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Egyptian Armed Forces

JASSM type missile wouldn't be too hard considering it uses INS/GPS for midcourse (Halcon has a ton of experience with this guidance system) and terminal IR seeker(They are hiring experts in this field).

View attachment 762365

The experience gained from HAS-250 will directly translate to the needed experience for this type of cruise missile which I am sure will be developed soon.

Egypt will also likely be able to see all the developments firsthand at EDEX where I know Halcon will exhibit a ton there.

No question this is the type of munition the EAF and the EN needs in abundance, and with the max limit in range. Lots and lots of cuise missiles in the 300km range and even much more. 1500 - 2000 heavy warhead cruisers that fly for 1500 kms or even more.

I hate to say it, but they can't sit and rely of SCALPs from the French for several reasons - the source is limited and is strongly influenced by the big Daddy. We need a source that is independent from outside limitations just like HALCON as well as the best of all options which would be strictly an indigenous platform.

But then the same problem rears its ugly head in the aircraft integration. You still have to work with those parties even though the system doesn't require that much integration, still, there is a certain amount of it and it becomes a headache. Hence my suggestion of applying them to the Russian aircraft would be the best option IMO.

But what HALCON has done with creating a simplistic launching method using pads or laptops and isolating it as much as possible from let's say an aircraft's own system was/is genius. This will not only entice a lot of buyers and users, but infuriate the sellers like Dassault and LM lol. It'll help create healthy competition that could only benefit the UAE & Egypt Love it.
No question this is the type of munition the EAF and the EN needs in abundance, and with the max limit in range. Lots and lots of cuise missiles in the 300km range and even much more. 1500 - 2000 heavy warhead cruisers that fly for 1500 kms or even more.

I hate to say it, but they can't sit and rely of SCALPs from the French for several reasons - the source is limited and is strongly influenced by the big Daddy. We need a source that is independent from outside limitations just like HALCON as well as the best of all options which would be strictly an indigenous platform.

But then the same problem rears its ugly head in the aircraft integration. You still have to work with those parties even though the system doesn't require that much integration, still, there is a certain amount of it and it becomes a headache. Hence my suggestion of applying them to the Russian aircraft would be the best option IMO.

But what HALCON has done with creating a simplistic launching method using pads or laptops and isolating it as much as possible from let's say an aircraft's own system was/is genius. This will not only entice a lot of buyers and users, but infuriate the sellers like Dassault and LM lol. It'll help create healthy competition that could only benefit the UAE & Egypt Love it.
And of course the option of ground and ship launching but ideally only the heavy Tomahawk type missiles would be used to get the most out of the range and payload.

A redesigned HAS-250 could fit that role but I think it would need different control surfaces and overall design would need to be modified. It is a similar size and weight to the Tomahawk, so I don't see why not.

Integration will be hard, I agree unfortunately and OEMs will be fuming if you try to do it without permission...
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This beauty beast MALE "Yabhon" appeared briefely in a video of Qader 2021

Here with Torpedoes made locally..

The Yabhon family of unmanned air systems also includes Yabhon-R MALE, -R2 MALE, -RX, -H, -Smart Eye1, –United 40 (Smart Eye 2) MALE, Flash 20, Ybhon HMD, Hazim 15, Global Yabhon and -United 40 block 5 MALE.

Adcom builds not just aircraft but ground control stations, sensor turrets and datalinks – plans are in train to equip the aircraft with a sense-and-avoid capability.

And the 12-tonne Global Yabhon unmanned aircraft..

The Yabhon United 40 UAV at about 1.5 tonnes maximum take-off weight. It can fly for 60-70 hours and carries a gimbaled camera platform. The weapons options include 120mm mortar rounds.. in addition to Namrod ASMs


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This beauty beast MALE "Yabhon" appeared briefely in a video of Qader 2021

The EAF has an "unknown number" of these weird as heck looking UAVs. They really look like an angry worm sticking its head out of the earth to take a peak. Very bizarre design that I have no idea what the inspiration to it was. And the pairing of wings with the rear ones moved forward of the tail. But they must've liked them if they have an unknown number of them which probably means somewhere around 10 or more is my guess.

I missed its appearance in the Qader 2021, but do you know if it was stock footage they showed like the naval MICA or was it actually flying in Egyptian colors? It was tough to catch every single act as there was so much going on.
The EAF has an "unknown number" of these weird as heck looking UAVs. They really look like an angry worm sticking its head out of the earth to take a peak. Very bizarre design that I have no idea what the inspiration to it was. And the pairing of wings with the rear ones moved forward of the tail. But they must've liked them if they have an unknown number of them which probably means somewhere around 10 or more is my guess.

