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Egyptian Armed Forces

Conventionally they are effective

K9 Thunder Self-propelled Howitzer image

The Egyptian Air Force (EAF) command is said to have reached an agreement with Kamov to upgrade the all-weather Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopters in service with EAF..


In combined formations they can cause meance

The Egyptian Army has used and deployed 600+ units of the M109. This is probably one of the most popular photographs of one of them coming onto shore during exercise Bright Star 1983.


So when we heard of the news 2 plus years ago that they were interested in testing this Korean-built K-9 Thunder, we were a bit confused as the 109s were in excellent condition and their numbers were pretty large in 400+ units of the newer 109A2 and 201 units of 109A5 for a total of 601 M109 SPHs. So it begged the question why did they want to replace such a huge number of existing units that were working very well when you also compare the specs and they're very close. So it wasn't a huge gain for a lot of money being paid out.

Turns out the only reason that came from a somewhat reliable source is that the US built units in the M109 were very maintenance heavy. Not sure about that and something tells me they'll be using both types for a very large contingency of 109mm self propelled howitzers.

On another note, some more from Medusa 11.



F-16D block 40 from the 2nd order of block 40s way back in 1991. 12 of these were ordered as part of the new package back then.

@The SC & @Philip the Arab & @ARCH٤R & @joker87 and anyone else interested, we opened a Hellenic Armed Forces thread in the Europe & Russia subforum which has been getting excellent contributions from @Foinikas and a lot of interest. Check it out here when you get a chance.
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The Egyptian Air Force (EAF) command is said to have reached an agreement with Kamov to upgrade the all-weather Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopters in service with EAF..

We knew something wasn't right with the amount of time it was taking to finalize the tender that the EN put together for the additional Ka-52 Katrans, right? I believe it was an offer for 36 - plus associated deck operation equipment as well as a few of some type (not determined yet but probably an Augusta Westland for troop transport but definitely a Kamov-27 for ASW which the veritable Seasprite would've easily taken on.

However, the 10 or so Seasprites already had their roles booked up for their numbers, working with the 3 FREMMs, the 4 Gowinds and the few leftover Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigates as well as the Knox-class frigate.

I personally knew this day was coming, that they would have to bite into their own, land stock of Ka-52 Alligators (which they already did to some extent anyway as we saw with the folding, rotor blades for storage access. Wiki also claims that the EN has already acquired 30 Katrans, separately from the 46 Nile Crocodiles. Now we don't know the veracity of that claim but, it may be possible in their attempt to stay clear of CAATSA and all it's baloney backfiring, they did in fact go through with the tender of 30 Katrans while keeping that same, familiar desert sand camo color they've chosen on all the Nile Crocodiles. Hence when we saw them for the first time folding their blades and storing them in the Mistral's basement, we thought it was just a modification on the rotors that they had done with the Russians when it could've very well been just a showing of one of the the Katrans? Who knows, but I don't think the wings are folding on those particular models like the real Katrans do/have as I paid close attention to them and could never see a valid seam to be used as a folding point like all the Katrans have.

So we'll have to wait and see a bit more development from this whole thing which frankly is a bit more disturbing than one anticipated. We wanted a smooth purchase of those deadly, marine attack hellos as well as the proper CIWS system for both ships (which seems to be on paper so far but now we know that doesn't mean much until they actually show up.

Oh well, maybe take a complete change of outlook on the entire phase of helos and go with the NH90s and invest in an entirely different setup than originally planned?
The Greeks are just terrified these days for no reason if you ask me they are starting to remind me about Algeria and is this some sort of mediterranean thing to be hysterical even when there is no need to be like Algeria who thinks everyone in the region is plotting against them and always press release garbage in the Algerian media with hysteria and delusional alarmism or maybe this sells papers in these said mediteranean countries it is perhaps regional cultural thing.
Trust me,it's not without reason. It's not about war,but about an incident or skirmish that might lead to Turks grabbing some territory,some islands or part of the EEZ.

