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Egyptian Armed Forces

Thats most definitely egypt, they always talk about acquiring an aesa capable aircraft, and since they have a big supply if migs, would be too good of an opportunity to miss out.

Let's hope that the Zhuk-AE radar is in fact complete and part of that new aircraft systems and that it has thoroughly been tested and all possible new quirks that belong to new systems when they are first introduced and go through baby growing pains and have been dealt with and fixed.

You wonder if they also picked up the thrust vector control option on that MiG-35. Knowing it is not a standard option with that model but rather an option the buyer can chose to add, and IF the Su35SEs are in fact in Egypt and they all come standard with TVC, then maybe the EAF chose to add it to this batch as well? My guess is probably not because of cost. But it would certainly increase that batch's maneuverability by quite a bit and make it an incredible, low speed fighter.

But I do agree with you in that they should order this bird in huge numbers. I had mentioned that way back, right when the first order of the MiG-29M/35 were complete. I had said they should at least order another 56 like the first order for a total of 112. That's a very respectable number since they still have to pay for the 2nd order of 30 Rafales and more missiles as well as the meteors and that fighter jet also needs to have its numbers increased beyond 77 aircraft IMO.

What's your opinion regarding the Eurofighter Typhoons?
1) Should they even entertain the thought? Or would it be to much of a "logistical nightmare"? lol
3 If you do, would you make deal for the available British Typhoons with they're half life left, despite that fact AND that they're all older tranch 1 models?
4) Or would you go with the latest tranch and the newest of the AESA and weapons package etc. from Italy in that mega deal with the Berghminni FREMMs etc.?
5) Would you retire the the Mirage 2Ks and replace them with these EFTs, or create a new squadron(s)?

It is very possible.. since Russia has decided officially to cover all its export deals in secrecy..
Egypt has promised to buy more Mig-35s if it was armed with the R-77-1..

They actually said that, ma bro? Where and when?

Can you give me your opinion on those questions also that I asked Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose? Would like to hear your opinion on those as well as @Philip the Arab and @joker87 and anyone else who would like to chime in.

They also need to show us that they either already have the R-27ER for the current MiGs and they better be coming with the Su-35SEs. These things really irritate the ever living jumgabangaboonga out of me man I tell you. You have one of the best 4th gen aircraft out there and you don't maximize its weapons capabilities?? Does that make any sense to you ma bro? UGHHHHH!!!!!!!! :lol:
Let's hope that the Zhuk-AE radar is in fact complete and part of that new aircraft systems and that it has thoroughly been tested and all possible new quirks that belong to new systems when they are first introduced and go through baby growing pains and have been dealt with and fixed.

You wonder if they also picked up the thrust vector control option on that MiG-35. Knowing it is not a standard option with that model but rather an option the buyer can chose to add, and IF the Su35SEs are in fact in Egypt and they all come standard with TVC, then maybe the EAF chose to add it to this batch as well? My guess is probably not because of cost. But it would certainly increase that batch's maneuverability by quite a bit and make it an incredible, low speed fighter.

But I do agree with you in that they should order this bird in huge numbers. I had mentioned that way back, right when the first order of the MiG-29M/35 were complete. I had said they should at least order another 56 like the first order for a total of 112. That's a very respectable number since they still have to pay for the 2nd order of 30 Rafales and more missiles as well as the meteors and that fighter jet also needs to have its numbers increased beyond 77 aircraft IMO.

What's your opinion regarding the Eurofighter Typhoons?
1) Should they even entertain the thought? Or would it be to much of a "logistical nightmare"? lol
3 If you do, would you make deal for the available British Typhoons with they're half life left, despite that fact AND that they're all older tranch 1 models?
4) Or would you go with the latest tranch and the newest of the AESA and weapons package etc. from Italy in that mega deal with the Berghminni FREMMs etc.?
5) Would you retire the the Mirage 2Ks and replace them with these EFTs, or create a new squadron(s)?

They actually said that, ma bro? Where and when?

Can you give me your opinion on those questions also that I asked Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose? Would like to hear your opinion on those as well as @Philip the Arab and @joker87 and anyone else who would like to chime in.

