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Egyptian Armed Forces

Elements of Egyptian frogmen swimming next to one of the Egyptian submarines of the 209/1400 MODE class..The images were taken as they returned to the open port of entry as part of training to perform this type of mission. The frogmen unit belongs to the Egyptian Navy Thunderbolt Brigade. This unit is responsible for mining and blowing up hostile naval targets.

صورة مثيرة لعناصر من الضفادع البشرية المصرية وهم يسبحون بجانب إحدى الغواصات المصرية من فئة 209/1400 مود
I can conclude that Egypt is working on a pylon for the Su-35s and MiG-29s to deploy Al Tariqs and most probably French A-A and A-G munition. Likely in co-operation of UAE, India and France. @Lord Of Gondor can you surf the internet in India to find any info that can help us determine on this conclusion?

I think Egypt had a look at its locally built trainers’ pylons at first. And before I end this, one publication written by an Egyptian in Arabic said that during the 2011’s revolution, the M1A1 factory North East of Cairo was raided and that several documents related to the M1A1 were burned.
Wouldn't need a special pylon just needs a kit for the FAB series GPB which should take a few years to adapt to. Al Tariq is dropped wireless via a tablet controlled by pilot to the Al Tariq kit and is dropped like a dumb munition.

Indian Su-30 can already drop Western missiles iirc but Gondor should know more about the topic.

Anyway, I think we will see rocket/jet powered version of the Thunder from Halcon. Halcon has recently been hiring a lot of former Rheinmetall Denel employees with experience in rocket propulsion, and warhead designs. They are also hiring Emirati fresh graduates for Chemical engineering which obviously relates to the same field.


Also, wouldn't be surprised if we see a ground launched Thunder like the GLSDB, the Italian Astra 6x6 will be a common launcher for the HAS-250, DS25-GLER80 and the smaller rockets and likely the Nasef in the future.


This should be very useful for Egypt in the future.
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So this was pretty interesting to me when I first saw it today on Twitter - The first EAF Rafale pilot to reach 500 hours in the Rafale.

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It's clear that the backbone of the EAF will be formed by the Rafale and its abilities will only increase from here with weapons like the SmartGlider, and the Meteor and Block upgrades.
It's clear that the backbone of the EAF will be formed by the Rafale and its abilities will only increase from here with weapons like the SmartGlider, and the Meteor and Block upgrades.

Especially when they developed their entire domestic digital link system in the RISC2 from the tech-friendly hardware & software that is in the Rafale's RBE2 AESA radar. That alone tells you the core essence of the entire fleet is and will be the Rafale. And of course, increasing the numbers of that aircraft to 54 (which is not cheap at all) as well as making the statement that they will be aiming to complete a total number of at least 72 to possibly 100. They're obviously very happy with that aircraft and it's huge potential for upgrades as time goes by.

In light of all of that, it's also indicative that they must have some type of reassurances that the weapons you mentioned, particularly the Meteor (and SmartGlider) but also the MICA NG will be supplied and not threatened to be kept off the list. It wouldn't make much sense that they would be willing to devote so much of the EAF's centralization around the Rafale without those reassurances, I would think.

After Qader 21 and the revelation that a certain amount of the current land attack version of the EAF's Ka-52s have been modified with folding rotors to be stowed away inside the Mistral's chambers. That tells us that perhaps the tender that was signed for the 36 Ka-52K Katrans has been either put on hold or kiobashed completely. It also might be indicative of the US making a deal with Egypt that they won't impose CAATSA on the Su-35SE purchase, so long as there aren't any more Russian purchases along with withdrawals of support for the GERD and any possible military action that the US would come out and be on Egypt's side. This is all conjecture on my part, but it's quite plausible watching all these things develop right in front of our eyes, the rotors on the Ka-52's being a small link to the entire, larger picture.



............That also begs the question as to whether the EAF and the Armed Forces generals and President Sisi of course would agree to this deal in the first place or not. It's quite possible that the president, after meeting with all his top generals and COS and advisors have decided not to play into the hands of the Americans and this deal since that basically ends the entire wish that Egypt has earned with this incredible modernization, and that is the ability to purchase whatever it needs from whomever it needs to. And if there are consequences in the form of sanctions at the level of CAATSA, so be it. This should be and hopefully IS the route Sisi & Co. decide to take. They've come a long way to suddenly give in to pressure that will knock them back to almost where they were before, without the freedom of purchase and we can't see that happen.