Basically preventing them from grabbing something that they can use to bargain for something else. At Imia they started an issue out of nowhere and eventually had two of our islets to be classified as "grey zone". Maybe Erdogan will do something to make people forget the economy or to postpone the elections. You never know. The Cypriots gave contracts to French,Italian and American companies to drill,you don't know how Erdogan will react to that. Anyway,I understand what you're saying,it's not that I reject it,I understand what you're saying.
But these exercises are a show of force as well apart from training,to show Turkey that we are all willing to resist even if the enemy has a stronger army.
In addition to being the power centers of the region, Turkey and Egypt are two natural allies historically and culturally. The current disagreements are not over strategic but over current political problems. None of them are insurmountable problems. In any case, Egypt and Turkey are not directly facing each other on any issue at the moment. Therefore, manipulation activities here have no geopolitical counterpart.
Maybe Erdogan will do something to make people forget the economy or to postpone the elections. You never know. The Cypriots gave contracts to French,Italian and American companies to drill,you don't know how Erdogan will react to that. Anyway,I understand what you're saying,it's not that I reject it,I understand what you're saying.

Macro economic indicators cannot be measured only with TRY/USD parity. People who think like this seriously need to learn basic economics. Turkish exports renew their ATH record every month. Industrial usage capacity rapidly rising. The total of ongoing energy and infrastructure investments is at the level of 200 billion dollars. The current balance gave a surplus in September. Industry giants are announcing their giant investment plans one after the other. GDP grew by 21.7 percent in the second quarter of 2021. Central bank foreign exchange and gold reserves are at their highest point in history. Growth figures continue to be strong, employment maintains its continuous upward trend. Decades later, the current account balance was achieved. Only the Turkey's annual exports are more than Greece's total GDP. Tourism is in the process of recovering rapidly again. However, the new transformation in Turkey is not focused on service areas this time, but shows the transition to a production economy. But if you ask the FB/YT professors here, Turkey is sinking due to the devaluation of TRY.

The biggest problem facing Turkey is the inflationary pressure created by the us dollar. Instead of increasing interest rates and suppressing this process, Turkey wants to overcome this process by keeping the tendency to decrease the rates and strengthening the hand of the industrialists. Undoubtedly, it is a difficult, even dangerous, direction. However, considering the current infrastructure and industrial capacity of Turkey, when it can overcome this period, it will permanently eliminate the current account deficit, which is the most important weak point in its economy.

Anyway, while Greece and the Greek Cypriot administration continue to sell potential gas fields to American and French companies, TPAO continues to expand its fleet. Finally, last week, another 7th generation deep drilling ship joined the fleet. Even in its current form, the Black Sea reserve will end Turkey's foreign dependence on natural gas with TANAP/Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.
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Finally, last week, another 7th generation deep drilling ship joined the fleet. Even in its current form, the Black Sea reserve will end Turkey's foreign dependence on natural gas with TANAP/Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.
That's the thing,even a third ship was rumored to be expensive and a "luxury" and the government bought it. And now they bought a fourth one. And for what? There's hardly any drilling. And the other thing is,Erdogan boasted that Turkey found a massive reserve of gas in the Black Sea,yet he insists on causing tension and risking confrontation with many countries for the Cypriot EEZ. That's like greed or stupidity. If the Black Sea reserve is supposedly so big as Erdogan claims,then Turkey shouldn't even bother with the Cypriot fields and risk sanctions or a war with countries like France,USA,Greece,Egypt and others.

Anyway let's go back to Egypt:

Egypt FREMM.jpg
More from Dusa. Hellenic squadron 340 Mira, best pilots in NATO 2020 & from Squadron 343 Mira the Aggressor squadron, the star of Red Flag hosting EAF F-16s.


Perhaps working with these SF ground units together in this JTAC exercise.


Coming up right around the corner, in a couple of days. actually.


This thing is pretty wild. I bet they'll get a few contracts for the Sinai200. New pic of Sinai200 IFV product of Factory 200. Hey @The SC , from that video you posted, it's really great what they've done to the FAHD, taking the chassis and really modifying it to be somewhat IED resistant and then there are so many other cool items of actual Soviet era brought into the twenty first century and given new technology to assist its capabilities of the day. The great example is the SAGGER missiles on top of the Jeep roof! Some really great and unique stuff. The airshow should be tremendous as well.


Speaking of airshow, MiG-29M/M2 with Medium range A2A R-77 missile.

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