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Egyptian Armed Forces

Typhoon too? What's left now? J-10C and Gripen. Egypt bought everything.
And J-20 and SU-57/75 hahaha. I am just kidding. Typhoon would either replace Mirage 2k and to work as a duo with SU-35 or to replace the SU-35 deal. Plus we need those aircrafts.
Why are you guys so excited about this deal i understand the need for an air superiority fighter but at this point it seems like we're racking stats on paper for our airforce.

Welcome to the forum and specifically this thread. I forgot, enta Masri InshaAllah? If so, you should change your "Country" setting to the flag of Egypt.

We're excited because the Eurofighter Typhoon has some of the most advanced systems out of all the current aircraft flying around, from its super Captor-E radar to its EW and decoy systems to its payload ability and it's cruise-control without afterburner AND how it has the most internal fuel storage by volume (because of the way it was built with fat wings and bulky fuselage - check out the factory build video I posted a few pages ago will show that) and it's super plastic forming diffusion bonding makeup of its frame and panels which are also combined with carbon fiber to make the aircraft super light yet stronger than conventional titanium-made aircraft as well as having all that composite construction give it a very small RCS.

Another reason is that if for any reason France & Dassault start succumbing to US pressure and/or change certain things for the Rafales, there is a perfect backup to it in the Typhoon which just by virtue of its existence in the EAF, automatically puts the "behave well" attitude for Dassault.

It's also very compatible with the great Rafale in that it carries the same set of universal GBU munitions of which the EAF possesses GBU-10,12 & 14. Hopefully both will supply the vaunted Meteor missile and if one doesn't and the other does, that will put a lot of pressure on the one that doesn't. If they both don't then the EAF will have to work a lot harder to get that missile since it will augment the Rafale and Typhoon to another level as far as AA fighting is concerned.

There are also reasons for the US that the EAF is going this way, if they do pull off this deal, then they can easily deny the super crappy F-15 offer by telling them that not only are the MiG-29M/M2s better, but so are the Rafales and now that we have the Typhoon, we don't need the F-15 at all.

We don't know this for sure, but we're assuming they're going to retire the Mirage 2000s and induct these in their place which would be perfect. So in a large sense, they're not really adding another platform, but replacing an existing one with a much better one.

Which brings me to the final and one of the more important reasons and that is having the perfect compatibility with Saudi Arabian Typhoons to link them together and perform special missions as one brotherly nation would do. They haven't been able to do that with the F-16s because of their downgraded status. The US and NATO do that, why not us Arabs and we can't with current platforms but certainly can and will with the Typhoon, including with Kuwait. Create an Arab patrolling alliance with well-linked aircraft that work perfectly all over the Red Sea and GCC.

The political blackmailing after this deal will be immense if you follow European politics and see what is usually said about egypt.

Since when do we or should we care what the heck anyone has to say about the EAF? Screw them ten times over. 90% of that is super jealousy and besides, who ever came out and made it a rule of thumb that the less variety of platforms the better? India had been doing that for over half a century. Granted their crash-rates are concerning, but that has nothing to do with the variety of platforms and the EAF won't end up with the same as the IAF anyway. So who says it will be a hindrance? The French are probably pissed off because the EAF went with its most hardened competitor while at the same time, letting Dassault know it wants to increase its Rafale numbers to 100. And the fact they had to work hard to convince several banking institutions to finance the last deal pissed them off that Egypt is going off and buying more fighters. So it's complaining is childish, frankly. And who cares, Sacre blue la merde! lol Who ever said there's a rule of thumb that only 3 of the same sources aircraft is how it should be?

There's no maintenance or logistical nightmare, that's all pure BS. Each fighter has its own pilots & crews trained and dedicated to servicing that specific platform. Many of the weapons are interchangeable and even the ones that are not, they'll still be purchased per fighter and belong to each fighter separately. So where is this technological nightmare? If anything, this helps greatly in time of war when one runs out or its supplies cease, the other continues and picks up the slack. It's much more of a BETTER plan than anything else.

We're a step away from having hawks reminiscent of the Saddam era come at us. I would prefer the su 35 over the Eurofighter not for capabilities but overall considerations from maintenance political relations freedom of use etc... But ideally none.

The Italians, Germans Brits and Spain will not pinch Egypt and the EAF on freedom of use since it would be the same as what Saudi Arabia has planned with them. And if they want to come at us, let them do it. Why should we ever dictate what we want based on fear of something like that? We're too strong and far from cowards to feel anything remotely close to worrying about something like that.