It will also deal a huge blow to all the great & massive potential of superb Russian military equipment and munitions. If the order for the Su-35SEs were 30, they will undoubtedly want to raise that number to at least 50 - 60 or more. That also comes with the absolute need to be able to purchase A LOT of munitions to go with those jets. From all the A2A gems they fire to the new subsonic AWACs killers and equal to the Meteor missile to all the terrific and deadly Russian built munitions. It also prevent the Army from wanting to upgrade their tanks since it seems the T-90MS contract has hit a bit of a grinding halt, there. Probably due to the same reasons.

We'll have to keep an eye out for such developments in the near future and then we'll know the start of all of this was the modification of the folding rotors on the Kamov, Ka-52 Nile Crocodile to fit in the guts of the Mistral, and that led to the unfortunate halt of any and all further Russian procurement and a super sad time for a grind in what we have come accustomed to know as the great Egyptian military modernization of its lifetime.
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Especially when they developed their entire domestic digital link system in the RISC2 from the tech-friendly hardware & software that is in the Rafale's RBE2 AESA radar. That alone tells you the core essence of the entire fleet is and will be the Rafale. And of course, increasing the numbers of that aircraft to 54 (which is not cheap at all) as well as making the statement that they will be aiming to complete a total number of at least 72 to possibly 100. They're obviously very happy with that aircraft and it's huge potential for upgrades as time goes by.

In light of all of that, it's also indicative that they must have some type of reassurances that the weapons you mentioned, particularly the Meteor (and SmartGlider) but also the MICA NG will be supplied and not threatened to be kept off the list. It wouldn't make much sense that they would be willing to devote so much of the EAF's centralization around the Rafale without those reassurances, I would think.

After Qader 21 and the revelation that a certain amount of the current land attack version of the EAF's Ka-52s have been modified with folding rotors to be stowed away inside the Mistral's chambers. That tells us that perhaps the tender that was signed for the 36 Ka-52K Katrans has been either put on hold or kiobashed completely. It also might be indicative of the US making a deal with Egypt that they won't impose CAATSA on the Su-35SE purchase, so long as there aren't any more Russian purchases along with withdrawals of support for the GERD and any possible military action that the US would come out and be on Egypt's side. This is all conjecture on my part, but it's quite plausible watching all these things develop right in front of our eyes, the rotors on the Ka-52's being a small link to the entire, larger picture.


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............That also begs the question as to whether the EAF and the Armed Forces generals and President Sisi of course would agree to this deal in the first place or not. It's quite possible that the president, after meeting with all his top generals and COS and advisors have decided not to play into the hands of the Americans and this deal since that basically ends the entire wish that Egypt has earned with this incredible modernization, and that is the ability to purchase whatever it needs from whomever it needs to. And if there are consequences in the form of sanctions at the level of CAATSA, so be it. This should be and hopefully IS the route Sisi & Co. decide to take. They've come a long way to suddenly give in to pressure that will knock them back to almost where they were before, without the freedom of purchase and we can't see that happen.

It will also deal a huge blow to all the great & massive potential of superb Russian military equipment and munitions. If the order for the Su-35SEs were 30, they will undoubtedly want to raise that number to at least 50 - 60 or more. That also comes with the absolute need to be able to purchase A LOT of munitions to go with those jets. From all the A2A gems they fire to the new subsonic AWACs killers and equal to the Meteor missile to all the terrific and deadly Russian built munitions. It also prevent the Army from wanting to upgrade their tanks since it seems the T-90MS contract has hit a bit of a grinding halt, there. Probably due to the same reasons.