I missed its appearance in the Qader 2021, but do you know if it was stock footage they showed like the naval MICA or was it actually flying in Egyptian colors? It was tough to catch every single act as there was so much going on.
Stock footage.. just a picture that appeared there..Egypt might be working on its own version..
The design is about advanced aerodynamics..
Stock footage.. just a picture that appeared there..Egypt might be working on its own version..
The design is about advanced aerodynamics..

The Global Yabhon doesn't look too bad, but the MALE Yabhon looks like a silky worm ma man. Aerodynamics I can relate, but when you have other examples that prove simplicity is much more workable and probably better in many ways, as in less parts sticking out creating less drag, makes you think why they went ballistic with this design, here. It's just strange to me when I see so many other types out there with half the craziness going on with this thing lol. But like I said, the EAF and several others including the UAE must like it if they've purchased quite a few of them.
The Global Yabhon doesn't look too bad, but the MALE Yabhon looks like a silky worm ma man. Aerodynamics I can relate, but when you have other examples that prove simplicity is much more workable and probably better in many ways, as in less parts sticking out creating less drag, makes you think why they went ballistic with this design, here. It's just strange to me when I see so many other types out there with half the craziness going on with this thing lol. But like I said, the EAF and several others including the UAE must like it if they've purchased quite a few of them.
The Global Hawk RQ-4 look a bit similar..


But worthy to note.. the UAE made the Yabhon family of drones for export.. it does not operate them..
The Global Hawk RQ-4 look a bit similar..


That's true, the Global Hawk is another ugly duckling lol. On a serious note, an old friend of mine who was an ex-F-15 pilot for the USAF's German stationed NATO guard and then became an American Airlines pilot after retirement from the air force was once flying his usual route from Texas to Cancun, and he was telling me that they were caught by surprise while cruising at around 32K feet when they noticed on their radar a faint bleep that wasn't much higher than them, flying the same vector. As they looked out and up the windows, they saw a Global Hawk just cruising at the same rate and direction a few thousand feet above them. He said that for some reason, it brought chills up and down his spine at how majestic it was and the fact that it was unmanned and one of the best, high altitude and high endurance UAVs in the world just doing its thing. Thought that was a cool story that I've remembered for a long time.
That's true, the Global Hawk is another ugly duckling lol. On a serious note, an old friend of mine who was an ex-F-15 pilot for the USAF's German stationed NATO guard and then became an American Airlines pilot after retirement from the air force was once flying his usual route from Texas to Cancun, and he was telling me that they were caught by surprise while cruising at around 32K feet when they noticed on their radar a faint bleep that wasn't much higher than them, flying the same vector. As they looked out and up the windows, they saw a Global Hawk just cruising at the same rate and direction a few thousand feet above them. He said that for some reason, it brought chills up and down his spine at how majestic it was and the fact that it was unmanned and one of the best, high altitude and high endurance UAVs in the world just doing its thing. Thought that was a cool story that I've remembered for a long time.
The UAE made simpler designs of Yabhon family like:



Yabhon-R and R2


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You've shown your disrespect for us Berbers by calling us "Arabized". What is that, a colonialist term ? Oh, I know how meaningless we Berbers are, and how the superpowers Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Bahrein & Co can eat us alive.
You should take that to his profile and cease posting on such topics here in this thread.
Egypt reveals its possession of 3 new radars

Excellent stuff. We knew about the ESR-230 but the RAT-31 is new to me, along with the 31DL and I guess the DM is operated by Saudiya all from Leonardo. And now we know the ESR-230 was developed from knowledge they took out of the RAT-31DL and it might appear there was some type of ToT with Leonardo and why not? All the dealing with Italy lately, things like this are bound to come out of so much contracting. Not just that, but that range on that ESR-230 is amazing!

The rest of the radars are great even if we haven't seen them yet, they're state of the art mobile units that will provide the EAD network with great surveillance of all the territory and compliment the two, big units very well. Great stuff, brother.
Excellent stuff. We knew about the ESR-230 but the RAT-31 is new to me, along with the 31DL and I guess the DM is operated by Saudiya all from Leonardo. And now we know the ESR-230 was developed from knowledge they took out of the RAT-31DL and it might appear there was some type of ToT with Leonardo and why not? All the dealing with Italy lately, things like this are bound to come out of so much contracting. Not just that, but that range on that ESR-230 is amazing!
ESR-32A was made in part because of experience from the Americans allowing Egypt licensed production of the AN/TPS-63 in the 80s and 90s.

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