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Egyptian Armed Forces

Not only that, but there are two dry supply ships, C130J transport planes, and AWACS Sentry

Joker, what is the latest you're hearing about the Su-35s, ma bro? Something is making me very uneasy about that whole situation and I worry for some reason that the deal was canceled, despite all the jets that were ready for delivery and claimed to have been delivered etc. and all the pics we saw and posted.

I can't help but get the feeling that they had to cancel the deal because of US pressure and CAATSA and the fact that the US wants to keep as much of its share in Egypt's weapon's purchases, especially fighter jets and maybe there's an F-15 deal to replace the loss of the Sukhoi 35s that will suddenly slap us in the face?

I'm only asking because for sure by now we would have seen pics AND video of them in Egypt with Egyptian insignia. The fact that we've seen nothing to this point is very worrisome TBH. Give me some good new ya basha!
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Joker, what is the latest you're hearing about the Su-35s, ma bro? Something is making me very uneasy about that whole situation and I worry for some reason that the deal was canceled, despite all the jets that were ready for delivery and claimed to have been delivers etc. and all the pics we saw and posted.

I can't help but get the feeling that they had to cancel the deal because of US pressure and CAATSA and the fact that the US wants to keep as much of its share in Egypt's weapon's purchases, especially fighter jets and maybe there's an F-15 deal to replace the loss of the Sukhoi 35s that will suddenly slap us in the face?

I'm only asking because for sure by now we would have seen pics AND video of them in Egypt with Egyptian insignia. The fact that we've seen nothing in all this time is very worrisome TBH. Give me some good new ya basha!
It is not in Egypt’s interest to announce the receipt of the Su-35 now, as what I know is that after receiving the entire order for 30 fighters, it will be at the end of next year. In the inauguration of the first phase of the administrative capital after the completion of the transfer of all government headquarters there, where a military parade, the first of its kind since the eighties, is being prepared in the People’s Square in the administrative capital and the inauguration of new forces on the lines of rapid intervention.
The appearance of the Su-35 does not concern me because I am sure that it will be received very well
The important thing now is to make sure of the additional deal of the same fighter for 24 fighters received from 2024 to 2026
And the new naval tender for 20 pov ships and from 6 to 10 heavy crofts and 2 non-heavy frigates Italian extra option
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It is not in Egypt’s interest to announce the receipt of the Su-35 now, as what I know is that after receiving the entire order for 30 fighters, it will be at the end of next year. In the inauguration of the first phase of the administrative capital after the completion of the transfer of all government headquarters there, where a military parade, the first of its kind since the eighties, is being prepared in the People’s Square in the administrative capital and the inauguration of new forces on the lines of rapid intervention.
The appearance of the Su-35 does not concern me because I am sure that it will be received very well
The important thing now is to make sure of the additional deal of the same fighter for 24 fighters received from 2024 to 2026
And the new naval tender for 20 pov ships and from 6 to 10 heavy crofts and 2 non-heavy frigates Italian extra option

Mmmm.....ok, so nothing definitive it sounds like. I know all that business about not announcing etc. But there is always a pic or two that sneaks out or a little surprise or something of that sort. The fact we have seen nothing is somewhat leading in the other direction. But I guess we'll have to wait and see. Thank you for the answer, or whatever you call that LOL! Just joking. Eshta ya ma3alem.
What if we approach 2030 without AMRAAMs? Will we consider Chinese fighters like the JF-17?
I’m eager to hear your thoughts.
What if we approach 2030 without AMRAAMs? Will we consider Chinese fighters like the JF-17?
I’m eager to hear your thoughts.

Can you be more specific about "AMRAAMs"? Because we have AMRAAMs in the R-77 and possibly a few other of the Russian variants that we don't know about just yet if they purchased them with the MiG-29Ms or not, such as the super deadly R-37 and a couple of others, especially the R-27ER (and even other variants of the deadly R-27) which is a MUST missile to have. Those could -- and absolutely should -- also come with the Su-35s IF that order hasn't been kiobashed!

