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Egyptian Armed Forces

Thank you, BTW, I have a new laptop and the sob just won't allow me to type without mistakes, and sentences that make no clue.

But let me ask you, sines Merkel found out Sisi was spying on her and Germany in general, what has been the mood towards Egypt and how long is poor Germany going to pay restitution to Izdrehll/
Hey Bro.. just go check a place in your browser that says check spelling..

Concerning the the Saudi Metor missiles, a deal was concluded in the amount of 1 billion Euros for Metor missiles
The price of the missile is approximately 1.5 million..That is, the numbers exceed 600 missiles
And the first 20 is the first batch for training as you guessed rightly..
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Thank you, BTW, I have a new laptop and the sob just won't allow me to type without mistakes, and sentences that make no clue.

But let me ask you, sines Merkel found out Sisi was spying on her and Germany in general, what has been the mood towards Egypt and how long is poor Germany going to pay restitution to Izdrehll/

Well, these are questions that only can be answered after a revolution.
Well, these are questions that only can be answered after a revolution.

Indeed. Now I will say something that might get me banned or points reduced but who gives a load of steaming crap if you can't speak your mind truthfully within reason, right?

1) Of course what they did to the Jews is inexcusable except give them Palestine,
2) Now don't you think, Nazi is one of the coolest names for an organization?
3) And their uniform was the best and there hadn't been anything close since.
4) And WAAAAAAAAY smart and ahead of their time technologically just had a Buffon in Hitler
5) Germany would be the most advanced country today
Indeed. Now I will say something that might get me banned or points reduced but who gives a load of steaming crap if you can't speak your mind truthfully within reason, right?

1) Of course what they did to the Jews is inexcusable except give them Palestine,
2) Now don't you think, Nazi is one of the coolest names for an organization?
3) And their uniform was the best and there hadn't been anything close since.
4) And WAAAAAAAAY smart and ahead of their time technologically just had a Buffon in Hitler
5) Germany would be the most advanced country today

1) Right. And not only Jews. But this you can say to every "western country" and also every "non western country" if you look into history.
2) Names...
3) Well, i dont know. For me clothes have to be functional.
4) Yes.
5) This is why i dont like Hitler. There was no need for war or other things they did. At this time instead of war they just could research and develop 10-15 years as fast as possible and then ALL countries in the world would been the best friends cause of the need of the tech. Also human kind would be far more forward as it is now. If you look exactly what tech we use today, you will find that 70% is researched decades or even century ago. There is not really much new things in the world since ww2. Decades of wasted time.


You can see it in Egypt. Development together with peace brings the best for the people. Sure one needs also an army to be able to defend cause lots of arsholes are everywhere.
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EAF Chief in beautiful Greece



Great to see the mighty Phantom still flying

Brilliant shot
(Images from HAF/MoD Greece)
Shared by Mahmoud Gamal on Twitter
(Not sure if they are file pictures or from actual ex)


Joint ex with The Republic of The Sudan
What will happen according to the maneuvers is as follows:

1 - MiG-29 aircraft will be stationed in Sudan to provide air cover for attacking aircraft.
2- Rafale and F16 Block 52 will be launched from Berenice and Aswan to conduct the main bombardment .. The Rafale for the dam using the scalp and the F16 for the adjacent administrative and engineering areas. .Of course, the Rafale will first perform a SEAD and DEAD operation against the air defense.
3- The Thunderbolt Forces will remain ready for any evacuation operation, which is its role tonight .. This is very clear in the videos that came out .. the evacuation operation of a pilot with the cooperation of the Sudanese Thunderbolt.

After that, a division or two may be stationed on the border with Sudan to repel any Ethiopian action against Sudanese territory.

This is 99% of what will happen in principle .. The matter may develop after that. If Ethiopia attacked Sudan by land , Egypt and Sudan would use it as an excuse to enter and occupy the dam area..
Hey Bro.. just go check a place in your browser that says check spelling..

