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Egyptian Armed Forces


Most important thing of an “Arab NATO” would be standardization of ammunition from small arms all the way to artillery.

Although I do agree, joint projects would be quite useful. Imo a drone fighter jet like the MIUS would be a very useful project that could be produced in very large numbers for all air forces in the Middle East.

Then it would be an actual commitment to attacking an aggressor nation without any ifs or buts.
That is not out of reach since KSA has reactivated all the civilian and military projects and deals with Turkey during the visit by MBS..
But first step by step hahahaha. This Arab NATO will be eventually against Iran same thing the real NATO against Russia.

But what is the % of self sufficiency? You didn't answer it
You didn't ask me ..lol

I would say 60% in general.. mind you some systems like the Abrams are at 97%, some other systems are at 100%.. but in total as for the Egyptian Armed Forces.. it might be at 60%.. many more systems need to be implemented.. the navy is a good example.. aching for the Scorpene deal with ToT and the local corvettes and OPVs.. the air-force lowers this percentage most.. but still Egypt makes trainers and small helicopters 100%.. but fighters are not there maybe 20 to 30% at best..Land and air-defense seem at a high % maybe up to 70%.. air to air short range missiles 30% mostly under license.. the same for anti-ship cruise missiles maybe 50%.. Land and air cruise missiles ..nothing is known yet but it is under development might come out at 80%.. BM are 100% for the up to 1000 km range,, still a lot to do..
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The thing that I am desperate is an indigenous anti-ship/air missiles and cruises missiles then we will be mostly self sufficient country.
For you what is the % of self sufficiency of the Egyptian Armed Forces?

You're 100% right about cruise missiles. I'd add A2A missiles which they should've gotten into a long time ago.

% of self sufficiency needs to be at least somewhere in the 50s, Although they've already accomplished a lot with all the radars, the new command & control system, all the new armored vehicles they've produced and now they really need to up their ammunitions productions since that's the #1item that gets rapidly depleted in a prolonged war.

Standard RPG-7 rounds (since I couldn't believe they still had to import those from North Korea and they got caught ya2ni a7a keda) and ATGMs of all types heck I think we were all surprised with that pic from Joker of that potential suicide drone. We don't know for sure if that's what it was since it could've also been a simple soldier-carried & launched UAV to enhance forward field reconnaissance for infantry and armored columns. But drones in general they've already been at it which is great and they need to keep it up. The new venture with (I forget who) for guided artillery shells sounds very promising,

New aircraft AESA radars they can upgrade many of the aircraft in the fleet with. Avionics and flight systems from EW to MFD screens to FBW redundancy systems etc. Ai and really advanced electronics would be a great thing to see.

The new Maadi Misr is great if they can really produce it in large numbers to supply the entire army with them. New and improved vests and just standard soldier kits and helmets etc. All the necessary things that need to be produces in bulk are probably the essential items. Then get into the larger and more complex items. 50% would actually be an amazing achievement.

Seems like that we will have our own NATO so a new "Pan-Arab" idea hahahaha. If it is true then we will see indigenous arab regional projects which would benefit every middle eastern (arab) countries.