They also need to show us that they either already have the R-27ER for the current MiGs and they better be coming with the Su-35SEs. These things really irritate the ever living jumgabangaboonga out of me man I tell you. You have one of the best 4th gen aircraft out there and you don't maximize its weapons capabilities?? Does that make any sense to you ma bro? UGHHHHH!!!!!!!! :lol:
Oh I got alot of opinions my guy lol. Honestly I use to be heavy on the logistics issue, but seeing that Egypt procures equipment for very specific needs, and has been doing this for decades, its not that big a deal. What I Really think is that keep the supplementation, but go for majority russo-french aircraft. Typhoons are beautiful birds, truly one of the best planes, but honestly, I personally think we should stick to the rafale since we are getting LARGE numbers of em, unless if the typhoons are relegated to maybe a specific purpose, but hey maybe I'll change my mind. And if they typhoons are selected,GO ITALIAN, those are the best versions for getting teeth for the eaf (as well as meteors etc) not to mention they come with those beastly berghaminis, egypt needs as much as possible as fast as possible. Also you get more for your buck, imagine egypt being fully self sufficient and making its own name in the arms industry...what a dream. That tech transfer from Italys drone program is a must at this point to compete with other powers.As far as the mirage crafts go, personally this is just me, but keep them and upgrade them to state of the art french level, there are loads of these jets around the world, and India is looking to retire their 50 remaining jets, so take advantage and scoop em up. I would love egypt to replace the f16 with a mix of mig 35s and mirage 2000s. I personally would love egypt to get its hands on the Emirati and greek mirage as well, like I said, I want the eaf to be more organized, but with the same 3-4 aircrafts it'll truly master.
Egypt should practice operations at Perim island airbase built by the UAE in case they need an airbase in the Red Sea.


Yes I'm in MA

You gotta be kidding me? lool what a small world! @Hamartia Antidote , dig this, bro!

Oh I got alot of opinions my guy lol. Honestly I use to be heavy on the logistics issue, but seeing that Egypt procures equipment for very specific needs, and has been doing this for decades, its not that big a deal. What I Really think is that keep the supplementation, but go for majority russo-french aircraft. Typhoons are beautiful birds, truly one of the best planes, but honestly, I personally think we should stick to the rafale since we are getting LARGE numbers of em, unless if the typhoons are relegated to maybe a specific purpose, but hey maybe I'll change my mind. And if they typhoons are selected,GO ITALIAN, those are the best versions for getting teeth for the eaf (as well as meteors etc) not to mention they come with those beastly berghaminis, egypt needs as much as possible as fast as possible. Also you get more for your buck, imagine egypt being fully self sufficient and making its own name in the arms industry...what a dream. That tech transfer from Italys drone program is a must at this point to compete with other powers.As far as the mirage crafts go, personally this is just me, but keep them and upgrade them to state of the art french level, there are loads of these jets around the world, and India is looking to retire their 50 remaining jets, so take advantage and scoop em up. I would love egypt to replace the f16 with a mix of mig 35s and mirage 2000s. I personally would love egypt to get its hands on the Emirati and greek mirage as well, like I said, I want the eaf to be more organized, but with the same 3-4 aircrafts it'll truly master.

Very nice. Feel free to share as much as you want. For me, there isn't enough of this type of discussion.

I think a lot of people are leaning towards replacing the F-16 because of the success of the Rafale and of course, its capabilities not to mention one of the main issues in getting away from downgraded US weapons. But it's interesting to read @joker87 's post where he mentions a major development coming up with the Falcons which is being drawn up as we speak. I think the US has gotten the picture that finally their monopoly on the EAF's purchase power has almost been nullified.

Russia is a separate issue and eventually we'll find out what the story is if the Su-35SEs show face or not. I was giving them until EDEX as a cutoff timestamp where I will be convinced one way or the other, but that might not be enough time. I think March or April of 2022 will be my cutoff date if we see them or not by then will be the determining factor, despite Joker's post reaffirming their presence in the Egypt. But I think it's too much to wait until the new capital opening ceremony to see them as I think that is a bit of a long way from now and way too much time. But also seeing what happens with the F-16s will be very interesting. Imagine if the US says "ok, part of the upgrade we will give you are new AIM-120 missiles after having the F-16 also for almost 40 years?!!?!?! lmao. It's almost like they deserve an F-You at that point. :lol:

As far as the Mirage 2Ks, I was and still am favoring their complete replacement with the Typhoons. The problem is the UK ones vs the Italian ones. The UK ones are a large number if I'm not mistaken somewhere in the 50s at a relatively low price and open for major upgrades as time goes by with half their lifespan on the frame still available. Almost too good a deal to give up.

But then the Italian mega deal includes 24 latest tranche Typhoons with all the latest goodies which are part of the package to make the mega deal work! So I wouldn't want to see that kyboshed because they decided to buy the cheaper UK ones. Get them both? lol But I do think it is definitely time to retire the Mirage 2Ks which were bought in 1981! They're 40 years old, ma bro! A7A! lol

At the same time, I truly believe that the EAF operated those Mirage 2Ks as a separate and almost special squadron, almost like a special operations squadron and nothing better than replacing them with an incredible aircraft like the Typhoon to carry out their secret missions.

Chinese HQ-2 radar in Egypt.


