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Egyptian Armed Forces

I suggest to you to watch his channel. He is very unbiased. He talked about the SU-57/75 J-10 J-20 etc...
yeah you know we dont see the first 5 planes anymore then we saw them after that rafal fight then we dont see them anymore. We saw the 9327 in the latest pic so this is the secound bunch that needed to be returned i guess

Except all those pictures were in Russia. Not a single one was in Egypt so there was no returning. Who knows how they were able to test the Rafale's SPECTRA on one of them, but until we see one of them in Egypt, then it never happened. That's how I see it, I try to guard completely against any of the wild rumors and especially the ones coming from those who say "trust me, I saw it" without providing a shred of evindence.

i dont get their oppsession with infra red and thermal opitics. I get it its easier to locate targets and stuff but its way too heavy to be mobile with it

I completely agree. All they need is a single, standard red dot sight and if they want to add a 3x magnifier on it fine, and that way they can easily produce enough of those to equip all the new Maadi Misrs and provide them together as standard issue. Special forces can fancy up with thermals and night vision and all that crap that's perfectly fine. But those silly bulky optics of all types is totally unnecessary. I have a couple of Eotech red dot sights that work fantastic and are relatively inexpensive considering and if you look at most strong armies, that's what they issue as standard sights on all issued rifles and then its up to the individual to add on if he wants as long as it doesn't impair his ability to perform. People don't realize that a lot of times, excessive gadgetry is actually a hindrance and not necessarily a good thing. Especially in Egypt's environment of high heat and sand etc.

more like training on israeli EW systems

You know I just read that Leonardo has bought into an Israeli weapon's company as a partner? Screw them now, that changes my entire view of them as far as trusting them with anything they provide Egypt with. Haga khara awi!

@Gomig-21 @The SC

lol, another major ripoff. Taking a huge chunk out of the aid to enrich a US co. using Egypt as a pretext. While it's a good upgrade, they still don't trust us to provide us with a much more useful yet not cutting edge technology anymore in the Long Bow radar? I'd much rather see that than this upgrade. US is slowly falling out of grace with Egypt with almost every single deal they're making.

Ya rijaaaaal..........................YA RIJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL?

@Ghostkiller @Gomig-21 @Hydration @Akritas

Ya joker,shokran jazeelan,lam 3ref!


Ya rijaaaaal..........................YA RIJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL?

@Ghostkiller @Gomig-21 @Hydration @Akritas

Ya joker,shokran jazeelan,lam 3ref!

Cmon when are we gonna see those refales with meteors on them!?!
And y did Italy buy in that israeli partnership, sounds like someone's been a step ahead....
Cmon when are we gonna see those refales with meteors on them!?!
And y did Italy buy in that israeli partnership, sounds like someone's been a step ahead....

That partnership is so disgusting and beyond disconcerting, considering all the weapons, and potential weapons purchases from Leonardo which has essentially turned into a traitor as far as I'm concerned. To think they wouldn't divulge the entire scope of every single weapon Egypt purchases from them -- including the harmless SAR AW-189 helicopters -- to our most untrustworthy neighbor, is a delusion beyond laughable.

That, right there, should tell you everything about any possibility of meteors coming with Typhoons. Our only hope now is that they somehow show up with the next batch of Rafales, but even that, seems about as likely as you and me hitting the lottery at the same time.
That partnership is so disgusting and beyond disconcerting, considering all the weapons, and potential weapons purchases from Leonardo which has essentially turned into a traitor as far as I'm concerned. To think they wouldn't divulge the entire scope of every single weapon Egypt purchases from them -- including the harmless SAR AW-189 helicopters -- to our most untrustworthy neighbor, is a delusion beyond laughable.

That, right there, should tell you everything about any possibility of meteors coming with Typhoons. Our only hope now is that they somehow show up with the next batch of Rafales, but even that, seems about as likely as you and me hitting the lottery at the same time.
cut extra gas deal if that ever happens
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