My dear bro, I missed this and I thank you for the advice. Here's the problem and the typical saying is "don't break it if it ain't broken' but it was about 6-8 years old and I loved it. Big for my size and cost half this piece of dung which I had to get fast for my business. Off course it has all the spell checks but it has taken me a while just to use my large fingers on this keyboard that looks like it was built for a 9 year old WTF is that crap. But every mistake highlights and I can correct them but at first they were way too many and I was in a hurry and frankly forgive the expression.........f...k it! lol But hey, heck out the improvement. It's always a matter of time. I still HATE it with a passion and hopefully will fully upgrade my other system with wireless printer etc. inshAllah. Just bear with me, habibi. :-)

love that video! One of the best because none of those very few with the super Arabic distracting music and I much prefer the sound of those GE whistling engines in full takeoff after burner sound and you know what this is a distant prelude to just in case, right? Even though the Su-35SE isn't there, they could easily do it without them and the Kh-35UEm the Hammers and the abundance of GBUs we have not to mention the recently successful frogmen whom alone if can get in without detected, blow it all from underwater without a flying bomb. of course the Su-35SE will cut that destructive time in 2/3 and make it a much more visible non-nuclear mushroom. But they need to get their hands on the original blueprints to study the vulnerability because really the best way is to use the lease amount of ordinance and let the rest of the massive power pressure destroy it. NO ONE FUCKS (sorry I really dislike curssing and I wasn't bought up that way but this is much more dear to the hart of the Egyptian people than any filthy Israeli invasion or spanking in return.

BTW, as they usually have then on a limited basis in airport camps and closed off gateted hangers security with TV security etc., notice how they sent a very special unit with them this time? I've never seen SOF Sa'ka tag with them like this. This is actually bigger than it appears. I sense a coalition of at least Sudan and maybe a few more. I think Sisi has has enough of these childish games by Aby or whatever his name is.

I certainly feel TERRIBLE for the Ethiopian population, but it's their prime minister's fault and they should get rid of him quick and bring in someone to negotiate at a reasonable pace so they see they are serious.

I hope they take great pictures of it just blowing up in the sky one massive mushroom after the other and then nothing but rubble and water.

My dear bro, I missed this and I thank you for the advice. Here's the problem and the typical saying is "don't break it if it ain't broken' but it was about 6-8 years old and I loved it. Big for my size and cost half this piece of dung which I had to get fast for my business. Off course it has all the spell checks but it has taken me a while just to use my large fingers on this keyboard that looks like it was built for a 9 year old WTF is that crap. But every mistake highlights and I can correct them but at first they were way too many and I was in a hurry and frankly forgive the expression.........f...k it! lol But hey, heck out the improvement. It's always a matter of time. I still HATE it with a passion and hopefully will fully upgrade my other system with wireless printer etc. inshAllah. Just bear with me, habibi. :-)
The problem might be missing a dictionary bro.. just look it up..I am convinced you'll fix it.. just trying to help.. because a lot of headaches with laptops and PCs before..:-)

That was one of the better videos they've shown of the air force and closer looks at amunitions as well as the covered warheads.

I also enjoyed watching them deliver the Binanci to Alexandria wow what a beast of a ship and the gunny thing is notice hot tight that inlet to get into the harbor is? Of course there's a special reason for that and the depth has to be adequate enough for these large ships and frigates that draw deep rafts but imperritive to keep unwanted "underwater eyes" mostly from submarines which would take A LOT of balls for one to enter the inlet. I can't say for certain if they have video for active action in that inlet but it would help.

I've been through a tiny inlet in my 30ft and let me tell you, it is NOT a fun experience as a matter of fact without GPS and at night, you're screwed.

This is yours truly going through a famous river inlet off the harbor of Gloucester in MA and I've done it over 25 times both ways and let me tell you, no matter how many times you do it, there's still that son of a b turtle head that wants to pop out LMFAO! You can hear me complaining about the guy in front of me that he's way over to starboard and is gonna get slammed (and I've seen countless boats slam the side of that rough inlet) and you can hear my son say "nah, that guy looks like he grew up here and knows all about it" lol the young man was right. I couldn't care what condition is going on unless facing gail winds from one side first of all I wouldn't attempt it but if I had to, then I would hug or favor one side but otherwise, never! Always in the middle because I have to control the wake the guy in front of me is leaving for me and that gives me a better chance to stay away from either side. The Bianchi slowly protruding that Alexandria inlet reminded me of this. Enjoy.

EDIT: @Hamartia Antidote , this is mostly the stuff we do which is actually a lot safer with a good captain (tap shoulder lol) and at the end of that great river ride at wake zone speeds, there's a great beach at the end for the misses to enjoy.

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