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Egyptian Armed Forces

There are enough F-16 dedicated just for that!..A-10 is like the F-22..not available for export.. Egypt has a few air tractor..

Yes SU-34 might be a good addition .. but the SU-35 is capable of bombing too..as it is a multirole fighter.. while the SU-34 is dedicated to bombing.. It is a good long range bomber though with toilets for the pilots..lol ..meaning a very long range bomber..
A10 was not for sale?!!!!!!
But the platform is simple!!!! Wonderful
A10 was not for sale?!!!!!!
But the platform is simple!!!! Wonderful
Yes that is why it is not for sale..

Fitted with ATAKA and VIKHR ATGMs , Ka-52 will be a "hellfire" against any enemy armored divisions .

ِAdd to this the Apache equipped with hellfire and Gazelle equipped with HOT and Sagger and Mi-24,17 ,also the ST-100 vehicles carrying 40 km land attack missile which has more range than the Israeli SPIKE NLOS .

Egyptian Ground Forces - Page 4 Screen20
I remember I saw videos of this veichle launching loitering missile, but I couldn't find it any more.
I meant to tell you back when we were discussing the 6th October War is that this is one of my favorite pictures of that war which is an EAF MiG-17 harassing the enemy during that cease fire stall they were playing with. This was one of many harassments the Egyptian military was dishing out at them to let them know they need to start moving out of there or else all hell was about to break loose. Some other incredible footage of Su-7 banking over the enemy on the west bank and it flies over the canal and over the 3rd army locations and you can hear the Israelis yelling and things like that lol. If I find it I'll post it.

But here's that great harassment pic!

View attachment 679201

Hahaha. Otherwise known as "The One-Eyed Bandit." The first part is obvious, of course, and the 2nd part is he's a bandit as in thief since his goal was to steal Egyptian land, primarily the beautiful, historical and biblical land in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula and all it's strategic importance and beauty and historical possessions and no body of water separating it and the enemy's territory which has a certain illegality to begin with in the first place. Even after the 6th October War, they still wanted to keep 100 yards of beach at Taba, south of Eilat but in Egyptian territory of Sinai. The Israelis had already begun building a hotel LOL thinking they were going to keep the beech and credit to Mubarak who took a chance by allowing arbitration by a European firm to decide the fate of that strip of beach which was a HUGE gamble considering how Europe favors Israel and any one would've most likely figured they would give it to Israel but, Mubarak and Egyptian officials went into the arbitration very well prepared with all sorts of paperwork confirming the territorial boundaries and how the beachfront sat in Egyptian territory and the arbitration was awarded to Egypt!

That's just proof that they didn't invade the Sinai because of security reasons and the threatening of Israel by the Fedayeen and all that BS. They had long-term plans to hold onto the land as long as possible thinking Egypt was too weak and could never fight back and even if they did, it would be decades before they could and by then, Israel would be able to annex much of the peninsula. How wrong they were! :lol:

The arrival of 100 Egyptian navy personnel to Italy to train on the Italian frigate of the Frem class. Another batch of Egyptian sailors is expected to arrive, and Egypt will receive the first ship before the end of the year.

Is that an Egyptian roundel right at the bow?


Hahaha. Otherwise known as "The One-Eyed Bandit." The first part is obvious, of course, and the 2nd part is he's a bandit as in thief since his goal was to steal Egyptian land, primarily the beautiful, historical and biblical land in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula and all it's strategic importance and beauty and historical possessions and no body of water separating it and the enemy's territory which has a certain illegality to begin with in the first place. Even after the 6th October War, they still wanted to keep 100 yards of beach at Taba, south of Eilat but in Egyptian territory of Sinai. The Israelis had already begun building a hotel LOL thinking they were going to keep the beech and credit to Mubarak who took a chance by allowing arbitration by a European firm to decide the fate of that strip of beach which was a HUGE gamble considering how Europe favors Israel and any one would've most likely figured they would give it to Israel but, Mubarak and Egyptian officials went into the arbitration very well prepared with all sorts of paperwork confirming the territorial boundaries and how the beachfront sat in Egyptian territory and the arbitration was awarded to Egypt!

That's just proof that they didn't invade the Sinai because of security reasons and the threatening of Israel by the Fedayeen and all that BS. They had long-term plans to hold onto the land as long as possible thinking Egypt was too weak and could never fight back and even if they did, it would be decades before they could and by then, Israel would be able to annex much of the peninsula. How wrong they were! :lol:

The arrival of 100 Egyptian navy personnel to Italy to train on the Italian frigate of the Frem class. Another batch of Egyptian sailors is expected to arrive, and Egypt will receive the first ship before the end of the year.

Is that an Egyptian roundel right at the bow?


Roundel on ships?!
I can't diagnose center colour but on the ship they are Italian flag colour
Roundel on ships?!
I can't diagnose center colour but on the ship they are Italian flag colour

I know that's why I asked. Italians don't use any roundels, do they? And it's very unique to have one right on the tip of the bow like that but I think they put it there to honor the Egyptian sailors coming to train in Italy.
I know that's why I asked. Italians don't use any roundels, do they? And it's very unique to have one right on the tip of the bow like that but I think they put it there to honor the Egyptian sailors coming to train in Italy.

This means..keep your hands off..this is Egyptian stuff!

..And staff..in this case..
Egyptian Air Force C-130H military cargo plane coded SU-BEX/1291 returned to Cairo after taking off from Istanbul after arriving there from a trip that took it from Jordan to Syria to Istanbul.




Nice close-up of an EAF Ka-52 Nile Crocodile attack helicopter.


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Check this out, even our great ancestors predicted we'd be flying the Su-35! How about that?

I love it rich history with ancient telescope and camera
Egyptian Air Force C-130H military cargo plane coded SU-BEX/1291 returned to Cairo after taking off from Istanbul after arriving there from a trip that took it from Jordan to Syria to Istanbul.




Nice close-up of an EAF Ka-52 Nile Crocodile attack helicopter.


From Istanbul?!!!!
What Egyptian c130s are doing around the world?
What they carrying?!
Mohammad Zaki attends a portion of the Rada'a 2020 exercise and maneuvers with live ammunition and this is the first time I've ever seen the US-made M270 MLRS at minute 0:34/0:35 and then again towards the end at minute 4:00. Through all the decades that I've been following these forces, I've never seen that specific MLRS in Egyptian hands or being deployed like that. I had to ask a friend of mine on Twitter what they were lol. Pretty cool and didn't know the Egyptian Armed Forced operated those in their inventory.


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