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Egyptian Armed Forces

Iam starting to think the typhoon deal is blackmail move. Maybe the french are banning some advanced weapons due to welad el 3am.

Also a FREEM ToT woukd bring us to a new level. Italian designing is amongst the best especially ships
Iam starting to think the typhoon deal is blackmail move. Maybe the french are banning some advanced weapons due to welad el 3am.

Also a FREEM ToT woukd bring us to a new level. Italian designing is amongst the best especially ships
The deal this time is not blackmail or bargaining, but rather it exists and is being worked on
The French deal is in force, the contract is in force and there is no problem with it, even the Meteor missiles are among the deal, and the financing that Egypt obtained from French banks is 5.4 billion euros, i.e. the M330 deal and the satellite is included in the deal
The deal this time is not blackmail or bargaining, but rather it exists and is being worked on
The French deal is in force, the contract is in force and there is no problem with it, even the Meteor missiles are among the deal, and the financing that Egypt obtained from French banks is 5.4 billion euros, i.e. the M330 deal and the satellite is included in the deal
How about the extra FREEM or is it a seperate deal?
@Gomig-21 typical soviet game. Ya3ni because of them we didn't continue HA-300 aircraft, this torpedo project @Gaafar said and ofc other things.

Yeah I'm not convinced of that TBH. If Sadat was able to throw them out in 1972 and then they were delivering nukes in Alexandria by October 25th, they were easily played and I doubt they had that much influence. At least I think Egypt could've overcame it by the time Mubarak took over, at the earliest anyway. By then the Soviets were completely out of the picture and the US couldn't really do jack to stop it. Nothing in the peace treaty or aid conditions prohibited them from perusing their own military programs. Maybe pre-67-79, but certainly not after that.

I just think from 67 to 1979/80 was so much warring against those land-stealing scum that it wore out the initiative and pushed things in a totally different direction of reliance on purchase ability along with Mubarak's lack of vision. Obviously the wrong approach as they could've balanced the two.

Iam starting to think the typhoon deal is blackmail move. Maybe the french are banning some advanced weapons due to welad el 3am.

More like welad el 3ars. let's hope that's not the case as that would suck royally if that was the motivation. I think it's part of the deal, to influence France into realizing it doesn't have a source monopoly on Egypt at the same time, there is a legitimate need and use for those aircraft which even us regular grunts know, replace the Mirages.

No we don't have them in Egypt. They are still in Russia sadly.

You mean not like the 5 Su-35s that were in secret hiding location somewhere in Egypt that only a certain 3 special people know about LOL! And we should only trust them and all that usual crap? lool. Classic Egyptian BS I've grown up listening to for way too long and obviously getting sick and tired of it.

I remember even earlier in this thread there was some dude who would get all pissed off because SC and I would be discussing certain weapons and if they'll being delivered and the timing and we just didn't blindly listen to this donkey who thought he was king turd loool. It does get tiring.

To me, the most reliable and credible sources are most of the time from the source of the equipment itself. Even with just pictures you can easily tell like with all the Su-35s. It was so obvious by the serial numbers and landscape that all the earlier models up to around 22 of them at least, were in Russia. Much more reliable than the slew of BS rumors and "incognito" sources. Like you said, I'll believe it when I see it and only then.
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The advanced canon, its radar and its sophisticated ammunition among other things..

One of the technologies is the Active hull cooling (AHC) technology that reduces the IR signature of a ship by using an onboard system of water spray nozzles to coat the hull and superstructure with cooling seawater. The AHC is controlled by the Onboard Signature Manager (OSM) that directs the cooling spray onto heated ship surfaces.

https://wrdavis.com/docs/Naval Infrared Stealth Technology.pdf

Globally, various methods are adopted to reduce the temperature of exhaust gas and duct which causes IR signature. NSTL designed eductor–diffuser-type IRSS devices is one of the technologies for reducing temperature of exhaust gas and duct. Such type of devices has been installed on diesel engine exhaust systems of a number of front-line ships. In this system, reduction of temperature is achieved only by addition of cold atmospheric air. For further advancement and enhanced cooling of exhaust gas and duct, water can be injected in proper pattern with suitable water injecting nozzles at various points inside the duct.