And a nice pic of EAF Rafale making a low pass over Hellenic F-16s at Cairo West airport during Bright Star 21. I'm a little perturbed by the yellow smoke. Bad fuel content or bad engine? That's almost never seen coming out of a Rafale's rear end! It's something you usually see on the Tu-160's engine in the RuAF, but rarely a Rafale. It usually bleeds yellow smoke just like that. Strange.

You gotta be kidding me? lool what a small world! @Hamartia Antidote , dig this, bro!

Very nice. Feel free to share as much as you want. For me, there isn't enough of this type of discussion.

I think a lot of people are leaning towards replacing the F-16 because of the success of the Rafale and of course, its capabilities not to mention one of the main issues in getting away from downgraded US weapons. But it's interesting to read @joker87 's post where he mentions a major development coming up with the Falcons which is being drawn up as we speak. I think the US has gotten the picture that finally their monopoly on the EAF's purchase power has almost been nullified.

Russia is a separate issue and eventually we'll find out what the story is if the Su-35SEs show face or not. I was giving them until EDEX as a cutoff timestamp where I will be convinced one way or the other, but that might not be enough time. I think March or April of 2022 will be my cutoff date if we see them or not by then will be the determining factor, despite Joker's post reaffirming their presence in the Egypt. But I think it's too much to wait until the new capital opening ceremony to see them as I think that is a bit of a long way from now and way too much time. But also seeing what happens with the F-16s will be very interesting. Imagine if the US says "ok, part of the upgrade we will give you are new AIM-120 missiles after having the F-16 also for almost 40 years?!!?!?! lmao. It's almost like they deserve an F-You at that point. :lol:

As far as the Mirage 2Ks, I was and still am favoring their complete replacement with the Typhoons. The problem is the UK ones vs the Italian ones. The UK ones are a large number if I'm not mistaken somewhere in the 50s at a relatively low price and open for major upgrades as time goes by with half their lifespan on the frame still available. Almost too good a deal to give up.

But then the Italian mega deal includes 24 latest tranche Typhoons with all the latest goodies which are part of the package to make the mega deal work! So I wouldn't want to see that kyboshed because they decided to buy the cheaper UK ones. Get them both? lol But I do think it is definitely time to retire the Mirage 2Ks which were bought in 1981! They're 40 years old, ma bro! A7A! lol

At the same time, I truly believe that the EAF operated those Mirage 2Ks as a separate and almost special squadron, almost like a special operations squadron and nothing better than replacing them with an incredible aircraft like the Typhoon to carry out their secret missions.

Chinese HQ-2 radar in Egypt.

View attachment 780122

And a nice pic of EAF Rafale making a low pass over Hellenic F-16s at Cairo West airport during Bright Star 21. I'm a little perturbed by the yellow smoke. Bad fuel content or bad engine? That's almost never seen coming out of a Rafale's rear end! It's something you usually see on the Tu-160's engine in the RuAF, but rarely a Rafale. It usually bleeds yellow smoke just like that. Strange.

View attachment 780139
Aw man, I love those deltas. Mirage 2000s could've been stockpiled and upgraded to the best variants, sort of like iran with the f 14 tomcat, if egypt was serious with the French and knew about the regulations with minute mans weaponry, they maybe could've taken the French route and collaborated to make the Mirage 4000,gaining amazing technical skills and experience in aircraft manufacturing, THAT would've been epic. Can definatly see the influence of the 4000 on the rafale, I mean that jet is beautiful on its own, French deltas are some of my favorite aircrafts. Idk if I would trust the brittish 100% on the deal tho, yea a cheaper deal with lots of upgrades, but they're so close to the American eagle, plus I hear union jack isn't too happy with the problems that are apparent in the f 35 they operate so there's that as well.

Just a pic of the what could've been the amazing delta 4000 That I snagged from the net
Aw man, I love those deltas. Mirage 2000s could've been stockpiled and upgraded to the best variants, sort of like iran with the f 14 tomcat, if egypt was serious with the French and knew about the regulations with minute mans weaponry, they maybe could've taken the French route and collaborated to make the Mirage 4000,gaining amazing technical skills and experience in aircraft manufacturing, THAT would've been epic. Can definatly see the influence of the 4000 on the rafale, I mean that jet is beautiful on its own, French deltas are some of my favorite aircrafts. Idk if I would trust the brittish 100% on the deal tho, yea a cheaper deal with lots of upgrades, but they're so close to the American eagle, plus I hear union jack isn't too happy with the problems that are apparent in the f 35 they operate so there's that as well.

