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Egyptian Armed Forces

Your second guess has more sense to it bro.. These folding rotors are a temporary practical solution like the land air defense on the mistrals.. You know well that the Katran Ka-52K is also capable of launching Kh-31 and Kh-35 air-to-surface missiles among many other special features,, like being specially equipped to conduct attack missions against targets at sea and on the ground which requires different sensors and armaments than those used on the basic Ka-52 helicopter... it is like having flying missile boats or corvettes adding much needed power to the naval forces in a conflict..Now the Russian have been testing an AESA radar that can fit both variants on a new version called the K-52M..I'd rather conclude that the Katran is a done deal..unless all these modifications and capabilities have been implemented on the Nile Crocodiles since it is a special edition.. and even if the US have anything to replace it .. it would not be provided to Egypt.. because of Usrael.. as we all know well..

Russian Navy Mistral-class landing ships could see their power projection capabilities greatly improved thanks to a special version of the Kamov Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopter. The Russian Navy is designing a special version called Ka-52K to equip the four Mistral-class amphibious assault ships ordered from France.

Russian Navy Mistral-class landing ships could see their power projection capabilities greatly improved thanks to a special version of the Kamov Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopter. The Russian Navy is designing a special version called Ka-52K to equip the four Mistral-class amphibious assault ships ordered from France.

Dealing with the Russians is easier than dealing with the Americans for the Egyptians... The Russians do not want human rights or pressure to impose views... But they always want a piece of the cake.

In front of the cameras, the search for diplomacy, solutions and so on, and Lavrov more than once stated that the solution is within the African Union, and this is the direction of Russian diplomacy.

Behind the cameras, Su-35S, Mig-29M-35 with BVR missiles, Molina missile boat free and open Radar requests and fullfilment, S-300 V4 - Kamov K-52 SE at an excellent price- Satellite assistance until 2018 in monitoring the dam, moment by moment ..Good intelligence support in the file of terrorists coming from Syria.. as well as Building a nuclear power plant with a long-term loan...

The Egyptian-Russian differences are few, the most important of which is the Libya file, and Egypt’s disdain for the Russians in Sudan, Libya and its surroundings in general, but there is consensus, for example, in the Syrian file and most of the region’s files...So a good friend in general is always a sincere one and most importantly with good vibes and intentions..

Of course, there might be some Russian resentment of the Egyptians' move to disrupt the intended Russian base in Sudan, but it is normal. It is not the first or last time that Egypt rejected the presence of foreign bases in the surrounding countries.

The Russians, eventhough they do not give full support to Egypt about the GERD, They have returned to allowing the tourist trips... It is a country that does not want to lose you as a partner and ally, but it has its own agenda, of course!

The US is also a good friend but too greedy and has priorities and agendas in the region that are not always in the best interest of Egypt.. as well as unpredictable intentions ..

So..Calmly, rationally and away from slogans about the GERD:

The events are going nicely as Egypt has internationalized the issue and threats etc... At the same time, the Aswan Dam is full to the brim, and Lake Nasser contains at least 150 billion cubic meters of water! All canals were lined to reduce waste and new desalination plants were build... The performance is excellent so far, be it civilian or military, and all possibilities have been arranged in an excellent manner so far.. Indeed, Egypt even attracted Sudan, which saw that the Renaissance Dam was in his favor., But today, we see Sudan with Egypt in the same camp.

it is excellent work indeed... It only needs to reach a solution in which the Big nations of the UNSC guarantee the filling steps so that they do not affect the Egyptian water stockpile in Lake Nasser, as well as making an agreement to ensure that no new dam is built without the approval of the Egyptian-Sudanese stakeholders.. otherwise things will most likely take another well known course..

Today" Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry told the international community that “if Ethiopia insists on its position and rejects all solutions, we have no choice but to defend the right of the Egyptian people to exist.”
He added that Egypt faces an existential threat because of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.
“We are facing an existential threat by building the Renaissance Dam, and with the laying of every stone, it narrows the lifeline to millions of innocent people,” Shoukry said.

He added: "We call on the Council to work to address this issue from the perspective that is preventive diplomacy to support the peaceful resolution of disputes, as this is the Council's responsibility, and we are confident that it will assume its responsibility."

In your opinion, do you think the Russians can be more or less trustworthy than the Americans.

Just my perspective and experience, Russia has screwed over Syria with regards to S-300s, they purchased them but prohibited the use of the battalions to defend themselves from Israeli Delilah's , and when Iran purchased the S-300PMU2's they reneged on the deal due to US pressure until Iran sued and the International courts forced them to provide the paid for equipment. Frankly, Iran has had a bitter experience with the Russians. While UN arms embargo has been removed, no one still is willing to sell even some like heavy air ambulances to Iran.

Do you think the same or similar could possibly apply here? Would Russia put limitation on Egypt as part of any deal not to use it against Ethiopia or Sudan? Does Russia have a much better reputation with the Egyptian Defense Industry?
In your opinion, do you think the Russians can be more or less trustworthy than the Americans.

