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Egyptian Armed Forces

Let's hope this is the "same" original foreign customer...

A new foreign customer? That could very well be what they're talking about the way they're wording that. Especially with the following quote.

This is actually damning, bro. "Working on the deal"? The EAF deal was already worked on since 2016 and the only way they would be working on a "deal" with a "foreign customer" is if it's a new one who will take the aircraft off of the Russian's hands. Someone like Iran which has been rumored for a long time for this or even Algeria, who's also rumored to have put in an order for 14 Su-57s. That might be a bunch of hokus pokus, though. Do you have an Arabic version for this news, SC?
not iran. Also why the hell would we leave it now after we made it to our own liking.
Let's hope this is the "same" original foreign customer...

A new foreign customer? That could very well be what they're talking about the way they're wording that. Especially with the following quote.

This is actually damning, bro. "Working on the deal"? The EAF deal was already worked on since 2016 and the only way they would be working on a "deal" with a "foreign customer" is if it's a new one who will take the aircraft off of the Russian's hands. Someone like Iran which has been rumored for a long time for this or even Algeria, who's also rumored to have put in an order for 14 Su-57s. That might be a bunch of hokus pokus, though. Do you have an Arabic version for this news, SC?
Nope just..According to Andrei Yelchaninov, first deputy head of the Russian Collegium of the Military Industry Committee..

I remember there was a clause between Egypt and Russia not to disclose the recipient of any deal as far as Egypt was concerned.. it was announced in those times when the US was threatening with CAATSA..

Besides that.. there is no other country that has ordered the SU-35.. there were Rumors long ago that China might want more.. but then came Chinese articles criticizing the plane..

Algeria ordered the SU-34 and SU57.. not the SU-35..

Working on the deal..means executing it..

Also the SU-35 SE has special features that is what it means..

According to this DATA it is 90% Egypt.. unless there is a secret customer that no one knows about yet!?

Egypt is on its way to making the biggest acquisition of weapons technology since the end of World War II by sending Rome a list of exactly what it needs. According to the Spanish portal InfoDefensa, the list includes: 24 Eurofighter Typhoon combat aircraft, 20 M-346 training aircraft, four Fremm multi-role frigates, 20 patrol boats and a surveillance satellite.

Experts estimate the deal at between $10 billion and $12 billion, with preliminary financial estimates that $3 billion will be spent on the purchase of 24 Eurofighter Typhoons. European Fighter is the largest combined arms system program in Europe. More than 400 companies are involved in the production of this aircraft, which employs almost 100 thousand people. The deal with Egypt will be led by the Italian company Leonardo, which will receive approximately 60% of the deal..
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Egypt is on its way to making the biggest acquisition of weapons technology since the end of World War II by sending Rome a list of exactly what it needs. According to the Spanish portal InfoDefensa, the list includes: 24 Eurofighter Typhoon combat aircraft, 20 M-346 training aircraft, four Fremm multi-role frigates, 20 patrol boats and a surveillance satellite.

Experts estimate the deal at between $10 billion and $12 billion, with preliminary financial estimates that $3 billion will be spent on the purchase of 24 Eurofighter Typhoons. European Fighter is the largest combined arms system program in Europe. More than 400 companies are involved in the production of this aircraft, which employs almost 100 thousand people. The deal with Egypt will be led by the Italian company Leonardo, which will receive approximately 60% of the deal..

Let's goooo! Mega deal has been talked about for a while, make it happen and retire those old Mirage 2000sand give those pilots these much better and newer state of the art fighters.

I'm not going to mention those certain missiles we always talk about....let's just hope things work out.

The 130 mm coastal artillery elements represent the last line of defense for the Egyptian coasts (after warships, missile launchers and coastal defense missile batteries) against enemy attempts to advance towards the shores to carry out amphibious landings.

Self-propelled artillery elements can also be used to provide the required support against the enemy's amphibious landing elements, such as missile artillery, for example, to carry out surveying operations with missiles loaded with cluster warheads, infantry and armored gatherings on the beaches.

Egyptian coastal defense systems

The Egyptian coastal defense is one of the striking forces of the Egyptian Navy and consists of the coastal artillery and missile forces that are used in the direct defense of the sea coast. The Egyptian Navy owns a variety of coastal defense systems as follows:

Rubez system: coastal anti-ship defense

It is a Soviet system of origin that dates back to the 1960s and was used by the Egyptian Komar missile boats to sink the Israeli destroyer Eilat on October 21, 1967 off the coast of Port Said.

Egypt has many Russian, Chinese and Egyptian versions of it, where the Russian version is distinguished by the use of P-15 missiles and SS-N-2A missiles, which have a range of up to 40 kilometers.

China copied the Soviet system and produced many versions of it, and Egypt used three different Chinese versions of this system. (The HY-2 version, which has a range of 80 km / and the updated HY-2A-II version, which has a range of 100 km), the HY-2B version and the updated HY-2B-II version with a thermal seeker and a range of 130 km.

Egypt has worked on manufacturing this version with improved capabilities, including increasing the range, accuracy of injury, warhead and electronic anti-jamming system, and it was named HY-4.

This system operates across coastal platforms or from aboard ships or aircraft, unlike the offensive range of more than 230 km and the extremely low altitude of up to 8 meters above sea level before hitting the target in the last phase of flight.