We'll have to keep an eye out for such developments in the near future and then we'll know the start of all of this was the modification of the folding rotors on the Kamov, Ka-52 Nile Crocodile to fit in the guts of the Mistral, and that led to the unfortunate halt of any and all further Russian procurement and a super sad time for a grind in what we have come accustomed to know as the great Egyptian military modernization of its lifetime.
Your second guess has more sense to it bro.. These folding rotors are a temporary practical solution like the land air defense on the mistrals.. You know well that the Katran Ka-52K is also capable of launching Kh-31 and Kh-35 air-to-surface missiles among many other special features,, like being specially equipped to conduct attack missions against targets at sea and on the ground which requires different sensors and armaments than those used on the basic Ka-52 helicopter... it is like having flying missile boats or corvettes adding much needed power to the naval forces in a conflict..Now the Russian have been testing an AESA radar that can fit both variants on a new version called the K-52M..I'd rather conclude that the Katran is a done deal..unless all these modifications and capabilities have been implemented on the Nile Crocodiles since it is a special edition.. and even if the US have anything to replace it .. it would not be provided to Egypt.. because of Usrael.. as we all know well..

Russian Navy Mistral-class landing ships could see their power projection capabilities greatly improved thanks to a special version of the Kamov Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopter. The Russian Navy is designing a special version called Ka-52K to equip the four Mistral-class amphibious assault ships ordered from France.

Russian Navy Mistral-class landing ships could see their power projection capabilities greatly improved thanks to a special version of the Kamov Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopter. The Russian Navy is designing a special version called Ka-52K to equip the four Mistral-class amphibious assault ships ordered from France.

Dealing with the Russians is easier than dealing with the Americans for the Egyptians... The Russians do not want human rights or pressure to impose views... But they always want a piece of the cake.

In front of the cameras, the search for diplomacy, solutions and so on, and Lavrov more than once stated that the solution is within the African Union, and this is the direction of Russian diplomacy.

Behind the cameras, Su-35S, Mig-29M-35 with BVR missiles, Molina missile boat free and open Radar requests and fullfilment, S-300 V4 - Kamov K-52 SE at an excellent price- Satellite assistance until 2018 in monitoring the dam, moment by moment ..Good intelligence support in the file of terrorists coming from Syria.. as well as Building a nuclear power plant with a long-term loan...

The Egyptian-Russian differences are few, the most important of which is the Libya file, and Egypt’s disdain for the Russians in Sudan, Libya and its surroundings in general, but there is consensus, for example, in the Syrian file and most of the region’s files...So a good friend in general is always a sincere one and most importantly with good vibes and intentions..

Of course, there might be some Russian resentment of the Egyptians' move to disrupt the intended Russian base in Sudan, but it is normal. It is not the first or last time that Egypt rejected the presence of foreign bases in the surrounding countries.

The Russians, eventhough they do not give full support to Egypt about the GERD, They have returned to allowing the tourist trips... It is a country that does not want to lose you as a partner and ally, but it has its own agenda, of course!

The US is also a good friend but too greedy and has priorities and agendas in the region that are not always in the best interest of Egypt.. as well as unpredictable intentions ..

So..Calmly, rationally and away from slogans about the GERD:

The events are going nicely as Egypt has internationalized the issue and threats etc... At the same time, the Aswan Dam is full to the brim, and Lake Nasser contains at least 150 billion cubic meters of water! All canals were lined to reduce waste and new desalination plants were build... The performance is excellent so far, be it civilian or military, and all possibilities have been arranged in an excellent manner so far.. Indeed, Egypt even attracted Sudan, which saw that the Renaissance Dam was in his favor., But today, we see Sudan with Egypt in the same camp.

it is excellent work indeed... It only needs to reach a solution in which the Big nations of the UNSC guarantee the filling steps so that they do not affect the Egyptian water stockpile in Lake Nasser, as well as making an agreement to ensure that no new dam is built without the approval of the Egyptian-Sudanese stakeholders.. otherwise things will most likely take another well known course..

Today" Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry told the international community that “if Ethiopia insists on its position and rejects all solutions, we have no choice but to defend the right of the Egyptian people to exist.”
He added that Egypt faces an existential threat because of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.
“We are facing an existential threat by building the Renaissance Dam, and with the laying of every stone, it narrows the lifeline to millions of innocent people,” Shoukry said.