Also the MICA IR for the Rafale is considered a BVR despite its range topping out around 60km. 60kms is certainly beyond visual range and its Probability of Kill is very high because of its incredible maneuverability very advanced tech already built into it by MBDA. From the seeker to the data link etc. It's a really outstanding missile and the MICA NG (Next Generation) has just come out which is supposed to be a phenomenal missile that will likely join the EAF's stockpile.

There's also the Meteor which we know the EAF has ordered and at some point we will see it mounted on the EAF's Rafales once they upgrade the existing jets to the F3R standard so they are the same as the newly ordered batch of 30 jets which are all F3R standard and will be coming with the meteor missile.

So that's pretty much it. The EAF is already BVR capable (and will only get better in the next couple of years) with both its western and eastern fighters. Granted the western ones are mostly relegated to the Rafales despite the F-16s having the AIM-7 Sparrow which is also a BVR missile, just not a "shoot and forget" and requires a bit more work from the pilot's perspective. But with wingmen and good flying techniques and training, they can make it quite deadly and dangerous to the enemy which I'm sure they've been on top of that for a long time.

So please define what you mean by "being without AMRAAMs." I think the only thing that would make that question work is if you're referring to a "domestically produced" and successfully tested and very capable air to air missile, then that would work. But it doesn't really help with having the JF-17 or Chinese fighters as other options. Or if you mean doing a ToT with the JF-17 or Chinese and building a domestic missile in that way?
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The development of the old contract of the Rafale is going well now, in conjunction with the beginning of the development of the French fighters, as the development does not take time for that, and the French contract entered into force with 30 fighters with the Almart 330 to refuel
In 2019, France reached the acquisition of a company called Dolphin to manufacture guidance chips for Skulls This year, a contract was signed for the acquisition of 100 more scallops from France for the Egyptian Air Force, and 25 of the first deal was obtained free of charge due to the delay in delivery.
What if we approach 2030 without AMRAAMs? Will we consider Chinese fighters like the JF-17?
I’m eager to hear your thoughts.

The late Field Marshal Muhammad Hussein Tantawi.. God rest his soul..

The late Field Marshal Muhammad Hussein Tantawi.. God rest his soul..

الله يرحمه ويغفر له ويسكنه فسيح جناته

He was quite the participant in the October war, part of a tank crew belonging to the ill-fated 14th armored brigade and he survived the battle of the Chinese Farm where the 14th suffered tremendous losses but delayed the enemy enough for support to come and block the west side. Sadly Sadat didn't want to do that in fear of moral deflation among the troops. He should have listened to Shazly. Either way, FM Tantawy was part of the 14th legendary with their tanks and great soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country to take back its land from the land-stealing enemy.

Pic of a young FM Tantawi during the war.

China buys 36 Ka-52K Katran helicopters or Ka-52M from Russia

الصين تشتري 36 طائرة هليكوبتر من طراز Ka-52K Katran من روسيا

Hope they are not the ones that were intended for EN.. because they were 36 too..
Hope they are not the ones that were intended for EN.. because they were 36 too..

I'm telling you, bro. Something ain't right with the Russian deals. We should've seen much more than 'nothing' so far, don't you agree? Especially the Su-35s and the Katrans go back even further. Sounds like they put all Russian deals on the backburner which sucks TBH, especially the Su-35s since that would've been the EAF's first heavy fighter with a lot of future promise.
I'm telling you, bro. Something ain't right with the Russian deals. We should've seen much more than 'nothing' so far, don't you agree? Especially the Su-35s and the Katrans go back even further. Sounds like they put all Russian deals on the backburner which sucks TBH, especially the Su-35s since that would've been the EAF's first heavy fighter with a lot of future promise.
It is intriguing somehow.. but like you just said; since that would've been the EAF's first heavy fighter..I believe it needs a lot of training both pilots and crew on the ground to master the plane completely before inducting it.. as for the Katran ..My guess is it is not an urgent matter..
It is intriguing somehow.. but like you just said; since that would've been the EAF's first heavy fighter..I believe it needs a lot of training both pilots and crew on the ground to master the plane completely before inducting it...