PS. At some point in time, the F-16s will either decrease in numbers or retire all-together and why not start its replacement now before it's too late? See, so many excellent and very smart-thinking ahead in this strategy. I also bet the Rafale pilots will be able to interchange with the Typhoon pilots and vice-versa, being the two platforms are Euro canard/deltas. That also adds a benefit to the two aircraft capabilities.
EAF better hurry up and get this order in if they want these aircraft delivered any time before 2030! Spain has just ordered 20 Typhoons to replace their aging legacy F/A-18 Hornets.

It is not the EAF.. they would have liked to get it yesterday.. but still waiting on the Italian Prime minister's OK on the deal.. WTF is he waiting for!? ..maybe a bigger deal?
It is not the EAF.. they would have liked to get it yesterday.. but still waiting on the Italian Prime minister's OK on the deal.. WTF is he waiting for!? ..maybe a bigger deal?
Maybe internal and external pressure ?
It is not the EAF.. they would have liked to get it yesterday.. but still waiting on the Italian Prime minister's OK on the deal.. WTF is he waiting for!? ..maybe a bigger deal?

Mario hasn't called Sisi yet? He was supposed to a couple of days after the announcement came out in the Italian newspaper I think it was Corriere De la Sierra. Sounds like the typical stuff that he's pressured with HR issues especially with the Gulio Regini case still not really brought to a satisfactory conclusion for them. We know they closed the case in Egypt and presented the findings to the Italian gov. but I bet his advisors are probably telling him not to announce an approval of the deal until after his next election.

Funny how the Italian parliament approved it yet it still needs the PM's final ok and stamp of approval.
A picture taken yesterday of the German monster MEKO-A200EG frigate, nicknamed "Al-Aziz", during sailing and training trials..


The Egyptian MEKO-A200EG frigate beast, , nicknamed “Al-Aziz” was spotted yesterday during sailing and training trials in the German city of Kiel, where it is expected that the Al-Aziz frigate will sail by the end of this month to its bases in Alexandria to join the Northern Fleet at Ras El-Tin base alongside its Italian brothers, the Freem “Bergamini” The French “Oquitian” and the American “Oliver Hazard”.

Egypt will get 4 stealth Meko frigates from Germany, and the Egyptian version is the latest at all.. It is characterized by the difficulty of discovering it, as it can open sea loopholes, infiltrate and carry out a decisive naval strike thanks to the strength and intensity of its armament and also thanks to the capabilities of its radars, electronic systems, devices, sensors and sonars, and it forms with the submarine Type 209 / 1400 A terrifying duo called “The Silent Killer.” .. Fifth generation wars have become dependent on advanced electronic warfare systems in the first place, then armament comes second..

What is more exciting about this deal is that Egypt obtained the manufacturing technology and is now preparing the Alexandria Arsenal to build the first ship of the stealth frigate, as Egypt will manufacture a frigate and obtain the other three from Germany, which is a very important and essential point for Egypt to manufacture the first purely Egyptian naval war ships in the near future..


The most important specifications of the frigate Meko a200EG:

1 - German multi-mission frigate of medium displacement, heavily armed, and stealth that is difficult for radar to detect, with a length of 120 m

2 - Its maximum displacement is 3700 tons

3- Maximum speed is 54 kilometers per hour

4 - Range 13.3 thousand km at a speed of 29.6 km / h

5 - Crew from 100: 120, including the crew of the helicopters operating on board

6 - It can accommodate 50 members of the special forces

7- You can stay 28 days at sea before returning to refuel and supplies

8 - The frigate is equipped with a Swedish-made Sea Giraffe main radar, which can track more than 200 air targets and 400 surface targets simultaneously.

9 - The frigate can also carry two helicopters for anti-submarine missions

10 - It also has the ability to carry small drones for reconnaissance and surveillance missions

11 - The ability to carry two light boats for special forces missions.

Frigate armament:

16 RBS 15 Mk III Block 3 surface-to-surface missiles with a range of 200 km

32 vertical launch cells for launching VL-MIka-NG air defense missiles with a range of 40 km and a speed of Mach 4 4 times the speed of sound

Two MSI 30mm air-defense, anti-speedboat cannons

MU-90 torpedo launchers with a maximum range of 23 km

127mm Oto Melara cannon features a smart GPS-guided Vulcano projectile with a range of +100 km.