He added: "We call on the Council to work to address this issue from the perspective that is preventive diplomacy to support the peaceful resolution of disputes, as this is the Council's responsibility, and we are confident that it will assume its responsibility."
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I can conclude that Egypt is working on a pylon for the Su-35s and MiG-29s to deploy Al Tariqs and most probably French A-A and A-G munition. Likely in co-operation of UAE, India and France. @Lord Of Gondor can you surf the internet in India to find any info that can help us determine on this conclusion?
Regarding French help for weapons integration on Russian platforms(Or Vice versa), I doubt it. Egypt doing the same domestically is my bet as they have the know-how and know-why.
The Al Tariq integration would be straight forward, IMO, especially on common platforms(Vipers{?} and Mirages)
Did halcon/EDGE put this for sale or it is for local use exclusively for the UAE armed forces
Export to close allies.

I have been thinking, what if Nasef could be used on helicopters, it could give helicopters the ability to reach out and hit targets from 120km which is quite a distance.

Could be an option for Egypt, and the UAE to use on Apaches if America allows integration.

Egypt would than have both KA-52s and Apaches able to launch long range attacks.

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I can conclude that Egypt is working on a pylon for the Su-35s and MiG-29s to deploy Al Tariqs and most probably French A-A and A-G munition. Likely in co-operation of UAE, India and France. @Lord Of Gondor can you surf the internet in India to find any info that can help us determine on this conclusion?

If you look at most wing-mounted munitions, you'll notice that the majority of them are equipped with U-clips that fit into the pylons and get locked in until pilot releases them. There are different requirements for munitions from different sources, but mostly western vs eastern and even those have ways to adjust them in the field to make them fit on the pylons. It's the software to actually command, guide and interact with the aircraft's radar until the weapon's own radar and seeker can take over that is more difficult to manage. The physical aspect is rather simple, but the computerized aspect is where the challenge lies.

I think Egypt had a look at its locally built trainers’ pylons at first. And before I end this, one publication written by an Egyptian in Arabic said that during the 2011’s revolution, the M1A1 factory North East of Cairo was raided and that several documents related to the M1A1 were burned.

Woah! Really? Maybe that's where the Americans found out about the new, domestic air filter that the Egyptian tank engineers designed and made for their Abrams so they wouldn't get clogged so easily as the stock filters? And that's why they were so pissed off because they weren't told about the new filter and maybe found out about it this way? That's strange but wonder who was involved in the raid?

Your second guess has more sense to it bro.. These folding rotors are a temporary practical solution like the land air defense on the mistrals..

That's the problem I have, SC bro. Why go through such a modification for whatever amount of helos when you're acquiring the real thing? Or are they?

You know well that the Katran Ka-52K is also capable of launching Kh-31 and Kh-35 air-to-surface missiles among many other special features,, like being specially equipped to conduct attack missions against targets at sea and on the ground which requires different sensors and armaments than those used on the basic Ka-52 helicopter...

Yes of course ya m3alem, and I'll tell you, it would be a huge shame if they were forced to cancel the Katran contract because of CAATSA/US pressure/GERD support/allowing the Su-35s deal.

It's even more of a shame when you watch this video and see the incredible systems on what I would probably consider the best attack helicopter out there to date! AND, this Katran in this video has the same OLS Civilian and navigation system that the EAF requested on its Alligators. The picture it provides on the MFD screens is insane! The navigation screens along with all the onboard systems checks is just state of the art and really shows you how unfortunate people automatically judge Russian systems as inferior to western ones. If anything, this is a perfect example of how incorrect assumptions like that are made. The part showing the interior cockpit displays is terrific to watch.

BTW, this latest Katran shows the main gun capable of moving to a certain degree which if I'm not mistaken, was not always like that and was only fixed in the earlier models.

So between that and the OLS and the paint (anti-corrosive and naval), this would appear to be the exact model that the Egyptian Navy would order for its mistrals. But where are they? More importantly, why make such a huge modification on several of the existing land based ones if these are eventually coming, unless they're not?

I'd rather conclude that the Katran is a done deal..unless all these modifications and capabilities have been implemented on the Nile Crocodiles since it is a special edition.. and even if the US have anything to replace it .. it would not be provided to Egypt.. because of Usrael.. as we all know well..

Something isn't right, SC, bro. You know I love your optimism and consistency and respect it tremendously, but I just see something doesn't add up with here and am afraid that they cancelled the order for whatever reason, unfortunately. And now are planning to use a portion of the land-based aircraft for permanent Mistral duties. It's a shame because take a look at this video and how impressive this helo is! Also at one point in the video where they're testing the gun, it appears to be one of the EAF helos with the sand camo. Enjoy and hopefully I am wrong and this beauty is coming eventually.