Exocet coastal defense system

It is a French anti-ship system produced by the French company MBDA. The system is designed to strike small, medium and above-medium naval vessels as missile launchers, corvettes and frigates. The system also has a high impact on larger ships such as destroyers and aircraft carriers.

The Exost missile, when launched, relies on the inertial navigation system based on the coordinates previously received from the launch pad, and then activates its active radar seeker in the last stage to locate and hit the target. The missile flies at a very low altitude, not exceeding two meters above sea level, and is characterized by its low radar cross-section, and its high speed of 1,134 km per hour, which negatively affects the ability of hostile radars to monitor it from sufficient distances, before hitting the target.

The missile has a range of 180 km. The system consists of a vehicle with radar and thermal sensors, a command and control vehicle, and two vehicles carrying missile launchers, each carrying 4 missiles with a total of 8 missiles.

Automata coastal defense system

It is an anti-ship system produced jointly by Italy and France with a range of 180 km.

When an Automata missile is launched, it rises to 80 meters, then drops to a height of only 20 meters, and remains at this height until it reaches the specified target.

During the intermediate flight stage, the missile is guided by inertia, and relies on the altimeter radar to maintain its altitude above the surface of the water.

As for the final stage of flight, it uses a radar seeker mounted at the head of the missile, which does not start working except at a distance of 12 km from the specified target.

Just five kilometers before hitting the target, the missile rises to a height of 175 meters, to attack the target from the vertical direction, which is usually less armored.

Bastion coastal defense system

It is a Russian coastal defense system armed with Yakhont anti-ship missiles.

Egypt contracted this system in 2015 as part of the comprehensive replacement and development plan that is being implemented.

One system can protect 600 km of coastline and secure a marine area of 100,000 km², with the ability to engage marine targets up to 300 km.

The number of missile launchers in the system can reach a maximum of 18 vehicles, each of which is equipped with two vertical missile launchers, with a total of 36 missiles of the system with the ability to engage 24 targets in simultaneous launch mode.

The maximum range of the Yakhont missile reaches 300 km and has a warhead weighing 200 kg, and its maximum speed reaches 2700 km / h. hostile bases, giving the missile an additional ability to strike radar-operating coastal installations and bases.

Let's goooo! Mega deal has been talked about for a while, make it happen and retire those old Mirage 2000sand give those pilots these much better and newer state of the art fighters.

I'm not going to mention those certain missiles we always talk about....let's just hope things work out.
Why are you guys so excited about this deal i understand the need for an air superiority fighter but at this point it seems like we're racking stats on paper for our airforce. The political blackmailing after this deal will be immense if you follow European politics and see what is usually said about egypt. We're a step away from having hawks reminiscent of the Saddam era come at us. I would prefer the su 35 over the Eurofighter not for capabilities but overall considerations from maintenance political relations freedom of use etc... But ideally none.
Why are you guys so excited about this deal i understand the need for an air superiority fighter but at this point it seems like we're racking stats on paper for our airforce. The political blackmailing after this deal will be immense if you follow European politics and see what is usually said about egypt. We're a step away from having hawks reminiscent of the Saddam era come at us. I would prefer the su 35 over the Eurofighter not for capabilities but overall considerations from maintenance political relations freedom of use etc... But ideally none.
Because it is compatible with our Air Force and it will bring us more advanced technologies that the SU-35 doesn't have like radars etc... SU-35 have less advanced avionics.

Where do you live in France?

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Hahahaha, b'toulo t'3ala hena ya'bn el labwa ashan tedeek 5azou2 f'teez abouk hahahaha look what you've done to me! :D

BTW, this is going to be a freaky scary navy yan7ar abyad:

- 1 FREMM Aquitaine
- 6 FREMM Bergamini
- 6 MEKO A200
- 4 Gowind Corvettes
That's 17 brand new stealth frigates and corvettes alone! Then there's:
- 4 Oliver Hazzard Perry class frigates
- 2 Knox class Frigates makes 23 total frigates
- 4 Ambassador MK III missile craft fast attack ships
- 2 Discubierta class corvettes
- 1 Pohang class corvette
- 1 P-32 Molniya-class missile craft
- 4 Romeo Class submarines
- 4 Type 209 Submarines (and we know they're negotiating for the Baracudas and Scorpenes)
- 2 Mistrals LHD Helicopter carriers
- Not even close to the complete list, either. Some of the new escort attack ships I forget what they're called, need to look into them some more. They were docked right behind the Bergamini FREMMs during the Badr (I think) exercise when Sisi and MBZ were on the Mistral watching it.

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Yes but

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Egypt is on its way to making the biggest acquisition of weapons technology since the end of World War II by sending Rome a list of exactly what it needs. According to the Spanish portal InfoDefensa, the list includes: 24 Eurofighter Typhoon combat aircraft, 20 M-346 training aircraft, four Fremm multi-role frigates, 20 patrol boats and a surveillance satellite.

Experts estimate the deal at between $10 billion and $12 billion, with preliminary financial estimates that $3 billion will be spent on the purchase of 24 Eurofighter Typhoons. European Fighter is the largest combined arms system program in Europe. More than 400 companies are involved in the production of this aircraft, which employs almost 100 thousand people. The deal with Egypt will be led by the Italian company Leonardo, which will receive approximately 60% of the deal..

Typhoon too? What's left now? J-10C and Gripen. Egypt bought everything.

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