Just my perspective and experience, Russia has screwed over Syria with regards to S-300s, they purchased them but prohibited the use of the battalions to defend themselves from Israeli Delilah's , and when Iran purchased the S-300PMU2's they reneged on the deal due to US pressure until Iran sued and the International courts forced them to provide the paid for equipment. Frankly, Iran has had a bitter experience with the Russians. While UN arms embargo has been removed, no one still is willing to sell even some like heavy air ambulances to Iran.

Do you think the same or similar could possibly apply here? Would Russia put limitation on Egypt as part of any deal not to use it against Ethiopia or Sudan? Does Russia have a much better reputation with the Egyptian Defense Industry?
Nope.. you can read again that post you quoted..It depends on contexts and circumstances.. both are reliable to their close partners and both can become unreliable if contexts and circumstances go against their interests..

Egypt is a deep strategic partner of Russia in all fields..while Iran has never been.. in fact in the Shah era Iran was a very bitter enemy of the soviet Union..

Well what can I say Iran at least should have air ambulances that is for sure.. based on a humanitarian thought..
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Nope.. you can read again that post you quoted..

Egypt is a deep strategic partner of Russia in all fields..while Iran has never been.. in fact in the Shah era Iran was a very bitter enemy of the soviet Union..

Well what can I say Iran at least should have air ambulances that is for sure.. based on a humanitarian thought..
Well sadat kicked them out of egypt like they have done nothing to egypt at all!!
Russia in my opinion prefer Iran on egypt except russia cant angry the west thats why they postponed the delivery of the s-300 its more about interests than friendship
Well sadat kicked them out of egypt like they have done nothing to egypt at all!!
Russia in my opinion prefer Iran on egypt except russia cant angry the west thats why they postponed the delivery of the s-300 its more about interests than friendship
That is a funny comment..
Who said kicked them out.. he rather send them home just before the start of the war for their own safety.. it is normal..

Continue in your wishful thinking.. it is too obvious..
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The game DCS has detailed cockpit details of the KA-50
View attachment 761052

I see that. Not many buttons like the new ones on the Ka-52s and all the MFDs on all new, modern aircraft of all kinds from all manufacturers have buttons all along the entire perimeter frame of each MFD, except the new touch screens in certain aircraft like the F-35 and the Gripen option.

The other cool thing in that video about the Ka-52 export is that it has an APU system which gives it much more self reliability in rough terrain areas for emergency landings and part time parking for repairs etc., it doesn't need a grounded, separate power source to start her up. The beauty of APUs on any aircraft. On top of that is the fact that it can operate on one engine alone to power both rotors in an emergency where it automatically switches over once one engine has failed. It also allows the pilots enough time to keep piloting the helo and get it back to the land or carrier or airport and land it safely.

You probably noticed all this stuff I'm mentioning, but another amazing part is besides the cockpit armor plating they added on to protect the pilot and vital systems, in case small fire actually penetrates and let's say it loses all its oil, the engines can still function for up to 35 minutes to allow the pilots to bring the helo to safe ground. Just a few of MANY incredible features on this thing.

Do you think the same or similar could possibly apply here?

No, I really don't think so. We've already seen A LOT of purchases and no reneging from them at all. The list is gigantic just since 2013 and Egypt has been an purchaser of Russian equipment since the early 50's.

What I was referring to with the contract for the naval version Ka-52K is that it might not be ready yet, or Egypt pulled out of the deal for any number of reasons and not necessarily anything to do with Russia itself. Just to make that clear.

Would Russia put limitation on Egypt as part of any deal not to use it against Ethiopia or Sudan?

Interesting question that comes up every once in a long while. However, Sudan is no issue for Egypt and quite the opposite. If there is any endeavor against the GERD, Sudan will be supporting Egypt and vice-versa as that has already been declared. Both countries even had an air force exercise together last month. I honestly don't think Russia cares that much what you do with the stuff you buy, as long as you pay for it and neither party is violating any rules such as ITAR restrictions etc. They do have a certain affinity for Israel and so that would certainly be a consideration for them when selling particular equipment. But nothing like the US, that's for sure.

Does Russia have a much better reputation with the Egyptian Defense Industry?

Better than the US? In some ways yes and in some ways no since the US really hasn't been unreliable or deficient in any particular way, besides the obvious that they won't provide Egypt with any of the super advanced weapons that would threaten Israel. But they never were two-faced about it. They were always up front and told it like it is. So no hypocrisy at least and so no one can really say they've been unreliable.

BUT, Russia is willing to sell advanced weaponry to Egypt that can easily threaten Israeli equipment much more so than the US stuff Egypt has. So that is a plus in Russia's favor but we are still to see if certain really impressive and deadly weapons will be sold to Egypt. A perfect example would the the R-37M. If we see that come to Egypt, or if they sign a huge deal for 36 Su-57s, then we'll know that there isn't much of a limit with the exception of the stuff that kills millions of people.
I see that. Not many buttons like the new ones on the Ka-52s and all the MFDs on all new, modern aircraft of all kinds from all manufacturers have buttons all along the entire perimeter frame of each MFD, except the new touch screens in certain aircraft like the F-35 and the Gripen option.