The frigate carries two helicopters for anti-submarine control, surveillance, reconnaissance, support and attack

Carrying unmanned aerial vehicles for reconnaissance purposes

Carrying a special forces speedboat..
Mario hasn't called Sisi yet? He was supposed to a couple of days after the announcement came out in the Italian newspaper I think it was Corriere De la Sierra. Sounds like the typical stuff that he's pressured with HR issues especially with the Gulio Regini case still not really brought to a satisfactory conclusion for them. We know they closed the case in Egypt and presented the findings to the Italian gov. but I bet his advisors are probably telling him not to announce an approval of the deal until after his next election.

Funny how the Italian parliament approved it yet it still needs the PM's final ok and stamp of approval.
Sure it is not Gulio Regini case bro.. maybe talks between all those manufacturing countries to agree on the Egyptian specs of the Typhoon for EAF.. the radar and the Meteor in first place.. as well as other modern armament if not some ToT.. as Egypt has lately decided that all deals should come with at least a minimal Tot..
Sure it is not Gulio Regini case bro.. maybe talks between all those manufacturing countries to agree on the Egyptian specs of the Typhoon for EAF.. the radar and the Meteor in first place.. as well as other modern armament if not some ToT.. as Egypt has lately decided that all deals should come with at least a minimal Tot..

There's already 4 countries involved in the creation of this aircraft, I highly doubt any of them would agree to any form of ToT TBH. Besides that, the specs are most certainly already agreed to since they've been negotiating this deal for 3 years already and they've also agreed on the unit cost which is at 125 million euros a piece. They wouldn't have settled on that number and the total of 3 million Euros for 24 aircraft if they hadn't decided on specs already. 3 years! lol.

One of the reasons why I questioned that number since the 125 x 24 comes out to exactly 3 million which doesn't leave any room for training, weapons etc. which we then found out the total with the weapons, training, 24 M-346s (possibly the satellite also) came out to 6 billion Euros. I think the additional FREMMs are already agreed on since 2 have already been delivered. The delay has to be the usual HR crap.

BTW, this area of the hull on the MEKO is very strange with what appears to be soot from some kind of exhaust discharge. Perhaps the engines have some sort of initial startup combustion discharge from the side, sort of like an APU on a fighter jet like the Eurofighter Typhoon. That thing has a very visible soot mark from the APUs exhaust and I wonder if this is the same thing. Only problem is we don't see this on any other frigate or destroyer or corvette.



I don't think there is a lot of order on EFT. I don't remember if Germany have ordered a new batch of EFT.

Where did you get Germany from? The tweet said "Spain" just ordered 20 Typhoons, not Germany.
There's already 4 countries involved in the creation of this aircraft, I highly doubt any of them would agree to any form of ToT TBH. Besides that, the specs are most certainly already agreed to since they've been negotiating this deal for 3 years already and they've also agreed on the unit cost which is at 125 million euros a piece. They wouldn't have settled on that number and the total of 3 million Euros for 24 aircraft if they hadn't decided on specs already. 3 years! lol.

One of the reasons why I questioned that number since the 125 x 24 comes out to exactly 3 million which doesn't leave any room for training, weapons etc. which we then found out the total with the weapons, training, 24 M-346s (possibly the satellite also) came out to 6 billion Euros. I think the additional FREMMs are already agreed on since 2 have already been delivered. The delay has to be the usual HR crap.

BTW, this area of the hull on the MEKO is very strange with what appears to be soot from some kind of exhaust discharge. Perhaps the engines have some sort of initial startup combustion discharge from the side, sort of like an APU on a fighter jet like the Eurofighter Typhoon. That thing has a very visible soot mark from the APUs exhaust and I wonder if this is the same thing. Only problem is we don't see this on any other frigate or destroyer or corvette.

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Where did you get Germany from? The tweet said "Spain" just ordered 20 Typhoons, not Germany.
Each of the 4 countries has the right to sell it weapons and even its own ToT..

The specs maybe.. but the ToT is sill negociable.. do you remember that the Berghaminis came with some ToT too?

Yes that area on the MEKO looks most likely as some exhaust discharge .. but I remember some articles talking about injecting water between two external layers of the frame to lower the heat and IR signature for stealth purposes.. these might be piston exhausts used in that purpose..
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