Funny I actually heard of these systems. For some reason I thought you said they sprayed cooling sea water between the different layers of the hull, when it's actually a series of pipes along the top of the hull or the gunnel with pressure nozzles every certain distances apart and they spray a mist on the outer surface of the hull. If the MEKOs have that, I bet it would be quite visible as the pipe waps around and the nozzles would also be visible.

The 2nd one that sprays cooling sea water into the exhaust ducts is also pretty interesting as I bet that's probably the hottest spot on a ship and an Exocet or any other AS missile would probably fly right into the stack lol, just like the Japanese did to the Arizona at Pearl Harbor, except that was a aimed and lucky bomb drop I believe from a Mitsubishi Kate. Still, though, are you saying these systems and the generators or engines that pull the water for the sprinklers are what is exhausted from the side of the hull and leaving the soot mark?
Funny I actually heard of these systems. For some reason I thought you said they sprayed cooling sea water between the different layers of the hull, when it's actually a series of pipes along the top of the hull or the gunnel with pressure nozzles every certain distances apart and they spray a mist on the outer surface of the hull. If the MEKOs have that, I bet it would be quite visible as the pipe waps around and the nozzles would also be visible.

The 2nd one that sprays cooling sea water into the exhaust ducts is also pretty interesting as I bet that's probably the hottest spot on a ship and an Exocet or any other AS missile would probably fly right into the stack lol, just like the Japanese did to the Arizona at Pearl Harbor, except that was a aimed and lucky bomb drop I believe from a Mitsubishi Kate. Still, though, are you saying these systems and the generators or engines that pull the water for the sprinklers are what is exhausted from the side of the hull and leaving the soot mark?
The thing that I am desperate is an indigenous anti-ship/air missiles and cruises missiles then we will be mostly self sufficient country.
For you what is the % of self sufficiency of the Egyptian Armed Forces?

Seems like that we will have our own NATO so a new "Pan-Arab" idea hahahaha. If it is true then we will see indigenous arab regional projects which would benefit every middle eastern (arab) countries.
Funny I actually heard of these systems. For some reason I thought you said they sprayed cooling sea water between the different layers of the hull, when it's actually a series of pipes along the top of the hull or the gunnel with pressure nozzles every certain distances apart and they spray a mist on the outer surface of the hull. If the MEKOs have that, I bet it would be quite visible as the pipe waps around and the nozzles would also be visible.

The 2nd one that sprays cooling sea water into the exhaust ducts is also pretty interesting as I bet that's probably the hottest spot on a ship and an Exocet or any other AS missile would probably fly right into the stack lol, just like the Japanese did to the Arizona at Pearl Harbor, except that was a aimed and lucky bomb drop I believe from a Mitsubishi Kate. Still, though, are you saying these systems and the generators or engines that pull the water for the sprinklers are what is exhausted from the side of the hull and leaving the soot mark?
Nope.. the exhausts might be cooled from inside.. but they are till leaving those marks.. !?

It is most likely like the cooling system for the ducts but more generalized on the ship frame.. or at least its hot spots..

I believe it was a scholarly article talking about the between external layers cooling system.. I found the idea fascinating that's how I still remember it vividly,, just can't find that article again yet.. maybe hidden now because it was a too valuable design and idea.. but it is there and it was from the US..

Most important thing of an “Arab NATO” would be standardization of ammunition from small arms all the way to artillery.

Although I do agree, joint projects would be quite useful. Imo a drone fighter jet like the MIUS would be a very useful project that could be produced in very large numbers for all air forces in the Middle East.

Then it would be an actual commitment to attacking an aggressor nation without any ifs or buts.
The thing that I am desperate is an indigenous anti-ship/air missiles and cruises missiles then we will be mostly self sufficient country.
For you what is the % of self sufficiency of the Egyptian Armed Forces?
I will add the Aero-ballistic missiles like the Iskander.. these four will make the Egyptian armed forces much stronger..

Most important thing of an “Arab NATO” would be standardization of ammunition from small arms all the way to artillery.

Although I do agree, joint projects would be quite useful. Imo a drone fighter jet like the MIUS would be a very useful project that could be produced in very large numbers for all air forces in the Middle East.

Then it would be an actual commitment to attacking an aggressor nation without any ifs or buts.
But first step by step hahahaha. This Arab NATO will be eventually against Iran same thing the real NATO against Russia.

I will add the Aero-ballistic missiles like the Iskander.. these four will make the Egyptian armed forces much stronger..
But what is the % of self sufficiency? You didn't answer it
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