I hate to say this since it might seem selfish or non-friendly, but I really don't think an Arab NATO is a good idea. I think we need to take care of our own abilities first and stick with our long-time allies like Saudiya, UAE and Greece and keep the joint training and even missions together like in Libya with the UAE, Yemen with Saudiya and the Mediterranean with Greece. That's really all we need.
I hate to say this since it might seem selfish or non-friendly, but I really don't think an Arab NATO is a good idea. I think we need to take care of our own abilities first and stick with our long-time allies like Saudiya, UAE and Greece and keep the joint training and even missions together like in Libya with the UAE, Yemen with Saudiya and the Mediterranean with Greece. That's really all we need.
For me it would be important to form it because all countries would have the same enemy so the enemy of my enemy is my friend. This Arab NATO isn't new Saddam proposed it during his era and Nasser also. I hope no one will betray the other one.
Standard RPG-7 rounds (since I couldn't believe they still had to import those from North Korea and they got caught ya2ni a7a keda) and ATGMs of all types heck I think we were all surprised with that pic from Joker of that potential suicide drone. We don't know for sure if that's what it was since it could've also been a simple soldier-carried & launched UAV to enhance forward field reconnaissance for infantry and armored columns. But drones in general they've already been at it which is great and they need to keep it up. The new venture with (I forget who) for guided artillery shells sounds very promising,
It was from Escribano (ALKON (Fuze Guidance Kit))
For me it would be important to form it because all countries would have the same enemy so the enemy of my enemy is my friend. This Arab NATO isn't new Saddam proposed it during his era and Nasser also. I hope no one will betray the other one.
The best Arab bloc per excellence, and this is what should be the nucleus of this alliance..

1- Saudi Arabia
2- Egypt
3- Jordan
4- Emirates
5- Kuwait
6- Bahrain
7- Morocco

Adding Usrael as it was suggested by itself and the US would be huge mistake..

The Arab countries with this NATO like alliance want to deter Iran if it is reckless..

But Usrael wants war and takes the initiative..

The expected scenario: With Iran’s progress in its nuclear program, Usrael continues with assassinations, then harassment with its F-35 and drones inside Iran, and then missiles will certainly follow..

And with Iran getting close to a nuclear missile, Israel will ignite a war in which Arabs have no interest or advantage.. With the first missile dump that will be on the Gulf, and the first nuke will be on the Gulf also because of the near distance,,

Usrael wants to send its systems (propaganda of joint defense integration) to Arab borders as a buffer zone to protect itself from any missile dumping or nuclear radiation if it happens.

It is much better to have a pure and neutral Arab NATO - like coalition that protects only itself, with deterrence, not harassment, and does not follow the American side.. Why the hell Should the US lead an Arab alliance? .. If a third world war was to happen, would Arabs take its side against Russia and China, given that Israel is with the Arab coalition and Iran is with Russia and China, and the US leads the Arab alliance!!??? It is a complicated topic that makes no sense to the Arab world.. The Arabs won't chose this scenario over being neutral and deal with everyone on the same footing.. and this is what irks the US the most ..
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The best Arab bloc per excellence, and this is what should be the nucleus of this alliance..

1- Saudi Arabia
2- Egypt
3- Jordan
4- Emirates
5- Kuwait
6- Bahrain
7- Morocco
I like this idea, not too large and not too small. Maybe a couple more countries such as Qatar and Oman.

All countries should have a mandatory minimum defense budget and minimum standing army size.
Am I the only one opposing a Middle Eastern “Treaty Organization” here...?

AIO is producing a remote engagement and control system that is said to help infantry engage targets at greater ranges. In addition to a daytime infrared optic with a laser rangefinder in cooperation with a foreign company.

Source: https://lnkd.in/dw95_He2
You mean not like the 5 Su-35s that were in secret hiding location somewhere in Egypt that only a certain 3 special people know about LOL! And we should only trust them and all that usual crap? lool. Classic Egyptian BS I've grown up listening to for way too long and obviously getting sick and tired of it.

I remember even earlier in this thread there was some dude who would get all pissed off because SC and I would be discussing certain weapons and if they'll being delivered and the timing and we just didn't blindly listen to this donkey who thought he was king turd loool. It does get tiring.

To me, the most reliable and credible sources are most of the time from the source of the equipment itself. Even with just pictures you can easily tell like with all the Su-35s. It was so obvious by the serial numbers and landscape that all the earlier models up to around 22 of them at least, were in Russia. Much more reliable than the slew of BS rumors and "incognito" sources. Like you said, I'll believe it when I see it and only then.
yeah you know we dont see the first 5 planes anymore then we saw them after that rafal fight then we dont see them anymore. We saw the 9327 in the latest pic so this is the secound bunch that needed to be returned i guess

The thing that I am desperate is an indigenous anti-ship/air missiles and cruises missiles then we will be mostly self sufficient country.
For you what is the % of self sufficiency of the Egyptian Armed Forces?