They did send them to Russia for pre-training prior to delivery of the first 5 that supposedly came, so it might be already plenty of time for them to have gotten used to that aircraft, but maybe not. Maybe you're right but I have that sick feeling for some reason. Probably just because we haven't seen a single pic of one or two in a hanger or on the tarmac or whatever. Just like the MiG-29M when that first pic leaked with Al Mansouri checking it out in the brand new hanger. We'll have to wait and see. If we don't see one or two by EDEX, then I'll be convinced that they canned the contract because of US pressure. If we do, I'll take it all back!

as for the Katran ..My guess is it is not an urgent matter..

Always a positive attitude! We shall see with those also. They had no problem going out and ordering 23+ AW-139s & 149s and several of those have already been delivered. Granted that's probably a much less complicated build than the Ka-52Ks. But it is a little indicative of timing with how they've been able to quickly execute a contract.

A nice pic anyway!

They did send them to Russia for pre-training prior to delivery of the first 5 that supposedly came, so it might be already plenty of time for them to have gotten used to that aircraft, but maybe not. Maybe you're right but I have that sick feeling for some reason. Probably just because we haven't seen a single pic of one or two in a hanger or on the tarmac or whatever. Just like the MiG-29M when that first pic leaked with Al Mansouri checking it out in the brand new hanger. We'll have to wait and see. If we don't see one or two by EDEX, then I'll be convinced that they canned the contract because of US pressure. If we do, I'll take it all back!

Always a positive attitude! We shall see with those also. They had no problem going out and ordering 23+ AW-139s & 149s and several of those have already been delivered. Granted that's probably a much less complicated build than the Ka-52Ks. But it is a little indicative of timing with how they've been able to quickly execute a contract.

A nice pic anyway!

View attachment 779704
China signed for SU-35 in 2015 and received 4 in 2016 and 10 more in 2017 and still 10 more in 2018.. and don't forget that China operates the SU-27 since the 90's....China was sanctioned about the SU-35 and S-400 by the US it in 2017..
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They did send them to Russia for pre-training prior to delivery of the first 5 that supposedly came, so it might be already plenty of time for them to have gotten used to that aircraft, but maybe not. Maybe you're right but I have that sick feeling for some reason. Probably just because we haven't seen a single pic of one or two in a hanger or on the tarmac or whatever. Just like the MiG-29M when that first pic leaked with Al Mansouri checking it out in the brand new hanger. We'll have to wait and see. If we don't see one or two by EDEX, then I'll be convinced that they canned the contract because of US pressure. If we do, I'll take it all back!

Always a positive attitude! We shall see with those also. They had no problem going out and ordering 23+ AW-139s & 149s and several of those have already been delivered. Granted that's probably a much less complicated build than the Ka-52Ks. But it is a little indicative of timing with how they've been able to quickly execute a contract.

A nice pic anyway!

View attachment 779704
China signed for SU-35 in 2015 and received 4 in 2016 and 10 more in 2017 and still 10 more in 2018.. and don't forget that China operates the SU-27 since the 90's....China was sanctioned about the SU-35 and S-400 by the US it in 2017..
If the CAATSA law is applicable to Egypt, why is the deal being produced so far? It was a fortiori to stop the deal, as happened with Indonesia, and it canceled its deal.
If the CAATSA law is applicable to Egypt, why is the deal being produced so far? It was a fortiori to stop the deal, as happened with Indonesia, and it canceled its deal.
Egypt's foreign minister said CAATSA or not ..it is a sovereign decision based on national security..

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