

Look at this beauty.


There is a lot of talk about the female fighter who fell as some sources claim that she is the second and this is her picture
Dual seat, where did the navigator go and why was Muhtadi Al-Shazly only announced?
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