The other cool thing in that video about the Ka-52 export is that it has an APU system which gives it much more self reliability in rough terrain areas for emergency landings and part time parking for repairs etc., it doesn't need a grounded, separate power source to start her up. The beauty of APUs on any aircraft. On top of that is the fact that it can operate on one engine alone to power both rotors in an emergency where it automatically switches over once one engine has failed. It also allows the pilots enough time to keep piloting the helo and get it back to the land or carrier or airport and land it safely.

You probably noticed all this stuff I'm mentioning, but another amazing part is besides the cockpit armor plating they added on to protect the pilot and vital systems, in case small fire actually penetrates and let's say it loses all its oil, the engines can still function for up to 35 minutes to allow the pilots to bring the helo to safe ground. Just a few of MANY incredible features on this thing.

No, I really don't think so. We've already seen A LOT of purchases and no reneging from them at all. The list is gigantic just since 2013 and Egypt has been an purchaser of Russian equipment since the early 50's.

What I was referring to with the contract for the naval version Ka-52K is that it might not be ready yet, or Egypt pulled out of the deal for any number of reasons and not necessarily anything to do with Russia itself. Just to make that clear.

Interesting question that comes up every once in a long while. However, Sudan is no issue for Egypt and quite the opposite. If there is any endeavor against the GERD, Sudan will be supporting Egypt and vice-versa as that has already been declared. Both countries even had an air force exercise together last month. I honestly don't think Russia cares that much what you do with the stuff you buy, as long as you pay for it and neither party is violating any rules such as ITAR restrictions etc. They do have a certain affinity for Israel and so that would certainly be a consideration for them when selling particular equipment. But nothing like the US, that's for sure.

Better than the US? In some ways yes and in some ways no since the US really hasn't been unreliable or deficient in any particular way, besides the obvious that they won't provide Egypt with any of the super advanced weapons that would threaten Israel. But they never were two-faced about it. They were always up front and told it like it is. So no hypocrisy at least and so no one can really say they've been unreliable.

BUT, Russia is willing to sell advanced weaponry to Egypt that can easily threaten Israeli equipment much more so than the US stuff Egypt has. So that is a plus in Russia's favor but we are still to see if certain really impressive and deadly weapons will be sold to Egypt. A perfect example would the the R-37M. If we see that come to Egypt, or if they sign a huge deal for 36 Su-57s, then we'll know that there isn't much of a limit with the exception of the stuff that kills millions of people.
Thank you for the great response & insight :)
The FREMM Frigates which Italy uses have only 16 VLS for Air Defence missiles, but they have room for 16 more VLS if in future Italy decides to get them fit in for Land Attack Cruise Missiles. Does the ones Egypt is getting have same option available or not ?
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The FREMM Frigates which Italy uses have only 16 VLS for Air Defence missiles, but they have room for 16 more VLS if in future Turkey decides to get them fit in for Land Attack Cruise Missiles. Does the ones Egypt is getting have same option available or not ?
Egypt has two of them already and yes it is possible to add more VLS..Egypt is getting the Scalp naval from France.. it can fit it there..
I don't see why you mention Turkey in all your posts! as you know it is making its own ships.. So it has nothing to do with the Berghamini or other ships..
How about because of this fella? I haven't seen this pic until now, but besides showing Sisi in a pretty cool catch, you also get an excellent look at this interior cockpit layout of the Egyptian Ka-52.

View attachment 761048
After these folding rotors on the The Nile Crocodiles .. we shouldn't be surprised if we see the AESA already on the Mig-29 M/M2/35 advanced ..

ماذا تعرف عن أول رادار إيسا محمول جوًا روسي الصنع ؟ وهل ستحصل عليه مصر لمقاتلات الميغ المطورة ؟
Egypt has two of them already and yes it is possible to add more VLS..Egypt is getting the Scalp naval from France.. it can fit it there..
I don't see why you mention Turkey in all your posts! as you know it is making its own ships.. So it has nothing to do with the Berghamini or other ships..
It was Italy not Turkey.
It was Italy not Turkey.
Yes it makes more sense..
Of course Egypt has the same options.. these two Berghamini were intended for the Italian Navy before they were sold to Egypt.. and there are 2 more ordered.. the same with the French Fremm it was intended for the French Navy but Egypt got it.. so all the options on them are available to Egypt now..
Yes it makes more sense..
Of course Egypt has the same options.. these two Berghamini were intended for the Italian Navy before they were sold to Egypt.. and there are 2 more ordered.. the same with the French Fremm it was intended for the French Navy but Egypt got it.. so all the options on them are available to Egypt now..
Egypt needs to go for long range land attack cruise missiles which can be fired both from ships as well as land. I mean at least of 1000 KM range. That is what has scared Israel the most and that was very reason Israel killed Egyptian scientists.
Egypt needs to go for long range land attack cruise missiles which can be fired both from ships as well as land. I mean at least of 1000 KM range. That is what has scared Israel the most and that was very reason Israel killed Egyptian scientists.
Usrael is very close by to Egypt.. The 300 km range ones are there already and enough as far as range is concerned.. But it is a good idea to have longer ranges .. mostly launched by submarines..
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