If you look at most wing-mounted munitions, you'll notice that the majority of them are equipped with U-clips that fit into the pylons and get locked in until pilot releases them. There are different requirements for munitions from different sources, but mostly western vs eastern and even those have ways to adjust them in the field to make them fit on the pylons. It's the software to actually command, guide and interact with the aircraft's radar until the weapon's own radar and seeker can take over that is more difficult to manage. The physical aspect is rather simple, but the computerized aspect is where the challenge lies.

Woah! Really? Maybe that's where the Americans found out about the new, domestic air filter that the Egyptian tank engineers designed and made for their Abrams so they wouldn't get clogged so easily as the stock filters? And that's why they were so pissed off because they weren't told about the new filter and maybe found out about it this way? That's strange but wonder who was involved in the raid?

That's the problem I have, SC bro. Why go through such a modification for whatever amount of helos when you're acquiring the real thing? Or are they?

Yes of course ya m3alem, and I'll tell you, it would be a huge shame if they were forced to cancel the Katran contract because of CAATSA/US pressure/GERD support/allowing the Su-35s deal.

It's even more of a shame when you watch this video and see the incredible systems on what I would probably consider the best attack helicopter out there to date! AND, this Katran in this video has the same OLS Civilian and navigation system that the EAF requested on its Alligators. The picture it provides on the MFD screens is insane! The navigation screens along with all the onboard systems checks is just state of the art and really shows you how unfortunate people automatically judge Russian systems as inferior to western ones. If anything, this is a perfect example of how incorrect assumptions like that are made. The part showing the interior cockpit displays is terrific to watch.

BTW, this latest Katran shows the main gun capable of moving to a certain degree which if I'm not mistaken, was not always like that and was only fixed in the earlier models.

So between that and the OLS and the paint (anti-corrosive and naval), this would appear to be the exact model that the Egyptian Navy would order for its mistrals. But where are they? More importantly, why make such a huge modification on several of the existing land based ones if these are eventually coming, unless they're not?

Something isn't right, SC, bro. You know I love your optimism and consistency and respect it tremendously, but I just see something doesn't add up with here and am afraid that they cancelled the order for whatever reason, unfortunately. And now are planning to use a portion of the land-based aircraft for permanent Mistral duties. It's a shame because take a look at this video and how impressive this helo is! Also at one point in the video where they're testing the gun, it appears to be one of the EAF helos with the sand camo. Enjoy and hopefully I am wrong and this beauty is coming eventually.

Bro..If the Mistrals' equipments are not there yet.. the Katran that was specifically built for the Mistral won't be there either yet..The other thing is that they were ready and announced for export just a month ago..and there is also the Russian AESA if ready or not yet.. EN and the armed forces top brass know about all this..so maybe they wanted the modifications at least to make it fit in the Mistrals' hangars..while waiting for the real thing..Thy knew it will take 5 years or more of testing and getting that AESA radar working fine.. so they have decided on a temporary solution..because there is nothing in sight to completely replace the Katran.. be it Western or Eastern ..on top of it winning the Egyptian tender..

Some might say that SU-35s were cancelled too because of KATSAA or whatever other reasons.. but I you won't believe them either.. some complex weapon systems just take a long time for thorough testing, training and what have you.. if you take the Saudi F-15SA for example it took 10 years between order and start of delivery.. The Saudi US made frigates it has been 5 years and only one is in testing , there are 3 more to build and 4 more optional.. the same with THAAD.. but for small, less complicated systems like the corvettes from Navantia Spain .. all 5 are in testing already after 3 years of the order and Saudi officers are still in training in Spain now and for the next 2 years.. so even then it is 5 to 6 years from the start to delivery.. So patience is a virtue .. mostly with completely new systems..

That video is great.. so you know what I mean and why the rational optimism ..Egypt wants it, and it will get it.. in time of course..


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That video is great.. so you know what I mean and why the rational optimism ..Egypt wants it, and it will get it.. in time of course..

How about because of this fella? I haven't seen this pic until now, but besides showing Sisi in a pretty cool catch, you also get an excellent look at this interior cockpit layout of the Egyptian Ka-52.

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