Just a pic of the what could've been the amazing delta 4000 That I snagged from the netView attachment 780141
Indian Air Force boosts its fighter fleet with 24 used Mirage 2000 planes

September 17, 2021
Indian Air Force boosts its fighter fleet with 24 used Mirage 2000 planes

September 17, 2021
Indian Air Force boosts its fighter fleet with 24 used Mirage 2000 planes

September 17, 2021
Well, there goes my dream for the Mirage 2000 fleet for eaf 😐,still, when other nations plan to get rid of em, egypt should scoop them asap
Well, there goes my dream for the Mirage 2000 fleet for eaf 😐,still, when other nations plan to get rid of em, egypt should scoop them asap
Emiratis might get rid of theirs soon in the next 5-8 or so years if they acquire another platform to replace them which could be the Rafale F4 possibly. Emirati Mirages are highly customized and have multiple local made munitions integrated on them.

Al Tariq which are a locally made/assembled version of the Umbani from Denel was seen on EAF Mirages recently. Up until recently the UAE mostly just assembled but now they got the R&D staff from Denel and Emirati citizen engineers and have a ton of new things under development including cruise, and anti ship missiles.

Btw you can check out "Made in the UAE" thread if you are interested in this topic more and I will answer any questions you have.

Well, there goes my dream for the Mirage 2000 fleet for eaf 😐,still, when other nations plan to get rid of em, egypt should scoop them asap
Not really.. France has a lot of them to sell.. but it depends on what EAF really wants .. The UAE too but you need to wait for a while..
Let's hope that the Zhuk-AE radar is in fact complete and part of that new aircraft systems and that it has thoroughly been tested and all possible new quirks that belong to new systems when they are first introduced and go through baby growing pains and have been dealt with and fixed.

You wonder if they also picked up the thrust vector control option on that MiG-35. Knowing it is not a standard option with that model but rather an option the buyer can chose to add, and IF the Su35SEs are in fact in Egypt and they all come standard with TVC, then maybe the EAF chose to add it to this batch as well? My guess is probably not because of cost. But it would certainly increase that batch's maneuverability by quite a bit and make it an incredible, low speed fighter.

But I do agree with you in that they should order this bird in huge numbers. I had mentioned that way back, right when the first order of the MiG-29M/35 were complete. I had said they should at least order another 56 like the first order for a total of 112. That's a very respectable number since they still have to pay for the 2nd order of 30 Rafales and more missiles as well as the meteors and that fighter jet also needs to have its numbers increased beyond 77 aircraft IMO.

What's your opinion regarding the Eurofighter Typhoons?
1) Should they even entertain the thought? Or would it be to much of a "logistical nightmare"? lol
3 If you do, would you make deal for the available British Typhoons with they're half life left, despite that fact AND that they're all older tranch 1 models?
4) Or would you go with the latest tranch and the newest of the AESA and weapons package etc. from Italy in that mega deal with the Berghminni FREMMs etc.?
5) Would you retire the the Mirage 2Ks and replace them with these EFTs, or create a new squadron(s)?

They actually said that, ma bro? Where and when?

Can you give me your opinion on those questions also that I asked Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose? Would like to hear your opinion on those as well as @Philip the Arab and @joker87 and anyone else who would like to chime in.

They also need to show us that they either already have the R-27ER for the current MiGs and they better be coming with the Su-35SEs. These things really irritate the ever living jumgabangaboonga out of me man I tell you. You have one of the best 4th gen aircraft out there and you don't maximize its weapons capabilities?? Does that make any sense to you ma bro? UGHHHHH!!!!!!!! :lol:
This was announced by the head of the Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, Dmitry Shugaev.. Also to accept other currencies instead of the dollar for military deals..
I believe all this was reported by RT..
Last edited:
Emiratis might get rid of theirs soon in the next 5-8 or so years if they acquire another platform to replace them which could be the Rafale F4 possibly. Emirati Mirages are highly customized and have multiple local made munitions integrated on them.

Al Tariq which are a locally made/assembled version of the Umbani from Denel was seen on EAF Mirages recently. Up until recently the UAE mostly just assembled but now they got the R&D staff from Denel and Emirati citizen engineers and have a ton of new things under development including cruise, and anti ship missiles.

Btw you can check out "Made in the UAE" thread if you are interested in this topic more and I will answer any questions you have.

View attachment 780156
Thanks my man, ye been following this forum for a while so I'm familiar with the denel staff going and helping use with the al Tariq, egypt should follow suit and do what the emeritus are
Also @Gomig-21 my akhi, im for sure certain that those Su35s are gorging fuel in egypt right now as we speak, and nothing will change that. The biden administration has NOTHING on pharoah sisi himself. Everyone is talking about it. Next thing you know, we'll have a hundred of em as well as the Su57 to go with em. Did I forget to mention the Su75? Oh well they're coming to misr as well! Also crazy how we both are in the same state 🔥
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