Seems like that we will have our own NATO so a new "Pan-Arab" idea hahahaha. If it is true then we will see indigenous arab regional projects which would benefit every middle eastern (arab) countries.
if theres one country i want to collab with it will be iraq. Glad to see sisi and kazamy have the same view
The best Arab bloc per excellence, and this is what should be the nucleus of this alliance..

1- Saudi Arabia
2- Egypt
3- Jordan
4- Emirates
5- Kuwait
6- Bahrain
7- Morocco

Adding Usrael as it was suggested by itself and the US would be huge mistake..

The Arab countries with this NATO like alliance want to deter Iran if it is reckless..

But Usrael wants war and takes the initiative..

The expected scenario: With Iran’s progress in its nuclear program, Usrael continues with assassinations, then harassment with its F-35 and drones inside Iran, and then missiles will certainly follow..

And with Iran getting close to a nuclear missile, Israel will ignite a war in which Arabs have no interest or advantage.. With the first missile dump that will be on the Gulf, and the first nuke will be on the Gulf also because of the near distance,,

Usrael wants to send its systems (propaganda of joint defense integration) to Arab borders as a buffer zone to protect itself from any missile dumping or nuclear radiation if it happens.

It is much better to have a pure and neutral Arab NATO - like coalition that protects only itself, with deterrence, not harassment, and does not follow the American side.. Why the hell Should the US lead an Arab alliance? .. If a third world war was to happen, would Arabs take its side against Russia and China, given that Israel is with the Arab coalition and Iran is with Russia and China, and the US leads the Arab alliance!!??? It is a complicated topic that makes no sense to the Arab world.. The Arabs won't chose this scenario over being neutral and deal with everyone on the same footing.. and this is what irks the US the most ..
add iraq and oman and remove morroco

Am I the only one opposing a Middle Eastern “Treaty Organization” here...?

AIO is producing a remote engagement and control system that is said to help infantry engage targets at greater ranges. In addition to a daytime infrared optic with a laser rangefinder in cooperation with a foreign company.

Source: https://lnkd.in/dw95_He2
i dont get their oppsession with infra red and thermal opitics. I get it its easier to locate targets and stuff but its way too heavy to be mobile with it


Trans :

The Ministry of Military Production pumped investments of about 318 million pounds into military projects during the current fiscal year (2021/ 2022), and completed the implementation of 7 projects, as follows:
1- Development of cartridge production lines within the Abu Qir Company for Engineering Industries (Factory 10 Military).
2- The investment plan included the nitropenta production plant in the Heliopolis Chemical Industries Company “81 Military.”
3- Developing the extinguishers production sector by managing a powder filling machine/UV printing machine at Helwan Company for Engineering Industries (Factory 99 Military).
4- Development of the rolling unit “Phase One” at Abu Zaabal Company for Engineering Industries (Factory 100 Military),
5- Upgrading the main production workshops with a water-cutting machine/diagonal-expanding machine at the (200 Military) armored vehicle production and repair plant.
6- The ministry developed the weapons production line and the Shashakan machine for the manufacture of pipes at the Abu Zaabal Company for Specialized Industries (Factory 300).
7- Military Production also developed the main production workshops and the high frequency tempering machine at Helwan Machinery and Equipment Company “999 Military Factory”.

It is noteworthy that the Ministry of Military Production has made many achievements during the period from 30/6/2021 to date in the field of research and development, and carried out research on manufacturing the 40mm single grenade launcher 6 (MGL6) by reverse engineering in partnership with the armed forces (Technical Research Center). and Abu Zaabal Company for Specialized Industries (Factory 300), and the research team began work on design, graphics and production technologies in cooperation with the National Authority for Military Production and the production of prototypes for some components using 3D printing technology and operation, and the sample was approved.
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